Papers by Asier Leoz
Austral comunicación., Dec 20, 2022
El éxito del podcast informativo diario The Daily, un formato de audio inédito nacido en un perió... more El éxito del podcast informativo diario The Daily, un formato de audio inédito nacido en un periódico tradicional y producido sobre bases narrativas y estéticas diferentes a las del relato radiofónico de actualidad, ha propiciado la aparición de réplicas en cabeceras de prensa de papel y digital en todo el mundo. Este trabajo describe la aparición y desarrollo de las diferentes variantes de los daily news podcasts en España y propone un análisis comparativo entre los tres títulos más competitivos entre sí: El

On the 1st of February 2017, The New York Times published the first episode of ‘The Daily’, a new... more On the 1st of February 2017, The New York Times published the first episode of ‘The Daily’, a news podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro that, five years later, has become the most popular in the world with four million listeners each day and more than 3000 million accumulated downloads. The unprecedented success of this audio format, that has emerged in a traditional newspaper, has helped to revamp radio news and has spread in various versions all over the world. This investigation analyses daily podcasts in Spain and, by means of a quantitative and qualitative study, identifies their main themes, narrative structures, and expressive contributions based on four illustrative experiences in this market: ‘Quién dice qué‘, ‘AM’, ‘El Mundo al día’, and ‘Un tema al día’. The results reveal the consolidation of two clearly defined models: a more conventional one based on radio bulletins and news reports; and another, more innovative model that replicates the anglophone formula that opts for d...

Information, 2022
On the 1st of February 2017, The New York Times published the first episode of ‘The Daily’, a
new... more On the 1st of February 2017, The New York Times published the first episode of ‘The Daily’, a
news podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro that, five years later, has become the most popular in the
world with four million listeners each day and more than 3000 million accumulated downloads. The
unprecedented success of this audio format, that has emerged in a traditional newspaper, has helped
to revamp radio news and has spread in various versions all over the world. This investigation
analyses daily podcasts in Spain and, by means of a quantitative and qualitative study, identifies their
main themes, narrative structures, and expressive contributions based on four illustrative experiences
in this market: ‘Quién dice qué‘, ‘AM’, ‘El Mundo al día’, and ‘Un tema al día’. The results reveal
the consolidation of two clearly defined models: a more conventional one based on radio bulletins
and news reports; and another, more innovative model that replicates the anglophone formula that
opts for depth, dissemination, and a conversational tone to redefine the canons of the audio news
narrative and take advantage of the potential of audio as a new distribution channel for newspapers
in the digital eco-system.

Fonseca, Journal of Communication
Próxima a cumplir su primer siglo e inmersa en un entorno de convergencia y desintermediación, la... more Próxima a cumplir su primer siglo e inmersa en un entorno de convergencia y desintermediación, la radio comienza a diseñar modelos productivos transversales que, además de cubrir la transmisión en antena e Internet, se orientan al consumo asincrónico del audio sobre la premisa inherente al actual ecosistema: cualquier contenido ha de estar disponible en cualquier momento y para cualquier dispositivo. El afianzamiento del podcast ha crecido de forma exponencial hasta crear un escenario de consumo sonoro alternativo al de la radio analógica. En este contexto, los operadores tradicionales asumen la producción de contenidos para su difusión exclusiva online bajo criterios de segmentación menos restringidos por el mercado publicitario hertziano. Este trabajo identifica la oferta de audio radiofónico digital bajo la hipótesis de que su construcción pretende introducir la marca radiofónica en las nuevas pantallas antes que experimentar con otras narrativas o atender a diferentes audiencias. Para ello analiza el catálogo de podcasts nativos de las tres grandes cadenas generalistas privadas de cobertura estatal (SER, COPE, Onda Cero) durante la temporada 2017/18. El objetivo es reconocer, clasificar y valorar sus contenidos, géneros y tendencias en un escenario cuya evolución resultará determinante para consolidar la pervivencia de la producción radiofónica.

Fonseca Journal of Communication, 2018
RESUMEN Próxima a cumplir su primer siglo e inmersa en un entorno de convergencia y desintermedia... more RESUMEN Próxima a cumplir su primer siglo e inmersa en un entorno de convergencia y desintermediación, la radio comienza a diseñar modelos productivos transversales que, además de cubrir la transmisión en antena e Internet, se orientan al consumo asincrónico del audio sobre la premisa inherente al actual ecosistema: cualquier contenido ha de estar dis-ponible en cualquier momento y para cualquier dispositivo. El afianzamiento del podcast ha crecido de forma expo-nencial hasta crear un escenario de consumo sonoro alternativo al de la radio analógica. En este contexto, los opera-dores tradicionales asumen la producción de contenidos para su difusión exclusiva online bajo criterios de segmenta-ción menos restringidos por el mercado publicitario hertziano. Este trabajo identifica la oferta de audio radiofónico digital bajo la hipótesis de que su construcción pretende introducir la marca radiofónica en las nuevas pantallas antes que experimentar con otras narrativas o atender a diferentes audiencias. Para ello analiza el catálogo de podcasts nati-vos de las tres grandes cadenas generalistas privadas de cobertura estatal (SER, COPE, Onda Cero) durante la tem-porada 2017/18. El objetivo es reconocer, clasificar y valorar sus contenidos, géneros y tendencias en un escenario cuya evolución resultará determinante para consolidar la pervivencia de la producción radiofónica. ABSTRACT Close to its first centenary and immersed in a convergence environment, radio begins to design transversal productive models oriented towards the personal consumption of audio according to the main premise in the current eco
Impact Journal Papers by Asier Leoz

Information, 2022
On the 1st of February 2017, The New York Times published the first episode of ‘The Daily’, a new... more On the 1st of February 2017, The New York Times published the first episode of ‘The Daily’, a news podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro that, five years later, has become the most popular in the world with four million listeners each day and more than 3000 million accumulated downloads. The unprecedented success of this audio format, that has emerged in a traditional newspaper, has helped to revamp radio news and has spread in various versions all over the world. This investigation analyses daily podcasts in Spain and, by means of a quantitative and qualitative study, identifies their main themes, narrative structures, and expressive contributions based on four illustrative experiences in this market: ‘Quién dice qué‘, ‘AM’, ‘El Mundo al día’, and ‘Un tema al día’. The results reveal the consolidation of two clearly defined models: a more conventional one based on radio bulletins and news reports; and another, more innovative model that replicates the anglophone formula that opts for depth, dissemination, and a conversational tone to redefine the canons of the audio news narrative and take advantage of the potential of audio as a new distribution channel for newspapers in the digital eco-system.
Papers by Asier Leoz
news podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro that, five years later, has become the most popular in the
world with four million listeners each day and more than 3000 million accumulated downloads. The
unprecedented success of this audio format, that has emerged in a traditional newspaper, has helped
to revamp radio news and has spread in various versions all over the world. This investigation
analyses daily podcasts in Spain and, by means of a quantitative and qualitative study, identifies their
main themes, narrative structures, and expressive contributions based on four illustrative experiences
in this market: ‘Quién dice qué‘, ‘AM’, ‘El Mundo al día’, and ‘Un tema al día’. The results reveal
the consolidation of two clearly defined models: a more conventional one based on radio bulletins
and news reports; and another, more innovative model that replicates the anglophone formula that
opts for depth, dissemination, and a conversational tone to redefine the canons of the audio news
narrative and take advantage of the potential of audio as a new distribution channel for newspapers
in the digital eco-system.
Impact Journal Papers by Asier Leoz
news podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro that, five years later, has become the most popular in the
world with four million listeners each day and more than 3000 million accumulated downloads. The
unprecedented success of this audio format, that has emerged in a traditional newspaper, has helped
to revamp radio news and has spread in various versions all over the world. This investigation
analyses daily podcasts in Spain and, by means of a quantitative and qualitative study, identifies their
main themes, narrative structures, and expressive contributions based on four illustrative experiences
in this market: ‘Quién dice qué‘, ‘AM’, ‘El Mundo al día’, and ‘Un tema al día’. The results reveal
the consolidation of two clearly defined models: a more conventional one based on radio bulletins
and news reports; and another, more innovative model that replicates the anglophone formula that
opts for depth, dissemination, and a conversational tone to redefine the canons of the audio news
narrative and take advantage of the potential of audio as a new distribution channel for newspapers
in the digital eco-system.