Papers by Asep Zainal Mutaqin

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
The Indonesian archipelago is rich in natural resources and ethnic diversity. Each ethnic group i... more The Indonesian archipelago is rich in natural resources and ethnic diversity. Each ethnic group interacts with the surrounding environment in ways that often differ. Interaction with the environment creates local knowledge that is complex in terms of language, practical understanding, beliefs, and social interaction. One useful natural resource that grows in many areas of Indonesia, especially in watershed ecosystems, is suweg (the elephant foot yam) which has the scientific name Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson. Local communities, such as in the Citanduy and Cimanuk watersheds of West Java, use suweg for various purposes in their lives. The study reported here aimed to document the local knowledge and development potential for suweg in the Citanduy and Cimanuk watersheds. The research used mixed observation methods, predominantly qualitative. The data collection technique was purposive, based on interviews (structured, semi-structured, and in-depth interviews) with several informants or community groups who were considered competent to know suweg. Data were analyzed through emic and ethical approaches. Data analysis was conducted by cross-checking, summarizing, and synthesizing. The results of the research showed that suweg grows in a range of environmental conditions on managed agroecosystem lands. The corms of suweg are peeled, cooked and eaten in a variety of side dishes. The leaves of suweg have been used as food for fish in pond-system aquaculture. The results of this study suggest that suweg has potential for expanded development, based on sociological and ecological evidence.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Suweg (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) is one of the plants distributed in Indon... more Suweg (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) is one of the plants distributed in Indonesia, including in the Citanduy and Cimanuk Watershed. Amorphophallus grows in various land cover types. This species exhibits wide agroecological adaptation to dry and moist lands. Citanduy Watershed passes through the Leuwikeris Dam, and the Cimanuk water shed passes through the Kertajati International Airport. These projects can affect the condition of the surrounding environment, including biodiversity. This study was conducted to observe the distribution, population, and habitat characteristics of the suweg in the Citanduy and Cimanuk Watersheds. Exploratory surveys and intensive studies were applied in this study. An exploratory survey was conducted randomly through direct observation. An intensive study was carried out to determine the ecological description of suweg in several areas, namely Kuta Subvillage, Ciangir Subvillage, and Pasiripis Village, with existing projects, still have strong local cultures, and the discovery of suweg growing. Suweg is growing in several sites, including the Citanduy and Cimanuk Watersheds, with certain elevations and environmental conditions. The Summed Dominant Ratio (SDR) of suweg in Kuta Subvillage, Ciangir Subvillage, and Pasiripis Village in the home garden and garden, respectively, are 8.50 and 13.77; 10.07 and 19.25; and 0 and 22.92, which indicate the population or density of suweg is low. The abiotic and biotic environmental parameters observed at each site varied.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2017
Indonesia has a high diversity of bamboo, with more than 160 species can be found around the coun... more Indonesia has a high diversity of bamboo, with more than 160 species can be found around the country. Nowadays, this plant is rarely planted around rural communities of West Java due to land use conversions and economic reasons. This research is to discuss traditional knowledge of local people of Karangwangi Village, Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia on diversity of bamboo and its role. The qualitative method was used in this study, while the data collection techniques, namely semi structure interview or deep interview and observation participant are applied. The result of study shows that based on the traditional knowledge of Karangwangi people, it has been reviled 13 species of bamboo, e.g.,

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2017
Bamboo is closely related to the lives of Indonesian people, especially in the rural area. Indone... more Bamboo is closely related to the lives of Indonesian people, especially in the rural area. Indonesia has a high diversity of bamboo species with multiple social, economic, cultural and ecological functions. Village communities have taken advantage of bamboo as a building material, furniture, handicrafts, household items, food, and medicine. The objective of this research is to determine the diversity of bamboo species in the Karangwangi Village and their role in supporting the daily life of the local community. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis method using ethnobotanical approach. Data collection was conducted with a semi-structured interview with local informants, followed by field observation and specimen collection. Bamboo specimens are later morphologically observed and identified. Results of the study shows that there are 13 species of bamboo in Karangwangi Village, namely Haur Gereng (Bambusa blumeana J.A & J.H. Schult), Haur Geulis (Bambusa sp.), Haur Koneng (Bambusa vulgaris var. Striata), Haur Seah (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad Ex. var vittata), Awi Tali (Gigantochloa apus), Awi Hideung (Gigantochloa atroviolacea Widjadja), Awi gombong/Awi Surat (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea (Steud.) Widjadja), Awi Temen (Gigantochola atter (Hassk.) Kurz.), Awi Lengka (Gigantochloa hasskarliana (Kurz.) Backer ex Heyne), Awi tamiyang (Schizostachyum iraten Steud.), Awi Gembong (Schizostachyum sp.), Awi Hias (Bambusa glaucophylla Widjadja), and Cangkoreh (Dinochloa scandens (Blume ex Neese) Kuntze). These species are used by the community of Karangwangi Village for various purposes, ranging from building materials, handicrafts, furniture, food, medicine, to fish poison.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Globally, leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) can be found in various land cover types. Infor... more Globally, leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) can be found in various land cover types. Information about leopard cats is still low in Indonesia, especially in Java. Java Island has high human activities that impact leopard cats, such as the UCPS hydropower development area, a non-conservation area. The UCPS hydropower plant is in the upper catchment area of the Cisokan River as a tributary of the Citarum River. Although leopard cats can adapt to various land cover types, monitoring their existence is necessary. This study aims to reveal the distribution of leopard cats in the UCPS hydropower development area, Cianjur Regency and West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Sign survey and literature were applied in this study. Fifty-eight leopard cat findings were found in the UCPS hydropower area. Leopard cats were found in 16 of the 47 grids from 2012-2022. After 5-10 years, leopard cats still use the same area in certain areas to meet their needs. In eight of 16 grids, 50% of the grids used by leopard cats were habitats used repeatedly. They were most commonly found in shrubs (39%), riparian (20%), and pine plantations (15%). Leopard cats were located at 445-895 masl and are most commonly found at 400-800 masl. Leopard cats are found in the UCPS development area and Perhutani Land. After 5-10 years, leopard cats still use the UCPS development area, so the habitat still fulfills their daily needs. Further monitoring is needed to determine the ecological status of the leopard cat population during the construction and post-construction process.

Biodiversity International Journal, 2018
Rancabuaya is one of the tourist destination located in Garut, West Java. The aim of this study w... more Rancabuaya is one of the tourist destination located in Garut, West Java. The aim of this study was to collect information about diversity of neglected and underutilized plants and their potential as human foods, particularly in Caringin Village (Purbayani, Indralayang, Samudra Jaya and Cimahi village). The methods used in this research were direct observations (survey), semi-structured interviews, individual discussions, and key informant interviews. The survey was conducted on paddy fields, agroforestries, and homegardens. Neglected and underutilized crop species were identified by literature review from Arora (2014). Plants consisted of 133 species from 53 families. There were 97.0 % of total plants in Rancabuaya known as food crops. It consisted of 99species from 42 families of food crops in Rancabuaya. More than 64% of total food crops were included to NUCS. More than 74.5% oftotal crop species in Rancabuaya categorized as vegetables and fruit plant (52 species as NUCS). There were 2 species categorized as cereals (NUCS were not found), 5 species as legumes (2 NUCS), 5 species as tubers (3 NUCS), 34 species as vegetables (28 NUCS), 39 species as fruit plants (28 NUCS), 12 species as herbs (6 NUCS) and 2 species categorized as others (1 NUCS). Review of the literature available revealed that many of neglected crops are rich in nutrient, has a potential for further food development, and potential to be promoted in market. Unfortunately, insufficiency of promotion from national policy and the lack of development of organized market could be the main reasons of their negligence.

Prosiding Seminar Biologi, Nov 17, 2014
Abstract - The research that has been conducted aimed to determine whether there are differences ... more Abstract - The research that has been conducted aimed to determine whether there are differences in the effect of light intensity to adaptation Ceriops tagal Lamk. in Bedul and Grajagan area, Alas Purwo National Park. The method used in the research is descriptive method. Leaf samples were selected randomly from 5 different individual plants at each location, Bedul and Grajagan area. The criteria of plants as sample are plants that grow in the less and much exposed by sunlightdirectly area. The research has been conducted aimed to determine anatomy of leaf, namely the shape and density of stomata. The results showed that both forms of stomata in the study area have the same type, which is parasitic. The difference on the effect of light intensity in both areas of research on the anatomy character of Ceriops tagal Lamk., shows that the number density of stomata in the Grajagan area is larger than the Bedul area. Keywords : Ceriops tagal Lamk., adaptation, light

Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kerapatan stomata dan kadar klorofil tumbuhan ... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kerapatan stomata dan kadar klorofil tumbuhan Clausena excavata atau ki baceta berdasarkan intensitas cahaya di Cagar Alam Bojonglarang Jayanti Kabupaten Cianjur. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode survey dan untuk analisis sampel menggunakan spektrofotometer. Pengambilan sampel daun dengan intensitas cahaya 0-500 lux, 500-1000 lux dan 1000-1500 lux dilakukan dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Sampel daun diambil sebanyak 6 helai kemudian dilakukan pengamatan kerapatan stomata dan ekstraksi untuk pengukuran kadar klorofil. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kerapatan stomata pada intensitas cahaya 0-500 lux sebesar 149,4/mm2, pada intensitas cahaya 500-1000 lux sebesar 156,5/mm2, dan pada intensitas cahaya 1000-1500 lux sebesar 166,5/mm2. Dari hasil pengukuran kadar klorofil didapatkan bahwa total kadar klorofil pada intensitas 0-500 lux adalah sebesar 25,44 mg/L, pada intensitas 500-1000 lux sebesar 47,70 mg/L, dan pada intensi...

Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki keragaman suku bangsa dan budaya, termasuk pengetahuan trad... more Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki keragaman suku bangsa dan budaya, termasuk pengetahuan tradisional di dalamnya. Salah satu pengetahuan yang ada di masyarakat adalah pengetahuan mengenai pemanfaatan tumbuhan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan pemanfaatan jenis-jenis tumbuhan famili Zingiberaceae oleh masyarakat desa di kawasan Wisata Pantai Rancabuaya Kecamatan Caringin Kabupaten Garut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif bersifat deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung dan wawancara semistruktur terhadap informan kunci. Penentuan informan dilakukan dengan teknik snowball sampling . Hasil wawancara menunjukan bahwa terdapat 12 jenis tumbuhan famili Zingiberaceae yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat, yaitu laja bodas ( Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.), laja beureum ( Alpinia purpurata K. Schum.), kapolaga ( Amomum cardamomum Maton), koneng temen ( Curcuma domestica Val.), koneng gede ( Curcuma xanth...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2018
Mutaqin AZ, Fatharani M, Iskandar J, Partasasmita R. 2018. Utilization of Araceae by local commun... more Mutaqin AZ, Fatharani M, Iskandar J, Partasasmita R. 2018. Utilization of Araceae by local community in Cisoka Village,  Cikijing Sub-district, Majalengka District, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 640-651. Various species of Araceae plants are widely used by the tribes of Sunda as food. However, cultivation is increasingly rare inWest Java region, and is found in some places only. One area where many people still grow Araceae plants is Cisoka Village, Cikijing Sub-district, Majalengka District, West Java Province, Indonesia. This paper aims to explain the reason for the cultivation of Araceae by the local community in the Village of Cisoka. This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, but the former was used more than the latter The primary data were collected through structured and semi-structured interviews, participant observation, exploration, and plant sample collection. The data were analyzed descriptively with emic and ethic approaches. The r...

Indonesia has high plants biodiversity including mangrove species, which can be utilized as food ... more Indonesia has high plants biodiversity including mangrove species, which can be utilized as food and medicine. The leave part of mangrove known as source of beneficial substances such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, secondary metabolites, or other phytochemicals compound. Certain environmental factors such as salinity, pH, light intensity, and temperature can affect the mangrove leaves character. This study aimed to determine leaf morphology, anatomy, physiology, and phytochemicals characteristics of some mangrove species grown in Bulaksetra Mangrove Forest Education Area of Pangandaran. The research was conducted through direct observation and descriptive method. The observed parameters of leaf were cross section, thickness, area, stomata type, stomata density, chlorophyll content, and leaf phytochemical compounds. Samples were taken from several plot of research location. Leaf samples was obtained through randomly sampling technique. The environme...

Abstract. Mutaqin AZ, Kurniadie D, Iskandar J, Nurzaman M, Husodo T. 2021. Morphological characte... more Abstract. Mutaqin AZ, Kurniadie D, Iskandar J, Nurzaman M, Husodo T. 2021. Morphological characteristics and habitat conditions of suweg (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) around Mount Ciremai National Park, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 2591-2600. Indonesia is a country that has abundant biodiversity, especially the diversity of plant species. One of the plant species that widely distributed across Indonesia is Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, or locally known as suweg. This study aims to identify morphological characteristics of A. paeoniifolius and its habitat conditions around Mount Ciremai National Park, West Java Province, Indonesia. Several stages of the exploratory survey were randomly carried out followed by purposive intensive observations. The method used to collect and analyze data is qualitative methods combined with simple measurements of quantitative technique. The results showed that suweg in the studied areas had distinctive morphological chara...

The study was conducted to determine the types of plants that are used in some traditional ceremo... more The study was conducted to determine the types of plants that are used in some traditional ceremonies are still carried out by the community in the Pangandaran Village, Pangandaran sub district, Pangandaran District . The research method used a qualitative method. Techniques of data retrieval is done by semi structured interview. The selection of informants was done by snowball sampling . The results showed there are several types of ceremonies are still performed by villagers in Pangandaran like the intent of the sea, four months, seven months, marriage, and the intent of the earth ceremony. Plants used in traditional ceremonies consist of 21 species, i.e. banana (Musa acuminate x balbisiana), banana (Musa paradisiaca) var. Sapientum (L.) Kunt, golden banana (Musa acuminata), coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), red roses (Rosa hybrida), white roses (Rosa hybrida), jasmine (Jasminum sambac Ait.), magnolia (Michelia champaca L.), ylang flower (Canangium odoratum Baill.), tuberose (Epiphyllu...

Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara agraris. Sistem pertanian di Indonesia yang diterapkan oleh pend... more Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara agraris. Sistem pertanian di Indonesia yang diterapkan oleh penduduk Indonesia saat ini beragam, ada yang bercorak modern, tradisional, atau perpaduan keduanya. Namun, yang paling dominan adalah sistem pertanian modern yang sudah diterapkan terutama sejak konsep Revolusi Hijau. Sistem pertanian modern ternyata mempunyai banyak dampak negatif. Berdasarkan pengamatan di Desa Cipanas dan Nangelasari Kecamatan Cipatujah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, salah satu dampak yang muncul akibat program tersebut adalah masih adanya ketergantungan petani terhadap pestisida sintetis yang dapat menjadi beban tersendiri bagi petani secara ekonomis. Dengan demikian, perlu adanya pelatihan teknis pembuatan pestisida nabati untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani dalam membuat pestisida nabati sebagai salah satu sumber daya hayati potensial yang mudah didapat. Pelatihan ini melibatkan masyarakat terutama ya...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kombinasi Konsentrasi Pupuk Daun Bayfolan dan Ekstrak Kecambah Kacang Hijau/ Tauge (Vigna radiata L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Buncis Tegak (Phaseolus vulgaris [L.] cv. Balitsa 2)](
The growth of bean plants can be enhached through the provision of fertilizer and organic materia... more The growth of bean plants can be enhached through the provision of fertilizer and organic material. The purpose of this research is to get the best concentration of Bayfolan leaf fertilizer and mung bean sprout (Vigna radiata L.)extract in improving the growth of green bean plants(Phaseolus vulgaris [L.] cv. Balitsa 2). This study was conducted using an experimental method in the greenhouse with a single factor Block Randomized design (BRD) consisting of 20 combinations of Bayfolan fertilizer and the extract of mung bean sprouts (V. radiata). Bayfolan fertilizer concentration used was 0, 2, 2.5, and 3 mL / L, while the concentration of bean sprout extract used was 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. The results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the combination of 3 mL/L Bayfolan foliar fertilizer and 60% extract of mung bean sprouts was the best concentrations for the growth of green bean plants on plant height parameters, the number of leaves, the number of flowers, wide of l...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh dan informasi dosis terbaik dari pember... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh dan informasi dosis terbaik dari pemberian berbagai kombinasi pupuk organik cair dengan NPK terhadap pertumbuhan padi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 1 faktor dalam 3 kali pengulangan. Faktor perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari dua kombinasi jenis pupuk yaitu POC 50% (567ml/pot), 75% (850,5ml/pot), 100% (1134ml/pot), 125% (1417,5ml/pot), dan 150% (1700ml/pot) dengan NPK 25% (12,5gram/pot), 50% (25gram/pot), 75% (37,5gram/pot) dan 100% (50gram/pot). Parameter yang diukur yaitu jumlah anakan padi generatif, jumlah bulir padi per malai, bobot 1000 bulir, berat basah dan berat kering padi, serta tinggi tanaman padi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANAVA taraf 95% dan uji lanjut Duncan 5%.

The objective of the research was to observe the effect of mycofer inoculation and the phosphate ... more The objective of the research was to observe the effect of mycofer inoculation and the phosphate fertilizer on growth improvement of mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek). The research method used experimental method, which used randomize block design 2 x 7 factorial with 3 replications. The first factor was mycofer inoculation (M), which consisted of two levels, i.e. without mycofer inoculation (m0) and with mycofer inoculation (m1). The second factor was adding of phosphate fertilizer (P), which consisted of seven levels of doses, i.e. without adding of phosphate fertilizer (p0), 25 kg/ha (p1), 50 kg/ha (p2), 75 kg/ha (p3), 100 kg/ha (p4), 125 kg/ha (p5) and 150 kg/ha (p6). The observation parameter included the plant height, the leaf area, the dry weight, the number of pods, the seeds weight and the percentages of the root infection. The result showed that there was interaction between mycofer inoculation and the adding phosphate fertilizer to increase the plant height, the n...
Papers by Asep Zainal Mutaqin