ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, suggesting that these effects are directly related to endogeno... more ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, suggesting that these effects are directly related to endogenous opioid antagonism. On the other hand, responses on Indifference and LH exhibited a delayed onset with respect to NAL appearance in plasma, Indicating and Indirect relationship, likely due to the participation of additional neurotransmitter systems triggered by opioid blockade in a cascade-like manner. The results show that this can be useful loOI for the understanding of NAL effects.
Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to estimate changes in the prescription patter... more Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to estimate changes in the prescription patterns for inpatients diagnosed with mood disorders between 1999 and 2004. Method: A total of 1218 consecutive admissions to the general hospital adult psychiatry unit as inpatients in 2004 and 1999 were examined. The demographic characteristics of patients and the prescribed drugs including antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers were evaluated. Chi-square and t-tests were used for analysis. Results: The patients diagnosed as mood disorders according to the criteria of DSM-IV of this inpatient group comprised 146 patients (64 patients for 1999 and 82 patients for 2004). The findings from this study showed that antipsychotic drug prescription rates and atypical antipsychotic prescription rates increased significantly from 60.0% to 91.2% between 1999 and 2004 while typical antipsychotic prescription rates decreased from 40% to 8.8% within this period. Antidepressant and mood stabilizer prescription rates were not different between 1999 and 2004. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that changes in prescription patterns of patients with mood disorders in this study are similiar to literature. Further studies are required to determine the factors effecting prescription patterns that are not recommended by current practice guidelines or evidence based studies.
Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2007
Implicit memory, defined as the recollection of knowledge unconsciously, automatically, and witho... more Implicit memory, defined as the recollection of knowledge unconsciously, automatically, and without being aware of it, is different than explicit memory, in which knowledge is recollected consciously, while being aware of it. In the present study, the implicit memory performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's type dementia (ATD) (different stages) were compared to healthy controls. The study included 19 MCI patients and 23 ATD patients (11 mild-moderate and 12 severe stage ATD). Control subjects were matched to the patient groups according to age, gender, education, and hand preference. DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRA diagnostic criteria were used for clinical assessment. The 4 x 3 ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of the level of processing, and group and level of processing interaction effect was also significant. Group main effect was not significant. MCI and ATD groups performed similarly on the implicit memory task. Implicit memory performanc...
Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2002
In this study, the relation between self-perception and psychopathology is examined trying to ans... more In this study, the relation between self-perception and psychopathology is examined trying to answer the question of whether the self-perception profiles of the adolescents who have admitted to an outpatient unit of a psychiatry clinic are different from those of the adolescents who have not. The study is a cross-sectional controlled study. There are two groups one of which is the group of adolescents who have admitted to the outpatient adolescent clinic of the Social Security Hospital of Ankara and the other is the control group. Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents (SPPA) and SCL-90-R were administered to the groups. DSM-IV diagnoses were made by two clinicians via interviews with adolescents. The differences in the domains of SPPA between two groups were assessed via multivariate and then univariate analysis. In the domains of SPPA, the global self-worth and the behavior in the relationships, the adolescent group who has admitted to the psychiatry clinic was found to be signif...
... PSİKİYATRİ Erol GÖKA*, Sibel DÖNBAK*, Nalan Demirergi*, Asena AKDEMİR* ... GİRİŞ Psikiyatri, ... more ... PSİKİYATRİ Erol GÖKA*, Sibel DÖNBAK*, Nalan Demirergi*, Asena AKDEMİR* ... GİRİŞ Psikiyatri, bilimsel nesnesinin konumundan dolayı, gerek modern tıbbın bir dalı olarak gerek bilimsel niteliği dolayısıyla her zaman özgün ama tartışmalı niteliğini koruyagelmiştir. ...
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is an important patient-reported outcome when identifying t... more Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is an important patient-reported outcome when identifying the effects of the angina and evaluating the efficacy of treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the MacNew Heart Disease HRQL Questionnaire (MacNew) in patients with angina. The Short Form SF-36, the MacNew, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were completed by the 125 patients in first 2-3 days after admission to the coronary care unit. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha) and reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficients, ICC) of the MacNew were assessed, and test-retest reproducibility was evaluated over a 2-month period in 25 clinically stable patients. The original three-factor structure for the Turkish MacNew was confirmed, with construct validity only partially confirmed; reliability statistics show that Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.80 and the ICC exceeded 0.60 for all MacNew scales. Discriminative validity of the MacNew was confirmed. The MacNew appears to be reliable and valid in Turkish patients with angina.
Poster session II DIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1997;42: 15-297S 111S ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, sugge... more Poster session II DIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1997;42: 15-297S 111S ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, suggesting that these effects are directly related to endogenous opioid antagonism. On the other hand, responses on Indifference and LH exhibited a delayed onset with respect to NAL appearance in plasma, Indicating and Indirect relationship, likely due to the participation of additional neurotransmitter systems triggered by opioid blockade in a cascade-like manner. The results show that this can be useful loOI for the understanding of NAL effects.
The efficacy and tolerability of moclobemide and sertraline were compared in a 13 week trial on 5... more The efficacy and tolerability of moclobemide and sertraline were compared in a 13 week trial on 55 depressive patients. Patients were diagnosed according to DSM-III-R criteria using SCID (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R). The study group was composed of 48 patients with major depression and 7 with minor depression. Patients were randomized in two drug groups and raters were blind to the drugs patients used. HDRS and CGI were used to assess the change in depressive symptoms. Twenty seven patients received moclobemide and 28 patients received sertraline. The dose of moclobemide used was 300-600 mg/day and that of sertraline was 50-200 mg/day. At the end of 13 weeks mean drop in HDRS for the overall group was 14.78 and the response rate calculated as percentage of patients showing a 50% drop in HDRS score was 77.8. The response rate was 76.5% for moclobemide and 78.5% for sertraline. The difference was not significant. The side effects were assessed by using UKU Side Effects Rating Scale. The most three observed side effects were dry mouth, headache and insomnia.
ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, suggesting that these effects are directly related to endogeno... more ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, suggesting that these effects are directly related to endogenous opioid antagonism. On the other hand, responses on Indifference and LH exhibited a delayed onset with respect to NAL appearance in plasma, Indicating and Indirect relationship, likely due to the participation of additional neurotransmitter systems triggered by opioid blockade in a cascade-like manner. The results show that this can be useful loOI for the understanding of NAL effects.
Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to estimate changes in the prescription patter... more Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to estimate changes in the prescription patterns for inpatients diagnosed with mood disorders between 1999 and 2004. Method: A total of 1218 consecutive admissions to the general hospital adult psychiatry unit as inpatients in 2004 and 1999 were examined. The demographic characteristics of patients and the prescribed drugs including antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers were evaluated. Chi-square and t-tests were used for analysis. Results: The patients diagnosed as mood disorders according to the criteria of DSM-IV of this inpatient group comprised 146 patients (64 patients for 1999 and 82 patients for 2004). The findings from this study showed that antipsychotic drug prescription rates and atypical antipsychotic prescription rates increased significantly from 60.0% to 91.2% between 1999 and 2004 while typical antipsychotic prescription rates decreased from 40% to 8.8% within this period. Antidepressant and mood stabilizer prescription rates were not different between 1999 and 2004. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that changes in prescription patterns of patients with mood disorders in this study are similiar to literature. Further studies are required to determine the factors effecting prescription patterns that are not recommended by current practice guidelines or evidence based studies.
Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2007
Implicit memory, defined as the recollection of knowledge unconsciously, automatically, and witho... more Implicit memory, defined as the recollection of knowledge unconsciously, automatically, and without being aware of it, is different than explicit memory, in which knowledge is recollected consciously, while being aware of it. In the present study, the implicit memory performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's type dementia (ATD) (different stages) were compared to healthy controls. The study included 19 MCI patients and 23 ATD patients (11 mild-moderate and 12 severe stage ATD). Control subjects were matched to the patient groups according to age, gender, education, and hand preference. DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRA diagnostic criteria were used for clinical assessment. The 4 x 3 ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of the level of processing, and group and level of processing interaction effect was also significant. Group main effect was not significant. MCI and ATD groups performed similarly on the implicit memory task. Implicit memory performanc...
Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2002
In this study, the relation between self-perception and psychopathology is examined trying to ans... more In this study, the relation between self-perception and psychopathology is examined trying to answer the question of whether the self-perception profiles of the adolescents who have admitted to an outpatient unit of a psychiatry clinic are different from those of the adolescents who have not. The study is a cross-sectional controlled study. There are two groups one of which is the group of adolescents who have admitted to the outpatient adolescent clinic of the Social Security Hospital of Ankara and the other is the control group. Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents (SPPA) and SCL-90-R were administered to the groups. DSM-IV diagnoses were made by two clinicians via interviews with adolescents. The differences in the domains of SPPA between two groups were assessed via multivariate and then univariate analysis. In the domains of SPPA, the global self-worth and the behavior in the relationships, the adolescent group who has admitted to the psychiatry clinic was found to be signif...
... PSİKİYATRİ Erol GÖKA*, Sibel DÖNBAK*, Nalan Demirergi*, Asena AKDEMİR* ... GİRİŞ Psikiyatri, ... more ... PSİKİYATRİ Erol GÖKA*, Sibel DÖNBAK*, Nalan Demirergi*, Asena AKDEMİR* ... GİRİŞ Psikiyatri, bilimsel nesnesinin konumundan dolayı, gerek modern tıbbın bir dalı olarak gerek bilimsel niteliği dolayısıyla her zaman özgün ama tartışmalı niteliğini koruyagelmiştir. ...
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is an important patient-reported outcome when identifying t... more Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is an important patient-reported outcome when identifying the effects of the angina and evaluating the efficacy of treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the MacNew Heart Disease HRQL Questionnaire (MacNew) in patients with angina. The Short Form SF-36, the MacNew, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were completed by the 125 patients in first 2-3 days after admission to the coronary care unit. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha) and reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficients, ICC) of the MacNew were assessed, and test-retest reproducibility was evaluated over a 2-month period in 25 clinically stable patients. The original three-factor structure for the Turkish MacNew was confirmed, with construct validity only partially confirmed; reliability statistics show that Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.80 and the ICC exceeded 0.60 for all MacNew scales. Discriminative validity of the MacNew was confirmed. The MacNew appears to be reliable and valid in Turkish patients with angina.
Poster session II DIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1997;42: 15-297S 111S ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, sugge... more Poster session II DIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1997;42: 15-297S 111S ltIat of NAL plasma concentration, suggesting that these effects are directly related to endogenous opioid antagonism. On the other hand, responses on Indifference and LH exhibited a delayed onset with respect to NAL appearance in plasma, Indicating and Indirect relationship, likely due to the participation of additional neurotransmitter systems triggered by opioid blockade in a cascade-like manner. The results show that this can be useful loOI for the understanding of NAL effects.
The efficacy and tolerability of moclobemide and sertraline were compared in a 13 week trial on 5... more The efficacy and tolerability of moclobemide and sertraline were compared in a 13 week trial on 55 depressive patients. Patients were diagnosed according to DSM-III-R criteria using SCID (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R). The study group was composed of 48 patients with major depression and 7 with minor depression. Patients were randomized in two drug groups and raters were blind to the drugs patients used. HDRS and CGI were used to assess the change in depressive symptoms. Twenty seven patients received moclobemide and 28 patients received sertraline. The dose of moclobemide used was 300-600 mg/day and that of sertraline was 50-200 mg/day. At the end of 13 weeks mean drop in HDRS for the overall group was 14.78 and the response rate calculated as percentage of patients showing a 50% drop in HDRS score was 77.8. The response rate was 76.5% for moclobemide and 78.5% for sertraline. The difference was not significant. The side effects were assessed by using UKU Side Effects Rating Scale. The most three observed side effects were dry mouth, headache and insomnia.
Papers by Asena Akdemir