Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous f... more Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous free radicals. Publics know the utilization of red rosella calyx is used as a brew that contains antioxidants. Purpose of this research is to fi nd out the eff ect of giving brewed red rosella calyx to rat lipid metabolism caused by waste cooking oil on High-density Lipoprotein (HDL) value. This research used 24 male rats which were selected by random sampling and divided into 4 groups: positive control (2 ml kg/BW waste cooking oil given), negative control (without treatment), treatment 1 (2 ml/kg BW waste cooking oil given and giving of 540 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx), and treatment 2 (2 ml/kg BW waste cooking oil given and giving of 810 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx). One-way Analysis of Variance (α = 0.01) and Tukey honestly signifi cant diff erence test showed that HDL p-value = 0.00. All groups have a signifi cant eff ect on HDL. The best value is giving of 810 mg/kg BW dose of brewed red rosella calyx (HDL of 57.47 mg/dl). Giving of brewed red rosella calyx dose of 540 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 407.52 bpj) and red rosella calyx dose 810 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 247.82 bpj) can prevent HDL decrease. Red rosella calyx can improve the lipid profi le of waste cooking oil treated to Sprague Dawley rats (especially for HDL on this research).
Background: Tempeh is a fermented product that has earned the nickname "the miracle food&quo... more Background: Tempeh is a fermented product that has earned the nickname "the miracle food" because of its nutritional content, especially amino acids and fatty acids, which are good for health. Moringa leaves, which are also called "the miracle leaves," have complete nutritional content, especially iron, and vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a significant role in the absorption and metabolism of ironObjectives: Was to increase absorption of iron, which can increase hemoglobin blood and body weight of ratsMethods: There were 4 groups, each consisting of 6 rats. The rats were kept in animal laboratories at room temperature (25–27°C) for 21 days. This research was conducted from 7 to 27 October 2020 in the Pharmacology Laboratory of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. This study used a Completely Randomized Design, used 24 Rattus norvegicus with treatment conditioned with anemia. The four groups were divided into control anemia rats, control non-...
Jurnal PADE: Pengabdian & Edukasi, Nov 21, 2022
Artikel ini telah didistribusikan berdasarkan atas ketentuan Lisensi Internasional Creative Commo... more Artikel ini telah didistribusikan berdasarkan atas ketentuan Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Latar Belakang: Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi herbal dan rempah-rempah tinggi antioksidan dalam sediaan ... more Latar Belakang: Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi herbal dan rempah-rempah tinggi antioksidan dalam sediaan jamu tradisional telah dilakukan secara luas, tetapi tidak semua masyarakat menyukai jamu tradisional. Salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan konsumsi minuman fungsional tinggi antioksidan yaitu dengan melakukan formulasi aneka herbal dengan komposisi rosella, secang, kayu manis dan cengkeh. Pemilihan bahan tersebut selain sebagai upaya diversifikasi, juga diharapkan dapat bersinergi meningkatkan karakteristik sensori. Tujuan: Mendapatkan formula optimal wedang uwuh berbasis rosella merah sebagai minuman fungsional.Metode: Optimasi formula wedang uwuh berbasis rosella menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan variabel bebas yaitu serbuk kelopak rosella merah, serbuk secang, serbuk kayu manis, dan serbuk cengkeh. Respon yang digunakan yaitu aktivitas antioksidan metode DPPH, total fenol dan total flavonoid. Formula optimal selanjutnya diuji dengan ketiga parameter ter...
The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-... more The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-made phospholipids. Incorporation of -3 fatty acids into phospholipids structure increased their oxidative stability, suggesting more health beneficial phospholipids. This study aimed to optimize eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) incorporation into phospholipids structure by acidolysis reaction using free lipase (EC from Rhizomucor miehei. Deoiled soy lecithin from anjasmoro variety was used as phospholipids source, while -3 fatty acid enriched oil was used as acyl source. Oil enriched with -3 fatty acids was obtained from low temperature solvent crystallization of lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) by-product. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study to determine the relationship between the three factors (enzyme concentration, reaction time and substrate ratio) and their effects on EPA incorporation into soy lecithin structure. The results showed that the relation bet...
A woman who is in pregnancy from conception to birth is called a pregnant woman. Pregnant women c... more A woman who is in pregnancy from conception to birth is called a pregnant woman. Pregnant women can be at risk of anemia due to the impact of folic acid deficiency. Alternative innovations in healthy snack products for pregnant women include pineapple cakes, which are innovated with broccoli which is rich in folic acid and mango podang. The type of method of this research is experiments using organoleptic tests where researchers measure the level of preference for processed products from broccoli flour 3 treatments P1 (100% wheat flour: 0% broccoli flour), P2 (96.5% wheat flour: 3 broccoli flour, 5%) and P3 (93% wheat flour, 7% broccoli flour).The results showed that the highest acceptability of this product to color was P1 (97%), the highest aroma acceptability was P1 (97%), the highest texture acceptability was P1 (95%), and the highest taste acceptability was P1 (98%). This is because the P1 dough has not been mixed with broccoli flour so that in terms of color, aroma, texture and taste it has superior results, but the difference in the percentage of acceptability with P2 and P3 is not much different.
Effervescent rosela ungu merupakan salah satu bentuk diversifikasi pangan lokal yang tinggi antio... more Effervescent rosela ungu merupakan salah satu bentuk diversifikasi pangan lokal yang tinggi antioksidan. Antioksidan memiliki efek mencegah reaksi oksidasi sehingga tidak sampai terjadi stres oksidatif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efek antioksidan effervescent rosella ungu dalam mencegah penurunan SOD dan mencegah kerusakan sel hepar tikus wistar. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Post-test Only Control Group Design dengan Rancangan Acak lengkap (RAL), menggunakan tikus wistar jantan sebanyak 16 ekor dan lama perlakuan selama 4 minggu. Terdapat 4 kelompok, kontrol negatif (pakan standar + 3ml aquadest), kontrol positif (pakan standar + minyak jelantah 1ml 118mek/kg + 2ml aquadest), perlakuan dosis I (pakan standar + minyak jelantah 1ml 118mek/kg + effervescent rosela ungu 3g/2ml), dan perlakuan dosis II (pakan standar + minyak jelantah 1ml 118mek/kg + effervescent rosella ungu 6 g/2 ml). Hasil pengamatan dianalisa dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji BNT dengan taraf 5...
The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-... more The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-made phospholipids. Incorporation of -3 fatty acids into phospholipids structure increased their oxidative stability, suggesting more health beneficial phospholipids. This study aimed to optimize eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) incorporation into phospholipids structure by acidolysis reaction using free lipase (EC from Rhizomucor miehei. Deoiled soy lecithin from anjasmoro variety was used as phospholipids source, while -3 fatty acid enriched oil was used as acyl source. Oil enriched with -3 fatty acids was obtained from low temperature solvent crystallization of lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) by product. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study to determine the relationship between the three factors (enzyme concentration, reaction time and substrate ratio) and their effects on EPA incorporation into soy lecithin structure. The results showed that the relation between EPA content with three factors (reaction time, enzyme concentration and substrate ratio) was quadratic. The significant factors were substrate ratio and reaction time. Optimum conditions at a ratio of 3.77:1 between -3 fatty acids enriched oil and soy lecithin, 30% lipase concentration, and 24.08 h reaction time, gave 22.81% of EPA content of structured phospholipids.
The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-... more The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-made phospholipids. Incorporation of -3 fatty acids into phospholipids structure increased their oxidative stability, suggesting more health beneficial phospholipids. This study aimed to optimize eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) incorporation into phospholipids structure by acidolysis reaction using free lipase (EC from Rhizomucor miehei. Deoiled soy lecithin from anjasmoro variety was used as phospholipids source, while -3 fatty acid enriched oil was used as acyl source. Oil enriched with -3 fatty acids was obtained from low temperature solvent crystallization of lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) by-product. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study to determine the relationship between the three factors (enzyme concentration, reaction time and substrate ratio) and their effects on EPA incorporation into soy lecithin structure. The results showed that the relation between EPA content with three factors (reaction time, enzyme concentration and substrate ratio) was quadratic. The significant factors were substrate ratio and reaction time. Optimum conditions at a ratio of 3.77:1 between -3 fatty acids enriched oil and soy lecithin, 30% lipase concentration, and 24.08 h reaction time, gave 22.81% of EPA content of structured phospholipids.
To reduce dependence on wheat flour were utilizing Indonesia local products. Taro tuber as a pote... more To reduce dependence on wheat flour were utilizing Indonesia local products. Taro tuber as a potential source of dietary fiber but protein quality is low. An alternative to improve protein quality is by the addition of tempeh flour. Flakes from taro flour and tempeh flour is expected to be an alternative food to ensure adequate intake of dietary fiber and protein. To analyze the effect of taro flour and tempeh flour addition on water content and organoleptic quality of flakes.The study of flakes using Complete Random Design, with two factor and each treatment combination was repeated 3 times. They were wheat flour:taro flour:tempeh flour (20%:65%:15%); (20%:50%:30%) and (20%:35%:45%). Statistical analyzed of water content used Anova One Ways and organoleptic test used Friedman test. Flakes with 20% wheat flour, 65% taro flour, and 15% tempeh flour have a lowest water content 4,2%, but was still bellow standart specified by SNI and had a significant effect (0,00 < α 0,01) on water content. Taro and tempeh flour on flakes had significant effect on aroma (0,038 < α 0,05), taste (0,00 < α 0,05), and, texture (0,00 < α 0,05) but had no effect on colour (0,07 < α 0,05). Colour, aroma, taste and texture of flakes the most preferred on 20% wheat flour, 65% taro flour, and 15% tempeh flour. Best proportion of the organoleptic quality that is in the proportion of 20% wheat flour, taro flour 65% and 15% tempeh flour. It is advisable to pay attention to the proportion of the addition of taro flour and soybean flour in order to get the moisture content and good organoleptic quality.
Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology, 2020
Indonesia berada dalam wilayah tropis sehingga banyak keanekaragaman
hayati. Salah satu keanekara... more Indonesia berada dalam wilayah tropis sehingga banyak keanekaragaman hayati. Salah satu keanekaragaman tersebut yaitu tanaman kelor. Tanaman kelor banyak mengandung nilai gizi mikro diantaranya beberapa vitamin, mineral dan senyawabioaktif berupa klorofil. Zat gizi mikro berperan dalam pembentukan hormon, mengatur sistem imun dan aktivitas enzim. Senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat dalam daun kelor berfungsi sebagai antioksidan penangkal radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis daya terima organoleptik siomay ayam dengan penambahan daun kelor sebagai makanan fungsional. Penelitian ini berupa eksperimental murni dengan RAL dan menggunakan 3 kelompok yaitu P1 (tanpa penambahan daunkelor),P2 (daun kelor 0,5%) dan P3 (daun kelor 1%) dengan masing-masing kelompok menerapkan 3 replikasi. Analisis statistik uji organoleptik menggunakan friedman rank. Nilai mean rank tertinggi diantara ketiga kelompok tersebut untuk keempat parameter ada pada P2 yaitu untuk parameter warna (2,51), aroma(2,43), tekstur(2,51), dan rasa (2,48).Prosentasedayaterimaterbaikpada warna (P2 =81%), aroma(P2 = 81%), tekstur (P2 = 74%), dan rasa (P2 = 77%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada kelompok 2 (pemberian daun kelor proporsi 0,5%) paling disukai oleh panelis dari keempat unsur uji organoleptik (tekstur, warna, aroma dan rasa). Nilai daya terima tekstur dan rasa masih dibawah 80% sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi resep untuk mendapatkan hasil organoleptik yang optimal.
Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology, 2020
Pamelo orange albedo is an orange peel which is white colored inside and can be used as food proc... more Pamelo orange albedo is an orange peel which is white colored inside and can be used as food processing, one of which is dried candied. Roselle contains anthocyanin pigments which can be used as natural red coloring in the process of making pamelo orange albedo candied. The treatment product of red roselle albedo candied through an soaking process on a 10% red roselle petal solution. This immersion is intended for the provision of natural red coloring, while there is a content of vitamin C and citric acid to help bring the sensation of a natural sour taste typical of candied. This study aims to determine differences of red roselle petal albedo candied with commercial products that are analyzed in computerized way. The acceptability testing uses Mann Whitney test, while water content testing uses T-Test. Results of the study showed that there was a difference in the color acceptability of pamelo orange albedo candied which was soaked in a solution of red roselle petals with commercial products, but there was no difference in the acceptability of aroma, texture, taste, and water content. Selected products in terms of color, aroma, and texture were on candied commercial pamelo albedo candied. Meanwhile, in terms of taste, the selected products were the treatment products because there was a natural sour taste typical of red roselle petals. Commercial products had a water content of 16.5%, while the treatment product was 18.5%. SNI No. 1718 (1996), the maximum limit of water content in candied is 25%. There needs to be an improvement in the acceptability of the treatment products in terms of soaking the solution of red roselle petals and drying of albedo candied.
Conference on Research and Community Service, 2020
One of the efforts to increase the consumption of high iron food is the use of local food with hi... more One of the efforts to increase the consumption of high iron food is the use of local food with high iron, one of which is moringa leaf. Moringa leaf tempe chips are food processed products that are processed from soybeans, tapioca flour, moringa leaf flour and tempeh yeast to be processed by fermentation to become tempeh and frying them to become tempe chips of Moringa leaf. The treatment of adding Moringa leaf flour in the process of making tempeh was 0%, 2.5% and 5%. The research was conducted in January - February 2020. Iron content analysis of Moringa tempe flour was carried out in the Laboratory of FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya, analysis of moisture content and acceptance at the Food Technology Laboratory and the Chemistry Laboratory of Akademi Gizi Karya Husada Kediri. The test for iron content used the AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) method and the moisture content used the thermogravimetric method. Organoleptic acceptance was done by using the preference test or hedonic scale. The organoleptic test was carried out by the friedman rank statistical test analysis with α = 0.05 and the water content test was carried out by the One Way Anova test with α = 0.01 using SPSS 16.0. The results of the analysis of iron content showed that the average tempe without moringa was 1.91 mg / kg, the addition of 2.5% moringa was 3.23 mg / kg, and the addition of 5% moringa was 3.93 mg / kg. The results of the analysis of water content showed that an average of temper without moringa was 1.9%, the addition of Moringa 2.5% was 2.8%, and the addition of Moringa 5% was 3.2%. The organoleptic test showed the effect of adding moringa leaf flour on color with a sig value (0.00), aroma (0.01) and taste (0.02) on moringa leaf tempeh chips, but it had no effect on texture (sig, 0.89). It is suggested that further research can add other food ingredients that have a characteristic refreshing aroma such as lime leaf so that it can improve the taste of Moringa tempe chips.
Masalah gizi, baik masalah gizi kurang maupun lebih pada anak usia dini atau prasekolah masih men... more Masalah gizi, baik masalah gizi kurang maupun lebih pada anak usia dini atau prasekolah masih menjadi masalah kesehatan prioritas di Indonesia. Tingginya masalah gizi pada balita membutuhkan penanganan yang khusus karena masalah gizi pada balita dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan di kemudian hari. Penilaian dan monitoring status gizi secara dini perlu dilakukan untuk melakukan antisipasi munculnya masalah gizi. Edukasi penilaian dan interpretasi status gizi anak usia dini perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru dan orang tua dalam pemantauan status gizi anak. Bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah penilaian dan edukasi terkait interpretasi status gizi anak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di TK Kusuma Mulya, Kota Kediri. Peserta yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini terdiri atas 53 siswa dan 9 orang guru, Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebagaian besar siswa mempunyai status gizi dalam kategori normal. Terdapat perubahan pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru terkait tata cara pengukuran indicator pertumbuhan anak dan interpretasi status gizi anak. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah Sebaiknya dilakukan edukasi kepada orang tua terkait pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan serta interpretasi status gizi anak usia dini. Pemantauan status gizi anak juga perlu dilakukan secara kontinu dan berkelanjutan.
Moringa Oleifera contains vitamin A 4 times greater than carrot, vitamin C 7 times greater than o... more Moringa Oleifera contains vitamin A 4 times greater than carrot, vitamin C 7 times greater than orange, calcium 4 times greater than milk, protein 2 times greater than milk also, so does the potassium content of moringa leaves 3 times more than banana. In fact, the use of Moringa leaves in this time is not maximized. Based on the potentiality that is contained in Moringa leaves, it is necessary to do more innovation to process moringa leaves, one of them is by making it health food such as sempol. Sempol is one of the street foods from Malang. Sempol is a food that is made of mashed chicken which is skewered like satay and fried with stir egg. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of addition moringa oleifera toward accepatability of sempol. This research was conducted in food technology laboratory of Nutrient Academy Karya Husada Kediri on June using experimental method with complete randomize design with 3 treatments and 3 times replications namely P1 (moringa leaves 0%), P2 (moringa leaves 5 %), and P3 (moringa leaves 10 %). Statistical analysis of organoleptic test about acceptability of colour, texture, and taste uses Friedman Rank test. It is obtained that sempol which gets addition moringa leaves P2 (moringan leaves 5%) can accept organoleptically. But it is needed to do research about early processing stage to eliminate the unpleasant aroma of moringa leaves.
Carrot and mung bean cookies was the kind of food that made from rice flour, carrot flour, mung b... more Carrot and mung bean cookies was the kind of food that made from rice flour, carrot flour, mung bean flour, powdered milk, egg, butter, maizena, and sugar. This kind of product were made from carrot and mung bean that converted into powdered by adding formulation P1 that approximately 16.55% of mung bean powder's, and 15% carrot flour, continued with formulation P2 that consist of 11.55% of mung bean powder, and 20% of carrot flours. This research regarded as experimental research. This research is to discover the effect of the formulation of mung bean flour and carrot flour towards cookies's water content and acceptability. This research was conducted on February 2019 at food technology and chemical laboratory Akademi Gizi Karya Husada Kediri. This research was done by using hedonic scale test to acceptability and thermografimetri test to discover water content. Acceptability were done by using friedman statistical analysis test and the result is sig. = 0,05, in addition the water content were using One way anova with sig. = 0,01 using SPSS 16.0. If H0 were rejected so it will be continued with Duncan's test. The result shown that there were significance improvement towards the colour (sig. 0.00), smell (0.01), and taste (0.02) in the cookies due the adding of Mung bean flour and carrot flour. However, it did not influence the water content (0.35), and the texture (sig, 0.89). The best cookies were made from colour absorption and smell which is control, on the other hand the texture and the taste from formulation 2. The lowest water content were located on control product (3.5%). This research has not been conducted to discover the expiration date test. The following researches are encouraged to discover the expiration date test, and the product innovation by adding natural ingredients towards the cookies.
Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous f... more Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous free radicals.Publics know the utilization of red rosella calyx is used as a brew that contains antioxidants. Purpose of this research is tofind out the effect of giving brewed red rosella calyx to rat lipid metabolism caused by waste cooking oil on High-densityLipoprotein (HDL) value. This research used 24 male rats which were selected by random sampling and divided into 4groups: positive control (2 ml kg/BW waste cooking oil given), negative control (without treatment), treatment 1 (2 ml/kgBW waste cooking oil given and giving of 540 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx), and treatment 2 (2 ml/kg BW wastecooking oil given and giving of 810 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx). One-way Analysis of Variance (α = 0.01) andTukey honestly significant difference test showed that HDL p-value = 0.00. All groups have a significant effect on HDL.The best value is giving of 810 mg/kg BW dose of brewed red rosella calyx (HDL of 57.47 mg/dl). Giving of brewed redrosella calyx dose of 540 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 407.52 bpj) and red rosella calyx dose 810 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 247.82 bpj)can prevent HDL decrease. Red rosella calyx can improve the lipid profile of waste cooking oil treated to Sprague Dawleyrats (especially for HDL on this research).
Background: The habit of consuming herbs and high-antioxidant spices in traditional herbal prepar... more Background: The habit of consuming herbs and high-antioxidant spices in traditional herbal preparations has been widely practiced, but not all people like traditional herbal medicine. One alternative to increase the consumption of high-antioxidant functional drinks is to formulate various herbs with the composition of rosella, sappanwood, cinnamon, and cloves. Apart from being a diversification effort, the choice of this material is also expected to work together to improve sensory characteristics. Objectives: Getting the optimal red rosella-based wedang uwuh formula as a functional drink. Methods: Optimization of rosella-based wedang uwuh formula using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method with independent variables, namely red rosella petal powder, sappanwood powder, cinnamon powder, and clove powder. The responses used were the antioxidant activity of the DPPH method, total phenols, and total flavonoids. The optimal formula was then tested with these three parameters using a spectrophotometer. Results: The optimal formula obtained based on RSM analysis was red rosella petal powder 1.891 gr, sappan wood powder 1.34, cinnamon powder 0.206, and clove powder 0.063 with a desirability value of 1. The antioxidant activity of the formula after verification was 37.007 ± 0.0466 mg TE/g, total phenol 40.9542 ± 0.0634 mg GAE/g, and total flavonoids 19.842 ± 0.488 mg QE/g. Conclusions: There is no significant difference between the predicted and verification values of the three responses so the formulation suggested by the mixture design optimization in the design expert is good to be applied.
The potential of agro-complex resources in Bayu Village
is quite abundant, one of which is goat'... more The potential of agro-complex resources in Bayu Village is quite abundant, one of which is goat's milk. So far, goat's milk in that area is only sold raw and processed simply, so its nutritional and economic value has not increased. The purpose of community service is to provide skills in the process of making kefir milk to Bayu village youth and to increase the selling value of the product in terms of health and economy. The method used is in the form of direct practice and monitoring via WhatsApp after the training. The training was held on 7 May 2022 at the home of the chief of “Creative Youth” Community Youth Development involving 15 participants. The result of this training is that the trainees can carry out the process of making goat's milk kefir and can separate whey and curd. It can be concluded that giving lectures and direct training is effective in providing processing skills for making kefir drinks. It is necessary to develop and innovate various preparations made from goat's milk kefir and then a sensory test is carried out to determine the acceptability of the product.
Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya, 2021
Pemanasan minyak secara berulang dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya stress oksidatif yang dapat memod... more Pemanasan minyak secara berulang dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya stress oksidatif yang dapat memodulasi peroksidasi lipid dan kadar lipoprotein sehingga terjadi peningkatan LDL, total kolesterol, asam lemak bebas dan trigliserida. Minyak jelantah mengandung asam lemak trans yang dapat menyebabkan peningkatan low density lipoprotein (LDL) dan menurunkan high density lipoprotein (HDL). Untuk mencegah gangguan metabolisme tersebut diperlukan asupan cukup antioksidan yang bisa didapatkan dari rosella merah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis pengaruh seduhan serbuk kelopak rosella merah pada tikus Sprague dawley yang disonde minyak jelantah dengan parameter nilai LDL. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap). Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini terdiri atas 24 tikus Sprague dawley jantan, diambil acak, dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, diantaranya yaitu kontrol negative (kelompok normal), kelompok kontrol positif, perlakuan 1 (pemberian seduhan kelopak rosella merah 540 mg/kgBB per hari dan pemberian minyak jelantah sebanyak 2 ml/kgBB per hari), dan perlakuan 2 (pemberian seduhan kelopak rosella merah 810 mg/kgBB per hari dan pemberian minyak jelantah sebanyak 2 ml/kgBB per hari). Hasil analisa one way anova (α = 0,01) dengan menerapkan uji lanjut Tukey HSD nilai LDL = 0.00, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap LDL. Pada uji lanjut terdapat perbedaan nilai LDL. Pemberian 540 mg/kgBB dan 810 mg/kgBB per hari seduhan kelopak rosella merah pada tikus Sprague dawley mampu mencegah kenaikan LDL. Nilai terbaik pada perlakuan pemberian 810 mg/kgBB per hari, dengan nilai LDL 41,03 mg/dl. Seduhan serbuk kelopak rosella merah dapat mencegah kenaikan LDL Sprague dawley yang diberi minyak jelantah.
Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous f... more Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous free radicals. Publics know the utilization of red rosella calyx is used as a brew that contains antioxidants. Purpose of this research is to fi nd out the eff ect of giving brewed red rosella calyx to rat lipid metabolism caused by waste cooking oil on High-density Lipoprotein (HDL) value. This research used 24 male rats which were selected by random sampling and divided into 4 groups: positive control (2 ml kg/BW waste cooking oil given), negative control (without treatment), treatment 1 (2 ml/kg BW waste cooking oil given and giving of 540 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx), and treatment 2 (2 ml/kg BW waste cooking oil given and giving of 810 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx). One-way Analysis of Variance (α = 0.01) and Tukey honestly signifi cant diff erence test showed that HDL p-value = 0.00. All groups have a signifi cant eff ect on HDL. The best value is giving of 810 mg/kg BW dose of brewed red rosella calyx (HDL of 57.47 mg/dl). Giving of brewed red rosella calyx dose of 540 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 407.52 bpj) and red rosella calyx dose 810 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 247.82 bpj) can prevent HDL decrease. Red rosella calyx can improve the lipid profi le of waste cooking oil treated to Sprague Dawley rats (especially for HDL on this research).
Background: Tempeh is a fermented product that has earned the nickname "the miracle food&quo... more Background: Tempeh is a fermented product that has earned the nickname "the miracle food" because of its nutritional content, especially amino acids and fatty acids, which are good for health. Moringa leaves, which are also called "the miracle leaves," have complete nutritional content, especially iron, and vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a significant role in the absorption and metabolism of ironObjectives: Was to increase absorption of iron, which can increase hemoglobin blood and body weight of ratsMethods: There were 4 groups, each consisting of 6 rats. The rats were kept in animal laboratories at room temperature (25–27°C) for 21 days. This research was conducted from 7 to 27 October 2020 in the Pharmacology Laboratory of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. This study used a Completely Randomized Design, used 24 Rattus norvegicus with treatment conditioned with anemia. The four groups were divided into control anemia rats, control non-...
Jurnal PADE: Pengabdian & Edukasi, Nov 21, 2022
Artikel ini telah didistribusikan berdasarkan atas ketentuan Lisensi Internasional Creative Commo... more Artikel ini telah didistribusikan berdasarkan atas ketentuan Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Latar Belakang: Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi herbal dan rempah-rempah tinggi antioksidan dalam sediaan ... more Latar Belakang: Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi herbal dan rempah-rempah tinggi antioksidan dalam sediaan jamu tradisional telah dilakukan secara luas, tetapi tidak semua masyarakat menyukai jamu tradisional. Salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan konsumsi minuman fungsional tinggi antioksidan yaitu dengan melakukan formulasi aneka herbal dengan komposisi rosella, secang, kayu manis dan cengkeh. Pemilihan bahan tersebut selain sebagai upaya diversifikasi, juga diharapkan dapat bersinergi meningkatkan karakteristik sensori. Tujuan: Mendapatkan formula optimal wedang uwuh berbasis rosella merah sebagai minuman fungsional.Metode: Optimasi formula wedang uwuh berbasis rosella menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan variabel bebas yaitu serbuk kelopak rosella merah, serbuk secang, serbuk kayu manis, dan serbuk cengkeh. Respon yang digunakan yaitu aktivitas antioksidan metode DPPH, total fenol dan total flavonoid. Formula optimal selanjutnya diuji dengan ketiga parameter ter...
The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-... more The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-made phospholipids. Incorporation of -3 fatty acids into phospholipids structure increased their oxidative stability, suggesting more health beneficial phospholipids. This study aimed to optimize eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) incorporation into phospholipids structure by acidolysis reaction using free lipase (EC from Rhizomucor miehei. Deoiled soy lecithin from anjasmoro variety was used as phospholipids source, while -3 fatty acid enriched oil was used as acyl source. Oil enriched with -3 fatty acids was obtained from low temperature solvent crystallization of lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) by-product. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study to determine the relationship between the three factors (enzyme concentration, reaction time and substrate ratio) and their effects on EPA incorporation into soy lecithin structure. The results showed that the relation bet...
A woman who is in pregnancy from conception to birth is called a pregnant woman. Pregnant women c... more A woman who is in pregnancy from conception to birth is called a pregnant woman. Pregnant women can be at risk of anemia due to the impact of folic acid deficiency. Alternative innovations in healthy snack products for pregnant women include pineapple cakes, which are innovated with broccoli which is rich in folic acid and mango podang. The type of method of this research is experiments using organoleptic tests where researchers measure the level of preference for processed products from broccoli flour 3 treatments P1 (100% wheat flour: 0% broccoli flour), P2 (96.5% wheat flour: 3 broccoli flour, 5%) and P3 (93% wheat flour, 7% broccoli flour).The results showed that the highest acceptability of this product to color was P1 (97%), the highest aroma acceptability was P1 (97%), the highest texture acceptability was P1 (95%), and the highest taste acceptability was P1 (98%). This is because the P1 dough has not been mixed with broccoli flour so that in terms of color, aroma, texture and taste it has superior results, but the difference in the percentage of acceptability with P2 and P3 is not much different.
Effervescent rosela ungu merupakan salah satu bentuk diversifikasi pangan lokal yang tinggi antio... more Effervescent rosela ungu merupakan salah satu bentuk diversifikasi pangan lokal yang tinggi antioksidan. Antioksidan memiliki efek mencegah reaksi oksidasi sehingga tidak sampai terjadi stres oksidatif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efek antioksidan effervescent rosella ungu dalam mencegah penurunan SOD dan mencegah kerusakan sel hepar tikus wistar. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Post-test Only Control Group Design dengan Rancangan Acak lengkap (RAL), menggunakan tikus wistar jantan sebanyak 16 ekor dan lama perlakuan selama 4 minggu. Terdapat 4 kelompok, kontrol negatif (pakan standar + 3ml aquadest), kontrol positif (pakan standar + minyak jelantah 1ml 118mek/kg + 2ml aquadest), perlakuan dosis I (pakan standar + minyak jelantah 1ml 118mek/kg + effervescent rosela ungu 3g/2ml), dan perlakuan dosis II (pakan standar + minyak jelantah 1ml 118mek/kg + effervescent rosella ungu 6 g/2 ml). Hasil pengamatan dianalisa dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji BNT dengan taraf 5...
The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-... more The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-made phospholipids. Incorporation of -3 fatty acids into phospholipids structure increased their oxidative stability, suggesting more health beneficial phospholipids. This study aimed to optimize eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) incorporation into phospholipids structure by acidolysis reaction using free lipase (EC from Rhizomucor miehei. Deoiled soy lecithin from anjasmoro variety was used as phospholipids source, while -3 fatty acid enriched oil was used as acyl source. Oil enriched with -3 fatty acids was obtained from low temperature solvent crystallization of lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) by product. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study to determine the relationship between the three factors (enzyme concentration, reaction time and substrate ratio) and their effects on EPA incorporation into soy lecithin structure. The results showed that the relation between EPA content with three factors (reaction time, enzyme concentration and substrate ratio) was quadratic. The significant factors were substrate ratio and reaction time. Optimum conditions at a ratio of 3.77:1 between -3 fatty acids enriched oil and soy lecithin, 30% lipase concentration, and 24.08 h reaction time, gave 22.81% of EPA content of structured phospholipids.
The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-... more The molecular structure of phospholipids can be changed enzymatically to obtain different tailor-made phospholipids. Incorporation of -3 fatty acids into phospholipids structure increased their oxidative stability, suggesting more health beneficial phospholipids. This study aimed to optimize eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) incorporation into phospholipids structure by acidolysis reaction using free lipase (EC from Rhizomucor miehei. Deoiled soy lecithin from anjasmoro variety was used as phospholipids source, while -3 fatty acid enriched oil was used as acyl source. Oil enriched with -3 fatty acids was obtained from low temperature solvent crystallization of lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) by-product. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this study to determine the relationship between the three factors (enzyme concentration, reaction time and substrate ratio) and their effects on EPA incorporation into soy lecithin structure. The results showed that the relation between EPA content with three factors (reaction time, enzyme concentration and substrate ratio) was quadratic. The significant factors were substrate ratio and reaction time. Optimum conditions at a ratio of 3.77:1 between -3 fatty acids enriched oil and soy lecithin, 30% lipase concentration, and 24.08 h reaction time, gave 22.81% of EPA content of structured phospholipids.
To reduce dependence on wheat flour were utilizing Indonesia local products. Taro tuber as a pote... more To reduce dependence on wheat flour were utilizing Indonesia local products. Taro tuber as a potential source of dietary fiber but protein quality is low. An alternative to improve protein quality is by the addition of tempeh flour. Flakes from taro flour and tempeh flour is expected to be an alternative food to ensure adequate intake of dietary fiber and protein. To analyze the effect of taro flour and tempeh flour addition on water content and organoleptic quality of flakes.The study of flakes using Complete Random Design, with two factor and each treatment combination was repeated 3 times. They were wheat flour:taro flour:tempeh flour (20%:65%:15%); (20%:50%:30%) and (20%:35%:45%). Statistical analyzed of water content used Anova One Ways and organoleptic test used Friedman test. Flakes with 20% wheat flour, 65% taro flour, and 15% tempeh flour have a lowest water content 4,2%, but was still bellow standart specified by SNI and had a significant effect (0,00 < α 0,01) on water content. Taro and tempeh flour on flakes had significant effect on aroma (0,038 < α 0,05), taste (0,00 < α 0,05), and, texture (0,00 < α 0,05) but had no effect on colour (0,07 < α 0,05). Colour, aroma, taste and texture of flakes the most preferred on 20% wheat flour, 65% taro flour, and 15% tempeh flour. Best proportion of the organoleptic quality that is in the proportion of 20% wheat flour, taro flour 65% and 15% tempeh flour. It is advisable to pay attention to the proportion of the addition of taro flour and soybean flour in order to get the moisture content and good organoleptic quality.
Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology, 2020
Indonesia berada dalam wilayah tropis sehingga banyak keanekaragaman
hayati. Salah satu keanekara... more Indonesia berada dalam wilayah tropis sehingga banyak keanekaragaman hayati. Salah satu keanekaragaman tersebut yaitu tanaman kelor. Tanaman kelor banyak mengandung nilai gizi mikro diantaranya beberapa vitamin, mineral dan senyawabioaktif berupa klorofil. Zat gizi mikro berperan dalam pembentukan hormon, mengatur sistem imun dan aktivitas enzim. Senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat dalam daun kelor berfungsi sebagai antioksidan penangkal radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis daya terima organoleptik siomay ayam dengan penambahan daun kelor sebagai makanan fungsional. Penelitian ini berupa eksperimental murni dengan RAL dan menggunakan 3 kelompok yaitu P1 (tanpa penambahan daunkelor),P2 (daun kelor 0,5%) dan P3 (daun kelor 1%) dengan masing-masing kelompok menerapkan 3 replikasi. Analisis statistik uji organoleptik menggunakan friedman rank. Nilai mean rank tertinggi diantara ketiga kelompok tersebut untuk keempat parameter ada pada P2 yaitu untuk parameter warna (2,51), aroma(2,43), tekstur(2,51), dan rasa (2,48).Prosentasedayaterimaterbaikpada warna (P2 =81%), aroma(P2 = 81%), tekstur (P2 = 74%), dan rasa (P2 = 77%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada kelompok 2 (pemberian daun kelor proporsi 0,5%) paling disukai oleh panelis dari keempat unsur uji organoleptik (tekstur, warna, aroma dan rasa). Nilai daya terima tekstur dan rasa masih dibawah 80% sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi resep untuk mendapatkan hasil organoleptik yang optimal.
Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology, 2020
Pamelo orange albedo is an orange peel which is white colored inside and can be used as food proc... more Pamelo orange albedo is an orange peel which is white colored inside and can be used as food processing, one of which is dried candied. Roselle contains anthocyanin pigments which can be used as natural red coloring in the process of making pamelo orange albedo candied. The treatment product of red roselle albedo candied through an soaking process on a 10% red roselle petal solution. This immersion is intended for the provision of natural red coloring, while there is a content of vitamin C and citric acid to help bring the sensation of a natural sour taste typical of candied. This study aims to determine differences of red roselle petal albedo candied with commercial products that are analyzed in computerized way. The acceptability testing uses Mann Whitney test, while water content testing uses T-Test. Results of the study showed that there was a difference in the color acceptability of pamelo orange albedo candied which was soaked in a solution of red roselle petals with commercial products, but there was no difference in the acceptability of aroma, texture, taste, and water content. Selected products in terms of color, aroma, and texture were on candied commercial pamelo albedo candied. Meanwhile, in terms of taste, the selected products were the treatment products because there was a natural sour taste typical of red roselle petals. Commercial products had a water content of 16.5%, while the treatment product was 18.5%. SNI No. 1718 (1996), the maximum limit of water content in candied is 25%. There needs to be an improvement in the acceptability of the treatment products in terms of soaking the solution of red roselle petals and drying of albedo candied.
Conference on Research and Community Service, 2020
One of the efforts to increase the consumption of high iron food is the use of local food with hi... more One of the efforts to increase the consumption of high iron food is the use of local food with high iron, one of which is moringa leaf. Moringa leaf tempe chips are food processed products that are processed from soybeans, tapioca flour, moringa leaf flour and tempeh yeast to be processed by fermentation to become tempeh and frying them to become tempe chips of Moringa leaf. The treatment of adding Moringa leaf flour in the process of making tempeh was 0%, 2.5% and 5%. The research was conducted in January - February 2020. Iron content analysis of Moringa tempe flour was carried out in the Laboratory of FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya, analysis of moisture content and acceptance at the Food Technology Laboratory and the Chemistry Laboratory of Akademi Gizi Karya Husada Kediri. The test for iron content used the AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) method and the moisture content used the thermogravimetric method. Organoleptic acceptance was done by using the preference test or hedonic scale. The organoleptic test was carried out by the friedman rank statistical test analysis with α = 0.05 and the water content test was carried out by the One Way Anova test with α = 0.01 using SPSS 16.0. The results of the analysis of iron content showed that the average tempe without moringa was 1.91 mg / kg, the addition of 2.5% moringa was 3.23 mg / kg, and the addition of 5% moringa was 3.93 mg / kg. The results of the analysis of water content showed that an average of temper without moringa was 1.9%, the addition of Moringa 2.5% was 2.8%, and the addition of Moringa 5% was 3.2%. The organoleptic test showed the effect of adding moringa leaf flour on color with a sig value (0.00), aroma (0.01) and taste (0.02) on moringa leaf tempeh chips, but it had no effect on texture (sig, 0.89). It is suggested that further research can add other food ingredients that have a characteristic refreshing aroma such as lime leaf so that it can improve the taste of Moringa tempe chips.
Masalah gizi, baik masalah gizi kurang maupun lebih pada anak usia dini atau prasekolah masih men... more Masalah gizi, baik masalah gizi kurang maupun lebih pada anak usia dini atau prasekolah masih menjadi masalah kesehatan prioritas di Indonesia. Tingginya masalah gizi pada balita membutuhkan penanganan yang khusus karena masalah gizi pada balita dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan di kemudian hari. Penilaian dan monitoring status gizi secara dini perlu dilakukan untuk melakukan antisipasi munculnya masalah gizi. Edukasi penilaian dan interpretasi status gizi anak usia dini perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru dan orang tua dalam pemantauan status gizi anak. Bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah penilaian dan edukasi terkait interpretasi status gizi anak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di TK Kusuma Mulya, Kota Kediri. Peserta yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini terdiri atas 53 siswa dan 9 orang guru, Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebagaian besar siswa mempunyai status gizi dalam kategori normal. Terdapat perubahan pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru terkait tata cara pengukuran indicator pertumbuhan anak dan interpretasi status gizi anak. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah Sebaiknya dilakukan edukasi kepada orang tua terkait pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan serta interpretasi status gizi anak usia dini. Pemantauan status gizi anak juga perlu dilakukan secara kontinu dan berkelanjutan.
Moringa Oleifera contains vitamin A 4 times greater than carrot, vitamin C 7 times greater than o... more Moringa Oleifera contains vitamin A 4 times greater than carrot, vitamin C 7 times greater than orange, calcium 4 times greater than milk, protein 2 times greater than milk also, so does the potassium content of moringa leaves 3 times more than banana. In fact, the use of Moringa leaves in this time is not maximized. Based on the potentiality that is contained in Moringa leaves, it is necessary to do more innovation to process moringa leaves, one of them is by making it health food such as sempol. Sempol is one of the street foods from Malang. Sempol is a food that is made of mashed chicken which is skewered like satay and fried with stir egg. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of addition moringa oleifera toward accepatability of sempol. This research was conducted in food technology laboratory of Nutrient Academy Karya Husada Kediri on June using experimental method with complete randomize design with 3 treatments and 3 times replications namely P1 (moringa leaves 0%), P2 (moringa leaves 5 %), and P3 (moringa leaves 10 %). Statistical analysis of organoleptic test about acceptability of colour, texture, and taste uses Friedman Rank test. It is obtained that sempol which gets addition moringa leaves P2 (moringan leaves 5%) can accept organoleptically. But it is needed to do research about early processing stage to eliminate the unpleasant aroma of moringa leaves.
Carrot and mung bean cookies was the kind of food that made from rice flour, carrot flour, mung b... more Carrot and mung bean cookies was the kind of food that made from rice flour, carrot flour, mung bean flour, powdered milk, egg, butter, maizena, and sugar. This kind of product were made from carrot and mung bean that converted into powdered by adding formulation P1 that approximately 16.55% of mung bean powder's, and 15% carrot flour, continued with formulation P2 that consist of 11.55% of mung bean powder, and 20% of carrot flours. This research regarded as experimental research. This research is to discover the effect of the formulation of mung bean flour and carrot flour towards cookies's water content and acceptability. This research was conducted on February 2019 at food technology and chemical laboratory Akademi Gizi Karya Husada Kediri. This research was done by using hedonic scale test to acceptability and thermografimetri test to discover water content. Acceptability were done by using friedman statistical analysis test and the result is sig. = 0,05, in addition the water content were using One way anova with sig. = 0,01 using SPSS 16.0. If H0 were rejected so it will be continued with Duncan's test. The result shown that there were significance improvement towards the colour (sig. 0.00), smell (0.01), and taste (0.02) in the cookies due the adding of Mung bean flour and carrot flour. However, it did not influence the water content (0.35), and the texture (sig, 0.89). The best cookies were made from colour absorption and smell which is control, on the other hand the texture and the taste from formulation 2. The lowest water content were located on control product (3.5%). This research has not been conducted to discover the expiration date test. The following researches are encouraged to discover the expiration date test, and the product innovation by adding natural ingredients towards the cookies.
Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous f... more Lipid metabolism disorder is caused by waste cooking oil that is one of the source of exogenous free radicals.Publics know the utilization of red rosella calyx is used as a brew that contains antioxidants. Purpose of this research is tofind out the effect of giving brewed red rosella calyx to rat lipid metabolism caused by waste cooking oil on High-densityLipoprotein (HDL) value. This research used 24 male rats which were selected by random sampling and divided into 4groups: positive control (2 ml kg/BW waste cooking oil given), negative control (without treatment), treatment 1 (2 ml/kgBW waste cooking oil given and giving of 540 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx), and treatment 2 (2 ml/kg BW wastecooking oil given and giving of 810 mg/kg BW brewed red rosella calyx). One-way Analysis of Variance (α = 0.01) andTukey honestly significant difference test showed that HDL p-value = 0.00. All groups have a significant effect on HDL.The best value is giving of 810 mg/kg BW dose of brewed red rosella calyx (HDL of 57.47 mg/dl). Giving of brewed redrosella calyx dose of 540 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 407.52 bpj) and red rosella calyx dose 810 mg/kg BW (EC50 = 247.82 bpj)can prevent HDL decrease. Red rosella calyx can improve the lipid profile of waste cooking oil treated to Sprague Dawleyrats (especially for HDL on this research).
Background: The habit of consuming herbs and high-antioxidant spices in traditional herbal prepar... more Background: The habit of consuming herbs and high-antioxidant spices in traditional herbal preparations has been widely practiced, but not all people like traditional herbal medicine. One alternative to increase the consumption of high-antioxidant functional drinks is to formulate various herbs with the composition of rosella, sappanwood, cinnamon, and cloves. Apart from being a diversification effort, the choice of this material is also expected to work together to improve sensory characteristics. Objectives: Getting the optimal red rosella-based wedang uwuh formula as a functional drink. Methods: Optimization of rosella-based wedang uwuh formula using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method with independent variables, namely red rosella petal powder, sappanwood powder, cinnamon powder, and clove powder. The responses used were the antioxidant activity of the DPPH method, total phenols, and total flavonoids. The optimal formula was then tested with these three parameters using a spectrophotometer. Results: The optimal formula obtained based on RSM analysis was red rosella petal powder 1.891 gr, sappan wood powder 1.34, cinnamon powder 0.206, and clove powder 0.063 with a desirability value of 1. The antioxidant activity of the formula after verification was 37.007 ± 0.0466 mg TE/g, total phenol 40.9542 ± 0.0634 mg GAE/g, and total flavonoids 19.842 ± 0.488 mg QE/g. Conclusions: There is no significant difference between the predicted and verification values of the three responses so the formulation suggested by the mixture design optimization in the design expert is good to be applied.
The potential of agro-complex resources in Bayu Village
is quite abundant, one of which is goat'... more The potential of agro-complex resources in Bayu Village is quite abundant, one of which is goat's milk. So far, goat's milk in that area is only sold raw and processed simply, so its nutritional and economic value has not increased. The purpose of community service is to provide skills in the process of making kefir milk to Bayu village youth and to increase the selling value of the product in terms of health and economy. The method used is in the form of direct practice and monitoring via WhatsApp after the training. The training was held on 7 May 2022 at the home of the chief of “Creative Youth” Community Youth Development involving 15 participants. The result of this training is that the trainees can carry out the process of making goat's milk kefir and can separate whey and curd. It can be concluded that giving lectures and direct training is effective in providing processing skills for making kefir drinks. It is necessary to develop and innovate various preparations made from goat's milk kefir and then a sensory test is carried out to determine the acceptability of the product.
Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya, 2021
Pemanasan minyak secara berulang dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya stress oksidatif yang dapat memod... more Pemanasan minyak secara berulang dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya stress oksidatif yang dapat memodulasi peroksidasi lipid dan kadar lipoprotein sehingga terjadi peningkatan LDL, total kolesterol, asam lemak bebas dan trigliserida. Minyak jelantah mengandung asam lemak trans yang dapat menyebabkan peningkatan low density lipoprotein (LDL) dan menurunkan high density lipoprotein (HDL). Untuk mencegah gangguan metabolisme tersebut diperlukan asupan cukup antioksidan yang bisa didapatkan dari rosella merah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis pengaruh seduhan serbuk kelopak rosella merah pada tikus Sprague dawley yang disonde minyak jelantah dengan parameter nilai LDL. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap). Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini terdiri atas 24 tikus Sprague dawley jantan, diambil acak, dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, diantaranya yaitu kontrol negative (kelompok normal), kelompok kontrol positif, perlakuan 1 (pemberian seduhan kelopak rosella merah 540 mg/kgBB per hari dan pemberian minyak jelantah sebanyak 2 ml/kgBB per hari), dan perlakuan 2 (pemberian seduhan kelopak rosella merah 810 mg/kgBB per hari dan pemberian minyak jelantah sebanyak 2 ml/kgBB per hari). Hasil analisa one way anova (α = 0,01) dengan menerapkan uji lanjut Tukey HSD nilai LDL = 0.00, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap LDL. Pada uji lanjut terdapat perbedaan nilai LDL. Pemberian 540 mg/kgBB dan 810 mg/kgBB per hari seduhan kelopak rosella merah pada tikus Sprague dawley mampu mencegah kenaikan LDL. Nilai terbaik pada perlakuan pemberian 810 mg/kgBB per hari, dengan nilai LDL 41,03 mg/dl. Seduhan serbuk kelopak rosella merah dapat mencegah kenaikan LDL Sprague dawley yang diberi minyak jelantah.
Papers by Arya Ulilalbab
hayati. Salah satu keanekaragaman tersebut yaitu tanaman kelor. Tanaman kelor banyak mengandung nilai gizi mikro diantaranya beberapa vitamin, mineral dan senyawabioaktif berupa klorofil. Zat gizi mikro berperan dalam pembentukan hormon, mengatur sistem imun dan aktivitas enzim. Senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat dalam daun kelor berfungsi sebagai antioksidan penangkal radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis daya terima organoleptik siomay ayam dengan penambahan daun kelor sebagai makanan fungsional. Penelitian ini berupa eksperimental murni dengan RAL dan menggunakan 3 kelompok yaitu P1 (tanpa penambahan daunkelor),P2 (daun kelor 0,5%) dan P3 (daun kelor 1%) dengan masing-masing kelompok menerapkan 3 replikasi. Analisis statistik uji organoleptik menggunakan friedman rank. Nilai mean rank tertinggi diantara ketiga kelompok tersebut untuk keempat parameter
ada pada P2 yaitu untuk parameter warna (2,51), aroma(2,43), tekstur(2,51), dan rasa (2,48).Prosentasedayaterimaterbaikpada warna (P2 =81%), aroma(P2 = 81%), tekstur (P2 = 74%), dan rasa (P2 = 77%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada kelompok 2 (pemberian daun kelor proporsi 0,5%) paling disukai oleh panelis dari keempat unsur uji organoleptik (tekstur, warna, aroma dan rasa). Nilai daya terima tekstur dan rasa masih dibawah 80% sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi resep untuk mendapatkan hasil organoleptik yang optimal.
the water content test was carried out by the One Way Anova test with α =
0.01 using SPSS 16.0. The results of the analysis of iron content showed that the average tempe without moringa was 1.91 mg / kg, the addition of 2.5% moringa was 3.23 mg / kg, and the addition of 5% moringa was 3.93 mg / kg. The results of the analysis of water content showed that an average of temper without moringa was 1.9%, the addition of Moringa 2.5% was 2.8%, and the addition of Moringa 5% was 3.2%. The organoleptic test showed the effect of adding moringa leaf flour on color with a sig value (0.00), aroma (0.01) and taste (0.02) on moringa leaf tempeh chips, but it had no effect on texture (sig, 0.89). It is suggested that further research can add other food ingredients that have a characteristic refreshing aroma such as lime leaf so that it can improve the taste of Moringa tempe chips.
is quite abundant, one of which is goat's milk. So far, goat's
milk in that area is only sold raw and processed simply, so
its nutritional and economic value has not increased. The
purpose of community service is to provide skills in the
process of making kefir milk to Bayu village youth and to
increase the selling value of the product in terms of health
and economy. The method used is in the form of direct
practice and monitoring via WhatsApp after the training.
The training was held on 7 May 2022 at the home of the
chief of “Creative Youth” Community Youth Development
involving 15 participants. The result of this training is that
the trainees can carry out the process of making goat's
milk kefir and can separate whey and curd. It can be
concluded that giving lectures and direct training is
effective in providing processing skills for making kefir
drinks. It is necessary to develop and innovate various
preparations made from goat's milk kefir and then a
sensory test is carried out to determine the acceptability of
the product.
hayati. Salah satu keanekaragaman tersebut yaitu tanaman kelor. Tanaman kelor banyak mengandung nilai gizi mikro diantaranya beberapa vitamin, mineral dan senyawabioaktif berupa klorofil. Zat gizi mikro berperan dalam pembentukan hormon, mengatur sistem imun dan aktivitas enzim. Senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat dalam daun kelor berfungsi sebagai antioksidan penangkal radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis daya terima organoleptik siomay ayam dengan penambahan daun kelor sebagai makanan fungsional. Penelitian ini berupa eksperimental murni dengan RAL dan menggunakan 3 kelompok yaitu P1 (tanpa penambahan daunkelor),P2 (daun kelor 0,5%) dan P3 (daun kelor 1%) dengan masing-masing kelompok menerapkan 3 replikasi. Analisis statistik uji organoleptik menggunakan friedman rank. Nilai mean rank tertinggi diantara ketiga kelompok tersebut untuk keempat parameter
ada pada P2 yaitu untuk parameter warna (2,51), aroma(2,43), tekstur(2,51), dan rasa (2,48).Prosentasedayaterimaterbaikpada warna (P2 =81%), aroma(P2 = 81%), tekstur (P2 = 74%), dan rasa (P2 = 77%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada kelompok 2 (pemberian daun kelor proporsi 0,5%) paling disukai oleh panelis dari keempat unsur uji organoleptik (tekstur, warna, aroma dan rasa). Nilai daya terima tekstur dan rasa masih dibawah 80% sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi resep untuk mendapatkan hasil organoleptik yang optimal.
the water content test was carried out by the One Way Anova test with α =
0.01 using SPSS 16.0. The results of the analysis of iron content showed that the average tempe without moringa was 1.91 mg / kg, the addition of 2.5% moringa was 3.23 mg / kg, and the addition of 5% moringa was 3.93 mg / kg. The results of the analysis of water content showed that an average of temper without moringa was 1.9%, the addition of Moringa 2.5% was 2.8%, and the addition of Moringa 5% was 3.2%. The organoleptic test showed the effect of adding moringa leaf flour on color with a sig value (0.00), aroma (0.01) and taste (0.02) on moringa leaf tempeh chips, but it had no effect on texture (sig, 0.89). It is suggested that further research can add other food ingredients that have a characteristic refreshing aroma such as lime leaf so that it can improve the taste of Moringa tempe chips.
is quite abundant, one of which is goat's milk. So far, goat's
milk in that area is only sold raw and processed simply, so
its nutritional and economic value has not increased. The
purpose of community service is to provide skills in the
process of making kefir milk to Bayu village youth and to
increase the selling value of the product in terms of health
and economy. The method used is in the form of direct
practice and monitoring via WhatsApp after the training.
The training was held on 7 May 2022 at the home of the
chief of “Creative Youth” Community Youth Development
involving 15 participants. The result of this training is that
the trainees can carry out the process of making goat's
milk kefir and can separate whey and curd. It can be
concluded that giving lectures and direct training is
effective in providing processing skills for making kefir
drinks. It is necessary to develop and innovate various
preparations made from goat's milk kefir and then a
sensory test is carried out to determine the acceptability of
the product.