Papers by Arturo Argüelles
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2003
ABSTRACT We present a numerical simulation for a transmission of information by applying the sync... more ABSTRACT We present a numerical simulation for a transmission of information by applying the synchronization phenomenon[1] of two identical chaotic Lorenz's systems. This system offers the possibility to encrypt information [2]. The numerical method yields to an excellent recovering of voice signals. We also analyze the effect over the recovered signal due to relative variations of the system value of the parameters.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015
ABSTRACT Herein, we characterize the quantum phases present in spin-3/2 fermionic chains. This sy... more ABSTRACT Herein, we characterize the quantum phases present in spin-3/2 fermionic chains. This system may be achieved by ultracold gases loaded onto one-dimentional optical lattices in the hard-core regime. The physics of the lowest band in general is described by the Hubbard Hamiltonian that becomes a generalized Heisenberg model in this strongly-correlated regime. By performing calculations of the energy spectrum, correlation functions, level spectroscopy and chirality we analyze the Mott-insulator phases in absence and presence of an external quadratic Zeeman field.
Physical Review A, 2015
We study the transport properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate formed by an ultracold gas of bos... more We study the transport properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate formed by an ultracold gas of bosonic atoms that is coupled from a magnetic trap into a one-dimensional waveguide. Our theoretical approach to tackling this problem is based on the truncated Wigner method for which we assume the system to consist of two semi-infinite noninteracting leads and a finite interacting scattering region with two constrictions modeling an atomic quantum dot. The transmission is computed in the steady-state regime and we find a good agreement between truncated Wigner and matrix-product state calculations. We also identify clear signatures of inelastic resonant scattering by analyzing the distribution of energy in the transmitted atomic-matter wave beam.

Physical Review Letters, 2011
We study the phase diagram of repulsively interacting spin-1 bosons in optical lattices at unit f... more We study the phase diagram of repulsively interacting spin-1 bosons in optical lattices at unit filling, showing that an externally induced quadratic Zeeman effect may lead to a rich physics characterized by various phases and phase transitions. We find that the main properties of the system may be described by an effective field model, which provides the precise location of the phase boundaries for any dimension, being in excellent agreement with our numerical calculations for one-dimensional (1D) systems. Our work provides a quantitative guide for the experimental analysis of various types of field-induced quantum phase transitions in spin-1 lattice bosons. These transitions, which are precluded in spin-1/2 systems, may be realized using an externally modified quadratic Zeeman coupling, similar to recent experiments with spinor condensates in the continuum.
Physical Review Letters, 2014
Physical Review A, 2007
We analyze the Mott-insulator phases of dipolar bosonic gases placed in neighboring but unconnect... more We analyze the Mott-insulator phases of dipolar bosonic gases placed in neighboring but unconnected 1D traps. Whereas for short-range interactions the 1D systems are independent, the non-local dipole-dipole interaction induces a direct Mott-insulator to pair-superfluid transition which significantly modifies the boundaries of the lowest Mott-insulator phases. The lowest boundary of the lowest Mott regions becomes progressively constant as a function of the hopping rate, eventually inverting its slope, leading to a re-entrant configuration which is retained in 2D. We discuss the consequences of this effect on the spatial Mott-insulator plateaux in experiments with additional harmonic confinement, showing that anti-intuitively the plateaux may become wider for increasing hopping. Our results are also applicable to non-dipolar boson-boson mixtures.

Physical Review A, 2011
We show that the interplay between spin-changing collisions and quadratic Zeeman coupling provide... more We show that the interplay between spin-changing collisions and quadratic Zeeman coupling provides a novel mechanism for the formation of repulsively bound composites in high-spin fermions, which we illustrate by considering spin flips in an initially polarized hard-core 1D Mott insulator of spin-3/2 fermions. We show that after the flips the dynamics is characterized by the creation of two types of exciton-biexciton composites. We analyze the conditions for the existence of these bound states, and discuss their intriguing properties. In particular we show that the effective mass and stability of the composites depends non-trivially on spin-changing collisions, on the quadratic Zeeman effect and on the initial exciton localization. Finally, we show that the composites may remain stable against inelastic collisions, opening the possibility of novel quantum composite phases.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2005
We construct, using simple geometrical arguments, a Wigner function defined on a discrete phase s... more We construct, using simple geometrical arguments, a Wigner function defined on a discrete phase space of arbitrary integer Hilbert-space dimension that is free of redundancies. "Ghost images" plaguing other Wigner functions for discrete phase spaces are thus revealed as artifacts. It allows to devise a corresponding phase-space propagator in an unambiguous manner. We apply our definitions to eigenstates and propagator of the quantum baker map. Scars on unstable periodic points of the corresponding classical map become visible with unprecedented resolution.
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0905.3312, 2009
We analyze by means of Matrix-Product-State simulations the correlation dynamics of strongly-corr... more We analyze by means of Matrix-Product-State simulations the correlation dynamics of strongly-correlated superfluid Bose gases in one-dimensional time-dependent optical lattices. We show that, as for the case of abrupt quenches, a quasi-adiabatic modulation ...
Papers by Arturo Argüelles