This study aimed to determine the mathematical reasoning skills of children in the area of Measur... more This study aimed to determine the mathematical reasoning skills of children in the area of Measurement and Data Analysis-Probability. First, Evaluation Instrument for the Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills is developed, its validity and reliability is performed. Furthermore, variables such as the effect of child gender, age, institution attended and part/full time attendance to the institution, total duration of preschool attendance as well as educational background of their parents were analyzed. The study group is composed of randomly selected 204 children of typical development in x at the age of 60-74 months attending dependent and independent kindergarten, private preschools, daycare centers and kindergartens of Ministry of National Education. Data were collected using Evaluation Instrument for the Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills that is type of holistic rubric and Child Information Form that was developed by the researcher. The instrument developed was found to be reliable and valid. No significant difference was found between the scores of reasoning areas and types of boys and girls.
Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an ... more Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an important role in supporting skill development in children. In addition, with instruments children can create and explore their own music, rather than participate with and react to others. In this school-based research study 147 children were chosen randomly from among those who attended private kindergartens in high socio-economic areas in the city center of Ankara, Turkey. All children were aged between 4 and 6 years. The research methodology comprised a questionnaire to gather demographic information about the children, the use of musical instruments and a set of cards containing pictures of musical instruments. When the children were asked the question, ‘What is music’, they answered mainly by saying, ‘playing a musical instrument’. Many of the children were able to identify musical instruments correctly when shown pictures of them.
Human being which detects sound even as a fetus in the womb, are known to react to music followin... more Human being which detects sound even as a fetus in the womb, are known to react to music following the few days after birth. The fact that music being a very useful tool in education apart from being an artform, necessiates it to be included in programs for educating the disabled children, as well as the normally developing ones. While placing musical activities in special programs, situations where problems may arise with those special children should be taken into account. The aims and purposes must be determined by considering all developmental areas of disabled children. The educator should be well familiar with the specific group and should carefully judge their developmental levels and readiness. The purposes determined by considering all the factors mentioned above should proceed from easy to difficult and arrayed in steps into the program. Educators, materials and environment ar Tam Metin
Bu arastirma; anaokuluna devam eden 5-7 yas grubundaki ileri derecede isitme ozurlu cocuklarin is... more Bu arastirma; anaokuluna devam eden 5-7 yas grubundaki ileri derecede isitme ozurlu cocuklarin isitsel algi gelisimlerini incelemek amaci ile planlanmis deneysel bir calismadir. Calismada, isitme ozurlu cocuklarin; 1. Ses ile kaynagim eslestirebilme, 2. Ses kaynagim isimlendirebilme, 3. Ses kaynagimn isimini modeli taklit ederek tekrarlayabilme, 4. is ittik le ri sese ait sozel ifade kullanabilme, 5. Isittikleri sese ait sozel ifadeyi, modeli taklit ederek tekrarlayabilme becerileri ’ incelenmistir.
Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common ... more Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common forms of emotion. Intelligence is also suggested to be among the major factors that affect fear. This study was designed and conducted to examine the fears of trainable mentally retarded children and those without mental retardation. Eighty-eight trainable mentally retarded childern aged 1015 years and 122 children without mental retardation aged between 7-15 years were included in the study. The "Fear Survey for Children with and without Mental Retardation" developed by Ramirez and Kratochwill was used as the data collection tool. After statistical analysis, a significant relationship was found between mental retardation and the healthy states in terms of both the number of fear episodes and in its severity. About a century ago in 1897, Stanley Hall made the following remarks about fear: "There is no one who is not afraid. All humans fear, and indeed must fear. The proble...
Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common ... more Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common forms of emotion. Intelligence is also suggested to be among the major factors that affect fear. This study was designed and conducted to examine the fears of trainable mentally retarded children and those without mental retardation. Eighty-eight trainable mentally retarded childern aged 10-15 years and 122 children without mental retardation aged between 7-15 years were included in the study. The "Fear Survey for Children with and without Mental Retardation" developed by Ramirez and Kratochwill was used as the data collection tool. After statistical analysis, a significant relationship was found between mental retardation and the healthy states in terms of both the number of fear episodes and in its severity.
This study, conducted in Ankara, Turkey, compared itk.tor development in 48 normal children (ages... more This study, conducted in Ankara, Turkey, compared itk.tor development in 48 normal children (ages 3 to 6), 12 children (ages 5 to 7) with Down syndrome, and 33 children (ages 3 to 7) with hea-ing impairments. The Motor Development Section of the Portage Early Childhood Educational Program checklist was administered to all the children. Results revealed that motor skills developed more slowly in the hearing impaired children and the Down syndrome children than in the normal children. In comparison with the normal children, the hearing impaired children seemed to perform more poorly in skills associated with balance and general coordination than in other skills. The Down syndrome children demonstrated poorer performance than the normal children in all motor skills. This was attributed to the hypotonic muscles typical of children with Down syndrome. Results support the systematic inclusion of physical education activities in programs for children with disabilities. (DB) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document.
Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an ... more Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an important role in supporting skill development in children. In addition, with instruments children can create and explore their own music, rather than participate with and react to others. In this school-based research study 147 children were chosen randomly from among those who attended private kindergartens in high socio-economic areas in the city center of Ankara, Turkey. All children were aged between 4 and 6 years. The research methodology comprised a questionnaire to gather demographic information about the children, the use of musical instruments and a set of cards containing pictures of musical instruments. When the children were asked the question, ‘What is music’, they answered mainly by saying, ‘playing a musical instrument’. Many of the children were able to identify musical instruments correctly when shown pictures of them.
... SIECUS (Sex u-ality Information and Education Council of the United States)'a göre cinse... more ... SIECUS (Sex u-ality Information and Education Council of the United States)'a göre cinsel eğitim, bilgilendir-me, tutum geliştirme, inançlar, değerler, ilişkiler vemahremiyet konularını ele alan ve yaşam bo-yu süren bir süreçtir. ...
Araştırmada Cinsel Eğitime Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği (CETÖ)’nin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Denemeli... more Araştırmada Cinsel Eğitime Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği (CETÖ)’nin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Denemelik formu ve Ebeveynler İçin Cinsel İletişim Ölçeği 199 kişiye uygulanmış, elde edilen veriler kullanılarak Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) yapılmıştır. Nihai form 39 maddedir ve dört faktörlüdür. Elde edilen veriler üzerinde Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) uygulanmış ve uyum iyiliği indislerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle yapının doğrulandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Nihai form Toplumsal Cinsiyet Algısı Ölçeği ile birlikte üçüncü bir grupta (N=200) tekrar denenerek elde edilen veriler üzerinde DFA yapılarak sonuçlar kontrol edilmiştir. Ölçeğin, cinsel eğitime yönelik tutumları belirlemede geçerli sonuçlar üretebildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca ebeveynlerin cinsiyetlerinin cinsel eğitime yönelik tutumlarında anlamlı bir farka yol açmadığı ancak öğrenim düzeylerinin cinsel eğitime yönelik tutumlarında yükseköğretim mezunlarının lehine anlamlı bir farka yol açtığı belirlenmiştir. Ebeveynleri...
In the current century the power of the media, in other words the power of tools of public commun... more In the current century the power of the media, in other words the power of tools of public communication, cannot be denied. It can be stated that the most powerful 'of these tools is television. Television can be said to enter the lives of children and young people at very early stages. Additionally, it has been observed that news on television, soap opera, childrens' programs, advertisements, video clips, and talk shows may contain messages related to sex. That is why it has been thought that television has an impact on sexual development and education and a number of studies have been done to research its effects. In these studies some researchers have been defending the positive effects of television on sexual development while others have been defending the negative effects. Yet, in either case television is accepted to be effective on children's acquisition of sexual roles. It should not be ignored that owners of televisions, administrators, and directors of general...
This stLdy explored the development of rhythm among eight kindergarten children with profound hea... more This stLdy explored the development of rhythm among eight kindergarten children with profound hearing loss in Ankara, Turkey. Musical instruments were used whose frequency ranges matched those th .. children were capable of hearing. After a pretest, students spent 5 half-days per week in training over the course of 2 months. Training included breathing activities, sound distinction exercises, and training in such rhythm skills as the ability to beat the rhythm of a given unseen sound or musical passage and the ability to beat a rhythm by imitating a visible model. Students in an integrated group program were involved in rhythmic activities alongside hearing children, such as dancing and singing. Post-test results indicate significant improvements in students' performance on a variety of rhythm tasks, with imitation of visible models being evidently easier. Student results are analyzed by specific rhythm beaten. (Contains 11 references.) (PB)
The aim of this study was to determine the problem behaviors of children aged 6-18, who have been... more The aim of this study was to determine the problem behaviors of children aged 6-18, who have been moved from institutions to their biological families with the financial aid. The data were collected from caregivers, teachers and youth informants and compared of the same-aged children grown up by their families with the financial aid not being under protection and those who were grown up in institutional care. The sample of this study consisted of 37 children who were under protection and sent back to their families, 81 children who stayed with their families and 65 children who were grown up in institutional care. The total number of children was 183. Family Report Form, CBCL/6-18, TRF/6-18 and YSR/11-18 were used for data collection. The children who have been moved from institutions to their biological families had higher problem behaviors than the children who stayed with their families and those who grew up in institutional care (P<0.05).
Oz Cinselligin tarihi, insanligin tarihi ile beraber baslamaktadir. Cinselligin tarihinin bu kada... more Oz Cinselligin tarihi, insanligin tarihi ile beraber baslamaktadir. Cinselligin tarihinin bu kadar eski olmasina ragmen, cinsel egitimin 20. yuzyilda onem kazanmaya baslamasi sasirticidir. Ulkemizde ise cinsellikle ilgili konular hâlâ kacinilan, konusulmamasi tercih edilen konulardir. Dolayisiyla ulke bazinda bir cinsel egitim politikasindan da soz edilememektedir. Oysa cinsel egitimin bireysel ve toplumsal pek cok yarari oldugu ve ozellikle ulkemizde cinsel egitime siddetli bir gereksinim duyuldugu da unutulmamalidir. Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nin okul oncesi ve ilkogretim programlari incelendiginde, "cinsel egitim" kavraminin programlar icinde hak ettigi yeri bulamadigi gorulmektedir. Bu nedenle oncelikle ulkemiz cocuklari icin bir "cinsel egitim" tanimi yapilmali ve bundan sonra da cinsel egitim hedefleri belirlenmelidir. Cinsel egitimin; vucut kisimlarinin adlari, fonksiyonlari, korunmasi ve ureme bilgilerinin cok otesinde oldugu bilinci artik yayilmalidir. ...
This study aimed to determine the mathematical reasoning skills of children in the area of Measur... more This study aimed to determine the mathematical reasoning skills of children in the area of Measurement and Data Analysis-Probability. First, Evaluation Instrument for the Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills is developed, its validity and reliability is performed. Furthermore, variables such as the effect of child gender, age, institution attended and part/full time attendance to the institution, total duration of preschool attendance as well as educational background of their parents were analyzed. The study group is composed of randomly selected 204 children of typical development in x at the age of 60-74 months attending dependent and independent kindergarten, private preschools, daycare centers and kindergartens of Ministry of National Education. Data were collected using Evaluation Instrument for the Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills that is type of holistic rubric and Child Information Form that was developed by the researcher. The instrument developed was found to be reliable and valid. No significant difference was found between the scores of reasoning areas and types of boys and girls.
Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an ... more Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an important role in supporting skill development in children. In addition, with instruments children can create and explore their own music, rather than participate with and react to others. In this school-based research study 147 children were chosen randomly from among those who attended private kindergartens in high socio-economic areas in the city center of Ankara, Turkey. All children were aged between 4 and 6 years. The research methodology comprised a questionnaire to gather demographic information about the children, the use of musical instruments and a set of cards containing pictures of musical instruments. When the children were asked the question, ‘What is music’, they answered mainly by saying, ‘playing a musical instrument’. Many of the children were able to identify musical instruments correctly when shown pictures of them.
Human being which detects sound even as a fetus in the womb, are known to react to music followin... more Human being which detects sound even as a fetus in the womb, are known to react to music following the few days after birth. The fact that music being a very useful tool in education apart from being an artform, necessiates it to be included in programs for educating the disabled children, as well as the normally developing ones. While placing musical activities in special programs, situations where problems may arise with those special children should be taken into account. The aims and purposes must be determined by considering all developmental areas of disabled children. The educator should be well familiar with the specific group and should carefully judge their developmental levels and readiness. The purposes determined by considering all the factors mentioned above should proceed from easy to difficult and arrayed in steps into the program. Educators, materials and environment ar Tam Metin
Bu arastirma; anaokuluna devam eden 5-7 yas grubundaki ileri derecede isitme ozurlu cocuklarin is... more Bu arastirma; anaokuluna devam eden 5-7 yas grubundaki ileri derecede isitme ozurlu cocuklarin isitsel algi gelisimlerini incelemek amaci ile planlanmis deneysel bir calismadir. Calismada, isitme ozurlu cocuklarin; 1. Ses ile kaynagim eslestirebilme, 2. Ses kaynagim isimlendirebilme, 3. Ses kaynagimn isimini modeli taklit ederek tekrarlayabilme, 4. is ittik le ri sese ait sozel ifade kullanabilme, 5. Isittikleri sese ait sozel ifadeyi, modeli taklit ederek tekrarlayabilme becerileri ’ incelenmistir.
Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common ... more Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common forms of emotion. Intelligence is also suggested to be among the major factors that affect fear. This study was designed and conducted to examine the fears of trainable mentally retarded children and those without mental retardation. Eighty-eight trainable mentally retarded childern aged 1015 years and 122 children without mental retardation aged between 7-15 years were included in the study. The "Fear Survey for Children with and without Mental Retardation" developed by Ramirez and Kratochwill was used as the data collection tool. After statistical analysis, a significant relationship was found between mental retardation and the healthy states in terms of both the number of fear episodes and in its severity. About a century ago in 1897, Stanley Hall made the following remarks about fear: "There is no one who is not afraid. All humans fear, and indeed must fear. The proble...
Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common ... more Fear, which is present right from the very early periods of human life is one of the most common forms of emotion. Intelligence is also suggested to be among the major factors that affect fear. This study was designed and conducted to examine the fears of trainable mentally retarded children and those without mental retardation. Eighty-eight trainable mentally retarded childern aged 10-15 years and 122 children without mental retardation aged between 7-15 years were included in the study. The "Fear Survey for Children with and without Mental Retardation" developed by Ramirez and Kratochwill was used as the data collection tool. After statistical analysis, a significant relationship was found between mental retardation and the healthy states in terms of both the number of fear episodes and in its severity.
This study, conducted in Ankara, Turkey, compared itk.tor development in 48 normal children (ages... more This study, conducted in Ankara, Turkey, compared itk.tor development in 48 normal children (ages 3 to 6), 12 children (ages 5 to 7) with Down syndrome, and 33 children (ages 3 to 7) with hea-ing impairments. The Motor Development Section of the Portage Early Childhood Educational Program checklist was administered to all the children. Results revealed that motor skills developed more slowly in the hearing impaired children and the Down syndrome children than in the normal children. In comparison with the normal children, the hearing impaired children seemed to perform more poorly in skills associated with balance and general coordination than in other skills. The Down syndrome children demonstrated poorer performance than the normal children in all motor skills. This was attributed to the hypotonic muscles typical of children with Down syndrome. Results support the systematic inclusion of physical education activities in programs for children with disabilities. (DB) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document.
Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an ... more Musical instruments help children to gain a lot of experience related to sounds and they play an important role in supporting skill development in children. In addition, with instruments children can create and explore their own music, rather than participate with and react to others. In this school-based research study 147 children were chosen randomly from among those who attended private kindergartens in high socio-economic areas in the city center of Ankara, Turkey. All children were aged between 4 and 6 years. The research methodology comprised a questionnaire to gather demographic information about the children, the use of musical instruments and a set of cards containing pictures of musical instruments. When the children were asked the question, ‘What is music’, they answered mainly by saying, ‘playing a musical instrument’. Many of the children were able to identify musical instruments correctly when shown pictures of them.
... SIECUS (Sex u-ality Information and Education Council of the United States)'a göre cinse... more ... SIECUS (Sex u-ality Information and Education Council of the United States)'a göre cinsel eğitim, bilgilendir-me, tutum geliştirme, inançlar, değerler, ilişkiler vemahremiyet konularını ele alan ve yaşam bo-yu süren bir süreçtir. ...
Araştırmada Cinsel Eğitime Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği (CETÖ)’nin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Denemeli... more Araştırmada Cinsel Eğitime Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği (CETÖ)’nin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Denemelik formu ve Ebeveynler İçin Cinsel İletişim Ölçeği 199 kişiye uygulanmış, elde edilen veriler kullanılarak Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) yapılmıştır. Nihai form 39 maddedir ve dört faktörlüdür. Elde edilen veriler üzerinde Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) uygulanmış ve uyum iyiliği indislerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle yapının doğrulandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Nihai form Toplumsal Cinsiyet Algısı Ölçeği ile birlikte üçüncü bir grupta (N=200) tekrar denenerek elde edilen veriler üzerinde DFA yapılarak sonuçlar kontrol edilmiştir. Ölçeğin, cinsel eğitime yönelik tutumları belirlemede geçerli sonuçlar üretebildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca ebeveynlerin cinsiyetlerinin cinsel eğitime yönelik tutumlarında anlamlı bir farka yol açmadığı ancak öğrenim düzeylerinin cinsel eğitime yönelik tutumlarında yükseköğretim mezunlarının lehine anlamlı bir farka yol açtığı belirlenmiştir. Ebeveynleri...
In the current century the power of the media, in other words the power of tools of public commun... more In the current century the power of the media, in other words the power of tools of public communication, cannot be denied. It can be stated that the most powerful 'of these tools is television. Television can be said to enter the lives of children and young people at very early stages. Additionally, it has been observed that news on television, soap opera, childrens' programs, advertisements, video clips, and talk shows may contain messages related to sex. That is why it has been thought that television has an impact on sexual development and education and a number of studies have been done to research its effects. In these studies some researchers have been defending the positive effects of television on sexual development while others have been defending the negative effects. Yet, in either case television is accepted to be effective on children's acquisition of sexual roles. It should not be ignored that owners of televisions, administrators, and directors of general...
This stLdy explored the development of rhythm among eight kindergarten children with profound hea... more This stLdy explored the development of rhythm among eight kindergarten children with profound hearing loss in Ankara, Turkey. Musical instruments were used whose frequency ranges matched those th .. children were capable of hearing. After a pretest, students spent 5 half-days per week in training over the course of 2 months. Training included breathing activities, sound distinction exercises, and training in such rhythm skills as the ability to beat the rhythm of a given unseen sound or musical passage and the ability to beat a rhythm by imitating a visible model. Students in an integrated group program were involved in rhythmic activities alongside hearing children, such as dancing and singing. Post-test results indicate significant improvements in students' performance on a variety of rhythm tasks, with imitation of visible models being evidently easier. Student results are analyzed by specific rhythm beaten. (Contains 11 references.) (PB)
The aim of this study was to determine the problem behaviors of children aged 6-18, who have been... more The aim of this study was to determine the problem behaviors of children aged 6-18, who have been moved from institutions to their biological families with the financial aid. The data were collected from caregivers, teachers and youth informants and compared of the same-aged children grown up by their families with the financial aid not being under protection and those who were grown up in institutional care. The sample of this study consisted of 37 children who were under protection and sent back to their families, 81 children who stayed with their families and 65 children who were grown up in institutional care. The total number of children was 183. Family Report Form, CBCL/6-18, TRF/6-18 and YSR/11-18 were used for data collection. The children who have been moved from institutions to their biological families had higher problem behaviors than the children who stayed with their families and those who grew up in institutional care (P<0.05).
Oz Cinselligin tarihi, insanligin tarihi ile beraber baslamaktadir. Cinselligin tarihinin bu kada... more Oz Cinselligin tarihi, insanligin tarihi ile beraber baslamaktadir. Cinselligin tarihinin bu kadar eski olmasina ragmen, cinsel egitimin 20. yuzyilda onem kazanmaya baslamasi sasirticidir. Ulkemizde ise cinsellikle ilgili konular hâlâ kacinilan, konusulmamasi tercih edilen konulardir. Dolayisiyla ulke bazinda bir cinsel egitim politikasindan da soz edilememektedir. Oysa cinsel egitimin bireysel ve toplumsal pek cok yarari oldugu ve ozellikle ulkemizde cinsel egitime siddetli bir gereksinim duyuldugu da unutulmamalidir. Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nin okul oncesi ve ilkogretim programlari incelendiginde, "cinsel egitim" kavraminin programlar icinde hak ettigi yeri bulamadigi gorulmektedir. Bu nedenle oncelikle ulkemiz cocuklari icin bir "cinsel egitim" tanimi yapilmali ve bundan sonra da cinsel egitim hedefleri belirlenmelidir. Cinsel egitimin; vucut kisimlarinin adlari, fonksiyonlari, korunmasi ve ureme bilgilerinin cok otesinde oldugu bilinci artik yayilmalidir. ...
Papers by Ismihan Artan