Conference Presentations by Arquitectonics Network

The text of this call for papers considers the new environmental situation of the world by taking... more The text of this call for papers considers the new environmental situation of the world by taking care of the dialogue between the artificial intelligence and the real social, real cultural experiences of the spaces produced after the COVID pandemic. As Professor Rainer E. Zimmermann insisted upon in his key speaker lecture in Barcelona in ARQUITECTONICS 2017 (1), the virtual world and the virtual users of this world have different abilities than the subjects with presential social interaction behaviors, and because of that, the dialogue between both dimensions of the human life is essential today. Also, for this same reason, Professor Josep Muntañola has accepted to participate in the coordination of the new master course in the UPC about THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ARCHITECTS & DESIGNERS. So, a New Sense of Place (2) is developing towards the liberation of the Heidegger obsession by architects in the last century, as Richard Sennet has very brilliantly analyzed in his last book (3), and this is analyzed in the volumes 32 and 33 of the ARQUITECTONICS SERIES (2) and (4). But this new place has not yet to be built, and we are inside an uneasy "INTERREGNE" between nature and culture subjected to ignored constraints. Looking for answers in front of this coming situation, 75 years ago, in 1948, the MOMA Museum of New York held, with the coordination of Lewis Mumford, a singular Symposium with the title WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MODERN ARCHITECTURE? that has been analyzed in recent conferences in our network, and it will be one of the topics of this 21st conference in June 2023 (5).

Research in design is growing very fast thanks to the new tools used by
architects, planners and professionals involved in building social life. In
education, architectural and urban design, as well as in social planning
participation, PHD dissertations and research projects are day by day more
In the Venice Biennale 2016 two architects from the research grup GIRAS were elected to represent Catalonia and Chile. This year Biennale was dedicated to the social meaning of architecture and planning. We are proud of Jelena Prokopljevic from Barcelona and Jose Luis Uribe from Chile, for this important nomination and we support their work.
1. What are the best theories and practices on university architectural education for architects and for all professions involved? Case Studies with a clear analysis of purposes and outputs are needed.
2. We welcome Studies using urban quality indicators for planning places for children and also architectural children education studies.
3. Proposals about new models for learning throughout human interaction are welcomed. Not only related to architectural and urban design, but also about all kind of scientific artistic or political learning, such as music, dancing, etc. always related to space and time concepts as the chronotropes by M. Bakhtin.
4. The production of Knowledge on professional design studies is the key topic here. How to analyze the social interdisciplinary and cognitive origin of research by design?
5. From design to construction the path is long and often knowledge changes or disappears. The role of technologies is key at this point, since they can transform the aesthetics and the functionality of buildings.
6. Computer Design is a challenge for doing innovative research framed by new design theories and practices. However the interaction between brains and machine cannot be fully described without ignoring either one or the other. The dialogical feed‐back generated by research can then be made explicit.
7. We welcome Social participation and simulation of research on planning, where knowledge is produced inductively without a priori rules. Special emphasis should be made on the different actors of the planning process, with their ideals, expertise and responsibilities.
8. There are a lot of studios upon environmental impact theories and practices (Post‐occupancy). The analysis on the environmental impact on health and behavior of users is very important.
9. Architectural and Urban Heritage is no longer a secondary field for research. The best architectural and urban designs are now growing in consolidated historical settings, where ideas are converted in objects. Consider the works by P. Zumthor, R. Piano or Wang Shu. We
welcome research about Historical Urban Forms transformations.
Papers by Arquitectonics Network
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Environmental Design Research, 2018
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provided by UPCommons. Portal del coneixement tive impact on psychological perception of aestheti... more provided by UPCommons. Portal del coneixement tive impact on psychological perception of aesthetics. That is why famous artists like Salvadore Dali, Pablo Picasso and others have used fractal mathematics in their artworks. Today, contemporary artists created «fractal Art» which is the future way to express paintings (through algorithms!). Since architects and builders stopped taking nature as a timeless model for designing all scales architecture, things started getting worse. We lost language of complexity, using simplified patterns and rules. Prescriptive codes took the place of predictive and «postdictive» codes. Ruling systems have to be modified. We can notice that connection between fields is now necessary in order to make modern science emerge. (Mathematics, physics, biology, sociology, philosophy, politics, economy…) COMMUNICATIVE SYNTAX (AN EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF THE URBAN PROTO PHENOMENON ARANEDA GUTIERREZ, C., Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile Architectonic size (proportions) has remained a fundamental-if nowadays optional-architectural concern throughout the whole course of modern architectural history. However, the same could not be said about 'urban size', i.e. the size of urban space, understood as that brought into existence by means of 'urban walls', i.e. blocks. Indeed, urban size has become a kind of urban intangible. The aim of this paper is precisely to help to revert this omission by drawing a distinction that has so far been overlooked, namely, that size has not one but a twofold implication upon our overall experience of man-made space: it not only affects our perception of a building (proportions) but also, at the same time, it affects our perception of other people in a building. Guided by a phenomenological approach of Goethean lineage, it is argued that whereas architectural knowledge is to be derived from a study of the architectural proto-phenomenon, i.e. of the 'archetypal client,' urban knowledge is to be derived from a study of the urban proto phenomenon, i.e. of the 'archetypal citizen,' a byword for face-to-face communication. Applied to a representative case (Concepcion de Chile), a 'Communicative Syntax' analysisas an alternative to Hillier's largely uncontested analytical tool Space Syntax-makes plain that the size of the American block far surpasses the maximum distance for face-to-face communication potential to remain active, thus revealing a communicative discontinuity or wastage. The corollary follows that, in the light of the Information Age, the size of the American Block is an urban anachronism that must be overcome. The results of the empir
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Djerbi, A. Ecole National d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme. Tunisia/Tunesia Sites of memory-trauma, ... more Djerbi, A. Ecole National d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme. Tunisia/Tunesia Sites of memory-trauma, deixis and the limits of historical (and architectural) discourse Dziuban, Z. Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan. Polonia/Poland Diseño en estructuras urbanas informales Fernandez, M. ETSAB, UPC. España/Spain La dialogía en la arquitectura de los museos brasileños después del movimiento moderno Krahe, R. ETSAB, UPC. España/Spain Nuevos entornos de formación en arquitectura Lagos, R.; García, R. Universidad del Bío-Bío. Chile Aspects of wayfinding and spatial behavior in different types of physical environment on an example of visually impaired (blind) people Maslov, K. Tallin University. Estonia Arquitectónica y arquitectura responsable en los concursos del estado de chile. El caso de la escuela de derecho de la universidad de Chile (1938) Morales, J. Universidad Finis Terrae. Chile Robust programs in the state of exception Møystad, O. Institut for byggekunst, projektering og forvaltning. Noruega/Norway Morfogénesis y evolución de las ciudades-red: la representación de la forma urbana y sus procesos en los imaginarios de sus habitantes Narváez, A.

El objetivo de la tesis es mostrar una actitud frente al proyecto arquitectónico que haga posible... more El objetivo de la tesis es mostrar una actitud frente al proyecto arquitectónico que haga posible que la obra de arquitectura establezca una relación dialógica en su interpretación del entorno natural, social y cultural; que esté dotada de contenido poético y, además, que sea capaz de asimilar y transmitir la cultura de las distintas comunidades, anteponiendo siempre, en la obra final, los valores del ser humano a cualesquiera otros como condición intrínseca e indisociable de la propia finalidad o razón de ser de la obra arquitectónica. Aalto evidencia con su trabajo, el abandono de los estilos y las servitudes dogmáticas (presentes en cualquier época) y, por el contrario, nos descubre el encuentro de una rica interacción específica (dialógica) entre proyecto y contexto, y así logra crear obras de altísima categoría poética, capaces de contener múltiples registros culturales y valores específicos de la relación hombre-arquitectura, que servirán como paradigma imprescindible en la educación y el aprendizaje de la arquitectura actual
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El arquitecto ante el desarrollo espectacular de las ciencias, las artes y las políticas: El sueñ... more El arquitecto ante el desarrollo espectacular de las ciencias, las artes y las políticas: El sueño de Aristóteles. The architect confronted with the fast development of sciences, arts and politics:The Aristotle's Dream. 2-La arquitectura entre la naturaleza y la cultura social:Los sueños de Jean Piaget, Lewis Mumford y muchos otros. The architecture between nature and culture.The dreams by Jean Piaget and Lewis Mumford. 3-La arquitectura y el urbanismo confi gurados:El sueño de Bill Hillier. The confi gurative structures of architecture and planning: The Bill Hillier's dream. 4-El proyecto como generador de conocimiento:El sueño de Jonas Langer. Design as a creative chronotope :The Jonas Langer´s Dream. 5-El suicidio del arquitecto ante la modernidad :En honor a Walter Benjamin. The suicide of architects in front modernity:In hommage of Walter Benjamín. 6-La transparencia histórica e intergeneracional de la arquitectura:El sueño de Goethe. The historic and intergeneracional transparency of architecture:The Goethe´s dream. 7-La architectura y el urbanismo como proceso dialógico:El sueño de Mijail Bajtin. The dialogical dimensions of architecture and planning:The Mikhail Bakhtin Dream. 8-El proyecto como historia y la historia como proyecto:El sueño de Paul Ricoeur. Design as history and history as design:The dream by Paul Ricoeur.
Conference Presentations by Arquitectonics Network
Research in design is growing very fast thanks to the new tools used by
architects, planners and professionals involved in building social life. In
education, architectural and urban design, as well as in social planning
participation, PHD dissertations and research projects are day by day more
In the Venice Biennale 2016 two architects from the research grup GIRAS were elected to represent Catalonia and Chile. This year Biennale was dedicated to the social meaning of architecture and planning. We are proud of Jelena Prokopljevic from Barcelona and Jose Luis Uribe from Chile, for this important nomination and we support their work.
1. What are the best theories and practices on university architectural education for architects and for all professions involved? Case Studies with a clear analysis of purposes and outputs are needed.
2. We welcome Studies using urban quality indicators for planning places for children and also architectural children education studies.
3. Proposals about new models for learning throughout human interaction are welcomed. Not only related to architectural and urban design, but also about all kind of scientific artistic or political learning, such as music, dancing, etc. always related to space and time concepts as the chronotropes by M. Bakhtin.
4. The production of Knowledge on professional design studies is the key topic here. How to analyze the social interdisciplinary and cognitive origin of research by design?
5. From design to construction the path is long and often knowledge changes or disappears. The role of technologies is key at this point, since they can transform the aesthetics and the functionality of buildings.
6. Computer Design is a challenge for doing innovative research framed by new design theories and practices. However the interaction between brains and machine cannot be fully described without ignoring either one or the other. The dialogical feed‐back generated by research can then be made explicit.
7. We welcome Social participation and simulation of research on planning, where knowledge is produced inductively without a priori rules. Special emphasis should be made on the different actors of the planning process, with their ideals, expertise and responsibilities.
8. There are a lot of studios upon environmental impact theories and practices (Post‐occupancy). The analysis on the environmental impact on health and behavior of users is very important.
9. Architectural and Urban Heritage is no longer a secondary field for research. The best architectural and urban designs are now growing in consolidated historical settings, where ideas are converted in objects. Consider the works by P. Zumthor, R. Piano or Wang Shu. We
welcome research about Historical Urban Forms transformations.
Papers by Arquitectonics Network
Research in design is growing very fast thanks to the new tools used by
architects, planners and professionals involved in building social life. In
education, architectural and urban design, as well as in social planning
participation, PHD dissertations and research projects are day by day more
In the Venice Biennale 2016 two architects from the research grup GIRAS were elected to represent Catalonia and Chile. This year Biennale was dedicated to the social meaning of architecture and planning. We are proud of Jelena Prokopljevic from Barcelona and Jose Luis Uribe from Chile, for this important nomination and we support their work.
1. What are the best theories and practices on university architectural education for architects and for all professions involved? Case Studies with a clear analysis of purposes and outputs are needed.
2. We welcome Studies using urban quality indicators for planning places for children and also architectural children education studies.
3. Proposals about new models for learning throughout human interaction are welcomed. Not only related to architectural and urban design, but also about all kind of scientific artistic or political learning, such as music, dancing, etc. always related to space and time concepts as the chronotropes by M. Bakhtin.
4. The production of Knowledge on professional design studies is the key topic here. How to analyze the social interdisciplinary and cognitive origin of research by design?
5. From design to construction the path is long and often knowledge changes or disappears. The role of technologies is key at this point, since they can transform the aesthetics and the functionality of buildings.
6. Computer Design is a challenge for doing innovative research framed by new design theories and practices. However the interaction between brains and machine cannot be fully described without ignoring either one or the other. The dialogical feed‐back generated by research can then be made explicit.
7. We welcome Social participation and simulation of research on planning, where knowledge is produced inductively without a priori rules. Special emphasis should be made on the different actors of the planning process, with their ideals, expertise and responsibilities.
8. There are a lot of studios upon environmental impact theories and practices (Post‐occupancy). The analysis on the environmental impact on health and behavior of users is very important.
9. Architectural and Urban Heritage is no longer a secondary field for research. The best architectural and urban designs are now growing in consolidated historical settings, where ideas are converted in objects. Consider the works by P. Zumthor, R. Piano or Wang Shu. We
welcome research about Historical Urban Forms transformations.