Papers by Arnoldo de Hoyos

RISUS - Revista de Inovação e Sustentabilidade, Apr 29, 2024
Studies report that 85% of the Brazilian population lives in large urban centers, so cities must ... more Studies report that 85% of the Brazilian population lives in large urban centers, so cities must prepare to deal with this reality and possible adversities. This article describes the experience of the Municipality of Veranópolis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the Project "Garbage is your responsibility", foreseen in the Veranópolis Resilient City Program. The research method is applied in nature, with a descriptive objective and a qualitative approach. The technical procedure used was field study. The Project aimed to improve knowledge about the separation and correct disposal of solid waste and promote a culture of environmental preservation. To this end, we invited six Municipal Schools and two Private Schools, professionals from the public and private sectors and non-governmental organization, totaling more than 3,000 participants, for a period of five months. The results show that the implementation of the Project achieved the participation and collaboration of all those involved. In addition to the engagement of students, teachers, families and the community in the delivery and receipt of teaching materials and the correct disposal of waste.
Interdisciplinaridade Revista Do Grupo De Estudos E Pesquisa Em Interdisciplinaridade Issn 2179 0094, 2013

Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS
No doubt our civilization is living now at critical times and this is something that remind us of... more No doubt our civilization is living now at critical times and this is something that remind us of the John F. Keenedy historical campain speeches in the earliest 60s when very opptimistically he used to say that In the Chinese language, the word "crisis" (weiji) is composed of two characters, one representing danger (wei) and the other, opportunit y(ji), although actually the second part (ji) means more something that we are calling now Tipping Point. As we could follow on the daily news today we are now going through a Cathastrofic Convergence of heavy impacts processes related to delicate sanitary, climate and geopolitical risks. All these representing heavy challlenges, at local and global levels, for which we are not well prepared, and may take great efforts to somehow jointly learn to overcome, particularly at these deglobalization times, and where we observe an increasing concentration of wealth and well-being and particularly a lack of care concerning socia...
Revista de Administração, 2015
Os fundos setoriais e a redefiniçao do modelo de promoção de ciência, tecnologia e inovação no Br... more Os fundos setoriais e a redefiniçao do modelo de promoção de ciência, tecnologia e inovação no Brasil: uma análise à luz do CT-Agro

Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565, 2017
Forecasts for the next four decades are warning about shortage of water and food, particularly in... more Forecasts for the next four decades are warning about shortage of water and food, particularly in developing economies. The demand for food will increase because of population growth, especially in developing economies. The problem is reinforced by the lack of water and reduction in food production. Today the consumption of water for food production is high because people do not realize that this is a scarce resource and that can definitely missing. We must create a policy for the management of water and that people are informed that it is not possible to use the feature without any control. The governance of water is important to establish ways and use control mechanisms and implementation of the resource in the various production processes. The waste during the manufacturing process is very high because: a) there is no control on the amount that should be applied to each type of agricultural product; b) the irrigation process is still done by equipment spraying water in large quan...

Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS
Given the still current scenario of disparity of opportunities regarding groups considered as min... more Given the still current scenario of disparity of opportunities regarding groups considered as minorities in several areas, such as education, income and work, cultural diversity in organizations remains relevant and fundamental in order to contribute to improve social conditions. To clarify the theoretical bias and encourage approaches on the topic, that is slowly gaining space, the basic concepts are first considered before going into the central focus of this work regarding potential organizational trends in the management of cultural diversity in Brazil and linked mainly to the processes of attraction and selection of talents. For this purpose, data from a recent survey of 109 Organizations in Brazil, allows to see how the concept management applied in an integral and uniform way in the organizational culture - and permeating all its processes – reflexes positively into business performance in addition to representing the practice of a social responsibility activity that is inher...

Statistical Models For Quality Criteria Of Image Compression Algorithms
The main purpose of this work was to develop statistical models that would allow us to define eff... more The main purpose of this work was to develop statistical models that would allow us to define efficient quality criteria for image compression algorithms. The statistical models were developed using several Multivariate Analysis techniques as well as some ideas that come from Information Theory. For testing the image quality models, four different and very popular image compression algorithms were used. Moreover, for efficiency comparison purposes, a poll was used to obtain a subjective measure of image quality. As a result of this work two new statistical image quality criteria were developed that in general behave better than the classical ones based on a global measure of the Mean Quadratic Error. © 2000 VSP.83225244Baran, N., Fractal compression goes on-line (1993) Byte, 18 (10), p. 40. , SeptemberBarnsley, A.D., Sloan, M.E., A better way to compress images (1988) Byte, 13 (1), pp. 215-223. , JanuaryBarnsley, M., (1988) Fractals Everywere, , Academic Press, Inc. BostonDaubechies...

Creating Shared Value through Strategic CSR Literature review about corpora... more Literature review about corporate social responsibility (CSR) suggests that there are organizational benefits to be gained from unintentional discretionary expenditure in laudable behavior. With this in mind, the methodology integrates insights from the stakeholder’s theory and the resource-based views to sharpen the strategic base for CSR investment. Quantitative research techniques have been used to discover how the hospitality business organizations are creating shared value for themselves and for society. Correlation and Regression analysis tested the relationship between Strategic CSR (in terms of the organizational benefits) against the firms’ commitment, behavior and resources devoted to CSR. From the findings a research a model is derived to determine the synergistic value creation for businesses and society.peer-reviewe
This conceptual theoretical article aims to present a framework to analyze aspects related to the... more This conceptual theoretical article aims to present a framework to analyze aspects related to the change of organizational routines from the perspective of evolutionary theory. Evolutionary Theory was chosen because it presented an alternative to Contingency Theory and Ecology of Organizational Populations because their assumptions do not defend the contingent determinism, or the inertia of the population respectively. As a result, we assume that the routines in the Evolutionary Theory of organizations can be classified into: isomorphic, or emerging. Furthermore, We advocate organizations as living beings try to move away from the initial forms seeking greater ability to survive.

Sustainability, 2020
Economic and environmental interventions in the Anthropocene have created disruptions that are th... more Economic and environmental interventions in the Anthropocene have created disruptions that are threatening the capacity of socio-ecological systems to recover from adversities and to be able to maintain key functions for preserving resilience. The authors of this paper underscore the benefits of a workshop-based methodology for developing a vision and an approach to the inner processes of creation that can be used to increase resilience, to cope with societal vulnerabilities and to develop the tools for future planning at local, regional and global scales. Diverse areas of discourse ranging from climate science and sustainability, to psychoanalysis, linguistics and eco-philosophy, contributed meaningfully to the transdisciplinary approach for enhancing resilience. A framework is proposed that can be used throughout society, that integrates the importance of human subjectivity and the variability of human contexts, especially gender, in shaping human experiences and responses to clim...

Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565, 2013
In this study, emphasis will be given to the challenge of the organizational management process w... more In this study, emphasis will be given to the challenge of the organizational management process within a development model that considers the territorial possibilities and necessities as a basis for the process of sustainable, endogenous development. The territorial unit considered in the study is the municipality, highlighting the existing possibility in Brazil of implanting a model of participatory management on taking into account the large number of small municipalities existing in the Country. The problematic of large cities is also analyzed, recognizing, however, the greater difficulty of articulation among the representative players of society, based on the exogenous forces engaging within these regions. In order to study the management process, the contexts that support the concept of sustainable development and the form of organizing the economic activities will be defined. In the discussion of management properly stated, emphasis will be given to administrative decentraliz...
Revista de Administração, 2015
En este estudio se analiza la existencia de rendimientos anormales y el volumen de operaciones pa... more En este estudio se analiza la existencia de rendimientos anormales y el volumen de operaciones para las acciones incluidas en el Ibovespa entre 2004 y 2013, en el contexto del efecto indice, una de las anomalias de mercado mas antiguas que se observan en finanzas, por medio de la metodologia de estudio de eventos. A diferencia de otros estudios, se encuentran aqui rendimientos anormales positivos proximos a los dias que preceden a la fecha de vigencia de la nueva cartera del indice. Los resultados se invierten para periodos mayores que el periodo de calculo del indice. Los volumenes son anormalmente altos. Los rendimientos anormales no persisten a lo largo de la ventana de entrada, lo que es consistente con la hipotesis de presion de precios y puede considerarse compatible con la forma de eficiencia semifuerte del mercado.

Strategic Groups within the BRIC’s Oil & Gas Industry: A Cluster Analyses Approach
ABSTRACT This paper deals with a study of similarities regarding firm strategy, management style,... more ABSTRACT This paper deals with a study of similarities regarding firm strategy, management style, organizational structure and performance within the BRICs Oil & Gas industries, from the point of view of strategic group analysis. Groups formed considered key dimensions reflecting firms' strategic orientations. In general the recent literature analysis BRICs multinationals like a group of companies with the same strategies and that they are under the same competitive conditions. Here we contest this fact and we try to show through the concept of strategic groups and regional multinational that the common analysis of BRIC companies could be wrong. We use data from 34 oil and gas companies listed in Fortune 500 to make clusters analysis from revenues, profit, employee number and stockholder equity; also we use cases analyses of nine BRICs companies in this group to understand the strategic behavior. The results show that 1) BRIC companies do not belong to a unique strategic group although they have very similar performance; 2) BRIC oil and gas companies are not global multinational but they are more like regional companies according Rugmans theory. Key-words: strategic group; regional strategies; BRICs Oil & Gas industries
Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS
This paper aims to show that smart cities are an alternative for the process of sustainable polit... more This paper aims to show that smart cities are an alternative for the process of sustainable political, economic, social and environmental transformation. Surveys of smart city rankings and indexes were carried out to verify which cities are standing out in certain dimensions. It was found that blockchain technology enables very good results in the articulation of the autopoietic, self-regulating and sustainable smart city. In collecting data on the degree of applicability of the blockchain, carried out with market experts in the use of this technology, it was identified that the application of the blockchain has greater emphasis on the brain and less emphasis on the Locomotor System of cities.
Revista Organizações em Contexto, 2005
Ao pensar sobre a crise de sentido e a fragmentação do conhecimento que caracterizaram o trabalho... more Ao pensar sobre a crise de sentido e a fragmentação do conhecimento que caracterizaram o trabalho no mundo contemporâneo, devemos nos perguntar: se trabalhamos para viver, ou vivemos para trabalhar, por isto está emergindo um novo tipo de consciência expandida (econômico social - ambiental - espiritual) capaz de repensar o complexo mundo atual por meio de novas lideranças transformadoras.
This paper looks forward to analyzing the society industrialization period, considering factors l... more This paper looks forward to analyzing the society industrialization period, considering factors like consumption, urbanization, social changes, global capitalism and the modern society. Starting from the Industrial Revolution, the author discuss ideas, events and the evolution of the Sustainable Development principles in particular concerning and social concerns as a way to deal with challenges regarding quality of life on today's megalopolis. For Governance purposes regarding Sustainability, it is suggested the creation of an international network forum with appropriate representatives from the triple bottom line of sustainable development.
Food safety incidents happened frequently in recent years, which not only affects people’s health... more Food safety incidents happened frequently in recent years, which not only affects people’s health and life, but also hinders the economy development and social stability. Problems of government supervision, ineffective law enforcement and so on also are some of the main causes of food safety concern. Using the method of empirical research, field visits, questionnaire investigation and literature research, this article researches the status of local government food safety risk monitoring in our country, points out the problems and deficiencies, and analyze the reasons of problems, in order to explore the reasonable and effective ways to solve the problem of food safety risk monitoring under the actual situation of the local government.

There has been a significant growth of interest in the field of corporate social responsibility a... more There has been a significant growth of interest in the field of corporate social responsibility and the debate is still hot. There are however very few studies done in the least developed countries on the subject matter.The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of CSR on Firm Financial Performance in the least developed countries, Tanzania being the country in question. The aim of this paper is to find out if there is a significant difference in financial performance of firms that engage in CSR relative to those that do not practice CSR. Independent sample t-test was used to test hypotheses. The data set included randomly selected 101 firms operating in Tanzania using accounting based measures of financial performance namely Return on Asset, Return on Equity.The findings presented revealed that there is a significance difference in financial performance favoring those firms that do Corporate Social Responsibility, implying that CSR has a positive influence on fir...
This article identifies organizational factors that influence the formation of strategically rele... more This article identifies organizational factors that influence the formation of strategically relevant subsidiaries. Strategic relevance is the expression use...
Como as relações de rede impactam o desempenho da inovação de startups de alta tecnologia: Evidên... more Como as relações de rede impactam o desempenho da inovação de startups de alta tecnologia: Evidências da China Central
Papers by Arnoldo de Hoyos