Lotte Arndt
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Papers by Lotte Arndt
Ce livre, qui trouve son origine dans une série de tables rondes qui se déroulèrent dans le cadre de la 8e Biennale de Berlin pour l’art contemporain en 2014, engage donc ces problématiques grâce à des contributions de chercheuses et chercheurs, d’artistes ainsi que de commissaires d’expositions internationaux.
Collecting objects was a frequent practice among European colonial states in their occupied territories. From the second half of the nineteenth century, colonial powers encouraged their citizens in the colonies to collect objects that would enrich the ethnographical collections of the mother country and document the material culture of societies that – under the influence of colonialization – were undergoing rapid change. The objects collected ended up in countless European museums or in the hands of private collectors. Their presence in these collections raises epistemological, museographical and ethical questions in urgent need of consideration.
This publication, the fruit of a series of round tables held in 2014 during the 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, raises these problematic issues with contributions from scholars, artists and international exhibition curators.
Avec les contributions de/ with contributions by :
Mathieu K. Abonnenc Lotte Arndt Julien Bondaz Candice Lin Françoise Vergès Sammy Baloji Phillip Van den Bossche Patricia Van Schuylenbergh Abraham Cruzvillegas Eduardo Abaroa Spyros Papapetros Catalina Lozano Hanne Loreck Pauline M’barek Ricardo Roque Pratchaya Phinthong Britta Lange
ISBN 9782917855683, 328 p. engl/français, carton, € 24 (2016).