Papers by Armando Alcantara
Revista Inter Ação
In this article we analyze whether graduate programs in Mexico have been developed in accordance ... more In this article we analyze whether graduate programs in Mexico have been developed in accordance with the objectives set in the national policy programs during the 2008-2018 period. Using the evaluative research method, we contrast some objectives of the national policy programs with the increase and distribution of graduate programs, enrollment and programs accredited for their quality, distinguishing public and private sectors. The results show that the objectives of the policies sought to solve: the lack of human resources for research, and the low numbers of quality graduate programs. However, statistical data analysis shows that these objectives had no effect on the development of new and better graduate programs, resulting in an accelerated increase of programs in the private sector without quality accreditation.
Se publicito el Decimo Curso de Educacion Superior en Mexico, dentro del cual se realizara una re... more Se publicito el Decimo Curso de Educacion Superior en Mexico, dentro del cual se realizara una reflexion del estado que guarda actualmente la Educacion Superior en Mexico, asi como de los planes de estudio que ofrece y el peso especifico que esto conlleva para el desarrollo economico nacional del pais. Entre otros temas se hablo de la capacidad de los jovenes egresados y la falta de oportunidades de empleo para dichos jovenes y su desarrollo.
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior, May 1, 2013
(unam). Temas de investigación: educación internacional y comparada; políticas de educación super... more (unam). Temas de investigación: educación internacional y comparada; políticas de educación superior; globalización y educación superior.
Perfiles Educativos, Jan 24, 2023

Revista de sociología de la educación, May 31, 2019
Los objetivos del trabajo consisten en analizar en dos países de mediano nivel de desarrollo, el ... more Los objetivos del trabajo consisten en analizar en dos países de mediano nivel de desarrollo, el avance que han tenido en términos de la cobertura y la distribución a nivel estatal de las oportunidades de acceso equitativo a la educación superior en el periodo 2000 y 2016. Los países seleccionados, México y Brasil, muestran importantes similitudes en algunas de sus características demográficas, socioeconómicas y educativas. Sin embargo, difieren de manera importante en las estrategias que han seguido en el desarrollo de sus respectivos sistemas de educación superior, en términos de la preponderancia de los sectores público y privado. El análisis se sustenta en pruebas de correlación lineal aplicado a diversos indicadores económicos, sociales y educativos para los años 2000 y 2016. Los resultados muestran que en el periodo considerado ambos países lograron avances en la cobertura, pero tendieron a mantener las inequidades y asimetrías entre las entidades federativas (estados) de ambos países, notándose este efecto en mayor medida en el caso brasileño. En perspectiva, se asume que los resultados del análisis no son concluyentes como para definir cuál de las estrategias seguidas por los países analizados resultan más efectivas para ampliar la cobertura de la educación superior con equidad, dado que en ambos las estrategias utilizadas han resultado ampliamente insuficientes para generar cambios relevantes en la distribución de las oportunidades de acceso a la educación superior a nivel estatal.
Universidades, Sep 8, 2020
Perfiles Educativos, 1999
Routledge eBooks, Nov 19, 2008
Morrow: One of our objectives today is to give a sense of the political culture of education in r... more Morrow: One of our objectives today is to give a sense of the political culture of education in relation to American society and particularly to contextualize that a bit for Canadian students for we have a somewhat different situation. I think the key thing to understand is that Michael Apple is one of the leading representatives of a new current in educational scholarship in the United States which goes under many different names: radical, critical, and so forth, but I think one of the key distinc tions is to see it in terms of its origins as a critique of American liberalism. So I think the first question I would like to address is the origins of your work in a critique of liberalism and the particular contradictions of American society in relation to edu cation.
Revista de la Educación Superior, Dec 1, 2009
Revista Española de Educación Comparada, Jun 1, 2017
Educación cívica y educación ciudadana en México: una perspectiva global y comparada Civic educat... more Educación cívica y educación ciudadana en México: una perspectiva global y comparada Civic education and citizenship education in Mexico: a global and comparative perspective
Revista de la Educación Superior, 2003

Em Aberto, Jun 6, 2023
Challenges and contentions in the Mexican higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic This stud... more Challenges and contentions in the Mexican higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic This study describes and analyzes the challenges and the contention that higher education currently faces in Mexico, due to changes made by the ongoing government, which seeks to have a more articulated education system in which the social function of institutions is renewed at the university level, paying more attention to the most disadvantaged regions and social groups in the country. The transformation of this educational level has taken place within the framework of the political program of the current government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which strives to make profound changes in various areas of the political, social, and economic structure of the Mexican nation. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of the population, as well as on the economy and the educational system, have made it difficult to carry out the changes announced since the beginning of the current government administration.
Revista de la Educación Superior, 2020

Educación e Inclusión: Aportes y perspectivas de la Educación Comparada para la Equidad, 2018
Para contar con docentes preparados para desarrollar escuelas inclusivas, los sistemas deben preo... more Para contar con docentes preparados para desarrollar escuelas inclusivas, los sistemas deben preocuparse de su formación. La cuestión de partida es averiguar cuál debe ser el perfil del docente inclusivo. Este perfil ha sido estudiado por la Agencia Europea para el desarrollo de la Educación de alumnado con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (2012), agrupando las competencias en cuatro valores: 1. Valorar la diversidad del alumnado (la diversidad es un recurso y un valor), 2. Apoyar a todo el alumnado (sacar lo mejor de cada uno), 3. Trabajar en equipo, 4. Desarrollo profesional permanente. Algunas de las competencias están relacionadas con: ser capaces de generar un aula democrática, solidaria y participativa, transmitir altas expectativas de progreso en los estudiantes, flexibilizar y adaptar el curriculum e innovar la enseñanza relacionándola con situaciones de la vida. En este trabajo de educación comparada nos planteamos averiguar cómo perciben los futuros docentes el nivel de inclusión que existe en las Escuelas donde realizan prácticas. Para ello se utiliza un cuestionario adaptado a partir del trabajo de Booth y Ainscow (2000). En la valoración que les pedimos se ponen en juego los conocimientos que obtienen en la formación inicial sobre inclusión educativa y su capacidad de comprensión del contexto escolar. La muestra está formada por estudiantes de Magisterio de México y de España. El contraste entre los resultados obtenidos de ambos países nos permitirá extraer conclusiones que orienten las medidas de mejora de la formación de docentes para colaborar con escenarios de justicia social a implementar en los programas de formación de docentes de México y de España. El enfoque correcto, siguiendo a Bolívar (2011) es el de encontrar conocimientos que hagan avanzar y hacer paulatinamente más justas las sociedades reales, en lugar de definir una justicia perfecta y establecer las condiciones que deben cumplir las instituciones.

RASE: Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación, 2017
Academic journals have been one of the most important vehicles in the dissemination of scientific... more Academic journals have been one of the most important vehicles in the dissemination of scientific, humanistic and artistic knowledge. Recently they have gained more prominence due to globalization and to the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). The 1960's was the beginning of the first quantitative work related to the numerical and statistical analysis of scientific journals, giving way to scientometry, infometrics and bibliometrics. These disciplines provided important insights on the measurable aspects of science. The available information began to be used to assess the production, performance and relevance of the countries' scientific policy. Indicators such as the total number of articles published, the number of citations of each article and the «impact index» of the journals, became important criteria for the quality of scientific work. These new elements transformed the social functions that initially covered the scientific journals (the rapid diffusion of scientific knowledge, protection of the researchers' authorship (copy rights) and the veracity of new discoveries), and became instruments for measuring the productivity of researchers, institutions and countries. This article presents the preliminary results of a project aimed at analyzing the effects of the new use of bibliometric information in the academic journals of Iberoamerica countries. These findings show that very few scientific journals in education published in Iberoamerica are included in the main international indexes.
Before the creation of doctoral programs, universities in Mexico had very few academic personnel ... more Before the creation of doctoral programs, universities in Mexico had very few academic personnel in the modern sense. Professors were mostly learned professionals who taught at the various professional schools on which the universities were organized. In addition to teaching, ...

This article presents the results of the research on the impact of international mobility among m... more This article presents the results of the research on the impact of international mobility among master’s degree students at Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico. The main objective is to analyze the academic, intercultural and institutional impact of the mobility in their education according to their social origin. In order to know this, interviews with students, academic and staff of the international mobility office were conducted. Due to the fact that there are few studies on the impact of the mobility in Mexico, a categorization for the analysis of information is proposed. In general, the obtained results were positive, in the sense that they show an increase in both their cultural and social capital. What was observed then was that the social origin was not determinant on the degree of advantage of the experience students took. This research is part of the doctoral dissertation of the first author.
Papers by Armando Alcantara