Papers by Arindam Mallick

arXiv (Cornell University), 2024
Quantum simulators of lattice gauge theories involve dynamics of typically short-ranged interacti... more Quantum simulators of lattice gauge theories involve dynamics of typically short-ranged interacting particles and dynamical fields. Elimination of the latter via Gauss law leads to infinite range interactions as exemplified by the Schwinger model in a staggered formalism. This motivates the study of long-range interactions, not necessarily diminishing with the distance. Here we consider localization properties of a spin chain with interaction strength growing linearly along the chain as for the Schwinger model. We generalize the problem to models with different interaction ranges. Using exact diagonalization we find the participation ratio of all eigenstates, which allows us to quantify the localization volume in Hilbert space. Surprisingly, the localization volume changes nonmonotonically with the interaction range. Our study is relevant for quantum simulators of lattice gauge theories implemented in state-of-the-art cold atom/ion devices, and it could help to reveal hidden features in disorder-free confinement phenomena in long-range interacting systems.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Mar 18, 2021

arXiv (Cornell University), Apr 28, 2023
We demonstrate the existence of an intermediate super-exponential localization regime for eigenst... more We demonstrate the existence of an intermediate super-exponential localization regime for eigenstates of the Aubry-André chain. In this regime, the eigenstates localize factorially similarly to the eigenstates of the Wannier-Stark ladder. The super-exponential decay emerges on intermediate length scales for large values of the winding length-the quasi-period of the Aubry-André potential. This intermediate localization is present both in the metallic and insulating phases of the system. In the insulating phase, the super-exponential localization is periodically interrupted by weaker decaying tails to form the conventional asymptotic exponential decay predicted for the Aubry-André model. In the metallic phase, the super-exponential localization happens for states with energies away from the center of the spectrum and is followed by a super-exponential growth into the next peak of the extended eigenstate. By adjusting the parameters it is possible to arbitrarily extend the validity of the super-exponential localization. A similar intermediate super-exponential localization regime is demonstrated in quasiperiodic discrete-time unitary maps.

Physical Review B
We demonstrate the existence of an intermediate superexponential localization regime for eigensta... more We demonstrate the existence of an intermediate superexponential localization regime for eigenstates of the Aubry-André chain. In this regime, the eigenstates localize similar to the eigenstates of the Wannier-Stark ladder. The superexponential decay emerges on intermediate length scales for large values of the winding length-the quasiperiod of the Aubry-André potential. This intermediate length scale localization is present both in the metallic and insulating phases of the system. In the insulating phase, the superexponential localization is periodically interrupted by weaker decaying tails to form the conventional asymptotic exponential decay predicted for the Aubry-André model. In the metallic phase, the superexponential localization is only a transient phenomena and happens for states with energies away from the center of the spectrum and is followed by a superexponential growth into the next peak of the extended eigenstate. By adjusting the parameters, it is possible to extend the range of the superexponential localization to arbitrarily low values of the eigenfunction's amplitude. A similar intermediate superexponential localization regime is demonstrated in quasiperiodic discrete-time unitary maps.

arXiv: Materials Science, Aug 4, 2021
We consider tight-binding single particle lattice Hamiltonians which are invariant under an antiu... more We consider tight-binding single particle lattice Hamiltonians which are invariant under an antiunitary antisymmetry: the anti-$\mathcal{PT}$ symmetry. The Hermitian Hamiltonians are defined on $d$-dimensional non-Bravais lattices. For an odd number of sublattices, the anti-$\mathcal{PT}$ symmetry protects a flatband at energy $E = 0$. We derive the anti-$\mathcal{PT}$ constraints on the Hamiltonian and use them to generate examples of generalized kagome networks in two and three lattice dimensions. Furthermore, we show that the anti-$\mathcal{PT}$ symmetry persists in the presence of uniform DC fields and ensures the presence of flatbands in the corresponding irreducible Wannier-Stark band structure. We provide examples of the Wannier-Stark band structure of generalized kagome networks in the presence of DC fields, and their implementation using Floquet engineering.

Physical Review A, Mar 31, 2020
We predict and theoretically study in detail the ratchet effect for the spectral magnetization of... more We predict and theoretically study in detail the ratchet effect for the spectral magnetization of periodic discrete time quantum walks (DTQWs) -a repetition of a sequence of m different DTQWs. These generalized DTQWs are achieved by varying the corresponding coin operator parameters periodically with discrete time. We consider periods m = 1, 2, 3. The dynamics of mperiodic DTQWs is characterized by a two-band dispersion relation ω where k is the wave vector. We identify a generalized parity symmetry of m-periodic DTQWs. The symmetry can be broken for m = 2, 3 by proper choices of the coin operator parameters. The obtained symmetry breaking results in a ratchet effect, i.e. the appearance of a nonzero spectral magnetization Ms(ω). This ratchet effect can be observed in the framework of continuous quantum measurements of the time-dependent correlation function of periodic DTQWs.

We investigate numerically and theoretically the effect of spatial disorder on two-dimensional sp... more We investigate numerically and theoretically the effect of spatial disorder on two-dimensional split-step discrete-time quantum walks with two internal "coin" states. Spatial disorder can lead to Anderson localization, inhibiting the spread of quantum walks, putting them at a disadvantage against their diffusively spreading classical counterparts. We find that spatial disorder of the most general type, i.e., position-dependent Haar random coin operators, does not lead to Anderson localization but to a diffusive spread instead. This is a delocalization, which happens because disorder places the quantum walk to a critical point between different anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulating topological phases. We base this explanation on the relationship of this general quantum walk to a simpler case more studied in the literature and for which disorder-induced delocalization of a topological origin has been observed. We review topological delocalization for the simpler quantum walk...
We consider tight-binding single particle lattice Hamiltonians which are invariant under an anti-... more We consider tight-binding single particle lattice Hamiltonians which are invariant under an anti-unitary anti-symmetry: the anti-𝒫𝒯 symmetry. The Hermitian Hamiltonians are defined on d-dimensional non-Bravais lattices. For an odd number of sublattices the anti-𝒫𝒯 symmetry protects a flatband at energy E = 0. We derive the anti-𝒫𝒯 constraints on the Hamiltonian and use them to generate examples of generalized kagome networks in two and three lattice dimensions. Furthermore we show that the anti-𝒫𝒯 symmetry persists in the presence of uniform DC fields and ensures the presence of flatbands in the corresponding irreducible Wannier-Stark band structure. We provide examples of the Wannier-Stark band structure of generalized kagome networks in the presence of DC fields.

Here we present neutrino oscillation in the frame-work of quantum walks. Starting from a one spat... more Here we present neutrino oscillation in the frame-work of quantum walks. Starting from a one spatial dimensional discrete-time quantum walk we present a scheme of evolutions that will simulate neutrino oscillation. The set of quantum walk parameters which is required to reproduce the oscillation probability profile obtained in both, long range and short range neutrino experiment is explicitly presented. Our scheme to simulate three-generation neutrino oscillation from quantum walk evolution operators can be physically realized in any low energy experimental set-up with access to control a single six-level system, a multiparticle three-qubit or a qubit-qutrit system. We also present the entanglement between spins and position space, during neutrino propagation that will quantify the wave function delocalization around instantaneous average position of the neutrino. This work will contribute towards understanding neutrino oscillation in the framework of the quantum information perspec...

Experimental detection of entanglement of an arbitrary state of a given bipartite system is cruci... more Experimental detection of entanglement of an arbitrary state of a given bipartite system is crucial for exploring many areas of quantum information. But such a detection should be made in a device independent way if the preparation process of the state is considered to be faithful, in order to avoid detection of a separable state as entangled one. The recently developed scheme of detecting bipartite entanglement in a measurement device independent way [Phys. Rev. Lett 110, 060405 (2013)] does require information about the state. Here by using Auguisiak et al.'s universal entanglement witness scheme for two-qubit states [Phys. Rev. A 77, 030301 (2008)], we provide a universal detection scheme for two-qubit states in a measurement device independent way. We provide a set of universal witness operators for detecting NPT-ness(negative under partial transpose) of states in a measurement device independent way. We conjecture that no such universal entanglement witness exists for PPT(p...

Simulations of one quantum system by an other has an implication in realization of quantum machin... more Simulations of one quantum system by an other has an implication in realization of quantum machine that can imitate any quantum system and solve problems that are not accessible to classical computers. One of the approach to engineer quantum simulations is to discretize the space-time degree of freedom in quantum dynamics and define the quantum cellular automata (QCA), a local unitary update rule on a lattice. Different models of QCA are constructed using set of conditions which are not unique and are not always in implementable configuration on any other system. Dirac Cellular Automata (DCA) is one such model constructed for Dirac Hamiltonian (DH) in free quantum field theory. Here, starting from a split-step discrete-time quantum walk (QW) which is uniquely defined for experimental implementation, we recover the DCA along with all the fine oscillations in position space and bridge the missing connection between DH-DCA-QW. We will present the contribution of the parameters resultin...

Quantum simulation is an important way to study the Dirac particles in a general situation. Discr... more Quantum simulation is an important way to study the Dirac particles in a general situation. Discrete quantum walk (DQW), is a powerful quantum simulation scheme, and implementable in well controllable table-top set-ups. We first identify that the conventional DQW can't exactly simulate Dirac Cellular Automaton (DCA), a discretized theory of free Dirac Hamiltonian (DH). We found some choice of coin parameters of the split-step (SS) DQW, a generalization of DQW can fully simulate single-particle DCA. Next we question whether the same SS-DQW can simulate dynamics of free Dirac particle with extra degrees of freedom like colors, flavors besides the spin or chirality. One such example is Neutrino oscillation. By moving from the U(2) coined SS-DQW to the U(6) coined SS-DQW we have simulated the exact probability profile of Neutrino flavor transitions. We further probe towards simulating single particle massive DH in presence of background potentials and space-time curvature. By using ...

The question, whether an open system dynamics is Markovian or non-Markovian can be answered by st... more The question, whether an open system dynamics is Markovian or non-Markovian can be answered by studying the direction of the information flow in the dynamics. In Markovian dynamics, information must always flow from the system to the environment. If the environment is interacting with only one of the subsystems of a bipartite system, the dynamics of the entanglement in the bipartite system can be used to identify the direction of information flow. Here we study the dynamics of a two-level system interacting with an environment, which is also a heat bath, and consists of a large number of two-level quantum systems. Our model can be seen as a close approximation to the `spin bath' model at low temperatures. We analyze the Markovian nature of the dynamics, as we change the coupling between the system and the environment. We find the Kraus operators of the dynamics for certain classes of couplings. We show that any form of time-independent or time-polynomial coupling gives rise to n...
Physical Review A, 2020
We numerically investigate the quench expansion dynamics of an initially confined state in a two-... more We numerically investigate the quench expansion dynamics of an initially confined state in a two-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii lattice in the presence of external disorder. The expansion dynamics is conveniently described in the control parameter space of the energy and norm densities. The expansion can slow down substantially if the expected final state is a non-ergodic non-Gibbs one, regardless of the disorder strength. Likewise stronger disorder delays expansion. We compare our results with recent studies for quantum many body quench experiments.

Anderson localization confines the wave function of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional rando... more Anderson localization confines the wave function of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional random potential to a volume of the order of the localization length ξ. Nonlinear add-ons to the wave dynamics mimic many-body interactions on a mean field level, and result in escape from the Anderson cage and in unlimited subdiffusion of the interacting cloud. We address quantum corrections to that subdiffusion by i) using the ultrafast unitary Floquet dynamics of discrete-time quantum walks, ii) an interaction strength ramping to speed up the subdiffusion, and iii) an action quantization of the nonlinear terms. We observe the saturation of the cloud expansion of N particles to a volume ∼ Nξ. We predict and observe a universal intermediate logarithmic expansion regime which connects the mean field diffusion with the final quantum saturation regime and is entirely controlled by particle number N . The temporal window of that regime grows exponentially with the localization length ξ.

arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2020
We investigate numerically and theoretically the effect of spatial disorder on two-dimensional sp... more We investigate numerically and theoretically the effect of spatial disorder on two-dimensional split-step discrete-time quantum walks with two internal "coin" states. Spatial disorder can lead to Anderson localization, inhibiting the spread of quantum walks, putting them at a disadvantage against their diffusively spreading classical counterparts. We find that spatial disorder of the most general type, i.e., position-dependent Haar random coin operators, does not lead to Anderson localization, but to a diffusive spread instead. This is a delocalization, which happens because disorder places the quantum walk to a critical point between different anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulating topological phases. We base this explanation on the relationship of this general quantum walk to a simpler case more studied in the literature, and for which disorder-induced delocalization of a topological origin has been observed. We review topological delocalization for the simpler quantum wa...
We systematically construct flatbands for tight-binding models on simple Bravais lattices in spac... more We systematically construct flatbands for tight-binding models on simple Bravais lattices in space dimension $d \geq 2$ in the presence of a static uniform DC field. Commensurate DC field directions yield irreducible Wannier-Stark bands in perpendicular dimension $d-1$ with $d$-dimensional eigenfunctions. The irreducible bands turn into dispersionless flatbands in the absence of nearest neighbor hoppings between lattice sites in any direction perpendicular to the DC field one. The number of commensurate directions which yield flatbands is of measure one. We arrive at a complete halt of transport, with the DC field prohibiting transport along the field direction, and the flatbands prohibiting transport in all perpendicular directions as well. The anisotropic flatband eigenstates are localizing at least factorially (faster than exponential).
Neutrino oscillation is a well-known phenomenon observed in high energy physics. Here starting fr... more Neutrino oscillation is a well-known phenomenon observed in high energy physics. Here starting from a one-spatial dimensional discrete-time quantum walk we present a method to simulate neutrino oscillation. We present the set of walk parameters with which we can obtain the same oscillation probability profile obtained in both, long range and short range neutrino experiment. Our scheme to simulate three-generation neutrino oscillation from quantum walk evolution operators can be physically realized in any low energy experimental setup with access to control a single six-level system, a multiparticle three-qubits or a qubit-qutrit system.
Arindam Mallick, ∗ Nana Chang, 2, 3, † Alexei Andreanov, 4, ‡ and Sergej Flach 4, § Center for Th... more Arindam Mallick, ∗ Nana Chang, 2, 3, † Alexei Andreanov, 4, ‡ and Sergej Flach 4, § Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, Korea, 34126 Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Center for Advanced Quantum Studies, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, People’s Republic of China Basic Science Program, Korea University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea, 34113 (Dated: August 5, 2021)
Symmetrically evolving discrete quantum walk results in dynamic localization with zero mean displ... more Symmetrically evolving discrete quantum walk results in dynamic localization with zero mean displacement when the standard evolution operations are replaced by a temporal disorder evolution operation. In this work we show that the quantum ratchet action, that is, a directed transport in standard or disordered discrete-time quantum walk can be realized by introducing a pawl like effect realized by using a fixed coin operation at marked positions that is, different from the ones used for evolution at other positions. We also show that the combination of standard and disordered evolution operations can be optimized to get the mean displacement of order ∝ t (number of walk steps). This model of quantum ratchet in quantum walk is defined using only a set of entangling unitary operators resulting in the coherent quantum transport.
Papers by Arindam Mallick