Papers by Arifuddin Arifuddin
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Pengajarannya, 2016
this article was undertaken to investigate the moral ethics learned in the Arabic-Javanese transl... more this article was undertaken to investigate the moral ethics learned in the Arabic-Javanese translation text, and how this model of translation can be the main aspect of protecting the indigenous/natural/mother language in Indonesia as a main potential of Asian Cultural Heritage. The data of this research is a Arabic-Javanese translation texts and also some units of language inside the texts. The result of this article shows that there is a connection line between empowering of Arabic Javanese translation and protecting the indigenous language.

The strength of the relationship between two sets of sentence in the Arabic text is introduced or... more The strength of the relationship between two sets of sentence in the Arabic text is introduced or reintroduced by looking the correlative conjunction between the sentences. The sentence is the largest unit of grammatical organization within which parts of speech (such as: nouns, verbs, adverbs) and grammatical classes (for example: word, phrase, clause). In Arabic language, a sentence normally contains two basic main ellement, such as ( mubtada’ + khabar )/ (S + V + O) in jumlah ismiyyah and ( f’il + fa’il )/ (V+S+O) in jumlah fi’liyyah . This is the main sentence pattern in Arabic language, a structure which is considered a basic grammatical pattern for Arabic sentences, which can be used as a model for producing other sentences in the language. This article will elaborate the correlation between grammatical and meaning in the arabic sentences in the Islamic moral ethic book, such as: Bidayatul-Hidayah and al-Qira’ah ar-Rasyidah . There are two kinds of sentences in Arabic language...
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2015
Developing theme in a text of Arabic reading is the basis in a creative writing. By understanding... more Developing theme in a text of Arabic reading is the basis in a creative writing. By understanding the pattern of theme development in a text, beginner who wants to write in Arabic is easier in arranging the idea. This article is a research to see a great correlation between thematic progression with the creative writing in Arabic. The book taken as sample was al-Qira� 'ah al-Ra� syidah which is used in MAN Karang Anyar and MAN 1 Surakarta. Related to the rheme in developing the theme, the students of both school wrote their daily activity by using thematic progression patterns. The result of the study showed that there is a great correlation between thematic progression pattern with the creative writing in Arabic.

Arbitrer : Scientific Journal of Linguistics Society of Indonesia, May 10, 2023
This study examines the translation techniques used in the Arabic, Indonesian, and English langua... more This study examines the translation techniques used in the Arabic, Indonesian, and English languages. One of the studies in textual equivalence involves the translation of the information structure of Themes (starting point of speech) and Rheme (new information). Mapping the structure of the Themes and Rheme in the source language text (SL) will assist the translator in determining the flow of information and identifying the type of genre in both the source and the target text. Thus, the research problems can be stated as follows: (1) what the form of information structure is in Al-Hikam aphorisms, and (2) how to apply translation techniques in Al-Hikam aphorisms. The results show that Arabic-to-Indonesian and Arabic-to-English aphorism translations employ a variety of translation techniques. There are 1,169 different translation techniques utilised in Al-Hikam aphorisms (Arabic to Indonesian). Meanwhile, the number of translation techniques in Al-Hikam aphorisms (Arabic-English) amount to 962. On the other hand, the dominance of established equivalent techniques in Arabic-Indonesian and Arabic-English translations indicates that there are many terms or expressions that have been recognised in the dictionary or are commonly used to achieve equivalence from the source language to the target language, thereby increasing the readability of aphorism. The results of macro level data analysis indicate that translation of Al-Hikam's aphorisms in Arabic-Indonesian and Arabic-English tends to be oriented towards the target language and adopts the ideology of domestication.
Papers by Arifuddin Arifuddin