Proceeding of International Conference on Science and Technology
The main cause of road accidents in outside of cities is the driver's lack of awareness about... more The main cause of road accidents in outside of cities is the driver's lack of awareness about road safety. Efforts to reduce these accidents can be done if the characteristics and causes are known. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of road accidents in three areas in Riau province. Analysis used a descriptive quantitative analysis. This study was done to identify the characteristics of traffic accidents occurred from 2014 to 2019 on the connection road between 3 cities in Riau, namely in the Kuantan Singingi, Kampar and Rokan Hulu areas of Riau Province, Indonesia. The analysis used is descriptive quantitative analysis. The greater accidents were occurred in 2018, in which 192 cases. The least accidents were occurred in 2017, in which 115 cases, the month of June had the highest number of accidents since it was a month of school holidays. The percentage of total deaths on traffic accidents reached 60%. Meanwhile, 75.6% of traffic accident victims wer...
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2022
Dewasa ini, dibutuhkan sosok pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dan menjadi teladan bagi bawahannya unt... more Dewasa ini, dibutuhkan sosok pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dan menjadi teladan bagi bawahannya untuk bersama melakukan perubahan ke arah positif. Kepemimpinan merupakan suatu hal yang dinamis, berubah, dan berkembang sesuai masanya sehingga banyak konsep gaya kepemimpinan yang berkembang. Permasalahan dalam makalah ini adalah Dari uraian di atas dapat dirumuskan permasalahan dalam makalah ini, yaitu: Bagaimana Model kepemimpinan pendidikan masa depan berbasis agama, filsafat, psikologi, dan sosiologi. Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahuii, menganalisis dan mendapatkan informasi model kepemimpinan pendidikan masa depan berbasis agama, filsafat, psikologi, dan sosiologi. Hasil kajian ini menyebutkan bahwa model kepemimpinan berbasis agama meletakkan dasar teologis yaoitu Alquran yang relative banyak memberikan karakteristik kepemimpinan, dari aspek filsafat kepemimpinan mengacu dalam beberapa prinsip Filsafat ini mengakui bahwa yang abadi adalah nilai-nilai dan buk...
The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term ... more The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term measure in mitigating the rising fuel cost, minimizing the emission and maintaining the current engine performance based on the market demand. The compressed natural gas converted engine is done successfully from various types of diesel engines with various engine displacements and variables. The conversion kits are commercially off the shelf items which include sensors and pressure regulators. These components are integrated into a working system. This is the most practical approach as the components come from various sources which are limited in their availability. Although the system works but it does not functioning at the optimum condition. Therefore, a robust control algorithm with the consideration of inputs from each engine variables and external disturbances are designed and introduced to control an ignition compression engine which is converted from diesel engine. This converte...
Berdasarkan data dalam Education for All (EFA) Global Monitroring Report 2011 yang dikeluarkan UN... more Berdasarkan data dalam Education for All (EFA) Global Monitroring Report 2011 yang dikeluarkan UNESCO menunjukkan bahwa indeks pembangunan pendidikan Indonesia berada pada urutan 69 dari 127 negara yang disurvei atau turun empat tingkatan jika dibandingkan hasil survei sebelumnya yang menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan ke 65. Keberhasilan suatu negara memiliki relevansi yang signifikan dengan kualitas pendidikan yang diselenggarakan. Sedangkan kualitas pendidikan berbanding lurus dengan kejelasan tujuan dan arah kebijakan yang hendak dicapai. Standar kualitas merupakan perwujudan dari komitmen kolektif untuk menjadi bangsa yang unggul, maju, dan berperadaban. Oleh karena itu, keunggulan pendidikan menjadi indikator majunya suatu bangsa, sebaliknya rendahnya daya saing bangsa merupakan pencerminan dari rendahnya kualitas pendidikan yang dihasilkan. Reformasi pendidikan merupakan suatu keharusan. Sebab, cara-cara yang selama ini diiaksanakan dalam pengelolaan pendidikan tidak akan dapat memecahkan persoalan-persoalan yang muncul saatini. Krisis moneter dan ekonomi yang diikuti oleh krisis politik, kepercayaan dan keamanan, mempercepat realisasi reformasi pendidikan. Reformasi pendidikan yang diperiukan bersifat menyeluruh dan mendasar, menyangkut dimensi kultural-fondasional, politik-kebijakan, teknis-operasional, dan, dimensi kontekstual. Tambal sulam dalam dunia pendidikan saat ini harus dihindarkan, sebab hanya akan berakibat menunda datangnya bencana yang lebih parah iagi. Betapapun Reformasi merupakan suatu keharusan, tetap saja akan muncul resistensi yang menghambat jalannya reformasi.
International journal of scientific and research publications, 2020
A mathematical modelling is applied to illuminate and predict the mechanism of electron transfer ... more A mathematical modelling is applied to illuminate and predict the mechanism of electron transfer in microalgae photosynthesis. A magnetic field can accelerate its reaction by decreasing the frequency of reverse reactions in the radical pair mechanism. The effect of magnetic field (MF) changes KISC and give significant effect tot internal energy, the simulation result indicates that the external energy that affects the process of electron transfer often leads to an increase in temperature energy which causes the induction effect to be overcome by the presence of heat energy. The highest value of ∆G2 occur at 8 miltesla magnetic exposure with internal energy of 1.08 eV.
Feed is the most expensive input for poultry production, and the availability of low-cost, high-q... more Feed is the most expensive input for poultry production, and the availability of low-cost, high-quality feeds is critical for the poultry industry’s expansion. Energy sources, supplemented by plant protein sources and animal protein sources, make up the majority of poultry diets. Maize is the most widely used energy source around the world, and soybean meal is a popular plant protein source. In certain countries, however, other grains like wheat and sorghum, as well as plant protein meals like canola meal, peas, and sunflower meal, are still commonly used. The most important aspect of the poultry industry is feed composition and formulation, as different feed compositions contribute to differences in overall poultry quality, taking into account broiler health, growth enhancement, poultry farm hygiene, and meat quality. Bird management and experimental design: Five-hundred-day old strain of chicks was randomly divided into ten groups of fifty birds each. Each group was randomly assig...
The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term ... more The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term measure in mitigating the rising fuel cost, minimizing the emission and maintaining the current engine performance based on the market demand. The compressed natural gas converted engine is done successfully from various types of 6-cylinder diesel engines with various engine displacements. The conversion kits are commercially off the shelf items which include sensors and pressure regulators. These components are integrated into a working system. This is the most practical approach as the components come from various sources which are limited in their availability. Although the system works but it does not functioning at the optimum condition. Therefore, an H control algorithm with the consideration of external disturbances is designed and introduced to run the first prototype converted diesel engine into ignition compression engine which is powered by compressed natural gas (CNG). And, mathematical model for each subsystem of the converted engine is developed as the basis of the H control algorithm design.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of des... more A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of desirable characteristics within the ground effect, to provide versatile solutions to sea transportation needs in the Southeast Asia region. Previous research has shown that bodies traveling within the ground effect experience an improved lift-to-drag ratio, which translates to significantly better performance. The FAB is a concept that seeks to take advantage of these benefits through a design that facilitates motion entirely within the ground effect. By applying the relevant equations of motion and incorporating various physical design parameters of the concept, a non-linear model can be implemented on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. A simulation of the model shows relative improvements in the performance, response, and stability of the FAB concept subjected to the ground effect as compared to its motion within a free airstream.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of des... more A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of desirable characteristics within the ground effect, to provide versatile solutions to sea transportation needs in the Southeast Asia region. Previous research has shown that bodies traveling within the ground effect experience an improved lift-to-drag ratio, which translates to significantly better performance. The FAB is a concept that seeks to take advantage of these benefits through a design that facilitates motion entirely within the ground effect. By applying the relevant equations of motion and incorporating various physical design parameters of the concept, a non-linear model can be implemented on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. A simulation of the model shows relative improvements in the performance, response, and stability of the FAB concept subjected to the ground effect as compared to its motion within a free airstream.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
The pattern growth of the three algae species-PRK1-E01, C. Vulgaris and Nephrochlamys Subsolitari... more The pattern growth of the three algae species-PRK1-E01, C. Vulgaris and Nephrochlamys Subsolitaria which are found in the sludge within the Sabak Bernam region is not stable. The unstable distribution matrix of the algae growth is derived to determine a stable growth by modeling a transition matrix and stable distribution probability using Marcov Chain methodology. Thus, a stable algae growth can be predicted.
Proceeding of International Conference on Science and Technology
The main cause of road accidents in outside of cities is the driver's lack of awareness about... more The main cause of road accidents in outside of cities is the driver's lack of awareness about road safety. Efforts to reduce these accidents can be done if the characteristics and causes are known. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of road accidents in three areas in Riau province. Analysis used a descriptive quantitative analysis. This study was done to identify the characteristics of traffic accidents occurred from 2014 to 2019 on the connection road between 3 cities in Riau, namely in the Kuantan Singingi, Kampar and Rokan Hulu areas of Riau Province, Indonesia. The analysis used is descriptive quantitative analysis. The greater accidents were occurred in 2018, in which 192 cases. The least accidents were occurred in 2017, in which 115 cases, the month of June had the highest number of accidents since it was a month of school holidays. The percentage of total deaths on traffic accidents reached 60%. Meanwhile, 75.6% of traffic accident victims wer...
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2022
Dewasa ini, dibutuhkan sosok pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dan menjadi teladan bagi bawahannya unt... more Dewasa ini, dibutuhkan sosok pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dan menjadi teladan bagi bawahannya untuk bersama melakukan perubahan ke arah positif. Kepemimpinan merupakan suatu hal yang dinamis, berubah, dan berkembang sesuai masanya sehingga banyak konsep gaya kepemimpinan yang berkembang. Permasalahan dalam makalah ini adalah Dari uraian di atas dapat dirumuskan permasalahan dalam makalah ini, yaitu: Bagaimana Model kepemimpinan pendidikan masa depan berbasis agama, filsafat, psikologi, dan sosiologi. Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahuii, menganalisis dan mendapatkan informasi model kepemimpinan pendidikan masa depan berbasis agama, filsafat, psikologi, dan sosiologi. Hasil kajian ini menyebutkan bahwa model kepemimpinan berbasis agama meletakkan dasar teologis yaoitu Alquran yang relative banyak memberikan karakteristik kepemimpinan, dari aspek filsafat kepemimpinan mengacu dalam beberapa prinsip Filsafat ini mengakui bahwa yang abadi adalah nilai-nilai dan buk...
The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term ... more The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term measure in mitigating the rising fuel cost, minimizing the emission and maintaining the current engine performance based on the market demand. The compressed natural gas converted engine is done successfully from various types of diesel engines with various engine displacements and variables. The conversion kits are commercially off the shelf items which include sensors and pressure regulators. These components are integrated into a working system. This is the most practical approach as the components come from various sources which are limited in their availability. Although the system works but it does not functioning at the optimum condition. Therefore, a robust control algorithm with the consideration of inputs from each engine variables and external disturbances are designed and introduced to control an ignition compression engine which is converted from diesel engine. This converte...
Berdasarkan data dalam Education for All (EFA) Global Monitroring Report 2011 yang dikeluarkan UN... more Berdasarkan data dalam Education for All (EFA) Global Monitroring Report 2011 yang dikeluarkan UNESCO menunjukkan bahwa indeks pembangunan pendidikan Indonesia berada pada urutan 69 dari 127 negara yang disurvei atau turun empat tingkatan jika dibandingkan hasil survei sebelumnya yang menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan ke 65. Keberhasilan suatu negara memiliki relevansi yang signifikan dengan kualitas pendidikan yang diselenggarakan. Sedangkan kualitas pendidikan berbanding lurus dengan kejelasan tujuan dan arah kebijakan yang hendak dicapai. Standar kualitas merupakan perwujudan dari komitmen kolektif untuk menjadi bangsa yang unggul, maju, dan berperadaban. Oleh karena itu, keunggulan pendidikan menjadi indikator majunya suatu bangsa, sebaliknya rendahnya daya saing bangsa merupakan pencerminan dari rendahnya kualitas pendidikan yang dihasilkan. Reformasi pendidikan merupakan suatu keharusan. Sebab, cara-cara yang selama ini diiaksanakan dalam pengelolaan pendidikan tidak akan dapat memecahkan persoalan-persoalan yang muncul saatini. Krisis moneter dan ekonomi yang diikuti oleh krisis politik, kepercayaan dan keamanan, mempercepat realisasi reformasi pendidikan. Reformasi pendidikan yang diperiukan bersifat menyeluruh dan mendasar, menyangkut dimensi kultural-fondasional, politik-kebijakan, teknis-operasional, dan, dimensi kontekstual. Tambal sulam dalam dunia pendidikan saat ini harus dihindarkan, sebab hanya akan berakibat menunda datangnya bencana yang lebih parah iagi. Betapapun Reformasi merupakan suatu keharusan, tetap saja akan muncul resistensi yang menghambat jalannya reformasi.
International journal of scientific and research publications, 2020
A mathematical modelling is applied to illuminate and predict the mechanism of electron transfer ... more A mathematical modelling is applied to illuminate and predict the mechanism of electron transfer in microalgae photosynthesis. A magnetic field can accelerate its reaction by decreasing the frequency of reverse reactions in the radical pair mechanism. The effect of magnetic field (MF) changes KISC and give significant effect tot internal energy, the simulation result indicates that the external energy that affects the process of electron transfer often leads to an increase in temperature energy which causes the induction effect to be overcome by the presence of heat energy. The highest value of ∆G2 occur at 8 miltesla magnetic exposure with internal energy of 1.08 eV.
Feed is the most expensive input for poultry production, and the availability of low-cost, high-q... more Feed is the most expensive input for poultry production, and the availability of low-cost, high-quality feeds is critical for the poultry industry’s expansion. Energy sources, supplemented by plant protein sources and animal protein sources, make up the majority of poultry diets. Maize is the most widely used energy source around the world, and soybean meal is a popular plant protein source. In certain countries, however, other grains like wheat and sorghum, as well as plant protein meals like canola meal, peas, and sunflower meal, are still commonly used. The most important aspect of the poultry industry is feed composition and formulation, as different feed compositions contribute to differences in overall poultry quality, taking into account broiler health, growth enhancement, poultry farm hygiene, and meat quality. Bird management and experimental design: Five-hundred-day old strain of chicks was randomly divided into ten groups of fifty birds each. Each group was randomly assig...
The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term ... more The conversion of diesel engine into compressed natural gas converted engine provides short term measure in mitigating the rising fuel cost, minimizing the emission and maintaining the current engine performance based on the market demand. The compressed natural gas converted engine is done successfully from various types of 6-cylinder diesel engines with various engine displacements. The conversion kits are commercially off the shelf items which include sensors and pressure regulators. These components are integrated into a working system. This is the most practical approach as the components come from various sources which are limited in their availability. Although the system works but it does not functioning at the optimum condition. Therefore, an H control algorithm with the consideration of external disturbances is designed and introduced to run the first prototype converted diesel engine into ignition compression engine which is powered by compressed natural gas (CNG). And, mathematical model for each subsystem of the converted engine is developed as the basis of the H control algorithm design.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of des... more A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of desirable characteristics within the ground effect, to provide versatile solutions to sea transportation needs in the Southeast Asia region. Previous research has shown that bodies traveling within the ground effect experience an improved lift-to-drag ratio, which translates to significantly better performance. The FAB is a concept that seeks to take advantage of these benefits through a design that facilitates motion entirely within the ground effect. By applying the relevant equations of motion and incorporating various physical design parameters of the concept, a non-linear model can be implemented on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. A simulation of the model shows relative improvements in the performance, response, and stability of the FAB concept subjected to the ground effect as compared to its motion within a free airstream.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of des... more A flying-airboat is a concept of a wing-in-ground (WIG) craft that seeks to take advantage of desirable characteristics within the ground effect, to provide versatile solutions to sea transportation needs in the Southeast Asia region. Previous research has shown that bodies traveling within the ground effect experience an improved lift-to-drag ratio, which translates to significantly better performance. The FAB is a concept that seeks to take advantage of these benefits through a design that facilitates motion entirely within the ground effect. By applying the relevant equations of motion and incorporating various physical design parameters of the concept, a non-linear model can be implemented on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. A simulation of the model shows relative improvements in the performance, response, and stability of the FAB concept subjected to the ground effect as compared to its motion within a free airstream.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
The pattern growth of the three algae species-PRK1-E01, C. Vulgaris and Nephrochlamys Subsolitari... more The pattern growth of the three algae species-PRK1-E01, C. Vulgaris and Nephrochlamys Subsolitaria which are found in the sludge within the Sabak Bernam region is not stable. The unstable distribution matrix of the algae growth is derived to determine a stable growth by modeling a transition matrix and stable distribution probability using Marcov Chain methodology. Thus, a stable algae growth can be predicted.
Papers by Muhidin Arifin