Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble character or good c... more Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble character or good character, because noble character or good character is seen as more important in human life. SMP X Bandung was one of schools that has done the cultivation of Noble character on students through mentoring programs. The purpose of this research was to get the information about the planning of mentoring programs, identified the activity of mentoring programs, and explained the character (responsibility) of the students in following the mentoring program activities at SMP X Bandung. The method used in this research was interview, observation, and documentary study. Based on the research that has been done, it was concluded that: (1) The mentoring program planning that was defined into the Mentoring Curriculum of SMP X Bandung, which included: Basic Competences, Fundamental Materials, Achievement Indicators, Study Activities, Material Deepening, and Assessment. (2) Its implementation was material delivery, questions and answers, the Qur'an reading test/ Iqra. (3) The students' character: 1. Responsible for their duties as Muslims, that was reading the Qur'an/ Iqra right and proper. The students that had the ability to read the Qur'an/Iqra with the criteria: a.
This research program is Green Education which is introductory education and environmental care. ... more This research program is Green Education which is introductory education and environmental care. The aim is to describe the management of the Green Education program in the Salman Al Farisi kindergarten in Bandung, with a focus on research 1) Science learning planning, 2) Implementation of science learning, 3) Evaluation or evaluation of science learning. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through observation and interviews. With this data processing used by researchers uses triangulation. The subject of the study addressed to school principals and class teachers. At kindergarten Salman Al Farisi, Bandung. Research results 1) science learning planning is carried out by school principals and teachers referring to the dinniyah curriculum through green education programs, 2) implementation of science learning, carried out by teachers through the development of themes related to learning facilities such as animal cages, gardens (practice how to plant etc.), 3) Evaluation or assessment of science learning is done through green education leadership assessment with 6 pillars, namely knowing GE, animals and plants, environmental issues, building communication, global awareness and life skills, 4) school principal and teacher involvement in the assessment of science learning, 5) learning science involves the participation of parents of students by holding regular meetings, parents are involved in retelling the school to establish communication, 6) science learning develops the process of active student participation.
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 2022
Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini anak-anak menghabiskan waktunya bermain dengan gawainya. Melihat k... more Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini anak-anak menghabiskan waktunya bermain dengan gawainya. Melihat kondisi ini, dapat menjadi hambatan pada pengembangan karakter anak. Solusi permasalahan diatas dikembangkanlah model komunikasi visual berbasis gim yang menarik bagi anak usia dini yaitu gim android ASIK (Agamis Sistematis Interaktif Kreatif). Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 4-6 tahun sejumlah 30 orang. Adapun desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain kuantititatif “Quasi Experiment”, adapun rancangan penelitian yang dipilih adalah “The Non Equivalent Control Group. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas gim ASIK terhadap pengembangan nilai moral dan agama anak usia dini dalam pengembangan karakter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah diberikan perlakuan gim ASIK di kelas eksperimen dan pembelajaran kovensional di kelas kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen, anak-anak melakukan aktivitas mengikuti visualisasi yang a...
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
Social economics observer Alvin Toffler said when the economy was supported by the industrial and... more Social economics observer Alvin Toffler said when the economy was supported by the industrial and factory sectors, the order of family life began to feel the pressures of change. The impact felt by the people of Indonesia, most parents become workers, so the practice of the value of character education, politeness and respect for both parents has begun to be submitted to educational institutions. This transition has a real impact on the education of moral values in the family environment. Universitas Islam Bandung as one of the universities concerned with this issue through the Institute for Islamic Studies and Personality Development (LSIPK), responded through the student boarding program. The purpose of this research is to develop a model for developing religious awareness of students on the theme of respect to parents. The Research and Development Method is used as an approach in this research. The results of the study concluded that the level of knowledge and attitudes of students in the pesantren towards religious awareness in respecting parents was quite high. Learning is given comprehensively through a variety of products from our research including audiovisual media, textbooks on developing religious awareness and reinforced with in-depth discussions from tutors.
This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in improving the q... more This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in improving the quality of education at the Tamasha Valaq PAUD institution, Pangkalpinang city. This thesis uses qualitative research with case study research methods. Data were collected in three ways, namely (1) Interview, (2) Documentation, (3) Observation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed with the flow of (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) conclusion. The results of the research found are as follows (1) seen from the eight national quality standards of early childhood education, 90% have met the existing standards. This is reflected in every implementation of the eight educational qualities. Although there is one standard that is not in accordance with the existing educational quality standards, the institution continues to strive to improve educational services so that the quality of education at the institution can still be achieved. (2) accreditation has a positive impact on the institution. This can be seen from the physical evidence displayed by the institution, starting from adequate and complete facilities and infrastructure, improving teacher performance, and increasing trust from the community and government. The institution continues to strive to increase the productivity of its institution in order to achieve the expected quality of education. The institution involves all elements of the school to continue to maintain and improve the quality of education so that the next accreditation will remain in a proper condition from all aspects of the quality of education.
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
Early Childhood Education Teachers in Indonesia still have below average standards, one of which ... more Early Childhood Education Teachers in Indonesia still have below average standards, one of which is the standard of educators, most of the PAUD teachers in Indonesia are still high school graduates. The conditions above, of course, affect the quality of learning, so that not a few applications in the field of learning many "malpractice". The aim of this study is to improve teacher teaching competencies through training activities. The results of the preliminary study found several problems, including the teaching techniques of teachers which were still low or limited. The Efforts to fix the above problem starts with teaching basic skills training are questioning skills, provide reinforcement, explaining, managing a classroom, creating variations, open and close the lesson. The results of increased training in teaching competency development have progressed by 23.14%, increasing from 40.79% (pre-test) to 70.43% (post-test). The implication of this activity is that the participants are expected to be able to apply the teaching skills they have acquired at the same time they can teach their fellow teachers who did not participate in the training.
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019
The education practice cannot be separated from education administration. At the level of early c... more The education practice cannot be separated from education administration. At the level of early childhood education organized by mothers of Posyandu cadres who are in rural areas commonly called Pos PAUD there are still many weaknesses in carrying out the right education administration. The results of the observations found several things that were obstacles to the development of the institution, among others: lack of support from the village government, teacher qualifications that were on average junior or high school graduates, teacher competencies that were not relevant to educational qualifications. The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of the workshop on improving the quality of the pos PAUD institution. The research subjects were Pos PAUD cadres, amounting to 21 people. The results showed an increase in understanding of Pos PAUD management, which amounted to 81.64%, an increase of 24.3% from 57.4% of the previous pretest results. Likewise, the results of the statistical test using SPSS, this workshop activity had a significant influence in increasing the understanding of Pos PAUD cadres. The conclusion is that PAUD management workshops can improve the understanding and skills of the postal administration.
Abstrak : Latar belakang Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya minat belajar anak kel... more Abstrak : Latar belakang Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya minat belajar anak kelompok A Kober Cahaya Ibu kota Bandung terhadap pembelajaran tema Alam semesta, Subjek penelitian berjumlah 12 anak yang terdiri dari 8 siswa perempuan dan 4 orang siswa laki – laki. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebagai Upaya Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelompok Usia 4-5 tahun dengan Tema Alam Semesta Melalui Percobaan Sains di Kober Cahaya Ibu Kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian yaitu 1. Untuk mengetahui minat belajar siswa sebelum diterapkan percobaan sains, 2. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan percobaan sains terhadap minat belajar siswa, 3. Untuk mengetahui hasil minat belajar siswa kelompok A Kober Cahaya Ibu Kota Bandung melalui percobaan sains. Penelitian menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, wawancara dan Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian pada pra siklus dan siklus I sebanyak 25% angka i...
Abstrack. This research is motivated by the lack of inculcation of the values of child courtesy w... more Abstrack. This research is motivated by the lack of inculcation of the values of child courtesy which is reflected in the way children behave while carrying out learning activities at school. So far, there are still many adults who do not realize that the actual behavior of children when they are around them does small things which are aimed at bad behavior. Little things like not saying sorry, asking for help, even excuse me, have become important points for early childhood to be trained in their polite personality. Embedding the value of courtesy for children's learning is still low and the learning model used so far has not been able to improve the development of the values of courtesy of students. This study aims to strive to instill the values of manners for children aged 4-5 years through the story method in one of the kindergartens Bandung so that it can improve the polite and polite behavior of students. This research is a type of classroom action research (Classroom Act...
Abstract. This study aims to see the learning outcomes of character building, namely Islamic reli... more Abstract. This study aims to see the learning outcomes of character building, namely Islamic religious values and morals in early childhood at RA Al-Ma'ruf based on game applications. This study uses quantitative research methods (quasi-experimental) with the type of research design "The Non Equivalent Control Group". The population of this study was all students at RA Al-Ma'ruf who were in the age range of 4-6 years, while the sample was selected using a systematic sampling technique to divide the sample into two groups (control class and experimental class). The data collection stage begins with testing the instrument on several children with the same criteria (aged 4-6 years) to test the level of validity of the questions that will be used for the sample group. The implementation of the research to the two sample groups began by carrying out a pretest to determine the learning outcomes or initial abilities of each child. Members of the control class, then carry ...
Abstract. This study aims to provide an overview of how the Principal of Permata Hati's PAUD... more Abstract. This study aims to provide an overview of how the Principal of Permata Hati's PAUD teacher supervision program is implemented in Cicendo district, which includes planning, techniques, and steps for the supervision program. About Supervision in the broadest sense contained in the Qur'an, chapter Al-Ashr verse 3, namely in terms of advising each other in truth and advising in patience. The Word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Ashr verse 3, which means: "except for those who believe and do righteous deeds and advice to obey the truth and advise them to be patient. The Word of Allah SWT contains a message that having an attitude of advising one another in truth and patience is the key to implementing a supervisory program in improving teacher performance and institutional quality. The supervision program is a program implemented by PAUD Permata Hati which has a very good impact, seen from the increase in professional teachers and the improvement of the quality of the sc...
Abstrac . Independent is a form of success in the transition that was developed. Independence of ... more Abstrac . Independent is a form of success in the transition that was developed. Independence of Early Childhood is part of the development process that is expected to occur in the framework of maturity, the point is Children's Independence is the ability to think, experience, and children who can help, in accordance with their daily needs.This research uses the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The participants of this study were kindergarten children aged 5-6 years at Little Smart Kindergarten. This research provides habituation training for children to be more independent. While the technique of taking data uses the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation.From the results of research that shows the results of observations at the Little Smart Kindergarten the independence of children has been seen from the form of daily activities at school in the morning to have to go home which becomes daily habituation so that it can argue that indepe...
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies, 2017
Experts agree that character education should start at an early age. However, implementation is o... more Experts agree that character education should start at an early age. However, implementation is often found irregularities. The Ministry of Education and Culture has appointed a number of kindergarten as a pilot project for the implementation of character education. This article reports how the management of character education in kindergarten to be the pilot project. By using a qualitative approach, which attempts to understand the specific situation with the case study method, it was found that kindergarten pilot project has been implemented in an integrated character education in learning through the development of habituation and specialized in the development of a learning theme. Planning the character education program is integrated in the weekly planning (RKM) and daily planning (RKH) and not in the form of an independent program. Implementation of the the character education program conducted through the internalization of the values of the characters in the learning activit...
Abstract. This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in impr... more Abstract. This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in improving the quality of education at the Tamasha Valaq PAUD institution, Pangkalpinang city. This thesis uses qualitative research with case study research methods. Data were collected in three ways, namely (1) Interview, (2) Documentation, (3) Observation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed with the flow of (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) conclusion. The results of the research found are as follows (1) seen from the eight national quality standards of early childhood education, 90% have met the existing standards. This is reflected in every implementation of the eight educational qualities. Although there is one standard that is not in accordance with the existing educational quality standards, the institution continues to strive to improve educational services so that the quality of education at the institution can still be achieved. (2) accreditation has ...
Abstract. Critical thinking is a person's ability to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate... more Abstract. Critical thinking is a person's ability to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate information obtained or produced by himself. The background of this study is to determine the extent to which the development of educators in providing learning that fosters critical thinking skills in grade 10 children. used for teaching and what factors influence the method. In this study the authors used a quantitative approach with experimental methods. Data collection techniques with tests, observation and documentation. While the data management uses product moments, Data descriptive test and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the study, the effect of implementing problem based learning in improving students' abilities is low. The factors that cause are 1) lack of media during learning. 2) the scope does not support the development of critical thinking skills. 3) poor academic performance Keywords: Influence, Implementation, Critical thinking Abstrak. Berpikir krit...
. The problems of reading, writing, and arithmetic are a phenomenon that is increasingly being d... more . The problems of reading, writing, and arithmetic are a phenomenon that is increasingly being discussed by young teachers and parents. This study aims to obtain an overview of the study of the opinions of young teachers and parents about learning to read, write, and count in kindergartens in Samarang Garut District. This research uses a descriptive approach, and data collection is done through a questionnaire. The results of this study were (1) the opinion of the paud teacher about learning to read, write and count in kindergarten, (2) how the parents thought about learning to read, write and count in kindergarten, and (3) how the differences in opinion of young teachers and parents about learning to read, write, and count in kindergarten. Keywords: Opinion, learning to read, write and count Abstrak. Persoalan membaca, menulis, dan berhitung merupakan fenomena yang semakin hangat dibicarakan oleh para guru paud dan orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tent...
Abstract. This study aims to obtain a picture of the creativity of teachers in developing natura... more Abstract. This study aims to obtain a picture of the creativity of teachers in developing natural materials and used materials as a learning medium of this research using descriptive methods with data collection tools with questionnaires that are given to teachers of processing and analysis using percentages and averages. The subjects used in this study were 32 teachers from kindergarten in Bandung. The results obtained in this study are: 1) the use of natural materials by 91% of teachers can use natural materials as learning media such as grains, sand, dry leaves, their school is maximized due to various obstacles. This has an impact on efforts to develop students' potential. 2) on the use of used materials 77% of teachers can use used materials as learning media such as cardboard, cans, paper plates, ice cream sticks, bottle caps, plastic in their school; but there are some other teachers who have not been able to make full use of it more because of the craft and creativity o...
Abstract. Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble characte... more Abstract. Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble character or good character, because noble character or good character is seen as more important in human life. SMP PGII 1 Bandung was one of schools that has done the cultivation of Noble character on students through mentoring programs. The purpose of this research was to get the information about the planning of mentoring programs, identified the activity of mentoring programs, and explained the character (responsibility) of the students in following the mentoring program activities at SMP PGII 1 Bandung. The method used in this research was interview, observation, and documentary study. Based on the research that has been done, it was concluded that: (1) The mentoring program planning that was defined into the Mentoring Curriculum of SMP PGII 1 Bandung, which included: Basic Competences, Fundamental Materials, Achievement Indicators, Study Activities, Material Deepening, and Assessment. (2) ...
Abstract. This study discusses how the process of implementing online learning at SMP Kemala Bhay... more Abstract. This study discusses how the process of implementing online learning at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari is, besides that it also discusses the difficulties experienced by teachers and students and what efforts are made by teachers in overcoming online learning difficulties in online learning so that the learning process continues. This study uses a qualitative approach, which is descriptive analysis. The results of this study illustrate that the implementation of online learning in PAI subjects at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari has been carried out quite well. It is shown that 1). The teacher has carried out learning planning in the form of making annual programs, semester programs, lesson plans, and learning media. 2). The implementation of learning begins with preliminary activities, core activity and closing activities. 3). The evaluations carried out by PAI teachers are formative and summative evaluations. However, online learning makes teachers and students experience difficulties dur...
Today, differences of opinion about learning to read, write, and count for early childhood still ... more Today, differences of opinion about learning to read, write, and count for early childhood still occur by many parties. This study aims to obtain an overview of how the opinions and attitudes of principals and kindergarten teachers and RA about reading, writing, and arithmetic learning. This research uses descriptive methods, and data collection is done through interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study indicate (1) the Education Office or Ministry of Religion does not require reading, writing, and arithmetic learning; (2) Most TK and RA carry out reading, writing, and numeracy learning and some others do not implement it; (3) the provision of reading, writing and counting activities in kindergarten and RA is based on the request of parents of students; (4) reading, writing and counting activities in kindergarten and RA are conducted outside of school hours and are private; (5) the implementation of reading, writing and counting activities in kindergarten and RA is carried out by the teacher.
Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble character or good c... more Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble character or good character, because noble character or good character is seen as more important in human life. SMP X Bandung was one of schools that has done the cultivation of Noble character on students through mentoring programs. The purpose of this research was to get the information about the planning of mentoring programs, identified the activity of mentoring programs, and explained the character (responsibility) of the students in following the mentoring program activities at SMP X Bandung. The method used in this research was interview, observation, and documentary study. Based on the research that has been done, it was concluded that: (1) The mentoring program planning that was defined into the Mentoring Curriculum of SMP X Bandung, which included: Basic Competences, Fundamental Materials, Achievement Indicators, Study Activities, Material Deepening, and Assessment. (2) Its implementation was material delivery, questions and answers, the Qur'an reading test/ Iqra. (3) The students' character: 1. Responsible for their duties as Muslims, that was reading the Qur'an/ Iqra right and proper. The students that had the ability to read the Qur'an/Iqra with the criteria: a.
This research program is Green Education which is introductory education and environmental care. ... more This research program is Green Education which is introductory education and environmental care. The aim is to describe the management of the Green Education program in the Salman Al Farisi kindergarten in Bandung, with a focus on research 1) Science learning planning, 2) Implementation of science learning, 3) Evaluation or evaluation of science learning. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through observation and interviews. With this data processing used by researchers uses triangulation. The subject of the study addressed to school principals and class teachers. At kindergarten Salman Al Farisi, Bandung. Research results 1) science learning planning is carried out by school principals and teachers referring to the dinniyah curriculum through green education programs, 2) implementation of science learning, carried out by teachers through the development of themes related to learning facilities such as animal cages, gardens (practice how to plant etc.), 3) Evaluation or assessment of science learning is done through green education leadership assessment with 6 pillars, namely knowing GE, animals and plants, environmental issues, building communication, global awareness and life skills, 4) school principal and teacher involvement in the assessment of science learning, 5) learning science involves the participation of parents of students by holding regular meetings, parents are involved in retelling the school to establish communication, 6) science learning develops the process of active student participation.
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 2022
Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini anak-anak menghabiskan waktunya bermain dengan gawainya. Melihat k... more Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini anak-anak menghabiskan waktunya bermain dengan gawainya. Melihat kondisi ini, dapat menjadi hambatan pada pengembangan karakter anak. Solusi permasalahan diatas dikembangkanlah model komunikasi visual berbasis gim yang menarik bagi anak usia dini yaitu gim android ASIK (Agamis Sistematis Interaktif Kreatif). Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 4-6 tahun sejumlah 30 orang. Adapun desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain kuantititatif “Quasi Experiment”, adapun rancangan penelitian yang dipilih adalah “The Non Equivalent Control Group. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas gim ASIK terhadap pengembangan nilai moral dan agama anak usia dini dalam pengembangan karakter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah diberikan perlakuan gim ASIK di kelas eksperimen dan pembelajaran kovensional di kelas kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen, anak-anak melakukan aktivitas mengikuti visualisasi yang a...
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
Social economics observer Alvin Toffler said when the economy was supported by the industrial and... more Social economics observer Alvin Toffler said when the economy was supported by the industrial and factory sectors, the order of family life began to feel the pressures of change. The impact felt by the people of Indonesia, most parents become workers, so the practice of the value of character education, politeness and respect for both parents has begun to be submitted to educational institutions. This transition has a real impact on the education of moral values in the family environment. Universitas Islam Bandung as one of the universities concerned with this issue through the Institute for Islamic Studies and Personality Development (LSIPK), responded through the student boarding program. The purpose of this research is to develop a model for developing religious awareness of students on the theme of respect to parents. The Research and Development Method is used as an approach in this research. The results of the study concluded that the level of knowledge and attitudes of students in the pesantren towards religious awareness in respecting parents was quite high. Learning is given comprehensively through a variety of products from our research including audiovisual media, textbooks on developing religious awareness and reinforced with in-depth discussions from tutors.
This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in improving the q... more This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in improving the quality of education at the Tamasha Valaq PAUD institution, Pangkalpinang city. This thesis uses qualitative research with case study research methods. Data were collected in three ways, namely (1) Interview, (2) Documentation, (3) Observation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed with the flow of (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) conclusion. The results of the research found are as follows (1) seen from the eight national quality standards of early childhood education, 90% have met the existing standards. This is reflected in every implementation of the eight educational qualities. Although there is one standard that is not in accordance with the existing educational quality standards, the institution continues to strive to improve educational services so that the quality of education at the institution can still be achieved. (2) accreditation has a positive impact on the institution. This can be seen from the physical evidence displayed by the institution, starting from adequate and complete facilities and infrastructure, improving teacher performance, and increasing trust from the community and government. The institution continues to strive to increase the productivity of its institution in order to achieve the expected quality of education. The institution involves all elements of the school to continue to maintain and improve the quality of education so that the next accreditation will remain in a proper condition from all aspects of the quality of education.
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
Early Childhood Education Teachers in Indonesia still have below average standards, one of which ... more Early Childhood Education Teachers in Indonesia still have below average standards, one of which is the standard of educators, most of the PAUD teachers in Indonesia are still high school graduates. The conditions above, of course, affect the quality of learning, so that not a few applications in the field of learning many "malpractice". The aim of this study is to improve teacher teaching competencies through training activities. The results of the preliminary study found several problems, including the teaching techniques of teachers which were still low or limited. The Efforts to fix the above problem starts with teaching basic skills training are questioning skills, provide reinforcement, explaining, managing a classroom, creating variations, open and close the lesson. The results of increased training in teaching competency development have progressed by 23.14%, increasing from 40.79% (pre-test) to 70.43% (post-test). The implication of this activity is that the participants are expected to be able to apply the teaching skills they have acquired at the same time they can teach their fellow teachers who did not participate in the training.
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019
The education practice cannot be separated from education administration. At the level of early c... more The education practice cannot be separated from education administration. At the level of early childhood education organized by mothers of Posyandu cadres who are in rural areas commonly called Pos PAUD there are still many weaknesses in carrying out the right education administration. The results of the observations found several things that were obstacles to the development of the institution, among others: lack of support from the village government, teacher qualifications that were on average junior or high school graduates, teacher competencies that were not relevant to educational qualifications. The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of the workshop on improving the quality of the pos PAUD institution. The research subjects were Pos PAUD cadres, amounting to 21 people. The results showed an increase in understanding of Pos PAUD management, which amounted to 81.64%, an increase of 24.3% from 57.4% of the previous pretest results. Likewise, the results of the statistical test using SPSS, this workshop activity had a significant influence in increasing the understanding of Pos PAUD cadres. The conclusion is that PAUD management workshops can improve the understanding and skills of the postal administration.
Abstrak : Latar belakang Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya minat belajar anak kel... more Abstrak : Latar belakang Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya minat belajar anak kelompok A Kober Cahaya Ibu kota Bandung terhadap pembelajaran tema Alam semesta, Subjek penelitian berjumlah 12 anak yang terdiri dari 8 siswa perempuan dan 4 orang siswa laki – laki. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebagai Upaya Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelompok Usia 4-5 tahun dengan Tema Alam Semesta Melalui Percobaan Sains di Kober Cahaya Ibu Kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian yaitu 1. Untuk mengetahui minat belajar siswa sebelum diterapkan percobaan sains, 2. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan percobaan sains terhadap minat belajar siswa, 3. Untuk mengetahui hasil minat belajar siswa kelompok A Kober Cahaya Ibu Kota Bandung melalui percobaan sains. Penelitian menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, wawancara dan Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian pada pra siklus dan siklus I sebanyak 25% angka i...
Abstrack. This research is motivated by the lack of inculcation of the values of child courtesy w... more Abstrack. This research is motivated by the lack of inculcation of the values of child courtesy which is reflected in the way children behave while carrying out learning activities at school. So far, there are still many adults who do not realize that the actual behavior of children when they are around them does small things which are aimed at bad behavior. Little things like not saying sorry, asking for help, even excuse me, have become important points for early childhood to be trained in their polite personality. Embedding the value of courtesy for children's learning is still low and the learning model used so far has not been able to improve the development of the values of courtesy of students. This study aims to strive to instill the values of manners for children aged 4-5 years through the story method in one of the kindergartens Bandung so that it can improve the polite and polite behavior of students. This research is a type of classroom action research (Classroom Act...
Abstract. This study aims to see the learning outcomes of character building, namely Islamic reli... more Abstract. This study aims to see the learning outcomes of character building, namely Islamic religious values and morals in early childhood at RA Al-Ma'ruf based on game applications. This study uses quantitative research methods (quasi-experimental) with the type of research design "The Non Equivalent Control Group". The population of this study was all students at RA Al-Ma'ruf who were in the age range of 4-6 years, while the sample was selected using a systematic sampling technique to divide the sample into two groups (control class and experimental class). The data collection stage begins with testing the instrument on several children with the same criteria (aged 4-6 years) to test the level of validity of the questions that will be used for the sample group. The implementation of the research to the two sample groups began by carrying out a pretest to determine the learning outcomes or initial abilities of each child. Members of the control class, then carry ...
Abstract. This study aims to provide an overview of how the Principal of Permata Hati's PAUD... more Abstract. This study aims to provide an overview of how the Principal of Permata Hati's PAUD teacher supervision program is implemented in Cicendo district, which includes planning, techniques, and steps for the supervision program. About Supervision in the broadest sense contained in the Qur'an, chapter Al-Ashr verse 3, namely in terms of advising each other in truth and advising in patience. The Word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Ashr verse 3, which means: "except for those who believe and do righteous deeds and advice to obey the truth and advise them to be patient. The Word of Allah SWT contains a message that having an attitude of advising one another in truth and patience is the key to implementing a supervisory program in improving teacher performance and institutional quality. The supervision program is a program implemented by PAUD Permata Hati which has a very good impact, seen from the increase in professional teachers and the improvement of the quality of the sc...
Abstrac . Independent is a form of success in the transition that was developed. Independence of ... more Abstrac . Independent is a form of success in the transition that was developed. Independence of Early Childhood is part of the development process that is expected to occur in the framework of maturity, the point is Children's Independence is the ability to think, experience, and children who can help, in accordance with their daily needs.This research uses the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The participants of this study were kindergarten children aged 5-6 years at Little Smart Kindergarten. This research provides habituation training for children to be more independent. While the technique of taking data uses the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation.From the results of research that shows the results of observations at the Little Smart Kindergarten the independence of children has been seen from the form of daily activities at school in the morning to have to go home which becomes daily habituation so that it can argue that indepe...
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies, 2017
Experts agree that character education should start at an early age. However, implementation is o... more Experts agree that character education should start at an early age. However, implementation is often found irregularities. The Ministry of Education and Culture has appointed a number of kindergarten as a pilot project for the implementation of character education. This article reports how the management of character education in kindergarten to be the pilot project. By using a qualitative approach, which attempts to understand the specific situation with the case study method, it was found that kindergarten pilot project has been implemented in an integrated character education in learning through the development of habituation and specialized in the development of a learning theme. Planning the character education program is integrated in the weekly planning (RKM) and daily planning (RKH) and not in the form of an independent program. Implementation of the the character education program conducted through the internalization of the values of the characters in the learning activit...
Abstract. This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in impr... more Abstract. This thesis research wants to describe and examine the impact of accreditation in improving the quality of education at the Tamasha Valaq PAUD institution, Pangkalpinang city. This thesis uses qualitative research with case study research methods. Data were collected in three ways, namely (1) Interview, (2) Documentation, (3) Observation. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed with the flow of (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) conclusion. The results of the research found are as follows (1) seen from the eight national quality standards of early childhood education, 90% have met the existing standards. This is reflected in every implementation of the eight educational qualities. Although there is one standard that is not in accordance with the existing educational quality standards, the institution continues to strive to improve educational services so that the quality of education at the institution can still be achieved. (2) accreditation has ...
Abstract. Critical thinking is a person's ability to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate... more Abstract. Critical thinking is a person's ability to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate information obtained or produced by himself. The background of this study is to determine the extent to which the development of educators in providing learning that fosters critical thinking skills in grade 10 children. used for teaching and what factors influence the method. In this study the authors used a quantitative approach with experimental methods. Data collection techniques with tests, observation and documentation. While the data management uses product moments, Data descriptive test and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the study, the effect of implementing problem based learning in improving students' abilities is low. The factors that cause are 1) lack of media during learning. 2) the scope does not support the development of critical thinking skills. 3) poor academic performance Keywords: Influence, Implementation, Critical thinking Abstrak. Berpikir krit...
. The problems of reading, writing, and arithmetic are a phenomenon that is increasingly being d... more . The problems of reading, writing, and arithmetic are a phenomenon that is increasingly being discussed by young teachers and parents. This study aims to obtain an overview of the study of the opinions of young teachers and parents about learning to read, write, and count in kindergartens in Samarang Garut District. This research uses a descriptive approach, and data collection is done through a questionnaire. The results of this study were (1) the opinion of the paud teacher about learning to read, write and count in kindergarten, (2) how the parents thought about learning to read, write and count in kindergarten, and (3) how the differences in opinion of young teachers and parents about learning to read, write, and count in kindergarten. Keywords: Opinion, learning to read, write and count Abstrak. Persoalan membaca, menulis, dan berhitung merupakan fenomena yang semakin hangat dibicarakan oleh para guru paud dan orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tent...
Abstract. This study aims to obtain a picture of the creativity of teachers in developing natura... more Abstract. This study aims to obtain a picture of the creativity of teachers in developing natural materials and used materials as a learning medium of this research using descriptive methods with data collection tools with questionnaires that are given to teachers of processing and analysis using percentages and averages. The subjects used in this study were 32 teachers from kindergarten in Bandung. The results obtained in this study are: 1) the use of natural materials by 91% of teachers can use natural materials as learning media such as grains, sand, dry leaves, their school is maximized due to various obstacles. This has an impact on efforts to develop students' potential. 2) on the use of used materials 77% of teachers can use used materials as learning media such as cardboard, cans, paper plates, ice cream sticks, bottle caps, plastic in their school; but there are some other teachers who have not been able to make full use of it more because of the craft and creativity o...
Abstract. Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble characte... more Abstract. Education does not only produce intelligent humans, but humans who have noble character or good character, because noble character or good character is seen as more important in human life. SMP PGII 1 Bandung was one of schools that has done the cultivation of Noble character on students through mentoring programs. The purpose of this research was to get the information about the planning of mentoring programs, identified the activity of mentoring programs, and explained the character (responsibility) of the students in following the mentoring program activities at SMP PGII 1 Bandung. The method used in this research was interview, observation, and documentary study. Based on the research that has been done, it was concluded that: (1) The mentoring program planning that was defined into the Mentoring Curriculum of SMP PGII 1 Bandung, which included: Basic Competences, Fundamental Materials, Achievement Indicators, Study Activities, Material Deepening, and Assessment. (2) ...
Abstract. This study discusses how the process of implementing online learning at SMP Kemala Bhay... more Abstract. This study discusses how the process of implementing online learning at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari is, besides that it also discusses the difficulties experienced by teachers and students and what efforts are made by teachers in overcoming online learning difficulties in online learning so that the learning process continues. This study uses a qualitative approach, which is descriptive analysis. The results of this study illustrate that the implementation of online learning in PAI subjects at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari has been carried out quite well. It is shown that 1). The teacher has carried out learning planning in the form of making annual programs, semester programs, lesson plans, and learning media. 2). The implementation of learning begins with preliminary activities, core activity and closing activities. 3). The evaluations carried out by PAI teachers are formative and summative evaluations. However, online learning makes teachers and students experience difficulties dur...
Today, differences of opinion about learning to read, write, and count for early childhood still ... more Today, differences of opinion about learning to read, write, and count for early childhood still occur by many parties. This study aims to obtain an overview of how the opinions and attitudes of principals and kindergarten teachers and RA about reading, writing, and arithmetic learning. This research uses descriptive methods, and data collection is done through interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study indicate (1) the Education Office or Ministry of Religion does not require reading, writing, and arithmetic learning; (2) Most TK and RA carry out reading, writing, and numeracy learning and some others do not implement it; (3) the provision of reading, writing and counting activities in kindergarten and RA is based on the request of parents of students; (4) reading, writing and counting activities in kindergarten and RA are conducted outside of school hours and are private; (5) the implementation of reading, writing and counting activities in kindergarten and RA is carried out by the teacher.
Papers by Arif Hakim