Papers by Arief Rachman Hakim

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini saya, Arief Rahman Hakim menyatakan bahwa skripsi dengan judul :... more Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini saya, Arief Rahman Hakim menyatakan bahwa skripsi dengan judul : "PENGARUH KEPRIBADIAN, SIKAP, DAN KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA KREATIF DALAM ORGANISASI (STUDI PADA ORGANISASI KREATIF DI KOTA SEMARANG)", adalah hasil tulisan saya sendiri. Dengan ini saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa dalam skripsi ini tidak terdapat keseluruhan atau sebagian tulisan orang lain yang saya ambil dengan cara menyalin atau meniru dalam bentuk rangkaian kalimat atau simbol yang menunjukkan gagasan atau pendapat atau pemikiran dari penulis lain, yang saya akui seolah-olah sebagai tulisan saya sendiri dan / tidak terdapat bagian atau keseluruhan tulisan yang saya salin, tiru atau yang saya ambil dari tulisan orang lain tanpa memberikan pengakuan penulis aslinya. Apabila saya melakukan tindakan yang bertentangan dengan hal tersebut di atas, baik sengaja maupun tidak, dengan ini saya menyatakan menarik skripsi yang saya ajukan sebagai tulisan saya sendiri ini. Bila kemudian terbukti bahwa saya melakukan tindakan menyalin atau meniru tulisan orang lain seolah-olah pemikiran saya sendiri, berarti gelar dan ijazah yang telah diberikan oleh universitas batal saya terima.

Ecology, 1996
The cultivation of tropical Asian rice, which may have originated 9000 yr ago, represents an agri... more The cultivation of tropical Asian rice, which may have originated 9000 yr ago, represents an agricultural ecosystem of unrivaled ecological complexity. We undertook a study of the community ecology of irrigated tropical rice fields on Java, Indonesia, as a supporting study for the Indonesian National Integrated Pest Management Programme, whose purpose is to train farmers to be better agronomists and to employ the principles of integrated pest management (IPM). Two of our study objectives, reported on here, were (1) to explore whether there exist general and consistent patterns of arthropod community dynamics related to natural or intrinsic levels of biological control, and (2) to understand how the existing levels of biological control are affected by insecticide use, as well as by large-scale habitat factors relating to differing patterns for vegetational landscapes, planting times, and the length of dry fallow periods.

Biological Control, 1998
Integrated pest management attempts to combine cultural, chemical, and biological approaches to b... more Integrated pest management attempts to combine cultural, chemical, and biological approaches to bring about pest reductions and improve crop yields. In Asian wet rice agriculture, as in many crop systems, there is a real question as to how compatible chemical control methods are with other pest control approaches. Working in an irrigated rice paddy on Java, Indonesia, we crossed a natural enemy treatment (addition of wolf spiders, Lycosa pseudoannulata Boesenberg et Strand) with an insecticide treatment (monocrotophos) in a balanced, replicated, two-way factorial design to explicitly examine the potential interactions between chemical and biological control methods. Although adding either wolf spiders or insecticide to field plots significantly reduced abundance of pests (sucking homopterans), combining the two treatments together generated a significant, season-long interaction effect such that pest densities did not decrease. In other words, pest densities in plots receiving both spiders and insecticide were statistically comparable to those in plots receiving neither pest control method. Furthermore, we found additive effects of wolf spiders and insecticide on other generalist predators, and from those data we hypothesize that intraguild predation and ensuing indirect effects may be responsible for the interaction effect on pest density. Our results indicate that, far from being complementary and compatible approaches to pest reduction, combining treatments of natural enemy addition and insecticide application may be quite counterproductive. 1998 Academic Press
Latar belakang : Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY) merupakan salah satu masalah gizi nasio... more Latar belakang : Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY) merupakan salah satu masalah gizi nasional di Indonesia yang sangat berkaitan erat dengan gangguan perkembangan mental dan kecerdasan. Penduduk yang tinggal di daerah rawan GAKY berisiko kehilangan IQ ...

Jurnal Gaussian
The company's financial health provides an indication of company’s performance that is useful... more The company's financial health provides an indication of company’s performance that is useful for knowing the company's position in industrial area. The company's performance needs to be predicted to knowing the company's progress. K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) are classification methods that can be used to predict company's performance. KNN classifies data based on the proximity of the data distance while AdaBoost works with the concept of giving more weight to observations that include weak learners. The purpose of this study is to compare the KNN and AdaBoost methods to find out better methods for predicting company’s performance in Indonesia. The dependent variable used in this study is the company's performance which is classified into four classes, namely unhealthy, less healthy, healthy, and very healthy. The independent variables used consist of seven financial ratios namely ROA, ROE, WCTA, TATO, DER, LDAR, and ROI. The dat...

The presence of outliers will affect the parameter estimation results and model accuracy. It also... more The presence of outliers will affect the parameter estimation results and model accuracy. It also occurs in the spatial regression model, especially the Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model. Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) is a regression model where spatial effects are attached to the dependent variable. Removing outliers in the analysis will eliminate the necessary information. Therefore, the solution offered is to modify the SAR model, especially by giving special treatment to observations that have potentially become outliers. This study develops to modeling the life expectancy data in Central Java Province using a modified spatial autoregressive model with the Mean-Shift Outlier Model (MSOM) approach. Outliers are detected using the MSOM method. Then the result is used as the basis for modifying the SAR model. This modification, in principle, will reduce or increase the average of the observed data indicated as outliers. The results show that the modified model can improve the model...

Jurnal Gaussian
Life expectancy at birth (AHH) is an estimate of the years a person will take from birth. AHH is ... more Life expectancy at birth (AHH) is an estimate of the years a person will take from birth. AHH is used as an indicator of public health and welfare. These two indicators are of concern to the government in relation to human development. It is hoped that the AHH value will continue to increase so that the quality of human development will also increase. Modeling of the factors that influence AHH needs to be done so that efforts to increase AHH become more effective.The AHH value for Central Java (Central Java) in 2020 is 74.37. Factors thought to influence AHH in Central Java are the percentage of poor people (X1), the percentage of households with proper sanitation (X2), the percentage of children under five who are fully immunized (X3) and the open unemployment rate (X4). The assumption of homoscedasticity in AHH modeling in Central Java using linear regression was not fulfilled, meaning that there was spatial heterogeneity between districts/cities, so the Geographically Weighted Re...

Jurnal Gaussian
The case of stunting in Indonesia is a problem that has been discussed for a long time. One of ma... more The case of stunting in Indonesia is a problem that has been discussed for a long time. One of many efforts to overcome this problem is through an accelerated stunting reduction program to improve the nutritional status of the community and also to reduce the prevalence of stunting or stunted toddlers. Generally, the index used to determine the nutritional status of stunting toddlers height compared to age. This study aims to identify the classification results, evaluate the model, and predict the nutritional status of stunting toddlers using the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm with K-Fold Cross Validation testing. The data processing system used is the GUI-R (Graphical User Interface) in order to facilitate the analysis process by implementing the Shiny Package in the Rstudio program. The results of accuracy using Naïve Bayes Classifier with 10-Fold Cross Validation test obtained the highest accuracy on the 6th iteration with an accuracy 94.39%, while the lowest accuracy on the 8t...

Jurnal Gaussian, 2021
Shopee is one of the e-commerce sites that has many users in Indonesia. Shopee provides various a... more Shopee is one of the e-commerce sites that has many users in Indonesia. Shopee provides various attractive promos on special days such as National Online Shopping Day on December 12. Shopee site was a complete error on December 12, 2020. Complaints and opinions of Shopee users were also shared through various media, one of them was Google Play Store. Sentiment analysis was used to see the user's response to the Shopee’s incident. Sentiment analysis results can be extracted to obtain information regarding positive or negative reviews from Shopee users. Sentiment analysis was performed using the Multinomial Naïve Bayes classification. the simplest method of probability classification, but it is sensitive to feature selection so that the amount of data is determined by the results of feature selection Query Expansion Ranking. The algorithm that has the highest accuracy and kappa statistic is the best algorithm in classifying Shopee’s users sentiment. The results showed that the cla...
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, 2021
GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED NEGATIVE BIVARIATE BINOMIAL REGRESSION FOR MODELLING THE NUMBER OF DENGUE... more GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED NEGATIVE BIVARIATE BINOMIAL REGRESSION FOR MODELLING THE NUMBER OF DENGUE DISEASES AND THEIR MORTALITY IN EAST NUSA TENGGARA, INDONESIA ALAN PRAHUTAMA, ARIEF RACHMAN HAKIM, DWI ISPRIYANTI, HASBI YASIN, BUDI WARSITO Statistics Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang Indonesia Environment Science, Graduate School Diponegoro University, Semarang Indonesia Copyright © 2021 the author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Transportation is an important factor to improve the economic level of an area. If the transporta... more Transportation is an important factor to improve the economic level of an area. If the transportation does great, the economy will grow up. In case of that, Tirtonadi Bus Station always try to provide optimum services to avoid long queue. Queue system on the west lanes nonpatas bus service of Tirtonadi Bus Station (Solo-Yogyakarta, Solo-Semarang, Solo-Purwokerto, Solo-Jakarta, and Jalur Pedesaan) will be analyzed using queueing theory. The main goal of this project is to identify the distribution of the model of Non-Poisson and calculate the size of system performance. Primary data analysis is made up of equilibrium sample test (steady state) and tested the distribution of the arrivals number and the bus service’s time. Based on the analysis of queueing process, there are non-Poisson queueing models estimated with Triangular, Beta, Weibull, and the models are (G/M/1) : (GD/∞/∞), (G/LOGN/1) : (GD/∞/∞), (G/M/1) : (GD/∞/∞), (G/BETA/1) : (GD/∞/∞), and (G/M/1) : (GD/∞/∞). The size of sys...

Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression (GTWR) merupakan salah satu metode spatio tempo... more Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression (GTWR) merupakan salah satu metode spatio temporal yang dikembangkan pada model regresi linier. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan menambahkan unsur spasial yang direpresentasikan dengan lokasi geografis dan penambahan unsur temporal yang diwakili oleh waktu pengamatan. Dengan metode GTWR akan diperoleh parameter bersifat lokal menurut lokasi dan waktu pengamatan. Perkembangan teknologi telah memunculkan berbagai alat bantu dalam proses analisis data. Salah satunya berkembangnya software statistik yang berbasis antarmuka berupa Graphical User Interface (GUI) untuk memudahkan pengguna. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem komputasi untuk proses analisis data menggunakan model GTWR baik estimasi parameter maupun inferensinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan dengan menggunakan GUI GTWR pengguna akan sangat dimudahkan dalam proses analisis data spasial menggunakan metode GTWR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model spatio te...

In Spatial extreme value (SEV) is a method used to model an extreme event in several locations wh... more In Spatial extreme value (SEV) is a method used to model an extreme event in several locations where there are dependencies between these locations. This method is a development of the Extreme Value Theory which is used in univariate cases. One of the approaches used in SEV is the max-stable process. Several models used in the maxstable process are the Smith, Schlater, Brown Resnick and Gaussian Geometric models. In general, these models have a Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. This study uses rainfall data in Central Java, then the extreme data is selected by the Maxima block method. The basic principle of maxima block is that extreme data is selected from the maximum data in each predefined block. The next step is modeling the extreme data with a geometric-Gaussian model. This method is a development of the Smith and Schlater models. The model obtained is then used to predict extreme rainfall using the return level. The result is that the maximum extreme rainfall in th...

Jurnal Gaussian, 2020
The poor are people who have average monthly expenditures per capita below the poverty line. Wono... more The poor are people who have average monthly expenditures per capita below the poverty line. Wonosobo District became the poorest district in Central Java in 2011-2018, although the percentage of poor people has decreased every year. It cannot be separated from the efforts of the Wonosobo District Government to overcome poverty through various programs. This study classified households in Wonosobo District in 2018 as poor and non-poor based on influencing factors. This study used the Support Vector Machines (SVM) method to be compared with the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) method. It used the data from the 2018 National Socio-Economic Survey of Central Java with a total of 795 observations. Result of the research using the SVM method and the RBF kernel, the classification accuracy reaches 89.82% then the classification accuracy using the CART method reaches 87.08%. GUI designed by RShiny package can make easier for users to analyze the SVM and CART with the valid output.

Jurnal Gaussian, 2020
Forecasting the number of airplane passengers can be a consideration for the airline at Ahmad Yan... more Forecasting the number of airplane passengers can be a consideration for the airline at Ahmad Yani International Airport related with addition of extra flight. The number of airplane passengers can be influenced by certain seasonal or special events. The seasonal influences can be known through historical data patterns and if there is a seasonal pattern, the Holt Winter’s Exponential Smoothing method can be used. Exponential Smoothing Event Based (ESEB) forecasting method can be use to see the special events that effect the number of airplane passengers at Ahmad Yani International Airport. After compared, the Holt Winter’s Exponential Smoothing method is a better method of forecasting the number of airplane passengers at Ahmad Yani International Airport because it has a smaller error value, namely the MSE value and the MAPE value than the Exponential Smoothing Event Based (ESEB)method. The MAPE and MSE values be produced from the best method each of 5,644139% and 619,998,718 .Keywo...

Jurnal Gaussian, 2019
In an era of industrial revolution 4.0, technology is increasingly sophisticated, requiring compa... more In an era of industrial revolution 4.0, technology is increasingly sophisticated, requiring companies to be more creative. Product quality control is an effort to minimize the defective products produced by the company. The production of weaving sarongs at PT SUKORINTEX pays attention to the accuracy of the length and width of the sarong to conform to the standards set by the company. To find out the quality of woven sarong products at PT SUKORINTEX, analysis was performed using Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MEWMA) control charts and multivariate kernel control charts. The research variable was the characteristics of the X sarongs which is reflected in 2 variates, namely the average length and average width. Based on the results and discussion that has been done, the MEWMA control chart used a weighting λ which is determined using trial and error. MEWMA control charts can be said to be stable and controlled by λ = 0.1, Upper Control Limit (UCL) of 14.62943, and...

STATISTIKA Journal of Theoretical Statistics and Its Applications, 2019
Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) merupakan suatu sistem pemrosesan informasi yang karakteristik dan c... more Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) merupakan suatu sistem pemrosesan informasi yang karakteristik dan cara kerjanya mirip dengan otak manusia. Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu metode untuk peramalan tanpa harus memenuhi berbagai asumsi seperti pada metode ARIMA. Feed Forward Neural Netwok (FFNN) merupakan salah satu model jaringan syaraf tiruan yang mempunyai arsitektur jaringan sederhana, dimana hubungan antara input dan output terjadi secara tidak langsung yaitu melalui hidden layer. Cascade Forward Neural Network (CFNN) merupakan jaringan syaraf tiruan yang memiliki arsitektur mirip dengan Feed Forward Neural Netwok (FFNN), tetapi terdapat hubungan langsung antara input dan output. CFNN dapat dikombinasikan dengan berbagai metode optimasi seperti Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) terinspirasi dari kawanan burung yang terbang berkelompok. Perpaduan antara Cascade Forward Neural Network (CFNN) dan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bobot optimum yang meminimumkan error. Pada penelitian ini, data yang digunakan adalah data harga saham harian PT. XL Axiata Tbk. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan CFNN dengan optimasi PSO diperoleh MAPE training sebesar 1,8248% dan MAPE testing sebesar 2,3136% dimana nilai MAPE tersebut masih kurang dari 10% sehingga keakuratan model dikatakan sangat baik.
Economic growth can be measured by amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Based on off... more Economic growth can be measured by amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Based on official news of statistics BPS, Economic growth in Banten region has increase up to 5.59%. It supported by several sector, there are agriculture, business, industry and from various fields. Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) methods have been developed based on linear regression by giving spatial effect or location (longitude and latitude), the resulting model from Economic growth in Banten will be local or different based on each location. MGWR mixed method between linear regression and GWR, parameters in linear regression are global and GWR parameters are local. The results more specific because economic growth in Banten region assessed by location.Keywords: Banten, Economic growth, MGWR.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
Geographically Weighted Panel Regression or GWPR is a local linear regression model that combines... more Geographically Weighted Panel Regression or GWPR is a local linear regression model that combines GWR model and panel data regression model with considering spatial effect, especially spatial heterogeneity problem. This article is focused on the soft computation of GWPR model using Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Parameter estimation in GWPR is obtain by Weighted Least Squares (WLS) methods and the resulting model for each location will be different from one to another. This study will compare the fixed-effect GWPR model with several weighting functions. The best model is determined based on the biggest coefficient of determination (R2) value. In this study, the model is applied in the Air Polluter Standard Index (APSI) in Surabaya City, East Java. The results of this study indicate that Fixed Effect GWPR model with a fixed exponential kernel weighting function is the best model to describe the APSI because it has the smallest AIC.

This research covers Spatial Extreme Value method application with Max-Stable Process (MSP) appro... more This research covers Spatial Extreme Value method application with Max-Stable Process (MSP) approach that will be used to analysis Extreme Rainfall in Semarang city. Extreme value sample are selected by Block Maxima methods, it will be estimated into Spatial Extreme Value form by including location factors. Then it transform to Frechet distribution because it has a heavy tail pattern. Max Stable Process (MSP) is an extension of the multivariate extreme value distribution into infinite dimension of the Extreme Value Theory. After the best model of extreme rainfall data in Semarang is obtained, then calculated the prediction of extreme rainfall with a certain time period. Predictions are calculated using a return level, predictions of extreme rainfall using the return period of the next two years, at the Semarang City Climatology Station predicted to be a maximum of 100.7539 mm. At the Tanjung Mas Rain Monitoring Station it is predicted that a maximum of 100.1052 mm, Ahmad Yani Rain Monitoring Station is predicted to be a maximum of 109.9379 mm. Maximum prediction of extreme rainfall can also be calculated for future t (time) periods.
Papers by Arief Rachman Hakim