Papers by Arianna Bozzolo

Horttechnology, Jun 1, 2023
In the midwestern United States, especially Missouri, winegrape (Vitis sp.) growers mostly plant ... more In the midwestern United States, especially Missouri, winegrape (Vitis sp.) growers mostly plant interspecific hybrids, which are well adapted to the climate and pests of the region. 'Chambourcin' (an interspecific French-American hybrid) is one of the most widely planted winegrape cultivars in the area. It is usually grown as ownrooted (nongrafted) vines because the economic and horticultural benefits of grafting this cultivar to rootstocks have not been well developed. Further, few significant winegrape rootstock evaluations have been conducted in the midwestern United States, including evaluations of newer rootstocks developed and released by private and public breeding programs. The aim of this study was to assess the potential value of using rootstocks in 'Chambourcin' production in southern Missouri, with implications for the midwestern United States. Fruit yield, vine growth, and fruit composition metrics from 'Chambourcin' on 10 different root systems [own-rooted, and grafted to rootstocks 'Couderc 3309', 'Couderc 1616', 'Paulsen 1103', 'S election Oppenheim 4', 'Millardet et de Grasset 420A', 'Millardet et de Grasset 101-14', 'Kingfisher', 'Matador' (all Vitis sp.), and 'Gloire de Montpellier' riverbank grape (Vitis riparia)] in an experimental vineyard in southwest Missouri were compared. Following three establishment years (2008-10), data were collected across four growing and vintage seasons (2011-14). Yield components evaluated included total fruit production, clusters per vine, cluster weight, berry weight, weight of cane prunings, and crop load. Petiole mineral analysis was conducted in 2011, 2013, and 2014. Grape juice attributes measured were soluble solids concentration, juice pH, titratable acidity (TA), potassium (K), anthocyanins, tannins, phenolics, and organic acids. When simply comparing grafted vs. ungrafted vines, grafting generally induced higher plant vigor and a higher pH in the juice, whereas the other parameters did not differ. When the performances were compared among the 10 root systems, vines grafted to 'Couderc 3309' had higher yields compared with vines grafted to six other rootstocks and own-rooted vines. Grafting to 'Millardet et de Grasset 101-14' induced higher cluster weight compared with the other rootstocks. The 'Millardet et de Grasset 420A' rootstock promoted a higher pH and TA as well as a higher concentration of K in the juice, and 'Paulsen 1103' also promoted high pH, TA, and malic acid in the juice, and higher concentrations of phosphorous (P) and K in the petiole compared with most rootstocks. 'Gloire de Montpellier' induced a lower P content in the petiole and a higher tartaric/malic acid ratio. Rootstock use can strongly influence some vineyard production metrics as well as nutrient uptake and K levels in the juice (the latter further influencing juice pH). The results of this study provide insights into the complex viticultural and enological interactions resulting from the use of rootstocks in hybrid winegrape production in Missouri, USA.

Remote Sensing, Jul 19, 2017
Early detection of water stress is critical for precision farming for improving crop productivity... more Early detection of water stress is critical for precision farming for improving crop productivity and fruit quality. To investigate varying rootstock and irrigation interactions in an open agricultural ecosystem, different irrigation treatments were implemented in a vineyard experimental site either: (i) nonirrigated (NIR); (ii) with full replacement of evapotranspiration (FIR); or (iii) intermediate irrigation (INT, 50% replacement of evapotranspiration). In the summers 2014 and 2015, we collected leaf reflectance factor spectra of the vineyard using field spectroscopy along with grapevine physiological parameters. To comprehensively analyze the field-collected hyperspectral data, various band combinations were used to calculate the normalized difference spectral index (NDSI) along with 26 various indices from the literature. Then, the relationship between the indices and plant physiological parameters were examined and the strongest relationships were determined. We found that newly-identified NDSIs always performed better than the indices from the literature, and stomatal conductance (G s) was the plant physiological parameter that showed the highest correlation with NDSI(R 603 ,R 558) calculated using leaf reflectance factor spectra (R 2 = 0.720). Additionally, the best NDSI(R 685 ,R 415) for non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was determined (R 2 = 0.681). G s resulted in being a proxy of water stress. Therefore, the partial least squares regression (PLSR) method was utilized to develop a predictive model for G s. Our results showed that the PLSR model was inferior to the NDSI in G s estimation (R 2 = 0.680). The variable importance in the projection (VIP) was then employed to investigate the most important wavelengths that were most effective in determining G s. The VIP analysis confirmed that the yellow band improves the prediction ability of hyperspectral reflectance factor data in G s estimation. The findings of this study demonstrate the potential of hyperspectral spectroscopy data in motoring plant stress response.
Informatore Agrario Supplemento, 2009

Acta horticulturae, Nov 1, 2012
Research was carried out in two vineyards planted with the variety 'Merlot' in order to evaluate ... more Research was carried out in two vineyards planted with the variety 'Merlot' in order to evaluate the effect of soil compost addition on soil organic matter and grapevine production and quality. The vineyards were established in Valnogaredo and Zovon, on the Euganean Hills, Italy. Two treatments were compared: application of 5 t/ha of compost versus no compost application. Soil and microbial analyses were performed. SPAD values and leaf chlorophyll content were measured during the growing season. Quantitative and qualitative parameters of vine production were evaluated. The soil of the two vineyards was calcareous and gravelly, with clay texture and alkaline pH. Organic matter content increased after the compost treatment, whereas the other investigated parameters did not change significantly. The organic C content increased in Valnogaredo but not in Zovon. The humification index and microbial biomass increased in both vineyards. In 2007 and 2008 SPAD values in the leaves were higher for the compost treated vines compared with those untreated and strong correlations were found with leaf chlorophyll contents. At harvest, in Valnogaredo in 2007 and 2008, in Zovon in 2008 and 2009, an increase in the yield/vine of bunch and berry weight and volume and qualitative parameters were observed in plants treated with compost. In conclusion, compost application, depending on soil characteristics, can increase soil organic matter and microbial biomass but can also affect vine productivity.

Acta horticulturae, Sep 1, 2012
Peat is the most widely used substrate in greenhouse production, but interest in alternative subs... more Peat is the most widely used substrate in greenhouse production, but interest in alternative substrates has increased recently. The objective of this research was to compare germination and growth of seedlings in sphagnum peat-based substrates amended with "Nature's Natural" (NN). NN is a processed dairy manure product. Substrates were used contained varying proportions of peat or NN: 0% NN and 100% peat; 20% NN and 80% peat; 40% NN and 60% peat; 60% NN and 40% peat; 80 %NN and 20% peat; 100% NN and 0% peat. Days to germination were recorded in three species: impatiens (Impatiens walleriana), vinca (Catharanthus roseus) and tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum), and shoot and root dry weights were determined after 3 weeks. For impatiens and vinca there was no difference in days to germination among substrates. For tomato, days to germination was lower for NN-amended substrates than for the 100% peat substrate. For all species, shoot weight did not differ between NN-amended substrates and the 100% peat until the percentage of NN was 60% or higher, at which point shoot weight decreased. For impatiens and vinca, root weight was not different for NN-amended substrates and the 100% peat until the percentage of NN was 40% or higher, at which point root weight decreased. For tomato, root weight did not differ among the root substrates. It was possible to use NN as a partial substitute for peat in the germination substrate. Maximum germination and growth occurred where NN comprised 20% to 40% of the substrate.

In the midwestern United States, especially Missouri, winegrape (Vitis sp.) growers mostly plant ... more In the midwestern United States, especially Missouri, winegrape (Vitis sp.) growers mostly plant interspecific hybrids, which are well adapted to the climate and pests of the region. ‘Chambourcin’ (an interspecific French-American hybrid) is one of the most widely planted winegrape cultivars in the area. It is usually grown as own-rooted (nongrafted) vines because the economic and horticultural benefits of grafting this cultivar to rootstocks have not been well developed. Further, few significant winegrape rootstock evaluations have been conducted in the midwestern United States, including evaluations of newer rootstocks developed and released by private and public breeding programs. The aim of this study was to assess the potential value of using rootstocks in ‘Chambourcin’ production in southern Missouri, with implications for the midwestern United States. Fruit yield, vine growth, and fruit composition metrics from ‘Chambourcin’ on 10 different root systems [own-rooted, and graft...
XXVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chimica Agraria, 2008
The generated black liquor of Organosolv process from sugarcane bagasse was treated with white ro... more The generated black liquor of Organosolv process from sugarcane bagasse was treated with white rottenness Phanerochaete chrysosporium fungi, for the realization of preliminary studies of evaluation of the decrease of the color, compound aromatic and demand oxygen chemistry (DQO). The studies were carried out in erlenmeyers. Different conditions of temperature and nutritional requirements were evaluated. The best results were obtained at 37°C and under conditions of nitrogen limitation with 38% of color decrease and 12% of decrease of the DQO. In the course of the experiment the activities of the lignin peroxidase neither manganese peroxidase were not detected, however this fungi is able to produce these enzymes. Starting from the obtained results, you can conclude that other independent factors of the presence of the enzymatic activities that cause these results exist.

HortTechnology, 2013
A top coat is a lightweight substrate component used in seed germination. The seeds are typically... more A top coat is a lightweight substrate component used in seed germination. The seeds are typically placed on a substrate such as peat and then the seeds are covered with a layer of the top coating substrate. The top coat serves to maintain adequate moisture around the seeds and to exclude light. Vermiculite and cork granulates (1 mm) were used as top coat substrates for seed germination to determine if cork granulates could be successfully used as an alternative to vermiculite. The cork granulates had a bulk density of 0.16 g·cm−3, which was higher than that of vermiculite that had a bulk density of 0.12 g·cm−3. Cork granulates had an air-filled pore space of 22.7% (v/v), which was higher than vermiculite which was 13.2%. The water-holding capacity of vermiculite was 63.4% (v/v), which was higher than that of cork granulates that was 35.1%. Seeds of ‘Rutgers Select’ tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), ‘Dazzler Lilac Splash’ impatiens (Impatiens walleriana), ‘Orbital Cardinal Red’ geranium...

AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2017
Biochar is used as soil amendment and enhancer of plant growth, but the mechanisms involved in gr... more Biochar is used as soil amendment and enhancer of plant growth, but the mechanisms involved in grapevine are not understood. In this study, the short-term effects of amendments were evaluated in a trial combining three substrates (biochar, compost, peat-based media) with three doses (30, 70, 100%) along a time sequence on 1-year-old bare root cuttings of grapevine. Amendments were analyzed for elemental composition. Soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chlorophyll (CHL), flavonoids (FL), anthocyans (ANT) and nitrogen balance index (NBI) were measured. Biochar differed from other amendments for stable C structures, where nutrients and lignin residues were high in compost. Biochar increased soil pH, whereas biochar plus compost mixture augmented EC. The amended plants had detrimental effects on root, true and lateral leaves. Nevertheless, at the lowest rate biochar increased the primary shoot and total scion to root biomass ratio. Among biochemicals, ANT and NBI were mostly affected by biochar, while compost gave only slight increments. Thus, although biochar rate was not adequate for the shedding in open field our results suggest that biochar might be useful in nursery when used at low dosages.

Remote Sensing, 2017
Early detection of water stress is critical for precision farming for improving crop productivity... more Early detection of water stress is critical for precision farming for improving crop productivity and fruit quality. To investigate varying rootstock and irrigation interactions in an open agricultural ecosystem, different irrigation treatments were implemented in a vineyard experimental site either: (i) nonirrigated (NIR); (ii) with full replacement of evapotranspiration (FIR); or (iii) intermediate irrigation (INT, 50% replacement of evapotranspiration). In the summers 2014 and 2015, we collected leaf reflectance factor spectra of the vineyard using field spectroscopy along with grapevine physiological parameters. To comprehensively analyze the field-collected hyperspectral data, various band combinations were used to calculate the normalized difference spectral index (NDSI) along with 26 various indices from the literature. Then, the relationship between the indices and plant physiological parameters were examined and the strongest relationships were determined. We found that newly-identified NDSIs always performed better than the indices from the literature, and stomatal conductance (G s ) was the plant physiological parameter that showed the highest correlation with NDSI(R 603 ,R 558 ) calculated using leaf reflectance factor spectra (R 2 = 0.720). Additionally, the best NDSI(R 685 ,R 415 ) for non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was determined (R 2 = 0.681). G s resulted in being a proxy of water stress. Therefore, the partial least squares regression (PLSR) method was utilized to develop a predictive model for G s . Our results showed that the PLSR model was inferior to the NDSI in G s estimation (R 2 = 0.680). The variable importance in the projection (VIP) was then employed to investigate the most important wavelengths that were most effective in determining G s . The VIP analysis confirmed that the yellow band improves the prediction ability of hyperspectral reflectance factor data in G s estimation. The findings of this study demonstrate the potential of hyperspectral spectroscopy data in motoring plant stress response.
... bozzolo, arianna (2010) Influenza dell'apporto di compost sulle caratteristiche del suol... more ... bozzolo, arianna (2010) Influenza dell'apporto di compost sulle caratteristiche del suolo e sull'attivita vegetative e produttiva della vite in vigneti dei ... e nel 2008 a Valnogaredo, nel 2008 e nel 2009 a Zovon, sono stati osservati un aumento della produzione per ceppo, del peso e ...

XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on Environmental, Edaphic, and Genetic Factors Affecting Plants, Seeds and Turfgrass, 2012
ABSTRACT Research was carried out in two vineyards planted with the variety 'Merlot&#... more ABSTRACT Research was carried out in two vineyards planted with the variety 'Merlot' in order to evaluate the effect of soil compost addition on soil organic matter and grapevine production and quality. The vineyards were established in Valnogaredo and Zovon, on the Euganean Hills, Italy. Two treatments were compared: application of 5 t/ha of compost versus no compost application. Soil and microbial analyses were performed. SPAD values and leaf chlorophyll content were measured during the growing season. Quantitative and qualitative parameters of vine production were evaluated. The soil of the two vineyards was calcareous and gravelly, with clay texture and alkaline pH. Organic matter content increased after the compost treatment, whereas the other investigated parameters did not change significantly. The organic C content increased in Valnogaredo but not in Zovon. The humification index and microbial biomass increased in both vineyards. In 2007 and 2008 SPAD values in the leaves were higher for the compost treated vines compared with those untreated and strong correlations were found with leaf chlorophyll contents. At harvest, in Valnogaredo in 2007 and 2008, in Zovon in 2008 and 2009, an increase in the yield/vine of bunch and berry weight and volume and qualitative parameters were observed in plants treated with compost. In conclusion, compost application, depending on soil characteristics, can increase soil organic matter and microbial biomass but can also affect vine productivity.
XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on Advances in Ornamentals, Landscape and Urban Horticulture, 2012
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2019
The Joban Expressway was opened to traffic on March 1, 2015. There are variety of equipment on th... more The Joban Expressway was opened to traffic on March 1, 2015. There are variety of equipment on the expressway that collect or provide information is installed. We will introduce some of them utilizing ICT.
Papers by Arianna Bozzolo