Papers by Arghirescu Marius

By a pre-quantum theory of the author, which consider the magnetic moment as etherono-quantonic v... more By a pre-quantum theory of the author, which consider the magnetic moment as etherono-quantonic vortex Γ M = Γ A + Γ B of etherons and of quantons with mass m h =h/c 2 , and which retrieve the exponential form of the nuclear potential by a pre-quantum nucleon model resulted as Bose-Einstein condensate of gammons formed as pairs of quasielectrons, is proposed a new, pre-quantum model for the proton's stability explaining, with repulsive " shell " of ∼0.6fm radius, relative similar with the MIT, " Bag " Model but different from it, which explains the repulsive property of the impenetrable nucleonic volume in p-p scattering reactions by a repulsive property of its surface, given by a static pressure of internal kinetized quanta, with a Gaussian variation and with the maximal value corresponding to the B-constant of the MIT Bag Model. The resulted potential, acting over the impenetrable quantum volume of the quark-containing its current mass, can explain the quarks confining, in accordance with the known value of the deconfination temperature, T d ≈2x10 12 K, without the hypothesis of intermediary gluons.

By an etherono-quantonic theory of the author [1], which deduces that the magnetic field of a mag... more By an etherono-quantonic theory of the author [1], which deduces that the magnetic field of a magnetic moment is generated by an etherono-quantonic vortex ΓM = ΓA + ΓB of etherons and of quantons with mass mh = h/c 2 , giving the magnetic induction B, a revised model of pseudoscalar photon derived from the Munera's model and the Hunter-Wadlinger model is proposed, formed by two vectorial photons with diameter λ/π, deformed to the speed direction to the value: λ/2 proportional with the speed. The revised model of photon is compatible with the ondulatory and the corpuscular properties of the particles and allows a phenomenological microphysical explanation for the Kerr and the Cotton-Mouton effects and other similar effects. It is explained also microphysically the magnetic rotating polarization (the Faraday effect). The model indicates the variation of the quantum vacuum refraction index in the presence of a strong electric E-field or magnetic B-field.

Through a phenomenological approach using the concept of sub-quantum fluid, the theory argues the... more Through a phenomenological approach using the concept of sub-quantum fluid, the theory argues the possibility of a cold genesis of elementary particles and of fields, explaining the electromagnetic and the gravitic fields by equations of ideal fluids applied to the subquantum and the quantum " primordial dark energy ". The possibility to explain the cold genesis of " dark " photons and of " dark " elementary particles is obtained by a CF-chiral soliton model of lepton, resulted as vortex of " primordial dark energy " , respective-as Bose-Einstein condensate of gammonic (e +-e-)-pairs confined in a very strong magnetic field, in the Protouniverse's period of time. This possibility results by a model of primordial 'gravistar' with a self-growing property given by the confining of " primordial dark energy " into " dark photons " and into " dark particles " by a " vortex cascade " mechanism induced by its magnetic field and gravitationally sustained. The supposed primordial " big bang " of the Universe results as a period of gravistars transforming into magnetars, supernovae and into (micro) quasars. The resulted model of expanding Universe gives a semi-sinusoidal variation of the expansion speed. The approach, even if does not propose an enough unitary equation of the known basic fields, it explains naturally the fundamental interactions, by the same basic concept.
Papers by Arghirescu Marius