Papers by Arezoo Eshraghi

The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of a newly designed magnetic suspension ... more The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of a newly designed magnetic suspension system with that of two existing suspension methods on pistoning inside the prosthetic socket and to compare satisfaction and perceived problems among transtibial amputees. In this prospective study, three lower limb prostheses with three different suspension systems were fabricated for ten transtibial amputees. The participants used each of the three prostheses for 1 mo in random order. Pistoning inside the prosthetic socket was measured by motion analysis system. The Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire was used to evaluate satisfaction and perceived problems with each suspension system. The lowest pistoning motion was found with the suction system compared with the other two suspension systems (P < 0.05). The new suspension system showed peak pistoning values similar to that of the pin lock system (P = 0.086). The results of the questionnaire survey revealed significantly higher satisfaction rates with the new system than with the other two systems in donning and doffing, walking, uneven walking, stair negotiation, and overall satisfaction (P < 0.05). The new suspension system has the potential to be used as an alternative to the available suspension systems. The pistoning motion was comparable to that of the other two systems. The new system showed compatible prosthetic suspension with the other two systems (suction and pin lock). The satisfaction with donning and doffing was high with the magnetic system. Moreover, the subjects reported fewer problems with the new system.
Ali S, Abu Osman NA, Naqshbandi MM, Eshraghi A, Kamyab M, Gholizadeh H. Qualitative study of pros... more Ali S, Abu Osman NA, Naqshbandi MM, Eshraghi A, Kamyab M, Gholizadeh H. Qualitative study of prosthetic suspension systems on transtibial amputees' satisfaction and perceived problems with their prosthetic devices. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2012;93:1919-23.
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists, Jan 16, 2015

Prosthetics and orthotics international, Jan 12, 2015
This article describes a total surface bearing prosthetic socket for a patient (25-year-old femal... more This article describes a total surface bearing prosthetic socket for a patient (25-year-old female) with a bulbous stump. The subject had unstable excessive soft tissue at the distal end of the residuum. After 2 years of prosthetic use, she experienced several problems, including pain in the residual limb and knee joint. Pressure distribution was evaluated during ambulation. We also designed a total surface bearing socket with Velcro as suspension system to distribute the load evenly on the residual limb, and to facilitate donning procedure. The main site of weight bearing in the old prosthesis (patellar tendon bearing) was anterior proximal region of the residual limb, especially the patellar tendon. The pressure was almost 10 times higher than the distal region during level walking. Pressures were distributed more evenly with the total surface bearing socket design, and the donning was much easier. Pressure distribution within the socket could be affected by socket design and susp...
Scoliosis, Dec 1, 2009
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hyperkyphosis on static and dynamic balan... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hyperkyphosis on static and dynamic balance control in school-aged girls.
BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2014
Background: Prosthesis suspension systems can alter the distribution of pressure within the prost... more Background: Prosthesis suspension systems can alter the distribution of pressure within the prosthetic socket. This study evaluates a new suspension system for lower limb prostheses, and aims to compare the interface pressure and amputees' satisfaction with the new system compared with a common prosthetic suspension system (pin/lock).

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2015
This study aimed to compare the effects of different suspension methods on the interface stress i... more This study aimed to compare the effects of different suspension methods on the interface stress inside the prosthetic sockets of transtibial amputees when negotiating ramps and stairs. Three transtibial prostheses, with a pin/lock system, a Seal-In system, and a magnetic suspension system, were created for the participants in a prospective study. Interface stress was measured as the peak pressure by using the F-socket transducers during stairs and ramp negotiation. Twelve individuals with transtibial amputation managed to complete the experiments. During the stair ascent and descent, the greatest peak pressure was observed in the prosthesis with the Seal-In system. The magnetic prosthetic suspension system caused significantly different peak pressure at the anterior proximal region compared with the pin/lock (P = 0.022) and Seal-In (P = 0.001) during the stair ascent. It was also observed during the stair descent and ramp negotiation. The prostheses exhibited varying pressure profiles during the stair and ramp ascent. The prostheses with the pin/lock and magnetic suspension systems exhibited lower peak pressures compared with the Seal-In system. The intrasystem pressure distribution at the anterior and posterior regions of the residual limb was fairly homogenous during the stair and ramp ascent and descent. Nevertheless, the intrasystem pressure mapping revealed a significant difference among the suspension types, particularly at the anterior and posterior sensor sites.

The Scientific World Journal, 2014
Socket is an important part of every prosthetic limb as an interface between the residual limb an... more Socket is an important part of every prosthetic limb as an interface between the residual limb and prosthetic components. Biomechanics of socket-residual limb interface, especially the pressure and force distribution, have effect on patient satisfaction and function. This paper aimed to review and evaluate studies conducted in the last decades on the design of socket, in-socket interface pressure measurement, and socket biomechanics. Literature was searched to find related keywords with transtibial amputation, socket-residual limb interface, socket measurement, socket design, modeling, computational modeling, and suspension system. In accordance with the selection criteria, 19 articles were selected for further analysis. It was revealed that pressure and stress have been studied in the last decaeds, but quantitative evaluations remain inapplicable in clinical settings. This study also illustrates prevailing systems, which may facilitate improvements in socket design for improved quality of life for individuals ambulating with transtibial prosthesis. It is hoped that the review will better facilitate the understanding and determine the clinical relevance of quantitative evaluations.

Advances in Orthopedics, 2012
Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease which influences the performance of the knee joint. ... more Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease which influences the performance of the knee joint. Moreover, the force and moments applied on the joint increase in contrast to normal subjects. Various types of knee orthoses have been designed to solve the mentioned problems. However, there are other problems in terms of distal migration during walking and the alignment of the orthosis which cannot be changed following the use of brace. Therefore, the main aim of the research was to design an orthosis to solve the aforementioned problems. Method. A new type of knee orthosis was designed with a modular structure. Two patients with knee OA participated in this research project. The force applied on the foot, moment transmitted through the knee joint, and spatiotemporal gait parameters were measured by use of a motion analysis system. Results. The results of the research showed that the adduction moment applied on the knee joint decreased while subjects walked with the new knee orthosis (P-value < 0.05). Conclusion. The new design of the knee brace can be used as an effective treatment to decrease the loads applied on the knee joint and to improve the alignment whilst walking.

PLoS ONE, 2014
Prosthetic suspension system is an important component of lower limb prostheses. Suspension effic... more Prosthetic suspension system is an important component of lower limb prostheses. Suspension efficiency can be best evaluated during one of the vital activities of daily living, i.e. walking. A new magnetic prosthetic suspension system has been developed, but its effects on gait biomechanics have not been studied. This study aimed to explore the effect of suspension type on kinetic and kinematic gait parameters during level walking with the new suspension system as well as two other commonly used systems (the Seal-In and pin/lock). Thirteen persons with transtibial amputation participated in this study. A Vicon motion system (six cameras, two force platforms) was utilized to obtain gait kinetic and kinematic variables, as well as pistoning within the prosthetic socket. The gait deviation index was also calculated based on the kinematic data. The findings indicated significant difference in the pistoning values among the three suspension systems. The Seal-In system resulted in the least pistoning compared with the other two systems. Several kinetic and kinematic variables were also affected by the suspension type. The ground reaction force data showed that lower load was applied to the limb joints with the magnetic suspension system compared with the pin/lock suspension. The gait deviation index showed significant deviation from the normal with all the systems, but the systems did not differ significantly. Main significant effects of the suspension type were seen in the GRF (vertical and fore-aft), knee and ankle angles. The new magnetic suspension system showed comparable effects in the remaining kinetic and kinematic gait parameters to the other studied systems. This study may have implications on the selection of suspension systems for transtibial prostheses.

Scientific Reports, 2013
Individuals with lower limb amputation need a secure suspension system for their prosthetic devic... more Individuals with lower limb amputation need a secure suspension system for their prosthetic devices. A new coupling system was developed that is capable of suspending the prosthesis. The system's safety is ensured through an acoustic alarm system. This article explains how the system works and provides an in vivo evaluation of the device with regard to pistoning during walking. The system was designed to be used with silicone liners and is based on the requirements of prosthetic suspension systems. Mechanical testing was performed using a universal testing machine. The pistoning during walking was measured using a motion analysis system. The new coupling device produced significantly less pistoning compared to a common suspension system (pin/lock). The safety alarm system would buzz if the suspension was going to fail. The new coupling system could securely suspend the prostheses in transtibial amputees and produced less vertical movement than the pin/lock system. T he demand for prosthetic devices, particularly as a result of lower limb amputation, is growing 1 . Amputees face a permanent disability that can only be addressed by artificial limbs (prostheses). As such, advancements in prosthetics technology are of utmost importance to improving the quality of amputees' life. When lower limb prosthesis is in use, the lower limb residuum is required to bear weight, but its soft tissues are not physiologically accustomed to such weight bearing activities 2,3 . Therefore, advancements in prosthetics technology are of utmost importance to amputees' life. Lower limb residuum should bear weight while its soft tissues are not physiologically accustomed to weight bearing.
PLoS ONE, 2014
Background: The suction sockets that are commonly prescribed for transtibial amputees are believe... more Background: The suction sockets that are commonly prescribed for transtibial amputees are believed to provide a better suspension than the pin/lock systems. Nevertheless, their effect on amputees' gait performance has not yet been fully investigated. The main intention of this study was to understand the potential effects of the Seal-in (suction) and the Dermo (pin/lock) suspension systems on amputees' gait performance.

Sensors, 2013
This study presents the first investigation into the capability of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sens... more This study presents the first investigation into the capability of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors to measure interface pressure between the stump and the prosthetic sockets of a trans-tibial amputee. FBG element(s) were recoated with and embedded in a thin layer of epoxy material to form a sensing pad, which was in turn embedded in a silicone polymer material to form a pressure sensor. The sensor was tested in real time by inserting a heavy-duty balloon into the socket and inflating it by using an air compressor. This test was conducted to examine the sensitivity and repeatability of the sensor when subjected to pressure from the stump of the trans-tibial amputee and to mimic the actual environment of the amputee's Patellar Tendon (PT) bar. The sensor exhibited a sensitivity of 127 pm/N and a maximum FSO hysteresis of around ~0.09 in real-time operation. Very good reliability was achieved when the sensor was utilized for in situ measurements. This study may lead to smart FBG-based amputee stump/socket structures for pressure monitoring in amputee socket systems, which will result in better-designed prosthetic sockets that ensure improved patient satisfaction.

Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2014
Flat foot in children is a common deformity in which the medial longitudinal arch is reduced or e... more Flat foot in children is a common deformity in which the medial longitudinal arch is reduced or eliminated. The objective of this article was to compare flat foot and healthy children on the displacement of the center of pressure and walking parameters in children with two common orthoses (functional foot orthosis and medical shoe). Comparative study. This study included 30 children with flat foot and 20 healthy children as a control group. The step length and width, walking velocity, symmetry, and center of pressure (CoP) displacements were recorded and compared for three conditions: functional foot orthosis and regular shoe, a medical shoe and barefoot. The results from the CoP displacements showed that the regular shoe with functional foot orthosis caused a significant decrease in the level of displacement of the CoP in flat foot children. The findings indicated a significant improvement in symmetry of steps and walking speed with the functional foot orthosis in comparison to the medical shoe in flat foot children. The CoP displacement was decreased and the percentage of gait symmetry and walking speed were increased by the use of regular shoes with a functional foot orthosis in comparison to the medical shoes. An orthopaedic shoe can be expensive, and in particular heavy with most children reluctant to wear it. This study focussed on the CoP displacement and selected gait parameters with an orthopaedic shoe and functional foot orthosis, and showed that a combined prescription of a functional foot orthosis and with regular shoes may be a useful alternative for children with moderate flat foot.

Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2013
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory joint disease which affects the joints and soft ti... more Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory joint disease which affects the joints and soft tissues of the foot and ankle. Rocker shoes may be prescribed for the symptomatic foot in rheumatoid arthritis; however, there is a limited evidence base to support the use of rocker shoes in these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of heel-to-toe rocker shoes on pain, disability, and activity limitation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical trial. Seventeen female patients with rheumatoid arthritis of 1 year or more duration, disease activity score of less than 2.6, and foot and ankle pain were recruited. Heel-to-toe rocker shoe was made according to each patient&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s foot size. All the patients were evaluated immediately, 7 and 30 days after their first visit. Foot Function Index values were recorded at each appointment. With the use of rocker shoes, Foot Function Index values decreased in all subscales. This reduction was noted in the first visit and was maintained throughout the trials. Rocker shoe can improve pain, disability, and activity limitation in patients with rheumatoid foot pain. All the subjects reported improved comfort levels. The results of this study showed that high-top, heel-to-toe rocker shoe with wide toe box was effective at reducing foot and ankle pain. It was also regarded as comfortable and acceptable footwear by the patients with rheumatoid foot problems.
Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2011
The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2012
The lower limb prosthesis's efficiency is mainly guaranteed by its optimal suspension method in o... more The lower limb prosthesis's efficiency is mainly guaranteed by its optimal suspension method in order to secure the socket to the amputee's stump. In fact, suspension and fitting play the main role in comfort and prosthetic function (Baars and Geertzen, 2005; Isozaki
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2012
Footwear is an extremely important clothing item worn by all individuals. Currently, there is ins... more Footwear is an extremely important clothing item worn by all individuals. Currently, there is insufficient research regarding the influence of dress shoes on standing stability and energy consumption while walking. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of dress shoes on the performance of normal subjects based on stability and energy consumption analysis. Fifteen normal subjects were recruited in this research study to stand and walk with and without shoes. The stability of the subjects in quiet standing was ...
Papers by Arezoo Eshraghi