Papers by Ardian Ariatsyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Arsitektur dan Perencanaan, Jan 27, 2023
Narcotics rehabilitation center is a place of therapy for physical, mental, spiritual, social and... more Narcotics rehabilitation center is a place of therapy for physical, mental, spiritual, social and skill development for narcotic abuse patients for a while, so that they are able to play an active role again in the community. The existence of rehabilitation centers in Aceh province is very necessary considering the number of drug use in Aceh province increases every year, but narcotics rehabilitation centers in Aceh province are very lacking. The design of the Narcotics Rehabilitation Center using a Green Architecture approach by applying renewable natural resources so that they can be used sustainably with the aim of creating an environmentally friendly architecture.

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Arsitektur dan Perencanaan
AbstrakGreen roof merupakan sebagian atau seluruh permukaan atap suatu bangunan yang dilapisi ole... more AbstrakGreen roof merupakan sebagian atau seluruh permukaan atap suatu bangunan yang dilapisi oleh vegetasi dan media tanam dimana lapisan/membran yang digunakan memiliki sifat tahan air sehingga memungkinkan adanya sistem drainase di seluruh permukaan atap. hidroponik merupakan pengelolaan atau pemberdayaan air yang digunakan sebagai media tumbuh tanaman, pada penelitian ini green roof akan dilapisi dengan sistem tanam hidroponik guna membandingkan efek termah menggunakan tanaman hidroponik terhadap pengurangan suhu atap, serta dapat membantu dalam sektor pertanian perkotaan (urban farming). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 modul, yaitu modul pertama identifikasi kinerja termal pada green roof hidroponik jenis tanaman selada, modul kedua identifikasi kinerja termal pada green roof hidroponik jenis tanaman pokcoy, ketiga identifikasi kinerja termal pada modul green roof berisi air. Alat yang digunakan adalah Thermocouple wire yang dihubungkan dengan Data logger untuk membaca dan ...

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Arsitektur dan Perencanaan
education has a very important role in self-development and human survival, education can help hu... more education has a very important role in self-development and human survival, education can help humans reach maturity, as well as for people with disabilities, education for people with disabilities can help hone intelligence, skills and independence in carrying out daily activities and special schools are one of the an educational facility for children with disabilities. According to the profile of children with special needs in Aceh Province, in 2016 there were 484 children with disabilities and 7 special schools in Banda Aceh that were still lacking in terms of facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to design an extraordinary school in Banda Aceh as a safe and comfortable educational facility for children with disabilities. To achieve comfort and safety for children with disabilities, the application of behavioral architectural approaches to the design of special schools as a design response to the special behavior of children with disabilities, which basically ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Arsitektur dan Perencanaan, Oct 26, 2021

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Pesisir Selatan is one of the districts in West Sumatra with a humid tropical climate with temper... more Pesisir Selatan is one of the districts in West Sumatra with a humid tropical climate with temperatures reaching 32°C during the day. The majority of coastal communities work as fishermen and build houses on the beach, such as in fishermen’s housing in South Painan. In this area there are two models of fisherman housing, namely government-assisted fisherman housing and fisherman’s original housing. Housing on the beachfront will be faced with quite extreme climatic conditions such as air velocity, air temperature, and air humidity which are relatively high on average. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the level of thermal comfort in the space in both models of fisherman housing to determine the performance of each fisherman’s housing in dealing with the climate. This study uses a quantitative approach by measuring the parameters of thermal comfort, namely air temperature, humidity and air velocity using a thermohygrometer and anemometer. The data collection method uses descript...

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Arsitektur dan Perencanaan, Jan 27, 2023
A green roof is part or all of the roof surface of a building which is covered by vegetation and ... more A green roof is part or all of the roof surface of a building which is covered by vegetation and growing media planted throughout a waterproof and integrated layer/membrane, which allows a drainage system on the entire roof surface. hydroponics is the empowerment or management of water used as a medium for growing plants, in this study the green roof will be coated with a hydroponic planting system to compare the effect of using hydroponic plants on reducing roof temperature, and can help in the urban agriculture sector (urban farming). This research was carried out in 3 modules, namely the first module to identify the thermal performance of the green roof hydroponic lettuce plant, the second module to identify the thermal performance of the green roof hydroponic pokcoy plant species, the third to identify the thermal performance of the green roof module filled with water. The tool used is a thermocouple wire which is connected to a data logger to read and record data during the measurement process.

Journal of Islamic Architecture
A traditional mosque is a form of conformity between the design and the climate. The warm humid c... more A traditional mosque is a form of conformity between the design and the climate. The warm humid climate in Indonesia characterizes the environment, which is quite challenging to work with. The traditional mosque, with the uniqueness of the roof design, allows the application of a natural ventilation system that can work effectively in circulating air to reduce the effect of heat in the room. However, the application of the design has rarely been found in modern mosques due to the widespread use of the dome. This study appraised Tgk Dianjong Mosque, one of the old mosques in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The old mosque was modified by replacing the roof material and ventilation. This study aims to appraise the indoor thermal comfort of the mosque considering the application of natural ventilation. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, with research data collected through physical measurements, i.e., air temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity. The collected ...
Papers by Ardian Ariatsyah