Papers by Ardan Nizma Asady

Islamic boarding school is one of the oldest traditional education institutions models found in I... more Islamic boarding school is one of the oldest traditional education institutions models found in Indonesia where its students live together under the guidance of one or more mentor or better known as the murobbi. In its activities to manage the data of exit permit and disciplinary violation of student, Assalam Blambangan Islamic boaring school in Blambangan Pagar sub-district has not implemented any computerized system. In addition, the data transparency has not been met well because the old system does not have the form of student exit permit and disciplinary activity report to their parents. The author designed a system by using an application that is able to produce reports both printed version and via short message for quick notification. By using the system, it is hoped that the problem can be solved and students' parents can read their son and daughter behavior and attitude data during the boarding period more clearly.

Nowaday, the school schedule is getting more busier than ever because new curriculum is being app... more Nowaday, the school schedule is getting more busier than ever because new curriculum is being applied by the goverment through the nation. All school must apply this new curriculum. It demands school to serve education in more academic way. To support teaching and learning activity in school, the bell becomes a part of fundamental key, it helps both teachers and students to remind about their schedule. In this paper the author himself whose occuppation is a school staff points that the old fashioned method of manual human triggered school bell tends to be less accurate as human error factor might still present and demands more fund for the staff payrollment itself. Besides, such task sometimes deliver boredom to whom assigned to responsible for the bell alert. To solve this problem the school needs to apply automatic bell controlled by electronic instrument. To build the instrument, author will use a PC and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.o to design and build required program. In larger field usage, this program can help school especially those with much parallel class to ensure the lesson schedule to be carried out correctly on time to achieve outstanding performance according to new curriculum.
Tata Cara Penilaian Mata Pelajaran Kurikulum 2013 MTs
Teaching Documents by Ardan Nizma Asady
Modul sederhana ini saya buat bagi yang ingin mempelajari aksara jawa, lembar ini hanya bersifat ... more Modul sederhana ini saya buat bagi yang ingin mempelajari aksara jawa, lembar ini hanya bersifat sebagai referensi ringkas saja. lebih lanjut hubungi saya di [email protected]
Papers by Ardan Nizma Asady
Teaching Documents by Ardan Nizma Asady