Papers by Arcadio Urrutia

Lecturas de Economía, 1997
Las condiciones naturales y la infraestructura de servicios existente en la playa de Dichato (VII... more Las condiciones naturales y la infraestructura de servicios existente en la playa de Dichato (VIII Region-Chile), posibilitan la presencia de un considerable numero de familias durante las temporadas de verano. Mediante la adecuada aplicacion del metodo del costo de viaje, es posible estimar la demanda recreacional de la playa y sus beneficios economicos. El documento privilegia la modelacion del numero de viajes efectuados durante un periodo de tiempo determinado, y en este sentido presenta los resultados econometricos de los siguientes modelos estadisticos: estimacion por minimos cuadrados ordinarios de una forma funcional lineal (OLSL), y de una forma semi-log (OLSS); estimacion por maxima verosimilitud de una forma funcional lineal (MLEL), de una semi-log (MLES), de una distribucion Poisson tanto general (POIS) como truncada (TPOIS), y de una distribucion de una Binomial Negativa tambien general (BNEG) como truncada (TBNEG). En total son ocho (8) modelos, de los cuales OLSL, OLS...
Economía y Administración (Chile), 2001

Journal of Medical Economics, 2021
Abstract The Global South nations and their statehoods have presented a driving force of economic... more Abstract The Global South nations and their statehoods have presented a driving force of economic and social development through most of the written history of humankind. China and India have been traditionally accounted as the economic powerhouses of the past. In recent decades, we have witnessed reestablishment of the traditional world economic structure as per Agnus Maddison Project data. These profound changes have led to accelerated real GDP growth across many LMICs and emerging countries of the Global South. This evolution had a profound impact on an evolving health financing landscape. This review revealed hidden patterns and explained the driving forces behind the political economy of health spending in these vast world regions. The medical device and pharmaceutical industry play a crucial role in addressing the unmet medical needs of rising middle class citizens across Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Domestic manufacturing has only been partially meeting this ever rising demand for medical services and medicines. The rest was complemented by the participation of multinational pharmaceutical industry, whose focus on investment into East Asia and ASEAN nations remains part of long-term market access strategies. Understanding of the past remains essential for the development of successful health strategies for the present. Political economy has been driving the evolution of health financing landscape since the establishment of early modern health systems in these countries. Fiscal gaps these governments face in diverse ways might be partially overcome with the spreading of cost-effectiveness based decision-making and health technology assessment capacities. The considerable remaining challenges ranging from insufficient reimbursement rates, large out-of-pocket spending, and lengthy lag in the introduction of cutting-edge technologies such as monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars, or targeted oncology agents, might be partially resolved only in the long run.
Universidad de Antioquia, Aug 24, 2010
Disposición a pagar para mejorar la calidad del aire en Talca, Chile: comparación entre usuarios ... more Disposición a pagar para mejorar la calidad del aire en Talca, Chile: comparación entre usuarios y no usuarios de chimeneas a leña

Editors RIAT It is a great pleasure for us to introduce this first issue of the Interamerican Jou... more Editors RIAT It is a great pleasure for us to introduce this first issue of the Interamerican Journal of Environment and Ecological Toursim (or RIAT for its title in Spanish: Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo). Its purpose is to develop and disseminate new knowledge about the dynamic relationships between the natural environment and the quality of ecotourism activities in the Americas. The reason behind its purpose is simply that the environment's natural systems and resources provide cultural and economic harvests to the different sectors of those societies that know how to manage and protect these resources in order to enhance the ecologies of their regions and insuring the future sustainability of their communities. In this introduction we wish to welcome our new audiences. We also want to mention some of the needs and opportunities perceived behind RIAT, as well as to recognize tose entities who have supported us to move it from a vision to a reality, and finally ...
El presente numero incluye dos articulos de investigacion y ocho de revision bibliograficas. Uno... more El presente numero incluye dos articulos de investigacion y ocho de revision bibliograficas. Uno de los articulos de investigacion aplica al sector turistico el conocido Dilema del Prisionero en una forma modificada. Es sabido que la existencia de dicho Dilema conlleva a conductas que por lo general no son Optimos de Pareto debido a las conductas poco cooperativas de las partes envueltas. Por otro lado, el segundo trabajo de investigacion presenta un tema interesante sobre la aplicacion del metodo de valoracion contingente relacionado con los sesgos del entrevistador, uno de los tanto sesgos que se conocen en la aplicacion de dicha metodologia. Adicionalmente, se presentan varias revisiones bibliograficas sobre temas ambientales y de sustentabilidad turistica de varias regiones de America Latina y del mundo.
Lecturas de Economía, 2007
This work presents an estimation of the willingness to pay for projects destined to improve the a... more This work presents an estimation of the willingness to pay for projects destined to improve the air quality of the Great Santiago in Chile, through the implementation of a determined number of hectares of green areas. The contingent valuation method is used, assuming a linear function form of the indirect function of utility and a logit distribution. Considering the specific estimation of the willingness to pay, the doubled bound dichotomic choice model gives a value of around 3.8 dollars monthly by family per a year. Extrapolating the willingness to pay by family to all the families of the metropolitan region, and proportionally discounting the people who indicated their rejection to the instrument, it gives an added WTP of US$3.697.990 monthly

Introduction: BRICS leading Emerging Markets are increasingly shaping the landscape of global hea... more Introduction: BRICS leading Emerging Markets are increasingly shaping the landscape of global health sector demand and supply for medical goods and services. BRICS’ share of global health spending and future projections will play a prominent role during upcoming 2020s. The purpose of current research was to examine decades long, underlying historical trends in BRICS’ nations health spending and explore these data as the grounds for reliable forecasting of their health expenditures up to 2030.Methods: BRICS’ health spending data spanning 1995 - 2017 were extracted from IHME’s Financing Global Health 2019 database. Total health expenditure, government, prepaid private and out-of-pocket spending per capita and GDP share of total health spending, were forecasted 2018 - 2030. The ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) models were used to obtain future projection based on time series analysis.Results: Per capita health spending in 2030 is projected to be: Brazil: $1767 (95% PI: ...
Lecturas De Economia, Jun 1, 2010
The objective of this study is to analyze the difference in the willingness to pay (WTP) for an i... more The objective of this study is to analyze the difference in the willingness to pay (WTP) for an improvement in air quality between users and nonusers of firewood at the locality of Florida in Talca (Chile). This analysis applied a contingent valuation approach, with a doubled-bound ...
Riat Revista Interamericana De Medioambiente Y Turismo, 2012
This work presents an estimation of the willingness to pay for projects destined to improve the a... more This work presents an estimation of the willingness to pay for projects destined to improve the air quality of the Great Santiago in Chile, through the implementation of a determined number of hectares of green areas. The contingent valuation method is used, assuming a linear function form of the indirect function of utility and a logit distribution. Considering the specific

Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 2011
RESUMEN-El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las preferencias y disposición a pagar ... more RESUMEN-El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las preferencias y disposición a pagar por consumo de uva de mesa orgánica. Específicamente, se buscó determinar la utilidad y jerarquizar los atributos más importantes que consideran los individuos al momento de la elección de uva de mesa y determinar la disposición a pagar por uva de mesa orgánica en la Región del Maule, Chile. Se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra probabilística y estratificada por niveles socioeconómico en los hogares en los principales centros urbanos de la región. Se utilizó el método de análisis conjunto a fin de determinar las preferencias de los individuos por los distintos atributos y el método de valoración contingente para determinar el monto medio de sobreprecio que una persona está dispuesta a pagar por un kilo de uva orgánica. Igualmente se calculó la disposición a pagar marginal vía el método de análisis conjunto. Se determinó que el atributo más importante a la hora de adquirir este bien es el precio, mientras que la mezcla de atributos que más tiene utilidad por orden de importancia es el sabor dulce, de producción orgánica, que no posea semillas y de piel delgada. Además, se estimó que las personas están dispuestas a pagar un sobreprecio por la uva de mesa orgánica, abriendo nuevas oportunidades de negocios para el sector frutícola. Términos para indexación: producción ecológica, valoración contingente, análisis conjunto.
Ciencia e investigación …, 2012
A.A. Cerda, L.Y. García, S. Ortega-Farías, and Á.M. Ubilla. 2012. Consumer preferences and willin... more A.A. Cerda, L.Y. García, S. Ortega-Farías, and Á.M. Ubilla. 2012. Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for organic apples. Cien. Inv. Agr. 39(1): 47-59.
Latin American Business Review, 2009
Student loyalty is a critical measure in the success of higher education institutions that aim at... more Student loyalty is a critical measure in the success of higher education institutions that aim at retaining students until graduation and then attracting them back. This study examines the relative importance of relationship pathways among key factors affecting student loyalty in the following order: perceived service quality, satisfaction, trust, and commitment. The findings reveal that perceived service quality and student
Lecturas de …, 2010
The objective of this study is to analyze the difference in the willingness to pay (WTP) for an i... more The objective of this study is to analyze the difference in the willingness to pay (WTP) for an improvement in air quality between users and nonusers of firewood at the locality of Florida in Talca (Chile). This analysis applied a contingent valuation approach, with a doubled-bound ...
Salud pública de México
To determine the willingness to pay of parents of teenage daughters for a vaccine against human p... more To determine the willingness to pay of parents of teenage daughters for a vaccine against human papillomavirus in the Maule Region, Chile. A sample of 386 parents with daughters between 12 and 18 years old, representing the five largest cities of the Region of Maule, socioeconomically stratified. WTP was obtained using the contingent valuation method in double bounded format. Parents are willing to pay an average of US$ 252.71 to vaccinate their daughters against virus, where the price and number of daughters negatively affects the probability of willingness to pay, and family income positively affects the probability. There is a possibility of using shared funding between the government and the parents of potential daughter to be affected by the human papillomavirus to reduce cervical cancer events.
Papers by Arcadio Urrutia