Papers by Araş.gör.oylum Şehvez ErgÜzel

Küresel Tedarikçi Riskine Farklı Bir Yaklaşım: Finans Temelli Bir Model Önerisi
The journal of operations research, statistics, econometrics and management information systems, Dec 31, 2019
Increased competition with globalization has led multinational companies and suppliers to find co... more Increased competition with globalization has led multinational companies and suppliers to find cost-effective solutions to ensure competitive advantage. This tendency causes enterprises to shift their production to partially lower-cost markets. However, this approach ignores unpredictable and hidden costs and risks, especially in supply. Therefore, “The Strategy of Best Cost Country Sourcing“ has begun to gain importance. The aim of this study is to propose a model for the determination of the risks in the selection of suppliers under the “Best Cost Country Sourcing Strategy”. With the model, firm specific financal risks, national specific financial risks and global risks affecting Small and Medium Size Enterprices (SMEs) in 11 European Union countries were analyzed with the fuzzy logic method between 2006-2016. Küreselleşmeyle birlikte artan rekabet, çok uluslu şirketleri ve tedarikçilerini rekabet avantajı sağlayabilmeleri amacıyla, özellikle maliyet etkin çözümler bulmaya yönlendirmiştir. Bu yönelim, işletmelerin üretimlerini kısmi olarak daha düşük maliyetli pazarlara kaydırmalarına neden olmuştur. Ancak bu yaklaşım, özellikle tedarikte öngörülemeyen ve gömülü maliyetleri ve riskleri göz ardı etmektedir Bu nedenle “En İyi Ülkeden Tedarik Stratejisi” gittikçe önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, “En İyi Ülkeden Tedarik Stratejisi” kapsamında tedarikçilerin seçiminde risklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir model önerisi sunmaktır. Oluşturulan model ile 11 Avrupa Birliği ülkesinde yerleşik KOBİ’leri etkileyen ülkeye ve firmalara özgü mali riskler ve küresel riskler 2006-2016 yılları arasında bulanık mantık yöntemi ile analize tabi tutulmuştur.

06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun... more 06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bir bölgenin, ülkenin ya da şehrin ihracat potansiyelini analiz etmeden önce, niçin ticarete gerek duyulduğu sorusuna cevap aramak, bu alandaki çalışmaların temelini oluşturmaktadır. Bu soruya yanıt bulabilmek amacıyla, uluslararası ticaretin dünyadaki gelişimine bakıldığında, bu tarihsel gelişimin günümüze kadar dört dönemden oluştuğu görülmektedir. 1500 ve 1850 yılları arasındaki dönemi kapsayan "ticaret dönemi" uzak denizlere açılmayı sağlayan dayanıklı gemilerin yapılmasıyla birlikte, yeni kıtaların keşfedilmesiyle başlamış, 1850'lerde gerçekleşen sanayi devrimiyle son bulmuştur. 1850 ve 1914 yılları arasında gerçekleşen "sömürgecil...

The impact of digitalization on export of high technology products: A panel data approach*
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2021
This study argues that easy access to new information using information and communication technol... more This study argues that easy access to new information using information and communication technologies (ICT) will bring both more technological development and information about new markets, together catalyzing high technology (high-tech) production. This paper aims to show the impact of digitalization on the technology intensity of export. We use the ICT Development Index (IDI) as a proxy for the digitalization level of a country and the value of the exports of high-tech products as a proxy for the technology intensity of export. IDI comprises three components, including ICT access, usage and skills. These statistics reflect the ICT development of the country. To analyze the relevant relationship, we use panel data on countries between 2007 and 2017. The system-generalized method of moments (system GMM) dynamic panel estimator is utilized in the estimations, permitting us to control for potential endogeneity problems between the main dependent and independent variables. Results show that in developing countries, IDI has a significant effect on the export of high-tech products. In addition, the significance of the main components of IDI varies. These results suggest that developing countries striving to increase the export of high-tech products should invest more in ICT.

Testing For Bubbles In The Housing Market: Further Evidence From Turkey
In this study whether bubbles exist in the three biggest cities housing market, Istanbul (TR10), ... more In this study whether bubbles exist in the three biggest cities housing market, Istanbul (TR10), Izmir (TR31) and Ankara (TR51) which are important parts of Turkish housing market is investigated. Besides, SADF and GSADF unit root tests developed by Phillips et. al. (2011, 2012) is used in order to detect bubbles in the housing market in the period between January-2010 and June-2014. The results show that real estate bubbles do not exist in the Turkish housing market and price increases above the average are experienced only for the short terms, not over the long terms permanently. In this context, efficient market hypothesis is valid for Turkish housing market and it verifies that Turkish housing market experienced the 2008 Mortgage crisis rather slightly than many other countries. These findings indicate stability in the housing market by sustaining its correct house pricing policy after the crisis.

Alphanumeric Journal, 2019
This study, in which the operational efficiency of the busiest airports in Europe, Asia and North... more This study, in which the operational efficiency of the busiest airports in Europe, Asia and North America are analyzed comparatively, has two objectives. The first objective is to demonstrate the relative performance of each airport by comparing it with its international counterparts and to offer solutions for those with low efficiency. The second aim of the study is to make a regional comparison and to examine the performance differences between European, Asian and North American airports. In this context, the five busiest airports in each region were included in the study. Non-radial data envelopment analysis was used for the analysis, and efficient and inefficient airports were identified. It was determined that the major reason for airport inefficiency was the inability to use the airport area effectively. In addition, the average efficiency of the airports operating in the Asian region was found to be higher than their counterparts.

A Literature Review on the Determinants of Human Development
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
Globalization is the main engine of the today’s economic and social universe. It has emerged with... more Globalization is the main engine of the today’s economic and social universe. It has emerged with the promise of a more livable, more prosperous, richer and more developed world by providing the accumulation of capital. However, contrary to the general beliefs, accumulation of capital is not enough to ensure and increase in well-being and quality of life. It is not a sign of human development alone and there are different social and economic dimensions of human development. Thus, it is important to understand the relationship between different economic indicators and human development and welfare. In this context, this study aims to find out the effect of FDI, import, export, which are commonly associated indicators in economic globalization, and corruption on human development for developing countries in the existing literature.
SpringerPlus, 2016
The study aims to analyze the export performance of countries and of cities within them to identi... more The study aims to analyze the export performance of countries and of cities within them to identify synchronized or unsynchronized movement between them. In the empirical part of the study, the measurements used to analyze the export performance of the countries included in the literature are applied to establish the export performance of a single city-Sakarya, Turkey. These measurements include the Herfindahl-Hirchman product and market concentration indices, the Lawrence index, the trade complementarity index, and the Grubel-Lloyd intra-industry index, as well as additional indicators with local or regional contexts. The limited number of studies analyzing the export competitiveness of a single city with relevant formats in the literature reveal the significance of the study.

International Business Research, 2016
This study aims to find out the impacts of international trading activities of firms on the their... more This study aims to find out the impacts of international trading activities of firms on the their capital structure and profitability by using panel data analysis of the manufacturing companies listed in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) for the period of 2009-2014. For this purpose we analyzed 107 manufacturing firms that declared international trade and financial data figures. We observed an inverse effect of import level on the long-term debt ratio and the negative impact of export level on the profitability. Every one-unit increase in import ratio decreases long term debt ratio by 0.0764, and every one-unit increase in export ratio decreases profitability by 0.0517. According to empirical findings there is no effect of import level on the short-term debt ratio, shareholder equity ratio and profitability. At the same time there is no effect of export level on the long term debt ratio, short term debt ratio and shareholder equity ratio.
Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2014
Crisis periods present quite a significant moment for financial markets. Considering not losing a... more Crisis periods present quite a significant moment for financial markets. Considering not losing and changing the crisis periods into opportunities, forecasts of share prices during these periods have an importance for the investors. In this study, daily closing prices of Borsa Istanbul National 100 index during the three big crisis periods, as 1994, 2001, and 2008, have been tried to be forecasted, by using artificial neural networks. As a result of this study, it is determined that in the forecasts of Borsa Istanbul, artificial neural networks show high performance. This result was proved by both comparing the values that occurred and forecasted on the graphics, and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) calculations.
Alphanumeric Journal, 2019
Increased competition with globalization has led multinational companies and suppliers to find co... more Increased competition with globalization has led multinational companies and suppliers to find cost-effective solutions to ensure competitive advantage. This tendency causes enterprises to shift their production to partially lower-cost markets. However, this approach ignores unpredictable and hidden costs and risks, especially in supply. Therefore, "The Strategy of Best Cost Country Sourcing" has begun to gain importance. The aim of this study is to propose a model for the determination of the risks in the selection of suppliers under the "Best Cost Country Sourcing Strategy". With the model, firm specific financial risks, national specific financial risks and global risks affecting Small and Medium Size Enterprices (SMEs) in 11 European Union countries were analyzed with the fuzzy logic method between 2006-2016.

In this study whether bubbles exist in the three biggest cities
housing market, İstanbul (TR10), ... more In this study whether bubbles exist in the three biggest cities
housing market, İstanbul (TR10), İzmir (TR31) and Ankara (TR51)
which are important parts of Turkish housing market is investigated.
Besides, SADF and GSADF unit root tests developed by Phillips et.
al. (2011, 2012) is used in order to detect bubbles in the housing
market in the period between January-2010 and June-2014. The
results show that real estate bubbles do not exist in the Turkish
housing market and price increases above the average are
experienced only for the short terms, not over the long terms
permanently. In this context, efficient market hypothesis is valid for
Turkish housing market and it verifies that Turkish housing market
experienced the 2008 Mortgage crisis rather slightly than many other
countries. These findings indicate stability in the housing market by
sustaining its correct house pricing policy after the crisis.
Keywords: Real Estate Bubbles, Housing Market, SADF,
GSADF, Turkey
Papers by Araş.gör.oylum Şehvez ErgÜzel
housing market, İstanbul (TR10), İzmir (TR31) and Ankara (TR51)
which are important parts of Turkish housing market is investigated.
Besides, SADF and GSADF unit root tests developed by Phillips et.
al. (2011, 2012) is used in order to detect bubbles in the housing
market in the period between January-2010 and June-2014. The
results show that real estate bubbles do not exist in the Turkish
housing market and price increases above the average are
experienced only for the short terms, not over the long terms
permanently. In this context, efficient market hypothesis is valid for
Turkish housing market and it verifies that Turkish housing market
experienced the 2008 Mortgage crisis rather slightly than many other
countries. These findings indicate stability in the housing market by
sustaining its correct house pricing policy after the crisis.
Keywords: Real Estate Bubbles, Housing Market, SADF,
GSADF, Turkey
housing market, İstanbul (TR10), İzmir (TR31) and Ankara (TR51)
which are important parts of Turkish housing market is investigated.
Besides, SADF and GSADF unit root tests developed by Phillips et.
al. (2011, 2012) is used in order to detect bubbles in the housing
market in the period between January-2010 and June-2014. The
results show that real estate bubbles do not exist in the Turkish
housing market and price increases above the average are
experienced only for the short terms, not over the long terms
permanently. In this context, efficient market hypothesis is valid for
Turkish housing market and it verifies that Turkish housing market
experienced the 2008 Mortgage crisis rather slightly than many other
countries. These findings indicate stability in the housing market by
sustaining its correct house pricing policy after the crisis.
Keywords: Real Estate Bubbles, Housing Market, SADF,
GSADF, Turkey