Papers by Aparicio Carranza
Current studies demonstrate that there are more than 17,000 deaths annually due to drunk drivers ... more Current studies demonstrate that there are more than 17,000 deaths annually due to drunk drivers in the United States, and in New York State it is estimated that around 30% of fatal crashes are due to alcohol intoxication. We have implemented an IoT embedded system with sensors that measure the blood alcohol level of the driver with a breath detecting system which uses a beam of infrared light to perform a calculation of the alcohol level present in the driver's blood. The hardware and software components have been programmed to control the behavior of the engine upon the data collected from the alcohol sensor. The IoT generated data is transmitted through a communication network using the IBM cloud to send alerts to public authorities and relatives of the intoxicated individual to take appropriate actions.
In this paper, we report computer simulations of photonic crystal fibers and attempts to minimize... more In this paper, we report computer simulations of photonic crystal fibers and attempts to minimize their polarization mode dispersion. This is expected to improve performance of quantum cryptography systems.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR 2023)

This era is posing a unique challenge to the Cybersecurity and related Engineering Technology are... more This era is posing a unique challenge to the Cybersecurity and related Engineering Technology areas, stimulated by the multifaceted technological boom expressed in accelerated globalization, digital transformation, the cloud, mobile access apps, and the Internet of Things (IoT)-where more and more devices are connected to the Internet every day. As the use of new Internetbased technologies increase; so does the risk of theft and misuse of sensitive information. This demands the awareness of cybercriminality and the need for cyber hygiene in corporations, small businesses, and the government. As the need for experienced cybersecurity specialists has skyrocketed in recent years and employment for positions such as that of an information security analyst are projected to grow exponentially, there is a growing trend of cybersecurity training and certificate courses throughout the nation. Henceforth, this paper discusses the importance of designing a cybersecurity technology program, key challenges faced by it, and the use of advanced and innovative technologies to be employed. We will discuss various approaches to use technological innovation especially for advanced courses like Ethical Hacking and Network Penetration Testing and Computer Cybersecurity that include using cloud space to deploy virtual machines and labs; using VMware and the possibility of deploying Dell advanced VxR Hyperconverged System. This Softwaredefined architecture combines computing, storage, virtualization, management and has full-stack integration with VMware Technologies. This work is funded by the U.S Department of Education and CapitalOne Foundation grants and also includes consultation with National Cyberwatch and our key partner companies in this endeavor.

Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology: “Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions”
Cybersecurity threats targeting user privacy and DNS have become increasingly common, especially ... more Cybersecurity threats targeting user privacy and DNS have become increasingly common, especially due to the increasing number of remote users driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this tutorial paper, we address configuration of a penetration testing environment for preventing information leakage that could compromise anonymous network services. We first construct and validate a test environment using the security edition of the Parrot operating system for GNU/Linux and Windows environments, and establish its resilience against various scans and attacks, including a Synchronize (SYN) scan in stealth mode with spoofed source IP address, FTP bounce scan, web host vulnerability scans using Nikto, and denial of service (DoS) attacks using Metasploit. Experimental results are documented using Nmap and WireShark. We then use this environment to test DNS leakage and transparent DNS proxy effects. Mitigation for these attacks is demonstrated using the AnonSurf application bundled with Parrot OS.
International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics
autonomic provisioning in SDN cloud networks

World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science, 2019
What once was limited to our personal computers has now grown to touch other pieces of our lives ... more What once was limited to our personal computers has now grown to touch other pieces of our lives making us more vulnerable to attacks. According to Forbes's Cesar Cerrudo, "Some experts predict that by 2020 there will be 200 billion connected things; Cars, planes, homes, cities, and even animals are being connected." As these technological luxuries grow, so do our demands for instantaneous information, sometimes leading us to take down our guards. It's clear, cybersecurity is an issue and besides costing some their identities it can break a corporation at its core, as seen with the recent Equifax breach, as of September 11, their stock was down 18.4%. In this paper we will touch upon the different types of cybersecurity threats and some ways corporations can learn to be vigilant as the world grows and expands its networks. We will go over how to educate employees on issues such as e-mail phishing scams. On the corporate side of things, this paper will explain how to implement BYOD environments and next generation endpoint protection.

A software defined network (SDN) implements separation of the network data and control planes, co... more A software defined network (SDN) implements separation of the network data and control planes, combined with centralized management. This is becoming an important feature of cloud computing environments, enterprise data centers, and telecommunication service providers, all of whom are implementing software defined data centers. In this paper, we provide a tutorial on the use of network modeling tools such as Mininet to investigate the behavioral characteristics of SDN. Beginning with a default Mininet installation in a virtual machine (VM), we describe how to instantiate SDN features such as the open source network controller, Open Daylight. Commands to spawn multiple instances of servers and network nodes will be discussed, along with recommendations on network latency and scale. The resulting models have applications to network education and training as well as providing a way to evaluate SDN configurations prior to production deployment.

Our civilization has entered an era of big data networking. Massive amounts of data is being conv... more Our civilization has entered an era of big data networking. Massive amounts of data is being converted into bits for transmitting over the Internet and shared all over the world every second. The concept of “smart” devices has conquered preconceived notions of daily routines. Smartphones and wearable device technologies have made humans to be continuously interconnected, making distance a factor of no limitation. “Smart” systems are based on a single concept called the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a web of wirelessly networked devices embedded with electronic components and sensors that monitors physical and environmental conditions and acquires data to be shared with other systems. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a combination of hardware and software network that uses a system of sensors to detect physical phenomena. WSN is being widely used in industrial and consumer applications. Privacy is a key factor of WSN, it is imperative to secure data that is used, transmitted, or s...
In this letter we investigate how to optimize the frequency discrimination of multi-tone signals ... more In this letter we investigate how to optimize the frequency discrimination of multi-tone signals based using the warped discrete Fourier transform (WDFT). Compared to a conventional DFT or FFT, which has a uniform frequency resolution across the entire baseband, the frequency resolution of the WDFT is non-linear and externally controlled. This feature can be used to overcome the multi-tone signal detection limitations of the DFT/FFT. The letter demonstrates that by intelligently controlling the frequency resolution of the WDFT, multi-tone signals can be more readily detected and classified. Furthermore, the WDFT can be built upon an FFT enabled framework, insuring high efficiency and bandwidths.
Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science, 2019
Pervasive computing environments such as the smart home often rely on composite services to provi... more Pervasive computing environments such as the smart home often rely on composite services to provide different functionalities. These services are often complex, handle sensitive data, and perform critical operations. This raises several concerns especially those related to the safety of interactions among different services. In this paper, we differentiate services based on their characteristics and categorize them as baseline or extended. We propose a model checking mechanism to ensure that services in both categories meet the safety criteria.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning; subfields of Artificial Intelligence have been implemented in... more Machine Learning and Deep Learning; subfields of Artificial Intelligence have been implemented in applications that can detect and label objects and figures such as a chair, a person or even some kinds of animals. We have developed an application that makes use of Augmented Reality, a more modest goal of Plane Detection. The purpose of this app is to label detected objects with tags and relay the information to people who are visually impaired. A significant first step towards our goal is to concentrate on Plane Detection. This technology can benefit individuals in public places by helping them reach their destination safely. The app will guide individuals in need to prevent from colliding with walls and objects by recognizing and navigating plane surfaces and physical objects.

Cloud computing is a computational model in which interconnected computers over the Internet work... more Cloud computing is a computational model in which interconnected computers over the Internet work together toward offering greater processing power and storage capabilities than stand-alone solutions. The use of the cloud has found application in a diversity of fields including robotics and mobile computing. This has resulted in the emergence of areas like cloud robotics, a paradigm where robots rely on the cloud to perform their heavy computations and for their storage needs while focusing on simpler computation tasks. The mix of mobile devices and the cloud has created the field of mobile cloud computing (MCC) where mobile devices like smartphones and tablets focus on data gathering and simple processing tasks while using the cloud for complex computations and greater storage. In this paper we review several mobile cloud robotics architectures that combine these concepts. We provide a background of the different technologies used to develop these solutions. We present a prototype ...

There is an approach to computer networking that is changing everything we know about networking ... more There is an approach to computer networking that is changing everything we know about networking it is an emerging architecture that is dynamic, manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable, making it ideal for the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today’s applications. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new approach to networking, complementing traditional network architectures. SDN aims to give the network operator granular programmatic control over network hardware in order to rapidly react to changes in policy, environment, costs, network conditions and other parameters. There are several differences between traditional and SDN networks such as being Symmetric vs Asymmetric, Floodless vs Flood-Based, Host-based vs Network Centric. Therefore, We will explain how these differences work and how we applied them to our work building an SDN Lab in Virtual Machines using a POX or Floodlight Controller to manage the networks faster without using OpenFlow Hardware.

Nowadays, it will be hard to say that something like digital security actually exists. It is beco... more Nowadays, it will be hard to say that something like digital security actually exists. It is becoming more common to hear news about businesses being hacked, sensitive information such as credit card information being stolen, and attacks done by Denial of Service (DoS). Penetration testing, also known as Pentesting, involves breaking into systems to find vulnerabilities for the purposes of reinforcing the system’s security. However, in the case that the system has been invaded, closer observation of the attack might be done by using computer forensics tools that attempts to track the damage on the compromised system. Penetration testing can be done by using Metasploit, an integral tool found in Kali Linux. Meanwhile, Computer Forensics can be done by using Autopsy and Guymager, these tools are integrated in Computer Aided Investigative Environment (CAINE). With the combination of the two components, system security and recovery gets improved. This research paper will focus on utiliz...
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 2016
It is very common that students attending urban campuses do not live in university residence hall... more It is very common that students attending urban campuses do not live in university residence halls or dorms. In our case, many of our students spend around one hour and a half each way between home and school. We have developed an App for mobile devices that provides computer programming exercises and quizzes to help students practice and self-assess their knowledge during their commuting time. The most relevant part of this App is that it can be used off-line while the students travel in the subway without an Internet connection. In this paper, we discuss the features of this App and how it has been used to help increase the passing rate, from 65% to 76%, in an introductory computer programming course.

Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science, 2019
Cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) is considered a key pest of cotton in ... more Cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) is considered a key pest of cotton in Egypt. Hence, field and laboratory studies were conducted at Sakha Agriculture Research Station, Egypt during seasons 2016 and 2017. Efficiency of seven insecticides i.e., flonicamid, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, emamectin-benzoate, chlorpyrifos, methomyl and deltamethrin against A. gossypii in cotton fields were evaluated. Their side effects on the associated predators, soil fauna and plant defense enzymes also were studied. Flonicamid was the most effective against A. gossypii. The efficacy of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam did not differ significantly from that of chlorpyrifos and methomyl recording from 83.28-93.27% reduction in A. gossypii infestation. Flonicamid, emamectin-benzoate, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam were the least harmful to the associated predators causing less than 50% mortality, while the others were highly toxic. Flonicamid exhibited the highest degree of safety to the soil micro-arthropods, followed by emamectin-benzoate, methomyl and deltamethrin. In contrast, chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid were the most toxic to the soil microarthropods. The conventional insecticides (chlorpyrifos, methomyl and deltamethrin) increased the activity of catalase and peroxidase causing physiological stress on the treated cotton plants, whereas the other tested insecticides recorded decreases in catalase and peroxidase activities inducing the plant defense response. Only imidacloprid and thiamethoxam increased the activity of polyphenol oxidase. Emamectin-benzoate and deltamethrin decreased the total soluble protein content, while the others tested insecticides caused increases in this criterion comparing to the control.
Papers by Aparicio Carranza