Books by Anunciata Sawada

Sobre Ontens/UERJ, 2020
Este estudo pretende discutir contextos históricos e sociopolíticos da construção e divulgação do... more Este estudo pretende discutir contextos históricos e sociopolíticos da construção e divulgação dos Mangás e Animês japoneses, com base na seguinte questão norteadora: como a linguagem das emoções utilizadas pelos Mangás e Animês podem comunicar e sensibilizar o leitor sobre os impactos do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico, no ambiente, no período pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial? Para ilustrar como esta discussão pode ser representada por algumas animações japonesas, analisamos o filme “Nausicaä do Vale do Vento" [風の谷のナウシカ, ''Kaze no Tani no Naushika''] produzido por Hayao Miyazaki em 1984. Sustenta-se a relevância desta discussão em sala de aula para os estudantes no Ensino Médio, tendo como referências algumas orientações da Base Nacional Comum Curricular, possibilitando perceberem as linguagens verbais e não-verbais presentes no Animê e Mangá como uma construção. E, desta forma, poderem compreender estas produções como expressão de determinados enunciados e ideologias sobre determinado fenômeno da sociedade.
Papers by Anunciata Sawada
Ciência e Cultura, Apr 1, 2018
Uma bela viagem deu-te Ítaca. Sem ela não te ponhas a caminho. Mais do que isso não lhe cumpre da... more Uma bela viagem deu-te Ítaca. Sem ela não te ponhas a caminho. Mais do que isso não lhe cumpre dar-te. Ítaca não te iludiu, se a achas pobre. Tu te tornaste sábio, um homem de experiência, e agora sabes o que significam Ítacas.

Revista Educação Pública, Mar 29, 2022
Themes about microrganisms are present in both elementary and high school. It is common for the a... more Themes about microrganisms are present in both elementary and high school. It is common for the approach to this theme to be related in a negative view, whose focus is only on the indication of these as the cause of diseases. In contrast, health and the environment are acute issues in the context of Science Teaching and both must have a transversal focus. CienciArte field has contributed as a subsidy to pedagogical approach issues on health. Animê and manga can be understood as part of this field. Therefore, these have the potential to be used as a support resource by teachers. In this text, we explore the relationship between microrganisms and the health and environmentaxis and present suggestions for activities for an integrated approach and with the potential to encourage children and youth to the theme through the use of manga and animê in the Teaching of Science and Biology. In Hand, Parasyte and Cellsatwork are examples of resources that present an integrated approach to microorganisms that is undervalued in education. And, therefore, they provide opportunities for the teacher to deal with several questions that are often neglected. We encourage teachers to use these materials as a starting point for discussion with students and the production of other materials inspired by these that encourage critical sense, integrated thinking, training for citizenship and creativity.
Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, 2021
Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Revista, Jun 15, 2018
Refletimos aqui sobre a avaliação da Rede Amazônica de Ensino de Ciências (REAMEC) para antever l... more Refletimos aqui sobre a avaliação da Rede Amazônica de Ensino de Ciências (REAMEC) para antever lições aos próximos desafios para a Área de Ensino. Após uma introdução histórica sobre o surgimento da Pós-Graduação (PG) no Brasil, focamos nas experiências de constituição das 13 redes de PGque foram avaliadas em 2017. Destas, 9 utilizaram a nova ficha de avaliação de redes, concebida e aprovada pela CAPES para enfatizar os resultados das redes relativos a seus egressos e a sua inserção social (60% do peso da avaliação). O uso desta ficha foi feito justamente na REAMEC e trouxe resultados positivos, que foram sistematizados no artigo, para que considerações pudessem ser tecidas relativamente a sua aplicação em novas redes, como o Prof-EPT e outras que estão sendo geradas na Área.

JMIR public health and surveillance, Apr 6, 2017
Background: One of the major challenges of the Brazilian Ministry of Health is to foster interest... more Background: One of the major challenges of the Brazilian Ministry of Health is to foster interest in breast cancer screening (BCS), especially among women at high risk. Strategies have been developed to promote the early identification of breast cancer mainly by Pink October campaigns. The massive number of queries conducted through Google creates traffic data that can be analyzed to show unrevealed interest cycles and their seasonalities. Objectives: Using Google Trends, we studied cycles of public interest in queries toward mammography and breast cancer along the last 5 years. We hypothesize that these data may be correlated with collective interest cycles leveraged by national BCS campaigns such as Pink October. Methods: Google Trends was employed to normalize traffic data on a scale from 0 (<1% of the peak volume) to 100 (peak of traffic) presented as weekly relative search volume (RSV) concerning mammography and breast cancer as search terms. A time series covered the last 261 weeks (November 2011 to October 2016), and RSV of both terms were compared with their respective annual means. Polynomial trendlines (second order) were employed to estimate overall trends. Results: We found an upward trend for both terms over the 5 years, with almost parallel trendlines. Remarkable peaks were found along Pink October months-mammography and breast cancer searches were leveraged up reaching, respectively, 119.1% (2016) and 196.8% (2015) above annual means. Short downward RSVs along December-January months were also noteworthy along all the studied period. These trends traced an N-shaped pattern with higher peaks in Pink October months and sharp falls along subsequent December and January. Conclusions: Considering these findings, it would be reasonable to bring Pink October to the beginning of each year, thereby extending the beneficial effect of the campaigns. It would be more appropriate to start screening campaigns at the beginning of the year, when new resolutions are taken and new projects are added to everyday routines. Our work raises attention to the study of traffic data to encourage health campaign analysts to undertake better analysis based on marketing practices.

Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, Apr 2, 2022
There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even toda... more There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even today, creating environments that favor the interaction of professionals from these two fields provides many potential opportunities to develop transdisciplinary experiences. In the present study, we describe the adventures of a partnership between the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, based on the report of a student in art education. The student illustrations of Brazilian mammals reflect on different aspects of these traits and the potential benefits of this interaction for scientific dissemination, species conservation, and art appreciation. The experience of the routine of the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) and Mammalogical research, and the rethinking of scientific illustration as an art form, supported novel interpretations of the characteristics of Brazilian mammals and their role in the environment. The images were exhibited at events that promoted public health, scientific dissemination, and culture in both the Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.
Leitura, 2008
Museóloga e professora, Esp. em Ciência das Artes, rviuseu da Vida, FIOCRUZ. Lúcia de La Rocque P... more Museóloga e professora, Esp. em Ciência das Artes, rviuseu da Vida, FIOCRUZ. Lúcia de La Rocque PhD, pesquisadora e professora do Instituto Oswaido Cruz, FIOCRUZ e do Instituto de Letras, UERJ. Resumo: No presente artigo, é nosso objetivo esboçar uma breve análise de duas obras de ficção científica, o romance The Handmaid's Tale (sendo que o título da última edição brasileira é O Conto da Aia), de 1985, da escritora canadense Margaret Atwood, e o conto "Bloodcfiild" de 1987, da autora afro-americana Octavia Butier, traçando um paralelo entre as mesmas. Ambas as obras tratam da questão feminina, evidenciando que questões como a maternidade e a reprodução estão intimamente ligadas ao fator que mais caracteriza a situação que se propõem a descrever: a submissão, cuja realidade é também magistralmente espelfiada nessas ficções.

Ensino, Saude e Ambiente
A ausência e insuficiência de recursos educacionais que possam ser empregados para a abordagem da... more A ausência e insuficiência de recursos educacionais que possam ser empregados para a abordagem da doença de Chagas caracterizam uma das dimensões da negligência que este agravo enfrenta. Em contrapartida, obras japonesas como animês e mangás estão cada vez mais presente na cultura ocidental e reúnem um conjunto de representações sociais sobre temas socialmente agudos. Frente a essa questão, realizamos a análise da obra In Hand, uma live action japonesa, cujo episódio é baseado no tema da doença de Chagas. O estudo apoiou-se em referenciais dos campos análise fílmica, análise e estatuto da imagem, processo saúde-doença, estigma, sociologia do corpo, representações sociais e ensino de Ciências. Emergiram questões referentes ao estereótipo do paciente, transmissão da doença e visão sobre a ciência e o cientista. Ressaltamos a potencialidade deste recurso para práticas educacionais embora o material não tenha sido concebido para este fim. Contudo, é necessário que o mediador da prática ...

Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, Apr 2, 2022
There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even toda... more There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even today, creating environments that favor the interaction of professionals from these two fields provides many potential opportunities to develop transdisciplinary experiences. In the present study, we describe the adventures of a partnership between the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, based on the report of a student in art education. The student illustrations of Brazilian mammals reflect on different aspects of these traits and the potential benefits of this interaction for scientific dissemination, species conservation, and art appreciation. The experience of the routine of the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) and Mammalogical research, and the rethinking of scientific illustration as an art form, supported novel interpretations of the characteristics of Brazilian mammals and their role in the environment. The images were exhibited at events that promoted public health, scientific dissemination, and culture in both the Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.

Revista Educação Pública, Mar 29, 2022
Themes about microrganisms are present in both elementary and high school. It is common for the a... more Themes about microrganisms are present in both elementary and high school. It is common for the approach to this theme to be related in a negative view, whose focus is only on the indication of these as the cause of diseases. In contrast, health and the environment are acute issues in the context of Science Teaching and both must have a transversal focus. CienciArte field has contributed as a subsidy to pedagogical approach issues on health. Animê and manga can be understood as part of this field. Therefore, these have the potential to be used as a support resource by teachers. In this text, we explore the relationship between microrganisms and the health and environmentaxis and present suggestions for activities for an integrated approach and with the potential to encourage children and youth to the theme through the use of manga and animê in the Teaching of Science and Biology. In Hand, Parasyte and Cellsatwork are examples of resources that present an integrated approach to microorganisms that is undervalued in education. And, therefore, they provide opportunities for the teacher to deal with several questions that are often neglected. We encourage teachers to use these materials as a starting point for discussion with students and the production of other materials inspired by these that encourage critical sense, integrated thinking, training for citizenship and creativity.
Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, Dec 1, 2020

Revista Educação, Artes e Inclusão, 2018
O processo educativo vigente da grande enfase aos comportamentos observaveis e promove a dissocia... more O processo educativo vigente da grande enfase aos comportamentos observaveis e promove a dissociacao dos processos afetivos e cognitivos. O processo e fragmentado, com numerosas disciplinas e especializacoes ao longo dos anos formativos, acarretando a perda da visao do todo e das nocoes de multiplicidade dos educandos. Almejando reverter esse processo, a UNESCO propoe quatro pilares para a educacao do futuro. Neste trabalho, por meio da experiencia vivenciada no curso de especializacao de Ciencia, Arte e Cultura na Saude (CACS), objetivamos demonstrar que o ensino baseado nessas interfaces corresponde as expectativas desse novo modelo de educacao. Assim, discorremos sobre os quatro pilares da educacao propostos pela UNESCO, ressaltando a importância da cultura no processo ensino-aprendizagem, assim como a potencialidade da religacao desses saberes para propor um novo modelo de educacao para o futuro. Em seguida apresentamos o CACS, seus referenciais teoricos, sua organizacao curric...

JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2017
Background: One of the major challenges of the Brazilian Ministry of Health is to foster interest... more Background: One of the major challenges of the Brazilian Ministry of Health is to foster interest in breast cancer screening (BCS), especially among women at high risk. Strategies have been developed to promote the early identification of breast cancer mainly by Pink October campaigns. The massive number of queries conducted through Google creates traffic data that can be analyzed to show unrevealed interest cycles and their seasonalities. Objectives: Using Google Trends, we studied cycles of public interest in queries toward mammography and breast cancer along the last 5 years. We hypothesize that these data may be correlated with collective interest cycles leveraged by national BCS campaigns such as Pink October. Methods: Google Trends was employed to normalize traffic data on a scale from 0 (<1% of the peak volume) to 100 (peak of traffic) presented as weekly relative search volume (RSV) concerning mammography and breast cancer as search terms. A time series covered the last 261 weeks (November 2011 to October 2016), and RSV of both terms were compared with their respective annual means. Polynomial trendlines (second order) were employed to estimate overall trends. Results: We found an upward trend for both terms over the 5 years, with almost parallel trendlines. Remarkable peaks were found along Pink October months-mammography and breast cancer searches were leveraged up reaching, respectively, 119.1% (2016) and 196.8% (2015) above annual means. Short downward RSVs along December-January months were also noteworthy along all the studied period. These trends traced an N-shaped pattern with higher peaks in Pink October months and sharp falls along subsequent December and January. Conclusions: Considering these findings, it would be reasonable to bring Pink October to the beginning of each year, thereby extending the beneficial effect of the campaigns. It would be more appropriate to start screening campaigns at the beginning of the year, when new resolutions are taken and new projects are added to everyday routines. Our work raises attention to the study of traffic data to encourage health campaign analysts to undertake better analysis based on marketing practices.
Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, 2021
Books by Anunciata Sawada
Papers by Anunciata Sawada