Drafts by Antypas Chatziiosifidis

This investigation aims to provide a contemporary theory of evil. Due to its theoretical and meth... more This investigation aims to provide a contemporary theory of evil. Due to its theoretical and methodological presuppositions, it will start with the question of the conditions of possibility of such a theory of evil. Nevertheless, this type of investigation is quite abstract, and tends to go beyond methodology, and become substantial but ambiguous and speculative. Thus, it seems that its concrete interpretation and validation are facilitated, or even become possible, by providing a specific draft or outline of a concrete theory. Thus, this text presents not only an abstract investigation of the conditions of the possibility of a theory of evil, but it tries to use and apply the outcomes of that work and provides an outline of a theory of evil, and so the critique and the validation-process of the product indirectly enable a preliminary test of the overall theoretical presuppositions and the methodological core.
This text is a view of a work, still in progress, titled "How would a theory of evil be possible?... more This text is a view of a work, still in progress, titled "How would a theory of evil be possible? On the appearance, essence and origin of evil." which have a broader scope. This text concentrates on developing the elements of a general theory of evil and some of its consequences, somehow putting into brackets the discussion of abstract methodological, epistemological and theoretical in general, presuppositions which are developed in another part of the parent work, and simply presuppose and usethem when required.

This essay analyses the changes in culture and culture industries in our contemporary internet-ag... more This essay analyses the changes in culture and culture industries in our contemporary internet-age. Its primary goal is to re-introduce the concept of Culture Industry in the analysis and critique of our contemporary societies since it appears that the culture industry is not only not-obsolete but, on the contrary, it appears as the dominant cultural form of this age and so permeates or dominates most of the other forms.
In order to proceed with the realization of such a project this work analyzes, first of all, the methodological, epistemological, and logical preconditions and dimensions of such an endeavor. Since historicity is emerged as a central category it has also to delve into the history of the genesis, critique, and decline of this concept. It appears that despite some limitations of the initial form of this concept, it contained some deep and durable insights that could be integrated into a theory and critique of the overall world-system, as it is unfolded in our internet-age, and especially of its ideological and cultural aspects.
This small essay is a fragment of a bigger work, still in progress, titled culture industries and... more This small essay is a fragment of a bigger work, still in progress, titled culture industries and culture in the internet-age.
The investigation into culture industry raised questions on the essence and function of art and this was connected with the topics of liberation and happiness and this text discusses these topics primarily on the ground of the monumental works of T. Mann and H. Marcuse, however the work of many other thinkers joins this discussion in an indirect way,
The initial focus of this text was the culture industry; nevertheless, I had to talk about some r... more The initial focus of this text was the culture industry; nevertheless, I had to talk about some related concepts like culture, art and ideology. The relations between this concepts is very complex and diversified, sometimes there are continuities, some other tensions and finally in some other cases there are direct collisions and conflicts. So, this text explores not only these concepts and their structural relations but also tried to investigates the dynamics of this conceptual constellation.
The appearance of this text indicates a milestone of a bigger project about transhumanism. Since... more The appearance of this text indicates a milestone of a bigger project about transhumanism. Since the parent text was expanded beyond my initial planning and i will take some more time to be completed I thought that this part has a rather strong unity and could appear as a a standalone whole. What remains to be depicted is primarily some aspects of technoscience and the realtions with ideology (liberalism). However their impact of the first is small and the second is here wrapped inside the idea of the progress and seems to me its internal details would not affect the basic approach, structure and content of this text.
The origin of this text lies in a bigger project about transhumanism. It was not part of the init... more The origin of this text lies in a bigger project about transhumanism. It was not part of the initial design but was added later and expanded gradually either as a side effect of the evolution of the text or due to its own internal logic. Thus, in the context of analyzing the connections of the core concern of this investigation, that is transhumanism, it appeared as interesting work to present and analyze Heidegger's discourses on humanism, human essence and technology. However, it soon appeared that these discourses cannot be understood if they are not placed inside his core investigations, and projects. So these parts of the texts were expanded and at a certain point it appeared to me that they have a rather strong unity and could appear as a whole.
The main problems of this text are related to the content and the importance of the concept of th... more The main problems of this text are related to the content and the importance of the concept of the good life for us now. The investigation was initially expanded into the topics of the human essence and condition and subsequently into methodological and ontological problems. Human essence and conditions appear in the socio-historical world and should not be treated as metaphysical and eternal ideas. On the ground of a long tradition, it appeared that good or noble life is effectively identical, at least in our age, to liberation and was contrasted with bondage. However, there are many problems related to the universality and direct applicability of such concepts, so an unconditional identification seems like a premature and naive conclusion. Nevertheless, liberation still remains one of the highest and noblest visions and projects for a good life available to us now.
This text investigates the concept of the sense of reality (SR). So, its primary concerns are rel... more This text investigates the concept of the sense of reality (SR). So, its primary concerns are related to the socio-historical domain and the socialization process. Nevertheless, it was soon discovered that in order to discuss sufficiently the formation of SR, it was necessary to discuss and analyze some abstract topics like reality, knowledge, Reason and Ideology, causality, explanation and interpretation, determinism and indeterminacy, among others, and to place the sense of reality in conjunction with physical and social reality.
This work is a moment of a bigger investigation still in progress. So, a casual reading is prone ... more This work is a moment of a bigger investigation still in progress. So, a casual reading is prone to severe misunderstandings. Nevertheless, it seems to me that, since its subject matter has a universal import, it could be properly understood (not all the details of its internal logic, but at least its overall methodological approach, most of its presuppositions, and its main outcomes), and that it could stand as a standalone work.
This text is a fragment of a work in progress titled Ethics, nature, historicity, critique. It c... more This text is a fragment of a work in progress titled Ethics, nature, historicity, critique. It contains material from the first and second parts related to the human condition and essence and some methodological topics. This text analyzes the human condition and essence and provides the ground for investigating human bondage and liberation.
This essay aims to describe and analyze the forms of toleration and the dialectics of their trans... more This essay aims to describe and analyze the forms of toleration and the dialectics of their transformations. More specifically, the goals include: the presentation and analysis of the theoretical traditions of toleration (1), especially focus is set on the connection between toleration and liberalism (2), the current crisis of the toleration in representation and practices (3), and finally a preliminary analysis of the historical fate of the toleration and some predictions about its future (4).
This essay focuses on the role of toleration and tolerance in Liberalism.
The main part concentr... more This essay focuses on the role of toleration and tolerance in Liberalism.
The main part concentrates on the changing connections between toleration and historical Liberalism, in the background of the overall socio-historical situation. For this reason, it analyzes the actual faces of toleration, their vicissitudes, and their actual distance from the traditional project (presented in the Annex). On this ground, it makes a provisional assertion about the future of Liberalism.
This essay contains parts of a work in progress about toleration. Its goal is to analyze the rela... more This essay contains parts of a work in progress about toleration. Its goal is to analyze the relation of tolerance and toleration with morals and ethics. So, it has to talk also about the good, and so about bad and evil, but also about politics and power.
This essay is part of a broader work in progress. Its goal is threefold: first to detect and anal... more This essay is part of a broader work in progress. Its goal is threefold: first to detect and analyze the rise of Spinoza's theory of toleration and present its logical structure and content (1); then to explore the many faces of toleration in our contemporary liberal societies (2), and finally to examine how relevant is the theory of Spinoza to our own overall situation (3).
The focus of this essay is the structural roots of the crisis of liberal democracy. It contains t... more The focus of this essay is the structural roots of the crisis of liberal democracy. It contains the outcome of a theoretical investigation into four areas: the specificity of capitalism (1), the relations of capitalism and liberalism (2), their relationship with democracy (3), and finally, the crisis of the Liberal Democracy itself (4). This essay is part of the theoretical foundation of a work in progress named: On the crisis of the liberal world.
The typical reading path is, for sure, from start to end. However, I suggest that the impatient readers start browsing the introduction and then proceed directly with a study of chapter #4 (including footnotes). Then, they should navigate into the main text according to their interests, desires, and preferences. It provides material and arguments to support the theses presented in the epilogue.
This essay is part of an ongoing project aiming to draft, present, and apply a basic theoretical ... more This essay is part of an ongoing project aiming to draft, present, and apply a basic theoretical and practical framework strongly affiliated with the tradition of critical theory. The need to elaborate further on these concepts was raised during the analysis of the crisis of Liberal societies. It was necessitated by analyzing empirical topics like the crisis of work, the sufferings of vast parts of the population, or even the socialization processes responsible for constructing and managing the subjectivity. These five concepts appeared as essential for this work and correlated. They appeared as forming a certain constellation. So, its analysis was not triggered by interests in abstract theorizing or a passion for conceptual analysis but by an earthly need for understanding and orientation
v.0.11 is a slight update of the original v.010 with minor changes in some references.
The crisis of the contemporary World-System is multifaceted and affects a lot of social fields an... more The crisis of the contemporary World-System is multifaceted and affects a lot of social fields and domains. The goal of this investigation is the critical analysis of the contemporary forms of crisis in the domain of lifeworld, especially in the regions with a liberal institutional framework and a rather advanced economic development. Beyond description and interpretation, or even explanation, of events and processes, it tries to detect trends and even discern prospects.
The goal of this text is the analysis of the contemporary forms of crisis in the domain of work,... more The goal of this text is the analysis of the contemporary forms of crisis in the domain of work, especially in the rich liberal regions. Beyond the description and interpretation, or even explanation, of events and processes it tries to detect trends and discern prospects. As in any social domain, we can detect two main aspects: representations and practices. This essay will depict, analyse and criticize the overall situation of work and its crisis, in these two aspects. On the ground of this analysis, it will try later to identify the essential long-term trends and discern the main prospects. The first three subsections have a focus on theories, the next four on practices, and the final two on prospects.The Epilogue expands on the prospects of the whole Liberal World.
This essay analyzes some non-traditional forms of social crisis, in the age of globalization and ... more This essay analyzes some non-traditional forms of social crisis, in the age of globalization and neoliberalism. It detects five such areas: ecology, populace migration, technology, the possibility of nuclear war, and the split of culture. The analysis enables us to examine the question if there is a process going to end a historical era. And what is the essence of this era? is Neoliberalism, Liberalism itself, Capitalism? A phase of one of them?
Drafts by Antypas Chatziiosifidis
In order to proceed with the realization of such a project this work analyzes, first of all, the methodological, epistemological, and logical preconditions and dimensions of such an endeavor. Since historicity is emerged as a central category it has also to delve into the history of the genesis, critique, and decline of this concept. It appears that despite some limitations of the initial form of this concept, it contained some deep and durable insights that could be integrated into a theory and critique of the overall world-system, as it is unfolded in our internet-age, and especially of its ideological and cultural aspects.
The investigation into culture industry raised questions on the essence and function of art and this was connected with the topics of liberation and happiness and this text discusses these topics primarily on the ground of the monumental works of T. Mann and H. Marcuse, however the work of many other thinkers joins this discussion in an indirect way,
The main part concentrates on the changing connections between toleration and historical Liberalism, in the background of the overall socio-historical situation. For this reason, it analyzes the actual faces of toleration, their vicissitudes, and their actual distance from the traditional project (presented in the Annex). On this ground, it makes a provisional assertion about the future of Liberalism.
The typical reading path is, for sure, from start to end. However, I suggest that the impatient readers start browsing the introduction and then proceed directly with a study of chapter #4 (including footnotes). Then, they should navigate into the main text according to their interests, desires, and preferences. It provides material and arguments to support the theses presented in the epilogue.
v.0.11 is a slight update of the original v.010 with minor changes in some references.
In order to proceed with the realization of such a project this work analyzes, first of all, the methodological, epistemological, and logical preconditions and dimensions of such an endeavor. Since historicity is emerged as a central category it has also to delve into the history of the genesis, critique, and decline of this concept. It appears that despite some limitations of the initial form of this concept, it contained some deep and durable insights that could be integrated into a theory and critique of the overall world-system, as it is unfolded in our internet-age, and especially of its ideological and cultural aspects.
The investigation into culture industry raised questions on the essence and function of art and this was connected with the topics of liberation and happiness and this text discusses these topics primarily on the ground of the monumental works of T. Mann and H. Marcuse, however the work of many other thinkers joins this discussion in an indirect way,
The main part concentrates on the changing connections between toleration and historical Liberalism, in the background of the overall socio-historical situation. For this reason, it analyzes the actual faces of toleration, their vicissitudes, and their actual distance from the traditional project (presented in the Annex). On this ground, it makes a provisional assertion about the future of Liberalism.
The typical reading path is, for sure, from start to end. However, I suggest that the impatient readers start browsing the introduction and then proceed directly with a study of chapter #4 (including footnotes). Then, they should navigate into the main text according to their interests, desires, and preferences. It provides material and arguments to support the theses presented in the epilogue.
v.0.11 is a slight update of the original v.010 with minor changes in some references.