Papers by Antti Teittinen

Sports medicine and injury care journal, Nov 26, 2019
Regular physical activity is important for promoting health and well-being; however, physical act... more Regular physical activity is important for promoting health and well-being; however, physical activity behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have received little attention. We compared physical activity levels among 53 children with ASD and 58 typically developing children aged 3-11 years who participated in the Children's Activity and Meal Patterns Study (CHAMPS). After adjustment for age and sex the amount of time spent daily in moderate and vigorous activity was similar in children with ASD (50.0 minutes/day and typically developing children 57.1 minutes/day). However, parents reported that children with ASD participated in significantly fewer types of physical activities than did typically developing children (6.9 vs. 9.6, p <.0001) and spent less time annually participating in these activities than typically developing children (158 vs. 225 hours per year, p < 0.0001) after adjusting for age and sex. Although both groups of children engaged in similar levels of moderate and vigorous activity as measured by accelerometry, children with ASD engaged in fewer physical activities and for less time according to parental report, suggesting that some of the activity in children with ASD is not captured by standard questionnaire-based measures.
Bristol University Press eBooks, Aug 31, 2018
This paper describes the practical implementations and possibilities of virtual university for re... more This paper describes the practical implementations and possibilities of virtual university for research and education on disability and disabled people.

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Nov 13, 2022
Background People with intellectual disability (ID) are a vulnerable group in our society; many o... more Background People with intellectual disability (ID) are a vulnerable group in our society; many of them depend on other people for assistance in their everyday lives. Compared with the general population, people with ID have poorer general health and, therefore, need more healthcare services and use more medicines. The aim of this study is to define the population of all Finnish people with ID using administrative data and to compare their medicine use and expenditure on medicines to those of the age-matched and sex-matched controls. Methods People with ID and their age-matched and sex-matched controls (1:1) were extracted from nationwide healthcare and social allowance registers. Administrative register data on all prescription medicine purchases in 2019 were used to determine the prevalence of medicine use in both groups on a general level and by medicine categories. The differences in the prevalence of medicine use between the two groups were analysed using the logistic regression model. In addition, we studied the total expenditure on reimbursable medicine purchases covered by the National Health Insurance between people with ID and control group. Results The subpopulation of people with ID consisted 37 196 individuals, of whom 82.7% purchased prescription medicines in 2019. The corresponding share of individuals purchasing prescription medicines in the control group was 70.3%. The differences in the prevalence of medicine use between the two populations were highest in the younger age groups (0-6, 7-12 and 13-17). In the study population, 28.1% (OR = 12.28; 95% CI: 11.54-13.07) of the people used antipsychotics, making it the most used medicine category in people with ID. In the control group, 3.3% of people used antipsychotics. Compared with the control group, the use of antiepileptics, drugs for constipation, mineral supplements and anxiolytics was four to seven times higher among people with ID. Furthermore, the median expenditure on medicine use among people with ID was four times higher than in the control group. Conclusions Compared with the control group, people with ID used more medicines, especially

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, May 16, 2019
Purpose This systematic review analyzed the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions on the ... more Purpose This systematic review analyzed the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions on the employment and functioning of people with intellectual disabilities (ID), as well as barriers and facilitators of employment. Methods This was a systematic review of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies. The outcomes were employment, transition to the open labor market and functioning. The review included qualitative studies of employment barriers and facilitators. The population comprised people with ID aged 16-68 years. Peer-reviewed articles published in English between January 1990 and February 2019 were obtained from the databases Cinahl, the Cochrane Library, Embase, Eric, Medic, Medline, OTseeker, Pedro, PsycInfo, PubMed, Socindex, and the Web of Science. We also searched Google Scholar and Base. The modified selection instrument (PIOS: participants, intervention, outcome, and study design) used in the selection of the articles depended on the selection criteria. Results Ten quantitative (one randomized controlled, one concurrently controlled, and eight cohort studies), six qualitative studies, one multimethod study, and 21 case studies met the inclusion criteria. The quantitative studies showed that secondary education increases employment among people with ID when it includes work experience and personal support services. Supported employment also increased employment in the open labor market, which sheltered work did not. The barriers to employment were the use of sheltered work, discrimination in vocational experience, the use of class teaching, and deficient work experience while still at school. The facilitators of employment were one's own activity, the support of one's family, job coaching, a well-designed work environment, appreciation of one's work, support form one's employer and work organization, knowledge and experience of employment during secondary education, and for entrepreneurs, the use of a support person. Conclusions The employment of people with ID can be improved through secondary education including proper teaching methods and personal support services, the use of supported work, workplace accommodations and support from one's family and employer. These results can be utilized in the development of rehabilitation, education, and the employment of people with ID, to allow them the opportunity to work in the open labor market and participate in society.

Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
Staff in 24/7 group housing services for adults with intellectual disability are responsible for ... more Staff in 24/7 group housing services for adults with intellectual disability are responsible for ensuring safe medication management processes and supporting the residents in their health-related issues. Ten interviewed nurses reported several challenges in the medication management process emerging at the staff level, the level of the group home, and the level of the social and healthcare system, and were often related to issues in communication and responsibility. They reported a variety of complex tasks in the medication management process, for which they need a multiple skill set. They also act as healthcare advocates for residents, but healthcare services do not always match residents’ needs. Training for social and healthcare professionals, access to healthcare services and the collaboration of social and healthcare services should be improved to provide the people with intellectual disability the best possible pharmacotherapy and healthcare.

Kulttuurintutkimus, 2019
Ajankohtaisuus uutisvirrassa on hämmentävää. Juonellinen kerronta alkaa, kun tapahtuu jotain tärk... more Ajankohtaisuus uutisvirrassa on hämmentävää. Juonellinen kerronta alkaa, kun tapahtuu jotain tärkeää, mutta kerronta jatkuu vain aikansa. Kun kerronnan juonellisuus muuttuukin monimutkaisemmaksi tai vaikeasti hallittavaksi, tai uusia helpommin uutisoitavia teemoja pulpahtaa esiin, lopahtaa aiheen uutisointi. Tietynlaisia kestoaiheita, vaikkakin vaihtelevia ovat sotatoimet, ympäristötuhot, ilmastonmuutos ja luonnonkatastrofit. Viimeisimpänä Australian ja Brasilian metsäpalot sekä Koronavirus. Uutisointi näistä on ensisijaisesti informaatiota kyseisistä aiheista ja sen jälkeen pyritään valottamaan aiheiden yhteiskunnallisia ja kulttuurisia merkityksiä, jos uutisoinnin portinvartijat pitävät niitä uutisoinnin arvoisina. Nyt kuitenkin voimme havaita poikkeuksen edellä kuvatussa uutisvirrassa. Koronaviruksen tartuntaprevalenssin ja lääketieteellisen tiedon ohella on alettu tehokkaasti uutisoida yhteiskunnallisista ja kulttuurisista seurannaisvaikutuksista. Juuri tätä pääkirjoitusta kirjoittaessani kuulin urheilu-uutisista, että naisten jääkiekon maailmanmestaruuskisat on peruttu. Urheilutapahtumia onkin peruttu tai niitä on pidetty tyhjille katsomoille, kuten perinteisissä Holmenkollenin hiihtokisoissa. Myös useat Euroopan messutapahtumat on peruttu ja uusia peruutuksia suurista yleisötapahtumista uutisoidaan päivittäin. Nämä tilanteet kertovat toisaalta tarpeesta muuttaa ihmisten toimintatapoja ja toisaalta kulttuurisista muutoksista nykyisessä todellisuudessa. Jo 12 vuotta sitten julkaistiin Suomessa Jonna Berghällin ja Minna Pesun raportti Ilmastonmuutos ja kulttuuriympäristö: tunnistetut vaikutukset ja haasteet Suomessa, jossa pyrittiin ennakoimaan muiden muassa lämpenevät talvet ja kosteuden lisääntymisen
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Background Skeletal dysplasias are rare disorders often leading to severe short stature. This stu... more Background Skeletal dysplasias are rare disorders often leading to severe short stature. This study aimed to gain new comprehensive information about functioning and equality in people affected by skeletal dysplasia compared to matched controls without skeletal dysplasia. Methods Functioning was assessed by questionnaire, which was formed by operationalizing International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set’s categories into the items according to the ICF linking rules, using primarily Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System PROMIS® - items. Results Altogether 80 subjects with skeletal dysplasia and 55 age-, gender- and place of residence -matched controls participated. People with skeletal dysplasia experienced more pain (p
Mita on kulttuuri? Taman kysymyksen olen esittanyt itselleni lahes paivittain, kun olen ollut Kul... more Mita on kulttuuri? Taman kysymyksen olen esittanyt itselleni lahes paivittain, kun olen ollut Kulttuurintutkimus-lehden paatoimittajana. Kysymykseen ei ole olemassa yksiselitteista vastausta – ei tarvitsekaan olla, mutta kysymykseen voi yrittaa vastata tarkkailemalla median nakemyksia kulttuurista. Tietysti myos Kulttuurintutkimus-lehti omalta osaltaan propagoi sen puolesta, mika on kulttuuria ja miten eri ilmioissa on kulttuurinen ulottuvuutensa.
Kulttuurintutkimus-lehden esittelyssa todetaan sen olevan ”monitieteinen aikakauslehti, joka kasi... more Kulttuurintutkimus-lehden esittelyssa todetaan sen olevan ”monitieteinen aikakauslehti, joka kasittelee ja esittelee kulttuuriin kohdistuvaa tutkimusta. Kulttuurintutkimuksen aiheita ovat kulttuurin muutos ja merkitykset seka kulttuurierot. Kulttuurin ilmioita ja niiden tutkimusta tarkastellaan monitieteisesti esimerkiksi globaalistumisen, toiseuden, sukupuolen ja uuden teknologian kautta.” Lehden laaja intressi ottaa huomioon kulttuurien moninaisuuden ja avaa nakokulmia erityisesti siihen, miten kulttuurien merkitykset nakyvat yhteiskunnissa ja miten yhteiskunnat ovat globalisaationkin aikakautena kulttuurisesti erilaisia keskenaan.
This is a repository copy of Design and control of a novel robotic microsurgical forceps for Tran... more This is a repository copy of Design and control of a novel robotic microsurgical forceps for Transoral Laser Microsurgery.

International journal of environmental research and public health, Jan 17, 2018
Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are at high risk for high levels of sedentary beh... more Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are at high risk for high levels of sedentary behaviour. To inform the development of programmes to reduce sedentary behaviour, insight into the correlates is needed. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review the evidence on correlates of sedentary behaviour in adults with ID. We performed a systematic literature search in Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Web of Science and Google Scholar up to 19 January 2018, resulting in nine included studies that were published from 2011 to 2018. Correlates were categorized according to the ecological model. Studies predominantly focused on individual level correlates. Of those correlates studied in more than one study, having epilepsy was associated with less sedentary behaviour and inconsistent results were found for sex, genetic syndromes, weight status, physical health, mobility, level of ID, and mental health. Of the few interpersonal and environmental factors studied, only living arrangements w...
Papers by Antti Teittinen