Papers by Antonio Tarriño Vinagre
Como cartografía geológica previa se ha dispuesto de las siguientes hojas: I.G.M.E. (1978) Hoja n... more Como cartografía geológica previa se ha dispuesto de las siguientes hojas: I.G.M.E. (1978) Hoja n.º 138 (LAPUEBLA DE ARGANZON) escala 1:50.000.
Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, 2018
Kobie. Paleoantropología, 2009
"Se presentan los materiales hallados en el asentamiento al aire libre de Haltzerrek... more "Se presentan los materiales hallados en el asentamiento al aire libre de Haltzerreka. En él destaca la presencia de cerámicas con decoración de impresiones de cuerda datadas en el Bronce Antiguo. En la región no son infrecuentes este tipo de decoraciones (dólmenes de Napalatza y Otsaarte; cuevas de Santimamiñe, Anton Koba, etc.), aunque, por lo general, su datación presenta dificultades importantes. Haltzerreka aporta fechas que permiten concretar la cronología de dichos elementos."
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Asturias 2013-2016, 2018
Jornades d'arqueologia de la Comunitat Valenciana: 2016-2017-2018, 2020, ISBN 978-84-482-6485-7, págs. 23-40, 2020
Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, 2019
Tras el trabajo de laboratorio, y basándonos en los resultados obtenidos gracias a la metodología... more Tras el trabajo de laboratorio, y basándonos en los resultados obtenidos gracias a la metodología aplicada, hemos llegado a la conclusión de que la mayor parte del sílex utilizado en la Cueva del Gato 2 tiene una procedencia local, concretamente de sílex de Botorrita. Igualmente se han utilizado, en menor medida, materiales alóctonos cercanos, como es el caso del sílex evaporítico, así como de manera escasamente significativa en cuanto a su número, una pieza alóctona lejana, posiblemente de procedencia pirenaica.

RESUMEN. Se estudian los primeros indicios pastoriles al aire libre de época romana en la Sierra ... more RESUMEN. Se estudian los primeros indicios pastoriles al aire libre de época romana en la Sierra de Aralar, concretamente dos cabañas. Se analiza su relación con otras evidencias contemporáneas en el País Vasco en entornos de las mismas características, en ocasiones interpretadas como testimonios de poblaciones marginales que reocupan cavidades en situaciones conflictivas. Creemos que si bien pueden darse estos casos excepcionales, la mayoría es el resultado de breves ocupaciones pastoriles, como las que se producen durante la Edad del Bronce o durante el Medievo, o incluso en fechas mucho más modernas. SUMMARY. In this article we study the first Roman Age open air shepherd evidences in Sierra of Aralar: two huts. We additionally compare them with other contemporary and similar evidences of the surrounding areas of the Basque Country, often considered as margin settlements in caves during conflict times. We think that, even if these exceptional situations can occur, most of them are...
The Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, 2017
The Aïn Beni Mathar-Guefaït basin provides a long stratigraphic sequence and a faunal record that... more The Aïn Beni Mathar-Guefaït basin provides a long stratigraphic sequence and a faunal record that covers the Early and Middle Pleistocene. During the Pliocene and Early During the Middle Pleistocene the lacustrine basin was captured by the Moulouya River and the current Oued Haï-Za began dissecting the previous Plio-Pleistocene represented by Lower Paleolithic (Acheulean) assemblages in the upper terraces and Middle Paleolithic assemblages in the lower ones. The Aïn Beni Mathar basin records the passage from the Lower to the Middle Paleolithic 3 industries in the lower terraces. This transitional stage bearing a non-standardized industry is related to the passage from the Middle to the Upper Pleistocene.
Papers by Antonio Tarriño Vinagre
Coímbre cave (142 meters asl) is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Pendendo (529 m), in the small valley of Besnes river, tributary of Cares river, in a medium-higher mountain are in the central-western Cantabria –northern Iberian Peninsula- (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009; 2013b). The landscape in the surroundings of the cave –situated in an interior valley but near to the current coast in a low altitude- can be described as a mountainous environment where valleys, small hills and steep mountains with high slopes are integrated, which confer a relative variety of ecosystems to this area. Coímbre contains an important archaeological site divided in two different areas. B Area, is the farthest from the entrance, and is the place where took place the excavations carried out to date, between 2008 and 2012 (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009, 2011, 2013a, 2013b).
Coímbre B shows a complete and very interesting Magdalenian sequence (with Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian levels), and a gravettian level, that converts this cave in one of the biggest habitat areas in western Cantabria. Its rich set of bone industries, mobiliar art and ornaments, provide key information that shows the connections between this area, the Pyrenees and the south-west of Aquitaine.
Moreover, Coímbre cave presents an interesting set of Magdalenian engravings, locatedin different places of the cavity, both in open and accessible areas, and in narrower and inaccessible places, which clearly define two different symbolic spaces. All this artistic expressions belong to the Magdalenian, and it is possible to establish a division between a set of engravings framed in the first stages of this period (the most abundant and remote); and a more limited set of engravings, in which stand out a block with a engraving of a bison with a deep trace of more than one meter long, that belongs to the recent Magdalenian.
This work presents the preliminary results of the analysis of Magdalenian occupations in Coímbre, after the end of the excavations in B Area, and the study of its rock art, shaping this site as one of the most important places of Magdalenian human activities in western Cantabria.