Papers by Antonio Serrano

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1998
physical agents (3). Among them, reactive oxygen spe-The effect of gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxyb... more physical agents (3). Among them, reactive oxygen spe-The effect of gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic cies (ROS) 2 produced as a consequence of normal meacid) and its alkyl esters (methyl, propyl, octyl, and tabolism or induced by exogenous stimuli such as hylauryl) has been studied on several tumoral and nontudrogen peroxide or X-ray irradiation (4, 5) have been moral cells. Three types of behavior have been obshown to induce apoptosis in different cell types. Conserved; the first type is represented by the mouse B versely, antioxidants which act as radical scavengers, cell lymphoma Wehi 231 cell line in which death occurs such as N-acetyl cysteine, a-tocopherol, reduced glutaaccording to the biochemical characteristics of classithione, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and superoxcal apoptosis showing the DNA ladder fragmentation ide dismutase, protect cells from apoptosis (4, 6, 7). pattern. The second type is represented by the mouse Surprisingly, gallic acid, a natural plant triphenol with fibroblast L929 cell line in which morphological charwell-known antioxidant properties, instead of providacteristics such as cell shrinkage, chromatin condening protection induces apoptosis in the human promysation, and appearance of apoptotic bodies can be evielocytic leukemia HL60 RG and is cytotoxic for other denced by microscopical observation. However, the cell lines (8). A nebulously defined mechanism, presumtypical DNA fragmentation is absent. Peripheral blood ably involving a paradoxical generation of ROS, has lymphocytes are representative of a third type of bebeen postulated for the action of this compound (8).
Papers by Antonio Serrano