Papers by Antonio Mendieta

2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
The research aims to develop a proposal for the design of interactive videos, which consists in t... more The research aims to develop a proposal for the design of interactive videos, which consists in the development of a iGuión (interactive script) structured by three sections or blocks that are the presentation, development and outcome. As part of the design proposal, each block of the structure adds a layer of interaction that allows to generate actions or events that influence the didactic narrative (activate events during the execution) of the audiovisual resource, creating an environment Motivating for students. The proposed design was used by a group of professors to design interactive videos in the context of distance education of the Particular Technical University of Loja in Ecuador. The iGuión was evaluated by the teachers where it obtained more than 4 points on 5 in terms of design and ease of use, the 90% of the students participated actively and according to their perception 97% of them, indicate that the interactive videos allowed increase understanding of the content treated. For the development of the work we used the research methodology of ADDIE design, which allows to evaluate the result for each cycle, improving the design of the iGuión at each stage.

Nowadays there is a growing interest in the use of virtual reality environments because through i... more Nowadays there is a growing interest in the use of virtual reality environments because through immersive education participants can be offered a feeling of “being there”, through a synchronous connection that allows them to communicate with a sense of presence. The present work shows the methodology that we used for the implementation of Virtual Worlds (MV). It was developed with OpenSimulator for two subjects of a Distance education system in order to facilitate real practices of judicial hearings. It is exposed as a tactical alternative in the teaching-learning process; in addition, the results obtained are exposed when evaluating the methodology through the use and functionality of the virtual environment by students, teachers and technicians of university centers. The results indicate that 25% of students consider between difficult and very difficult to move within the MV, despite the 75% of students exposed the interaction within the MV was easy and very easy; so that, they me...

The present work aims to describe the methodology used for the development of learning objects (L... more The present work aims to describe the methodology used for the development of learning objects (LO) in 3D for Augmented Reality (AR) apps, based on a combination of several methodologies used in the design of LO. The methodology consists of three components: 1) app scope, 2) content, and 3) technology. For the development of 3D LO, the prototype software development approach was used, where phases 2 and 3 are executed in each new version accompanied by the respective quality assurance. As a result of the implementation. The “Biologia AR” was gotten. To validate the resulting app from the methodology, a questionnaire, with 14 items, applied to 223 students was used. The results are that 89.30 percent, consider that the app content is in line with the bibliographic material used in the subject and 75.94 percent indicates that the contents of 3D LO used has allowed them to reinforce their learning. The 77.01 percent mention that the interaction with 3D LO is more didactic than with a plain text. Regarding the inconveniences to access the app, 52.47 percent mentioned that it had some type of inconvenience, mainly in download, installation and use, therefore, it is important to know the types of mobile devices in which the applications of AR is going to be used. Hence, it is guaranteed that the methodology allows AR consistent resources to be generated with the learning outcomes, without losing sight of the digital competences that professors and the students must have.
Redes de Ingeniería
En este documento se consignan los resultados más relevantes que se obtuvieron al implementar un ... more En este documento se consignan los resultados más relevantes que se obtuvieron al implementar un enrutador para la interconexión de una red LAN académica con el nodo de RUMBO, sobre una máquina de mediano rendimiento, usando software libre y empleando una adaptación del modelo TMN de la UIT-T para la gestión de este elemento de red. Se aprovechó las ventajas dinámicas en la implementación de dispositivos de red que ofrece el software libre; obteniendo un enrutador de bajo coste; que soporta enrutamiento estático y dinámico, políticas de calidad de servicio QoS, la nueva generación de direccionamiento IPv6, entre otras.
En primer lugar a Dios por todo lo que me ha brindado y por ser parte fundamental de mi vida. A m... more En primer lugar a Dios por todo lo que me ha brindado y por ser parte fundamental de mi vida. A mi Directora de tesis, la Ingeniera Mónica Cisneros por aceptar guiar muy acertadamente el presente trabajo de fin de titulación por la paciencia, la confianza y el tiempo brindado para culminar con éxito este proyecto. Al Ingeniero Celso Romero por compartir sus conocimientos, su confianza, sus consejos y palabras de aliento. Así mismo y con gran estima al Ing.
Se agradecen los aportes de AMUNIC, CARE, CEPREDENAC, COSUDE, Cruz Roja Nicaragüense, Defensa Civ... more Se agradecen los aportes de AMUNIC, CARE, CEPREDENAC, COSUDE, Cruz Roja Nicaragüense, Defensa Civil, DIPECHO, IPADE, OFINICA, OPS-OMS, MOVIMONDO y UNICEF, cuyos materiales impresos y experiencias compartidas resultaron valiosos insumos para la producción de estas guías metodológicas y cuadernos de actividades para Educación en Gestión del Riesgo.
... Azucena del Carmen Casse, Ramón Antonio Mendieta, Eyke Astrid de Belaustegui Dr. Andres Vizca... more ... Azucena del Carmen Casse, Ramón Antonio Mendieta, Eyke Astrid de Belaustegui Dr. Andres Vizcaíno ... (11) Presentando su experiencia en apendicec-tomía laparoscópica para la apendicitis aguda complicada, Navarrete, Salvador; Cantele, Héctor; Leyba, José; Vasallo ...
... Eyke Astrid de Belaustegui, Azucena del Carmen Casse, Ramón Antonio Mendieta, Dra. Claudia Al... more ... Eyke Astrid de Belaustegui, Azucena del Carmen Casse, Ramón Antonio Mendieta, Dra. Claudia Alejandra Cáceres Saglio Lugar y Fecha: Hospital San Roque, San Roque-Corrientes. Septiembre-Octubre de 2007. RESUMEN Introducción. ...
Papers by Antonio Mendieta