Papers by Antonio Graziadei

Paesaggi, comunità, valori : resoconto preliminare su alcune esperienze di ecomusei in Basilicata, 2019
The paper presents the activities carried out by the association Paesaggi Meridiani in the contex... more The paper presents the activities carried out by the association Paesaggi Meridiani in the context of two eco-museum experiences in Basilicata, in Southern Italy: the "Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Tito" and "Rete degli ecomusei dei paes-aggi arabi di Basilicata", both started in 2017. These experiences represent an attempt to apply theoretical assumptions and methodological approaches to involve local communities in the care and management of territories in contexts of great complexity and, in some cases, fragility under different points of view. The active involvement of communities in the identification, protection and management of territorial resources seem to be the only possible approache to try to cope with the phenomena of deterritorialization and aggression of the territories, that are particularly significant in Basilicata. Paesaggi, comunità, valori. Resoconto preliminare su alcune esperienze di ecomusei in Basilicata Antonio Graziadei 1. Introduzione In Basilicata sono in corso di realizzazione alcu-ne esperienze ecomuseali di cura e valorizzazione partecipata del patrimonio territoriale sinora di fatto inedite per la regione. Si tratta dei proget-ti "Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Tito" e "Rete degli ecomusei dei paesaggi arabi di Basilicata" che l'as-sociazione Paesaggi Meridiani sta portando avanti a partire dall'inizio del 2017. I due progetti stanno fornendo alle comunità coinvolte una chiave per porsi in maniera attiva rispetto al proprio patrimo-nio naturale ed alle proprie eredità culturali, ma sono anche un'occasione per far crescere l'attenzio-ne locale su uno strumento di partecipazione dalle straordinarie potenzialità. Con la presente nota si dà conto di quanto, sino ad ora, è stato realizzato e di come si sia cerca-to di attivare il coinvolgimento delle comunità in-teressate dal progetto, in un contesto che non può che essere più ampio di quello delle esperienze di cui si tratta e di cui queste rappresentano soltanto una declinazione locale. 2. Ecomusei In una delle sue frasi più citate, Georges-Henri Rivière usava la metafora dello specchio per rap-presentare la capacità di un ecomuseo di riflettere la comunità che lo ha prodotto. Secondo il grande museologo francese l'ecomuseo sarebbe uno spec-chio in cui la popolazione si guarda per ricono-scervisi, in cui ricerca la spiegazione del territorio al quale è legata. Uno specchio con cui essa si pro-pone ai suoi ospiti per farsi comprendere meglio, nel rispetto del suo lavoro, dei suoi comportamenti e della sua identità. Rivière, considerato insieme a Hugues de Varine uno dei padri fondatori degli ecomusei, continua sottolineando come un eco-museo sia anche un'espressione dell'uomo e della natura e come esso sia anche un centro di conser-vazione, nella misura in cui aiuta a preservare e valorizzare il patrimonio naturale e culturale della popolazione 1. Questi concetti, espressi agli inizi degli anni '80 del secolo scorso, contengono degli elementi di grande importanza che vanno oltre l'ambito e s t r a t t o

Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, t... more Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, these parts of cities are mostly considered as degradation places. The topic of suburbs regeneration is relevant today. Nevertheless, often expensive interventions implemented by local authorities fail to regenerate their public spaces, increasing the degradation condition. This paper presents the experience of “Serpentone reload”, a workshop based on participatory reactivation of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings in "Cocuzzo/Serpentone" neighbourhood in Potenza (Basilicata, Italy). The workshop particularly focused on the reuse of the "Ship", an underground building with a park coverage completed in 2010 and designed by the firm Archea. The "Ship" has been forgotten and not used for long time, not only by the neighbourhood, but by the whole citizenship, because it has been perceived as an extraneous element and the result of an imposition from the ...

Devices used to catch secondary groundwater resources are common in inland southern Italy, though... more Devices used to catch secondary groundwater resources are common in inland southern Italy, though little known to Italian technical literature. They are an interesting example of how the local non-technically-codified knowledge allows for exploiting the water resources. This paper presents the case study of the drainage tunnels (locally called cape d’acqua) of Casino Rago, near the town of Ferrandina, in Basilicata region. Despite its similarities to other underground collection systems that can be found in the region, the device presented here has some unique features within its structure and because it drains water in an area where the dominant outcropping geological formation is silty clay. This tunnel, together with other cape d’acqua and other underground water catchment systems, played a very important role in the development of many agricultural areas in Basilicata. Unfortunately, most of them are no longer in use for their original purpose, so they are slowly undergoing an a...
The paper illustrates a Placemaking process developed in Potenza Municipality (Southern Italy), b... more The paper illustrates a Placemaking process developed in Potenza Municipality (Southern Italy), based on an interpretation of the theories by the French landscape architect Gilles Clement. A laboratory has been organized in a residual area of the city, famous for an architectural monument, the bridge designed by Sergio Musmeci. The Internet allows a continuous online storytelling of work, creating citizens engagement on projects or choices and producing creativity and knowledge circulation. In this perspective "Garden in Motion" initiative produced new important processes for the community life, just like in Gilles Clement's "Garden in motion", where the processes of nature are favoured and spontaneous plants put in condition to grow and move freely.

The paper presents the case study of Tricarico, its gardens and its traditional irrigation system... more The paper presents the case study of Tricarico, its gardens and its traditional irrigation systems. In Tricarico the interaction between man and environment has been enriched in the centuries by the contribution of different cultures, amongst which the Arab and Hebrew ones. In this town elaborate techniques of catching and managing of water and soils, in association with complex irrigation systems, have given form to a cultural landscape of great interest. It is possible to recognise at least two different typologies of irrigated agricultural areas. A first one exploits the waters that are diverted from a central stream, then subdivided and led to the fields or to storage basins by means of a complex distribution systems. Another group of vegetable gardens is located at the bottom of the valley by the feet of the Saracena quarter. This agricultural area is articulated on terracings that degrade toward the stream. The irrigation of this second typology of vegetable gardens is provided by the water naturally drained by the rock and stored in some masonry cisterns. A net of open air and underground canals leads the water from these cisterns to the cultivated zones only by means of gravity. The techniques and the knowledge at the base of the operation of the gardens of Tricarico, passed by generations and adapted to the present times, keep on transforming the human demands and the natural resources into cultural heritage.

Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015, 2015
Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, t... more Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, these parts of cities are mostly considered as degradation places. The topic of suburbs regeneration is relevant today. Nevertheless, often expensive interventions implemented by local authorities fail to regenerate their public spaces. This paper presents the experience of "Serpentone reload", a workshop based on participatory reactivation of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings in "Cocuzzo/Serpentone" neighbourhood in Potenza (Basilicata, Italy). The workshop particularly focused on the reuse of the "Ship", an underground building, completed in 2010, never used, because it has been perceived as an extraneous element, the result of an imposition and not the outcome of shared choices. The experience is particularly significant, because it shows how low cost interventions, realized with citizens involvement, could contribute to the regeneration of peripheral urban areas more than expensive and complex imposed interventions.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
ABSTRACT The paper illustrates a Placemaking process developed in Potenza Municipality (Southern ... more ABSTRACT The paper illustrates a Placemaking process developed in Potenza Municipality (Southern Italy), based on an interpretation of the theories by the French landscape architect Gilles Clément. A laboratory has been organized in a residual area of the city, famous for an architectural monument, the bridge designed by Sergio Musmeci. The Internet allows a continuous online storytelling of work, creating citizens engagement on projects or choices and producing creativity and knowledge circulation. In this perspective "Garden in Motion" initiative produced new important processes for the community life, just like in Gilles Clément's "Garden in motion", where the processes of nature are favoured and spontaneous plants put in condition to grow and move freely.
International Journal of Electronic Governance
The Urban Book Series, 2016
International Journal of Electronic Governance

Mediterranea Quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico, 2019
The paper presents the activities carried out by the association Paesaggi Meridiani in the contex... more The paper presents the activities carried out by the association Paesaggi Meridiani in the context of two eco-museum experiences in Basilicata, in Southern Italy: the "Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Tito" and "Rete degli ecomusei dei paes-aggi arabi di Basilicata", both started in 2017. These experiences represent an attempt to apply theoretical assumptions and methodological approaches to involve local communities in the care and management of territories in contexts of great complexity and, in some cases, fragility under different points of view. The active involvement of communities in the identification, protection and management of territorial resources seem to be the only possible approache to try to cope with the phenomena of deterritorialization and aggression of the territories, that are particularly significant in Basilicata. Paesaggi, comunità, valori. Resoconto preliminare su alcune esperienze di ecomusei in Basilicata Antonio Graziadei 1. Introduzione In Basilicata sono in corso di realizzazione alcu-ne esperienze ecomuseali di cura e valorizzazione partecipata del patrimonio territoriale sinora di fatto inedite per la regione. Si tratta dei proget-ti "Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Tito" e "Rete degli ecomusei dei paesaggi arabi di Basilicata" che l'as-sociazione Paesaggi Meridiani sta portando avanti a partire dall'inizio del 2017. I due progetti stanno fornendo alle comunità coinvolte una chiave per porsi in maniera attiva rispetto al proprio patrimo-nio naturale ed alle proprie eredità culturali, ma sono anche un'occasione per far crescere l'attenzio-ne locale su uno strumento di partecipazione dalle straordinarie potenzialità. Con la presente nota si dà conto di quanto, sino ad ora, è stato realizzato e di come si sia cerca-to di attivare il coinvolgimento delle comunità in-teressate dal progetto, in un contesto che non può che essere più ampio di quello delle esperienze di cui si tratta e di cui queste rappresentano soltanto una declinazione locale. 2. Ecomusei In una delle sue frasi più citate, Georges-Henri Rivière usava la metafora dello specchio per rap-presentare la capacità di un ecomuseo di riflettere la comunità che lo ha prodotto. Secondo il grande museologo francese l'ecomuseo sarebbe uno spec-chio in cui la popolazione si guarda per ricono-scervisi, in cui ricerca la spiegazione del territorio al quale è legata. Uno specchio con cui essa si pro-pone ai suoi ospiti per farsi comprendere meglio, nel rispetto del suo lavoro, dei suoi comportamenti e della sua identità. Rivière, considerato insieme a Hugues de Varine uno dei padri fondatori degli ecomusei, continua sottolineando come un eco-museo sia anche un'espressione dell'uomo e della natura e come esso sia anche un centro di conser-vazione, nella misura in cui aiuta a preservare e valorizzare il patrimonio naturale e culturale della popolazione 1. Questi concetti, espressi agli inizi degli anni '80 del secolo scorso, contengono degli elementi di grande importanza che vanno oltre l'ambito e s t r a t t o

Mediterranea Quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico, 2019
The purpose of the present work is to draft a mapping of polygonal apses and to verify the existe... more The purpose of the present work is to draft a mapping of polygonal apses and to verify the existence of any distribution models. The study is based on published material and combines an archaeological approach to an architectural one. The structures were appropriately catalogued and compared with the archaeological materials. The architectural and functional features have contributed to the definition of a series of typologies of this type of apses. The study highlights the existence of two sub-typologies of apses that differ according to the configuration of the internal profile and which seem to be autonomous in their formation and distribution areas. Also, the fortune of the two forms is very different: if the apses with polygonal interior disappear rather soon, those polygonal only to the outside are destined to have a great success in the Byzantine architecture. Another distinctive feature is the number of sides. From this point of view, the analysis conducted shows that the most attested variants are certainly those with three and five sides, with a certain prevalence of the former in Constantinople and in the eastern Mediterranean area, while the latter has a greater diffusion. In these modes of distribution, a specificity of belonging to an oriental context, actually Constantinopolitan, of the three-sided apses is recognized. The eastern connotation seems to be considerably reduced in the case of the five-sided form, which has a wider territorial diffusion. Although it is also attested in various eastern areas, it is mainly concentrated in the upper-Adriatic region. In this area, and in particular in Ravenna, there are also examples with more than five sides, not very common in the East. It is therefore clear the role played by the two capitals, Constantinople and Ravenna, in the diffusion of the typology. Both capitals certainly conditioned the recourse to more typical forms of each of the two in the areas under their influence.
The interaction dynamics between water, traditional knowledge and cultural diversities often prod... more The interaction dynamics between water, traditional knowledge and cultural diversities often produce landscapes of great beauty and outstanding cultural value. The paper analyse the role of hydraulic technologies and knowledge related to water management in some cultural landscapes in Southern Italy. The topic is dealt with through the presentation of three case studies of water catchment and distribution systems from the Basilicata region, constituted by nets of underground and open-air channels in the outskirts of the towns of Tricarico, Irsina and Ferrandina. The case studies prove the presence, in the region, of knowledge related to ancient water catchment and distribution systems spread over a large geographical area.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Jul 2015
Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, t... more Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, these parts of cities are mostly considered as degradation places. The topic of suburbs regeneration is relevant today. Nevertheless, often expensive interventions implemented by local authorities fail to regenerate their public spaces. This paper presents the experience of “Serpentone reload”, a workshop based on participatory reactivation of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings in “Cocuzzo/Serpentone” neighbourhood in Potenza (Basilicata, Italy). The workshop particularly focused on the reuse of the “Ship”, an underground building, completed in 2010, never used, because it has been perceived as an extraneous element, the result of an imposition and not the outcome of shared choices. The experience is particularly significant, because it shows how low cost interventions, realized with citizens involvement, could contribute to the regeneration of peripheral urban areas more than expensive and complex imposed interventions.
The paper illustrates a Placemaking process developed in Potenza Municipality (Southern Italy), b... more The paper illustrates a Placemaking process developed in Potenza Municipality (Southern Italy), based on an interpretation of the theories by the French landscape architect Gilles Clément. A laboratory has been organized in a residual area of the city, famous for an architectural monument, the bridge designed by Sergio Musmeci. The Internet allows a continuous online storytelling of work, creating citizens engagement on projects or choices and producing creativity and knowledge circulation. In this perspective "Garden in Motion" initiative produced new important processes for the community life, just like in Gilles Clément's "Garden in motion", where the processes of nature are favoured and spontaneous plants put in condition to grow and move freely.

The paper presents the case study of Tricarico, its gardens and its traditional irrigation system... more The paper presents the case study of Tricarico, its gardens and its traditional irrigation systems. In Tricarico the interaction between man and environment has been enriched in the centuries by the contribution of different cultures, amongst which the Arab and Hebrew ones. In this town elaborate techniques of catching and managing of water and soils, in association with complex irrigation systems, have given form to a cultural landscape of great interest. It is possible to recognise at least two different typologies of irrigated agricultural areas. A first one exploits the waters that are diverted from a central stream, then subdivided and led to the fields or to storage basins by means of a complex distribution systems. Another group of vegetable gardens is located at the bottom of the valley by the feet of the Saracena quarter. This agricultural area is articulated on terracings that degrade toward the stream. The irrigation of this second typology of vegetable gardens is provided by the water naturally drained by the rock and stored in some masonry cisterns. A net of open air and underground canals leads the water from these cisterns to the cultivated zones only by means of gravity. The techniques and the knowledge at the base of the operation of the gardens of Tricarico, passed by generations and adapted to the present times, keep on transforming the human demands and the natural resources into cultural heritage.
Conference Presentations by Antonio Graziadei

The paper presents the case study of Tricarico, an Italian town in which the urban landscape come... more The paper presents the case study of Tricarico, an Italian town in which the urban landscape comes out of an articulation of spaces typical of the Islamic town. Beside the houses, a complex pattern of gardens and orchards develops. The existence of these cultivated areas is based on a careful management of soils through systems of terracing and techniques of water catching and distribution probably deriving from Arab influence.
Tricarico’s landscape is the result of a complex system of knowledge and practices that, over the centuries, have shaped the natural resources, transforming them into expressions of culture.
The enormous job of producing the physical spaces has proceeded hand in hand with the formation and sedimentation of intangible heritage related to the know-how and perfectly clear still today in the way of managing the gardens.
The one visible today is a cultural landscape of great value, which is a huge, living archive of traditional knowledge. It needs to be understood and protected by the careful management of its tangible and intangible features but, overall, by the involvement of the local communities, guardians of the cultural values enclosed therein.
Papers by Antonio Graziadei
Conference Presentations by Antonio Graziadei
Tricarico’s landscape is the result of a complex system of knowledge and practices that, over the centuries, have shaped the natural resources, transforming them into expressions of culture.
The enormous job of producing the physical spaces has proceeded hand in hand with the formation and sedimentation of intangible heritage related to the know-how and perfectly clear still today in the way of managing the gardens.
The one visible today is a cultural landscape of great value, which is a huge, living archive of traditional knowledge. It needs to be understood and protected by the careful management of its tangible and intangible features but, overall, by the involvement of the local communities, guardians of the cultural values enclosed therein.
Tricarico’s landscape is the result of a complex system of knowledge and practices that, over the centuries, have shaped the natural resources, transforming them into expressions of culture.
The enormous job of producing the physical spaces has proceeded hand in hand with the formation and sedimentation of intangible heritage related to the know-how and perfectly clear still today in the way of managing the gardens.
The one visible today is a cultural landscape of great value, which is a huge, living archive of traditional knowledge. It needs to be understood and protected by the careful management of its tangible and intangible features but, overall, by the involvement of the local communities, guardians of the cultural values enclosed therein.