The wind speed data represented in the form of frequency curves show the shape of a potential mod... more The wind speed data represented in the form of frequency curves show the shape of a potential model. The Weibull and Lognormal models are used for this purpose, with hourly mean wind speed data. This study deals with the estimation of the annual Weibull and Lognormal parameters from 20 locations in Navarre. The suitability of both distributions is judged from the R2 coefficient with a linear regression for the Weibull distribution and a nonlinear regression for the Lognormal distribution. Both approaches give a good fit, giving better results for the Weibull distribution. A comparison between the estimation and the production for a wind farm is offered.
Activation of calcium-ion (Ca 2+ ) channels on the plasma membrane and on intracellular Ca 2+ sto... more Activation of calcium-ion (Ca 2+ ) channels on the plasma membrane and on intracellular Ca 2+ stores, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, generates local transient increases in the cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration that induce Ca 2+ uptake by neighbouring mitochondria. Here, by using mitochondrially targeted aequorin proteins with different Ca 2+ affinities, we show that half of the chromaffin-cell mitochondria exhibit surprisingly rapid millimolar Ca 2+ transients upon stimulation of cells with acetylcholine, caffeine or high concentrations of potassium ions. Our results show a tight functional coupling of voltage-dependent Ca 2+ channels on the plasma membrane, ryanodine receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Cell stimulation generates localized Ca 2+ transients, with Ca 2+ concentrations above 20-40 µM, at these functional units. Protonophores abolish mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake and increase stimulated secretion of catecholamines by three-to fivefold. These results indicate that mitochondria modulate secretion by controlling the availability of Ca 2+ for exocytosis.
121. Load flow sensitivity for node injections and system param¬ eters 121. Increase or decrease ... more 121. Load flow sensitivity for node injections and system param¬ eters 121. Increase or decrease of stored energy of the elements and C in the electric power system due to a small frequency disturbance raise
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1979
... Here, the Jacobian matrix H and the gain matrix G are tS =oaxl x k (5) ax x = x and G = Ht(xk... more ... Here, the Jacobian matrix H and the gain matrix G are tS =oaxl x k (5) ax x = x and G = Ht(xk) W H(xk) (6) ... A version that introduces approximations in the right-hand side of equation (4) was presented by Aschmoneit, Denzel, Graf and Schellstede5; this version was ap-...
The authors discuss the modeling of branches with zero impedances in power system state estimatio... more The authors discuss the modeling of branches with zero impedances in power system state estimation. A new modeling approach is introduced by means of which zero impedance branches can be modeled exactly. An overview of the state estimation problem is presented using two formulations: the standard normal equations and the extended form of the normal equations in which zero injections are represented as equality constraints. Next, the modeling of the zero impedance series branches is introduced. Thus the new modeling procedure is illustrated by two examples. Finally test results based on real life systems are discussed
Iee Proceedings-generation Transmission and Distribution, 2002
The daVa of four networks that can be used in carrying out comparative studies with methods for t... more The daVa of four networks that can be used in carrying out comparative studies with methods for transmission network expansion planning are gwen. These networks are of various types and different levels of complexity. The main mathematical formulations used in transmission expansion studies-transportation models, hybrid models, DC power flow models, and disjunctive models are also SummdnSed and compared. The main algorithm families are reviewed-both analytical, cOmbinatOnd1 and heuristic approaches. Optimal solutions are not yet known for some of the four networks when more accurate models (e.g. the DC model) are used to represent the power flow equations-the state of the art with regard to this is also summarised. This should sewe as a challenge to authors searching for new, more efficient methods. IEE ProcmLp.s online no. 2W20026 DO/: K.lM9/ip-ptdZMl2W26 Paper first received 14th March 2001 R. Romero is with the Faculty of Enpineefins of llha Solteira, Paulista Swte University. CP 31, Ilha Soltririr 15385-NX1, SP, Brazil A. Monticelli and A. Garcia are with the Departmcnl of Electric Enersy Systems. University of Campinas, CP 6101, Campinns 13081-970. SP. Brazil S. Hafiner is with the Depaitmeni of EImtfimudl Enginee~ing. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do SUI. CP 1429. Port0 Alepre 90619-9INl RS, Brazil stages of the planning process when the most attractive topologies have been determined.
Fundando sus doctrinas en la Mente Suprema, enseña Platón que el nous, espíritu, o alma racional ... more Fundando sus doctrinas en la Mente Suprema, enseña Platón que el nous, espíritu, o alma racional del hombre, fué "engendrado por el Padre Divino", y es de naturaleza 6 Coker, "El Cristianismo y la Filosofía Griega", XI. p. 377. 7 S. Mateo, XIII, II, I3. 8 "Las acusaciones de ateismo, de adorar a divinidades extranjeras y corromper a la juventud ateniense, lanzadas contra Sócrates, justifican plenamente que Platón encubriera el verdadero sentido de sus enseñanzas. La peculiar jerigonza de los alquimistas tuvo indudablemente el mismo objeto. Los cristianos de toda secta, y especialmente los católico-romanos, emplearon la cárcel, el tormento y la hoguera contra cuantos enseñaban las ciencias naturales en contradicción con las teorías ortodoxas. El Papa Gregorio el Grande prohibió por pagano el uso gramatical del latín. El crimen de Sócrates fue descubrir a sus discípulos la doctrina secreta en lo que a los Dioses se refería. Esta doctrina se enseñaba en los Misterios, y era un crimen capital revelarla. También le acuso Aristófanes de introducir en la republica el nuevo dios Dinos, al que presentaba como Demiurgos o Artífice y señor del Sistema solar. El sistema heliocéntrico era también doctrina de los Misterios; y por esto cuando el pitagórico Aristarco lo enseñó públicamente, declaró Cleanto que los griegos debían haberle condenado por blasfemar contra los dioses" (Plutarco.) Pero Sócrates no fue iniciado, y, por lo tanto, no quebrantó el sigilo de los Misterios.
The wind speed data represented in the form of frequency curves show the shape of a potential mod... more The wind speed data represented in the form of frequency curves show the shape of a potential model. The Weibull and Lognormal models are used for this purpose, with hourly mean wind speed data. This study deals with the estimation of the annual Weibull and Lognormal parameters from 20 locations in Navarre. The suitability of both distributions is judged from the R2 coefficient with a linear regression for the Weibull distribution and a nonlinear regression for the Lognormal distribution. Both approaches give a good fit, giving better results for the Weibull distribution. A comparison between the estimation and the production for a wind farm is offered.
Activation of calcium-ion (Ca 2+ ) channels on the plasma membrane and on intracellular Ca 2+ sto... more Activation of calcium-ion (Ca 2+ ) channels on the plasma membrane and on intracellular Ca 2+ stores, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, generates local transient increases in the cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration that induce Ca 2+ uptake by neighbouring mitochondria. Here, by using mitochondrially targeted aequorin proteins with different Ca 2+ affinities, we show that half of the chromaffin-cell mitochondria exhibit surprisingly rapid millimolar Ca 2+ transients upon stimulation of cells with acetylcholine, caffeine or high concentrations of potassium ions. Our results show a tight functional coupling of voltage-dependent Ca 2+ channels on the plasma membrane, ryanodine receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Cell stimulation generates localized Ca 2+ transients, with Ca 2+ concentrations above 20-40 µM, at these functional units. Protonophores abolish mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake and increase stimulated secretion of catecholamines by three-to fivefold. These results indicate that mitochondria modulate secretion by controlling the availability of Ca 2+ for exocytosis.
121. Load flow sensitivity for node injections and system param¬ eters 121. Increase or decrease ... more 121. Load flow sensitivity for node injections and system param¬ eters 121. Increase or decrease of stored energy of the elements and C in the electric power system due to a small frequency disturbance raise
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1979
... Here, the Jacobian matrix H and the gain matrix G are tS =oaxl x k (5) ax x = x and G = Ht(xk... more ... Here, the Jacobian matrix H and the gain matrix G are tS =oaxl x k (5) ax x = x and G = Ht(xk) W H(xk) (6) ... A version that introduces approximations in the right-hand side of equation (4) was presented by Aschmoneit, Denzel, Graf and Schellstede5; this version was ap-...
The authors discuss the modeling of branches with zero impedances in power system state estimatio... more The authors discuss the modeling of branches with zero impedances in power system state estimation. A new modeling approach is introduced by means of which zero impedance branches can be modeled exactly. An overview of the state estimation problem is presented using two formulations: the standard normal equations and the extended form of the normal equations in which zero injections are represented as equality constraints. Next, the modeling of the zero impedance series branches is introduced. Thus the new modeling procedure is illustrated by two examples. Finally test results based on real life systems are discussed
Iee Proceedings-generation Transmission and Distribution, 2002
The daVa of four networks that can be used in carrying out comparative studies with methods for t... more The daVa of four networks that can be used in carrying out comparative studies with methods for transmission network expansion planning are gwen. These networks are of various types and different levels of complexity. The main mathematical formulations used in transmission expansion studies-transportation models, hybrid models, DC power flow models, and disjunctive models are also SummdnSed and compared. The main algorithm families are reviewed-both analytical, cOmbinatOnd1 and heuristic approaches. Optimal solutions are not yet known for some of the four networks when more accurate models (e.g. the DC model) are used to represent the power flow equations-the state of the art with regard to this is also summarised. This should sewe as a challenge to authors searching for new, more efficient methods. IEE ProcmLp.s online no. 2W20026 DO/: K.lM9/ip-ptdZMl2W26 Paper first received 14th March 2001 R. Romero is with the Faculty of Enpineefins of llha Solteira, Paulista Swte University. CP 31, Ilha Soltririr 15385-NX1, SP, Brazil A. Monticelli and A. Garcia are with the Departmcnl of Electric Enersy Systems. University of Campinas, CP 6101, Campinns 13081-970. SP. Brazil S. Hafiner is with the Depaitmeni of EImtfimudl Enginee~ing. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do SUI. CP 1429. Port0 Alepre 90619-9INl RS, Brazil stages of the planning process when the most attractive topologies have been determined.
Fundando sus doctrinas en la Mente Suprema, enseña Platón que el nous, espíritu, o alma racional ... more Fundando sus doctrinas en la Mente Suprema, enseña Platón que el nous, espíritu, o alma racional del hombre, fué "engendrado por el Padre Divino", y es de naturaleza 6 Coker, "El Cristianismo y la Filosofía Griega", XI. p. 377. 7 S. Mateo, XIII, II, I3. 8 "Las acusaciones de ateismo, de adorar a divinidades extranjeras y corromper a la juventud ateniense, lanzadas contra Sócrates, justifican plenamente que Platón encubriera el verdadero sentido de sus enseñanzas. La peculiar jerigonza de los alquimistas tuvo indudablemente el mismo objeto. Los cristianos de toda secta, y especialmente los católico-romanos, emplearon la cárcel, el tormento y la hoguera contra cuantos enseñaban las ciencias naturales en contradicción con las teorías ortodoxas. El Papa Gregorio el Grande prohibió por pagano el uso gramatical del latín. El crimen de Sócrates fue descubrir a sus discípulos la doctrina secreta en lo que a los Dioses se refería. Esta doctrina se enseñaba en los Misterios, y era un crimen capital revelarla. También le acuso Aristófanes de introducir en la republica el nuevo dios Dinos, al que presentaba como Demiurgos o Artífice y señor del Sistema solar. El sistema heliocéntrico era también doctrina de los Misterios; y por esto cuando el pitagórico Aristarco lo enseñó públicamente, declaró Cleanto que los griegos debían haberle condenado por blasfemar contra los dioses" (Plutarco.) Pero Sócrates no fue iniciado, y, por lo tanto, no quebrantó el sigilo de los Misterios.
Papers by Antonio García