Papers by Antonio Cataliotti
Ieee Transactions on Power Delivery, Oct 1, 2008
Abstract—This paper describes a time domain technique for the detection of fundamental and harmon... more Abstract—This paper describes a time domain technique for the detection of fundamental and harmonic components of volt-ages and currents, which is able to evaluate all the quantities required by IEEE Standard 1459-2000. The technique does not require any spectral analysis to ...
In this paper a new approach is proposed, for the detection of harmonic sources in polluted power... more In this paper a new approach is proposed, for the detection of harmonic sources in polluted power systems. It is a single-point strategy, based on a comparison among different "nonactive" power quantities proposed in literature, that, in the same working conditions, assume different values at the metering section. Some simulations tests were carried out on a standard IEEE test system, proposed, by other authors, as a benchmark system for the analysis of multi-point measurement techniques for harmonic pollution monitoring. The obtained results show that the proposed single point approach is in agreement with other strategies already proposed in literature and can give useful indications for the detection of the dominant harmonic source in a metering section also in some critical cases.
16th IMEKO TC4 Symposium Exploring New Frontiers of Instrumentation and Methods for Electrical an... more 16th IMEKO TC4 Symposium Exploring New Frontiers of Instrumentation and Methods for Electrical and Electronic Measurements Sept. 22-24, 2008, Florence, Italy ... Characterization of multifunction meters based on integrated devices n the presence of harmonic distortion.
... TIME DOMAIN METHOD TO DETECT HARMONIC SOURCES IN UNBALANCED POWER SYSTEMS Massimo Aiello, Ant... more ... TIME DOMAIN METHOD TO DETECT HARMONIC SOURCES IN UNBALANCED POWER SYSTEMS Massimo Aiello, Antonio Cataliotti, Valentina Cosentino, Salvatore Nuccio Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy ...
In this paper a complete model of Medium Voltage (MV) power system for PLC communications, in the... more In this paper a complete model of Medium Voltage (MV) power system for PLC communications, in the frequency domain, is presented. A simple and friendly Simulink ® software is used to develop the model. A distributed parameters MV cables model in line-line configuration is considered. Also the signal coupling networks with the generation and receiving systems are included. The performances of the complete PLC communication system are evaluated introducing the attenuation constant computed as ratio between the received and transmitted voltage signals. The signal losses produced by the complete system in the CENELEC frequency band and for different cable lengths are also considered.
This paper presents a new method to measure motor speed by means of frequency estimation of rotor... more This paper presents a new method to measure motor speed by means of frequency estimation of rotor slot spectral components in the supply current of squirrel single-cage induction motors. The novelty of the method consists in the harmonic analysis of the supply current by means of the chirp-Z transform (CZT). The advantages are improved accuracy due to better spectral resolution and resolvability. Moreover, a shorter observation window is required, thus reducing errors related to nonstationary current signals. The experimental results are presented to validate the proposed method and to make a comparison with a similar method based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
Energia Elettrica
L’articolo presenta una metodologia per la caratterizzazione del campo di induzione magnetica nei... more L’articolo presenta una metodologia per la caratterizzazione del campo di induzione magnetica nei pressi di cabine secondarie di tipo a box prefabbricato in cemento armato vibrato, che costituisce un valido strumento per la verifica del rispetto degli obiettivi di qualità imposti dalla legislazione vigente.
The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for measuring the magnetic field distribution a... more The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for measuring the magnetic field distribution around the prefabricated secondary substations in vibrated reinforced concrete, as well as the definition of a methodology to determining the maximum value of magnetic induction produced by the substations in correspondence to nominal current of the transformer. As proposed has been developed in conformity with laws and standards and can be applied to active and passive secondary substations. The experimental validation of the proposed methodology, carried out by a measurements campaign whose results are reported, confirms the validity and returns a versatile and simple tool for the verification of the quality targets required by current legislation.
In the last years the increased interest about power quality, forced international working groups... more In the last years the increased interest about power quality, forced international working groups to define new standards for testing and measurement techniques. In this paper a pc-based power quality instrument is proposed, according to IEC 61000-4-7 and standard IEC 61000-4-30. It is a low-cost and easily reconfigurable instrument able to measure harmonics, interharmonics and amplitude disturbances and supply unbalance.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper, a new solution is proposed for the remote monitoring and control of distr... more ABSTRACT In this paper, a new solution is proposed for the remote monitoring and control of distributed generators (DGs) and energy storage systems (ESSs) connected to low-voltage distribution networks. The proposed system fulfills the in-force standard requirements for the connection of DGs to the utility grid. Moreover, it allows implementing some enhanced functions for the remote control of inverters of DGs and ESSs, not only in terms of disconnection but also in terms of voltage regulation and power shuttering. The proposed solution is based on a new interface protection system and a dedicated secondary substation concentrator, which allows the communication between the distributed system operator and the inverters of DGs or ESSs. The proposed system was tested on field in the electrical network of the island of Ustica. An experimental characterization was carried out to find the best communication conditions, i.e., the frequency band with the lowest noise and attenuation, considering the signal amplitude and signal-to-noise ratio constraints, as well as the desired transmission data rate and transfer time.
2014 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) Proceedings, 2014
The paper describes a measurement methodology for the reliability evaluation of new intelligent p... more The paper describes a measurement methodology for the reliability evaluation of new intelligent power electronics modules (IPMs). In particular, the evaluation of the IPMs immunity to radio frequency conducted disturbances has been performed, at different operating thermal conditions, designing a suitable measurement set up in a shielded room. Moreover, the thermal performances of the devices have been analyzed, setting up a proper experimental test bench. The measurements procedures are detailed described.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE-02, 2002
In this paper a new space vector modulation (SVM) algorithm for voltage source inverters (VSI), e... more In this paper a new space vector modulation (SVM) algorithm for voltage source inverters (VSI), employed in AC motor drives is presented. This algorithm calculates directly the switching pulse patterns for the inverter devices using an expression based on the definition of the duty cycle. By means of geometric considerations the over modulation range is detected without using trigonometric functions and avoiding to calculate the hexagon sector with the advantage of a lower calculation time and an increased switching frequency. Computer simulations have been carried out to verify the performance of the developed SVM strategy. Moreover the algorithm has been tested on an AC motor drive test bench, showing how, with respect to a conventional space vector modulation control algorithm, it allows one to increase the switching frequency up to the maximum switching frequency allowed by the inverter devices used in the test.
2005 IEEE Instrumentationand Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, 2005
Abstract – Power quality instrumentation requires the accurate fundamental frequency estimation a... more Abstract – Power quality instrumentation requires the accurate fundamental frequency estimation and the signal synchronization, even in presence of disturbances. In the paper the authors present an innovative synchronization technique, based on a single phase software PLL. To ...

2013 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications, 2013
ABSTRACT An analysis of EMC standards related to smart grid devices with PLC port has been carrie... more ABSTRACT An analysis of EMC standards related to smart grid devices with PLC port has been carried out and the standardization lacks have been pointed out with reference to the evaluation of electromagnetic immunity to narrowband, coming from other communication systems connected to the grid, and RF disturbances conducted disturbances, usually present in a power grid. In particular, the paper analyses the electromagnetic conducted immunity of a new interface protection device (ID) for smart grid and energy storage applications. The new ID is equipped with a measuring board, a STM32 microcontroller, for data elaboration and memorization, and a ST7580 N-PSK powerline transceiver. An experimental test procedure have been carried out in order to investigate the immunity of the ID prototype to narrowband and RF disturbances conducted disturbances, respectively for the frequency range 10-150 kHz and 150 kHz-30 MHz.
Measurement, 2015
ABSTRACT This paper presents the evaluation of the metrological performances of a DAQ-based sampl... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the evaluation of the metrological performances of a DAQ-based sampling wattmeter (DAQ-SW) for the measurement of IEEE Std. 1459-2010 power quantities in non-sinusoidal conditions. The instrument makes use of two commercial data acquisition (DAQ) boards, a non-inductive current shunt, a personal computer and a commercial software for data processing. Starting from the results of an experimental characterization of the two instrument channels with non-sinusoidal voltages and currents and a correlation analysis, the combined standard uncertainties of IEEE Std. 1459-2010 quantities are evaluated, following the approach of the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM).
2007 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2007, 2007
For the electricity metering for billing purposes in distribution systems, the static meters are ... more For the electricity metering for billing purposes in distribution systems, the static meters are substituting the traditional inductive meters. Thus, the evaluation of the performances of such equipments is required, also in the presence of disturbances affecting the power systems. With respect to this, this paper analyzes the main aspects related to the metrological characterization of the static meters for reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion. Particular attention is given to the reference standard meters, that are not considered by the actual in-force Standards. The analysis is supported by several experimental tests.
2008 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2008
Abstract -This paper faces the problem of the metrological characterization of the static meters ... more Abstract -This paper faces the problem of the metrological characterization of the static meters for reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion. Starting from the only available accuracy test condition in the presence ofharmonics introduced in the Standards for active static ...
Papers by Antonio Cataliotti