Papers by Antonio Brunori
Science of The Total Environment, Sep 1, 2023
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2018

Ftorestale si svtolge a Palermto in un mtomentto partictolare per il settore ftorestale. A livell... more Ftorestale si svtolge a Palermto in un mtomentto partictolare per il settore ftorestale. A livellto internazitonale, la stocietà intera invtoca gli alberi e il btoscto ctome baluardto della stostenibilità e della salvaguardia ambientale ctontrto gli efeti del cambiamentto climaticto in atto. Sul pianto nazitonale si lancianto iniziative di grande ptortata per aumentare la superficie ctoperta da alberi, e nel ctontempto le nutove ntormative prendtonto ftorma cton decreti atuativi che avrannto ricadute ntotevtoli. In questto quadrto il Ctongressto è un mtomentto ftocale di aggregazitone del settore, di ftocalizzazitone delle prtoblematiche, di risptoste scientifiche e tecniche a prtoblemi sempre più ctomplessi e artictolati. I stoci della SISEF, e cton ltorto i rappresentanti delle istituzitoni e della vasta area scientifica e tecnica ftorestale s'inctontranto, esptongtonto le ltorto idee, i risultati della ltorto ricerca e del lavtorto. Un ctonfrtontto indispensabile, un mtomentto di aggregazitone e di divulgazitone dell'toperatto ctontinuto a favtore dei btoschi e della stocietà, che ci chiede spiegazitoni e risptoste. Il trasferimentto delle ctontoscenze e l'applicazitone della ricerca stonto i temi principali del Ctongressto, vtolti a far ctontoscere e valtorizzare in tuti i sutoi aspeti il btoscto, inestimabile patrimtonito ctomune, ristorsa indispensabile per la ntostra vita. Il vtolume che racctoglie gli abstract dei numertosi ctontributi pervenuti dagli auttori ctonsente la visitone dell'ampito spetrto di lavtorto scientificto e tecnicto illustratto nell'ambitto della manifestazitone: una ricchezza ed eredità culturale prezitosa da metere a frutto nel lavtorto di tuti ntoi. In questa sede desiderto ringraziare sentitamente quanti hannto permessto la realizzazitone del Ctongressto: Marcto Marcheti, Elena Patoleti e Piermaria Ctortona, ntonché tutto il ctomitatto scientificto ed i revistori:
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Apr 1, 2019
African Journal of Biotechnology, Mar 13, 2013
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Feb 15, 2021
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Feb 15, 2021
Forest Policy and Economics

Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale, 2021
Digitization and traceability: main results of the Living Lab on the woodenergy supply chain in I... more Digitization and traceability: main results of the Living Lab on the woodenergy supply chain in Italy Italy is the first importer of wood-energy biomass worldwide, with tons of timber illegally imported every year and significant negative socioeconomic and environmental consequences. A Living Lab was established involving 25 among stakeholders and key informants of the wood-energy supply chain in order to foster a participatory and open assessment of the impact of digital technology on traceability. A Socio-Cyber-Physical System (SCPS) approach was adopted to map entities, activities and relationships at stake in the wood-energy sector, aimed to analyse impacts of the introduction of digital technologies. Participatory activities allowed to identify both positive and negative impacts of the digitalisation process in the wood-energy sector. What emerged from the analysis is that, to orient digitalisation towards a real path to sustainability in the Italian wood-energy sector, a holistic approach taking into account all the social, geographical and environmental elements at stake is strongly needed.

Scientific Reports, 2021
Pruning is an important horticultural practice for the management of olive orchards (Olea europae... more Pruning is an important horticultural practice for the management of olive orchards (Olea europaea L.) that generates a considerable amount of residues every year. Olive orchards are increasingly expanding beyond the Mediterranean Basin to new growing Countries (Australia, California, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) and this will certainly lead to larger availability of pruning material. Currently, the interest in use of olive tree pruning residues for energy purposes is increasing but unfortunately, the information on the differences among organs of the tree, in terms of calorific value and ash content, is scarce. Another unknown aspect is the effect of cultivar vigour on dry matter partition among different tree organs, these are important traits to establish the energetic quality of pruning residues. The aim of this research was to study energetic aspects of six olive cultivars, largely grown in the Sicilian olive industry and characterized by different vigour. The trees taken into...
Israel journal of botany, 1992
The Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) forests in Umbria, Italy, differ significantly from all ... more The Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) forests in Umbria, Italy, differ significantly from all the other Italian Aleppo pine forests in their phytosociology, resin monoterpene composition, allele frequencies, and ecophysiological properties such as higher frost resistance, higher resistance to low water potentials, and a different seedling growth mode. The occurrence in Italy of an Aleppo pine population that has similarities with native Israeli populations is discussed.

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017
The soil amendment with organic wastes represents a way to increase the soil fertility and the or... more The soil amendment with organic wastes represents a way to increase the soil fertility and the organic carbon (C) stored in the agro-ecosystems. Among the organic waste materials produced by agricultural and industrial activities, olive mill wastes derived from the olive oil extraction process may represent a suitable soil amendment. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of fresh (SOMW) or composted mixture of SOMW and shredded olive tree prunings (C-SOMW+P) on the vegetative and productive activities of olive trees, on the C stored in the tree non-permanent structures (prunings and fruits) and in the soil. The plots treated with SOMW or C-SOMW+P showed higher vegetative and productive activities than the untreated plots, and this was attributed to the higher total N and availability of P and K supplied by the amendments. Consequently, treatments increased the C sequestered in the tree non-permanent structures than in the control trees. However, no significant different effect between SOMW and C-SOMW+P treatments was found for the C stored in prunings and fruits, whereas it was evident a stronger influence of C-SOMW+P than SOMW on soil C sequestration. Indeed, about 50% the C supplied by the treatment with C-SOMW+P was sequestered in the olive grove system, with more than 90% of the sequestered C stored into the soil. The low amount of C sequestered in the soil following the addition of SOMW was attributed to its richness of moisture and easily degradable compounds that triggered the mineralization processes controlled by the soil microbial community. Although the 8 years of amendment produced a higher fruit yields than the control, no difference occurred between the characteristics and the oil content of the olive fruits. Only the total phenol content for the oil obtained from the SOMW-treated plots was significantly higher. The other considered fruit characteristics did not show significant differences.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017
The studied plantation is a post-mining site located in Central Italy, between Firenze and Arezzo... more The studied plantation is a post-mining site located in Central Italy, between Firenze and Arezzo as a part of an activity of land reclamation and re-establishment of native plant species focus on ecosystem restoration of an area where lignite was extracted since 1863. In the 1980's once the mining activity ceased, an afforestation activity was started on 1287 ha using several indigenous species. This research work focused on a plantation of English oak (Quercus robur L.), planted in November 1979 on a homogeneous mine spoil bank with an initial density of 1111 trees ha À1 , gradually reduced to 157 trees ha À1 in February 2014. The carbon sequestered by the oak plantation biomass, during the whole life spam, was calculated and the environmental impact (in terms of global warming) due to management operations were measured through a Life Cycle Assessment on the basis of its international references (i.e. ISO 14040 and ISO 14044, 2006). Thus both human and biological processes were investigated to get respective CO 2eq sources and sinks. The actual carbon stock and the age beyond which cumulated removals exceed emissions were determined. In addition, the "hotspots" in the life cycle, i.e. treatments and processes that had the greater impacts were found. The estimated standing total C at 34 years old was 92.623 t ha À1 , that correspond at a total CO 2-eq of 339.925 t ha À1. The studied plantation English oak shows high growth performance in the 34th years after planting and low Carbon footprint, with CO 2-eq absorption being higher than CO 2-eq emissions since the 4th year after planting.
Applied Energy, 2014
The carbon stocks from olive permanent and non-permanent components were evaluated. The emissions... more The carbon stocks from olive permanent and non-permanent components were evaluated. The emissions due to the cultivation processes of the olive trees were identified. The carbon footprint of the olive grove over its life cycle (11 years) was assessed. The break-even point (where carbon stocks exceed carbon emissions) was determined. Actions for reducing emissions during the olive grove life cycle were proposed.
Papers by Antonio Brunori