Papers by Antonia Bifulco

Historical reports of mothers' adverse experiences related to childhood neglect or abuse of h... more Historical reports of mothers' adverse experiences related to childhood neglect or abuse of her offspring have rarely been studied in older age samples. We know child maltreatment relates to life-long negative impacts including adult adversity, problem partner relationships, insecure attachment style and problem parenting. It is also often transmitted inter-generationally. Examining such transmission historically can give us access to previous generations still burdened by largely untreated impacts. This retrospective study was conducted in 100 dyads-paired older age mothers and their midlife daughters, to look at earlier family context for transmission of risk of child maltreatment. Mothers' high levels of adult adversity, insecure attachment style, marked incompetence as a parent together with her partners' disorder or criminal behaviour significantly related to daughters' childhood maltreatment. The mothers' own neglect/abuse in childhood showed a non-signific...

PsyCh Journal
Positive events can reduce depression as well as enhance wellbeing. The role of secure attachment... more Positive events can reduce depression as well as enhance wellbeing. The role of secure attachment style in moderating the relationship between positive events and wellbeing is examined to further understand wellbeing models. Participants (n = 490) included two midlife groups and a student group from the UK. They completed the online Computerized Life Event Assessment Record (CLEAR), a measure of life events, the Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire (VASQ), and the Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS). Age was associated with higher rates of wellbeing and secure attachment style. A significant relationship was found between number of positive events and wellbeing, number of people close, and secure attachment score. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated a significant interaction between secure attachment style, number of positive life events, and wellbeing. Simple slopes analysis demonstrated the association between positive life events and wellbeing was signif...
Child Abuse and Protection, 2018
Child Abuse and Protection, 2018
As many as one in four women have suffered severe neglect or abuse in childhood. This doubles the... more As many as one in four women have suffered severe neglect or abuse in childhood. This doubles the likelihood of their suffering clinical depression in adult life. Based on twenty years of systematic research,Wednesday's Child examines why neglect and abuse occur and demonstrates how such negative experience in childhood often results in abusive adult relationships, low self-esteem and depression. Drawing on interviews with over 200 women, the authors show vividly what can be learned from the experience of adult survivors of abuse. Most importantly, Wednesday's Child assesses the factors which can reduce the later impact of such experience on both the children of today and the parents of tomorrow.
The aim of this focus section is to develop the theme of childhood maltreatment impacts across th... more The aim of this focus section is to develop the theme of childhood maltreatment impacts across the lifespan.

Violenza dei partner sulle donne - le sue associazioni con il trauma precoce, lo stile di at-tacc... more Violenza dei partner sulle donne - le sue associazioni con il trauma precoce, lo stile di at-taccamento e la depressione maggiore. Il presente studio ha indagato il trauma sotto forma di esperienza di vita della violenza del partner (PV), e il maltrattamento durante l’infanzia in re-lazione a depressione maggiore in un campione di donne adulte. La PV era piu diffusa nelle donne con un reddito familiare basso, nelle madri single e in donne separate dal partner. Sono stati riscontrati effetti dose-risposta per: multiple avversita e traumi durante l’infanzia, avver-sita in eta adulta e in presenza di PV. E stata inoltre riscontrata una relazione tra PV, stile an-sioso di attaccamento e depressione maggiore ricorrente. I modelli di regressione hanno mostrato che molteplici avversita nell’infanzia, avversita multiple nell’adulto e stile di attaccamento ansiosi predicevano depressione ricorrente, mentre la PV non e risultata aggiungere varianza al modello. Indagare la violenza da parte del partner in termini di stile di attaccamento cosi come di avversita multiple, potrebbe migliorare il focus degli interventi tera-peutici e sociali.
The aim of this focus is to bring together the first of a lifespan series of papers from the Cent... more The aim of this focus is to bring together the first of a lifespan series of papers from the Centre of Abuse and Trauma Studies (Middlesex University) to extend the understanding of the long term impacts of child maltreatment in different age groups...
Key Concepts in Medical Sociology
Journal of American College Health, 2020
Life events, depression and supportive relationships affect academic achievement in university st... more Life events, depression and supportive relationships affect academic achievement in university students.

Financial hardship has many long-term consequences for children. This study aims to explore wheth... more Financial hardship has many long-term consequences for children. This study aims to explore whether it increases the risk for depression and financial hardship across the lifespan and the mechanisms through which it might do so. This includes associations with abuse and impacts such as stigma and shame. Path analysis was used to assess if childhood financial hardship predicted adult financial hardship and depression, if these associations were mediated by childhood feelings of shame, physical abuse and stigma and if stigma and physical abuse mediated the relationship between financial hardship and feelings of shame and the adult outcomes retrospectively in a community-based sample of women. Child/adolescent financial hardship predicted adult depression and was mediated by physical abuse, stigma and shame. Physical abuse and shame also mediated the relationship between child/adolescent and adult financial hardship. Targeting shameful feelings could be a key focus for interventions supporting families experiencing financial hardship and associated physical abuse of children
Aging & Mental Health, 2018
Attachment style, loneliness and depression in older age women. Aging and mental health .

This article presents findings from research undertaken by the Authors with police officers in th... more This article presents findings from research undertaken by the Authors with police officers in the UK. The initial findings are reported here, the research sought to review police practice with child victims of sexual abuse with direct reference to the views of children and their parents/guardians about their experiences. Although the research was conducted in the UK it has relevance for police practice elsewhere. The aim of the research was to inform the development of professional practice and police training in this sensitive area. This article describes findings from a review of the literature focusing upon interview practice with child victims and findings from Stage One of the work which draws upon documentary evidence from case files and a small number of interviews with police officers. This preliminary work has highlighted several key issues: First, a large number of unresolved cases which are recorded as 'no crime', often due to insufficient evidence and the unwillingness of child victims to participate further in the process. Secondly, although police officers receive training, insufficient training opportunities appear to exist beyond this particularly in respect of child interviewing techniques.
Papers by Antonia Bifulco