Papers by Antoni Stadnicki
PubMed, 2001
Colon pathologies involve the activation of a number of inflammation mediators: cytokines, prosta... more Colon pathologies involve the activation of a number of inflammation mediators: cytokines, prostanoids and kinines. The expression patterns of the genes associated with their activation may provide a very sensitive marker of the physiological condition of the cells. This paper demonstrates certain statistically significant differences (p = 0.008) between the expression patterns of kinine B1 and B2 receptor encoding genes for colitis ulcerosa and a control group. The ratio of kinine B1/B2 concentrations changes significantly, on the average from 1.3 for a tissue assessed as healthy to 6.6 for colitis ulcerosa.
CRC Press eBooks, Dec 6, 2002

Carolina Digital Repository (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 1996
Background & Aims: Crohn's disease is characterized that Crohn's disease is a genetically determi... more Background & Aims: Crohn's disease is characterized that Crohn's disease is a genetically determined, unreby unrestrained inflammation with a genetic compostrained inflammatory response to ubiquitous luminal nent. Genetic susceptibility and activation of the kallibacteria or bacterial components. 2 Investigation of the krein-kinin (contact) system were investigated in experpathogenesis of this disease has been limited by the lack imental enterocolitis and extraintestinal inflammation of an animal model that shows a chronic, spontaneously induced by bacterial polymers. Methods: Kinetics of relapsing course; transmural granulomatous inflammainflammation in inbred Lewis and Buffalo rats injected tion; and differential genetic susceptibility in inbred rosubserosally with peptidoglycan-polysaccharide polydent strains. mers were correlated with in vivo and in vitro activation We have developed a rat enterocolitis model that of the contact system. Results: Lewis rats had a biphashows these characteristics, thereby permitting detailed sic course of enterocolitis. Acute inflammation peaked examination of the mechanisms of genetically determined 1 day after injection, gradually decreasing until day 14 when intestinal inflammation spontaneously reactichronic intestinal inflammation. 3-5 In this model, purivated and persisted for 16 weeks, accompanied by fied peptidoglycan-polysaccharide (PG-PS) polymers are arthritis, granulomatous hepatitis, anemia, and leukoinjected intramurally (subserosally) into the wall of the cytosis. Self-limited acute enterocolitis in Buffalo rats distal ileum, cecum, 3,4 or distal colon. 5 PG-PS is the resolved by 24 days without extraintestinal involveprimary structural component of nearly all bacteria, inment. Consumption of the precursor proteins prekallicluding those found in high concentrations within the krein and high-molecular-weight kininogen indicated acdistal ileum and colon. 6 PG-PS derived from group A tivation of the plasma contact system in Lewis rats and streptococci (PG-APS) is used as the prototype of poorly closely correlated with chronic intestinal inflammation. biodegradable bacterial cell wall polymers capable of in-Contact system activation did not occur in Buffalo rats, ducing chronic granulomatous inflammation, although even during acute inflammation. In vitro studies showed a decreased rate of kininogen cleavage in Buf-PG-PS derived from intestinal bacteria, including those falo plasma. Conclusions: Selective in vivo and in vitro isolated from patients with Crohn's disease, can also cause activation of the contact system in susceptible Lewis chronic experimental inflammation. 6-8 Acute intestinal rats suggests that this pathway is one determinant of inflammation develops at the site of subserosal injection genetic susceptibility to granulomatous enterocolitis in all rat strains investigated, but chronic, granulomatous and systemic complications. enterocolitis is restricted to certain susceptible strains. 3,4 Lewis and Sprague-Dawley rats develop chronic inflammation, whereas Buffalo and Fischer F 344 rats have C self-limited enterocolitis with no evidence of spontaneous rohn's disease is characterized by chronic, spontaneously relapsing granulomatous enterocolitis associreactivation of inflammation. These inbred rat strains also ated with extraintestinal inflammation and activation of show differential susceptibility to systemic inflammation almost every limb of the inflammatory response. 1,2 This idiopathic disorder shows both genetic and environmen-Abbreviations used in this paper: PG-APS, peptidoglycan-polysac-tal components. Its preferential location in the distal charide derived from group A streptococci; PG-PS, peptidoglycanileum and colon, which are areas of the highest luminal polysaccharide.
Journal of clinical gastroenterology and hepatology, Sep 26, 2018

Journal of gastrointestinal & digestive system, Jul 11, 2013
Introduction&Aim: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD); Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC),... more Introduction&Aim: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD); Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC), are idiopathic, intestinal and systemic inflammatory disorders which are immunologically mediated with activation of plasma proteolytic cascades. Coagulation system represents an important, although previously underestimated component of IBD multifaceted process. Material&Methods: The profile and significance of the coagulation and fibrinolytic components, platelets behavior pattern, and endothelial markers have been investigated in human and experimental IBD. Thromboembolism as important extraintestinal manifestation of IBD has been estimated and emphasized. Results: Presented results (including our data) have demonstrated that coagulation activation occurs in systemic circulation in active IBD stage, and is still persistent in quiescent stage. In addition platelets activation is a feature of IBD and contribute to pathogenic inflammatory sequel. Fibrin deposition in intestinal circulation due to vasculitis as early feature in Crohn' disease, and to lesser extend in UC which may implicate coagulation activation in IBD pathogenesis. Fibrinolytic capacity is reduced in general circulation of IBD patients, but a role of recently recognized thrombin-activitable fibrinolytic inhibitor is unclear. Thromboembolic (TE) complications in both Crohn's disease and UC appear to have at least 3,6 fold increased risk of developing compared to control patients, but no single laboratory marker has real predictive value. At present no interaction between IBD and inherited factors of thrombophilia was found There are evidences that in turn coagulation activation may mediate and amplify inflammatory cascades in IBD especially via activating PARs related pathways. An efficacy of heparin as anti-inflammatory agent in UC is still controversial and not established Conclusions: The activation of coagulation has been recognized as important component of the inflammatory response in both Crohn's disease and UC, and also is significant in progression and possibly pathogenesis of these entities. It appears that IBD is a thrombophilic syndrome in both active and quiescent phases; a risk of thromboembolic events in IBD is multifactoral including coagulation activation. Prophylactic anticoagulation against TE is currently not fully defined, however high-risk patients should be considered for using moderate dose of heparin.
Journal of Clinical Medicine, Nov 23, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica. Supplement, 2001
Polski tygodnik lekarski (Warsaw, Poland : 1960), Jan 8, 1985
Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 1987

Immunopharmacology, Jun 1, 1996
Severe progressive failure of multiple organ systems has emerged during the past three decades as... more Severe progressive failure of multiple organ systems has emerged during the past three decades as a common cause of death among patients in intensive care units. Sepsis is now better defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), but its mortality rate has not changed and it continues to be a major health problem. Endotoxin interacts with plasma proteins and contributes to the pathophysiology of SIRS. Information is limited on the effect of endotoxin on human coagulation and fibrinolytic proteins in vivo, as well as on the cell response involved in the cytokine cascade. For this reason we performed quantitative assays to establish the sequence of events that occurs in vivo in the regulation of the contact and fibrinolytic pathways as well as in the cytokine cascade as a response to a single dose administration of endotoxin to normal non-smoking human volunteers.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Peripheral blood neutrophils in patients with internal endometriosis in light of enzymatic tests]](
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960), 1997
The diagnosis of the internal endometriosis was verified in histopathological investigation in 16... more The diagnosis of the internal endometriosis was verified in histopathological investigation in 16 patients. The following indices were evaluated in this group: 1) the ability of reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) by neutrophils with the calculation of indices of spontaneous and stimulating reduction by latex of this dye, 2) activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in neutrophils with the semiquantitative measurement determined in blood smears, 3) activity of alkaline phosphatase (FA) in neutrophils with the semiquantitative measurement determined in blood smears, 4) lysozyme activity in blood serum by turbidimetric method. The obtained results were compared with control values obtained in 20 healthy women. The following statistically significant differences were shown-the increase of spontaneous and stimulated reduction of NBT, the decrease of myeloperoxidase activity, the increase of alkaline phosphatase activity and the increase of the activity of lysozyme in diluted and undiluted ...
Blood 84(10 Suppl, Mar 24, 1994

Polonia University Scientific Journal, 2020
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common complication in patients with IBD. In spite this,... more Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common complication in patients with IBD. In spite this, some investigators indicate that more than a third of IBD patients are not tested for anemia in the time of diagnosis. Aim. To provide a pathway to help achieve diagnosis a type of anemia in patients with moderate activity of ulcerative colitis (UC). Methods. Basic profile of iron turnover parameters, red blood cell indices, and C-reactive protein (CRP) in 20 anemic patients with mild/moderate active UC patients was described. Results. IDA was diagnosed in fifteen 75% of the patients, tree of which (15%) had anemia of chronic disease (ACD), and 10% had mixed type of anemia (IDA/ACD). Conclusion. Ferritin, seems to play a central role in the definition and diagnosis of anemia in UC patients. Routine screening for anemia is important among patients with IBD. The cornerstone for the accurate management of anemia in UC patients lies in accurately diagnosing the type of anemia.

Polonia University Scientific Journal, 2021
In recent years, the study of the structural and functional state of the retina in patients with ... more In recent years, the study of the structural and functional state of the retina in patients with the hypertension stage of the I-IInd type with the usage of optical coherence tomography with angiography, is the subject of particular interest. It was examined 54 patients with the I-II stage of hypertension, aged 35 to 62 years, who did not receive antihypertensive therapy. Visualization of retinal structures was performed using an optical coherence tomograph (RTVue XR Avanti OCTA (Optovue, Inc, with AngioVue Software 2.0) with angiography function. A decrease in visual acuity was found in 56.67% of patients with hypertension of the I stage, and-in 79.17% of patients with the II stage. From the retinal arterioles it was detected an increase in their tone, especially among patients with hypertension of the II stage. On the part of capillaries, among patients of the main group, their tortuosity was noted-in 62.5% of patients with the II stage of AH, also in 54.17% of cases it was revealed a granular blood flow. Also among this group of patients, microaneurysms were revealed in a third of patients, areas of depletion were revealed in 41.67% of patients. Among extravascular disorders, in patients with I-II degree AH, were revealed hemorrhages, retinal edema, thickening of the neuroepithelium and pleximorphic layer, smoothing of the foveolar fossa, edema of the macular area, also it was detected accumulation of fluid between the layers. The study of the peripapillary zone of the retina revealed a significant thickening of the layer of nerve fibers in patients with the I stage of AH up to (176.4 ± 9,75) μm in 33.33% of people, under the II stage-to (190,24 ± 12,53) μm, in 54.17% of cases, against the index rules-(10 2.5 ± 6, 47) μm. In 12.5% of cases, the RNFL index was significantly lower than the obtained norm-(93.78 ± 6.19) μm. Currently, it is necessary to continue the study of the retina in patients with hypertension to determine the risks of damage caused to target organs and evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed antihypertensive therapy.
Journal of Investigative Medicine, 1996

The American journal of gastroenterology, 1991
The hemostatic parameters, particularly with respect to F.XIII subunits, were examined in 48 untr... more The hemostatic parameters, particularly with respect to F.XIII subunits, were examined in 48 untreated UC patients (22 at active and 26 at quiescent stage). UC active patients showed a significant decrease of F.XIII subunit "a," compared with healthy subjects, as well as in UC patients in remission. In contrast, the level of F.XIII subunit "b" in each group was similar. Compared with normal subjects, UC active patients revealed a significant decrease in AT III concentration, prolonged ELT, and elevated fibrinogen level. In addition, the elevated titer of SDPS test for SFMC appeared in approximately 40% of those patients. However, no strict relationship was found between the presence of positive SDPS and diminution of AT III, as well as of F.XIIII subunit "a" in active UC state. In patients in remission, AT III level and ELT were similar to those as in the control group, but fibrinogen concentration was elevated. Such constellation of hemostatic paramete...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Significance of kallikrein-kinin system in central nervous system diseases]](
Wiadomosci lekarskie, 2018
Kallikreins cleave kininogens to release kinins. Kinins exert their biological effect by activati... more Kallikreins cleave kininogens to release kinins. Kinins exert their biological effect by activating constitutive bradykinin receptor-2 (BR2) and inducible by inflammatory cytokines bradykinin receptor-1 (BR1). Studies in animal models and some clinical observations indicate tat the activation of kallikrein - kinin system may have relevance to central nervous system (CNS) diseases, including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy as well as cerebral ischemia and neoplasmatic tumors. The actions of kinins include vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability may contribute to blood-brain barrier disruption. Kinins evoke pain, and stimulate of endothelial cells, white blood cells, astrocytes and microgia cells to release of prostanoids, cytokines, free radicals, nitric oxide. Kinins stimulate angiogenesis and proliferation of tumor cells. These events lead to neural tissue damage and long lasting disturbances in blood-brain barrier function. In animal models the ove...
dr n. med. Georges Tebug Kamtoh Publikacja opracowana w ramach projektu nr POWR.05.05.00-00-0006/... more dr n. med. Georges Tebug Kamtoh Publikacja opracowana w ramach projektu nr POWR.05.05.00-00-0006/18 pt. " Wzbogacenie jakości kształcenia wyższego na kierunku pielęgniarstwo w Akademii Polonijnej w Częstochowie" realizowanego w ramach

Scientific Journal of Polonia University, Nov 26, 2019
In XXI century Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a still very rare form of the skin cancer with an a... more In XXI century Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a still very rare form of the skin cancer with an aggressive behavior. We present a case of 77-year-old female patient with a tumor with bluish skin, approx. 2 cm diameter, hard texture palpation of the right zygomatic area of the face. There were no enlarged lymph nodes in the head or neck. Tumor was surgically excised. The result of the histopathological examination including immunohistochemical tests allowed to diagnose Merkel cell carcinoma. After 6 months tumor recurrence was found. The right cheek tumor and the right lymphatic system of the neck was removed and radiotherapy was carried out. In imaging examination no pathological changes were found. The patient have complained about dry eye syndrome as side effect o treatment. A literature review concerning risk factors, diagnostic difficulties, classification and treatment of Merkel cell carcinoma is presented and discussed. Randomized studies are required to clarify diagnostic procedures, prognostic factors and treatment in clinical stages of the disease
Papers by Antoni Stadnicki