Wetlands are internationally recognized as a crucial habitat type for the conservation of many mi... more Wetlands are internationally recognized as a crucial habitat type for the conservation of many migratory birds. Despite the fact that many bats are also long-distant migrants, the importance of foraging habitats for sustaining migrant bats has to date received little attention. We analyzed habitat selection patterns in the migrant bat, Nathusius' pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii, in the southernmost part of its range (Iberian Peninsula), an area in which both mating and hibernation occur. We found that natural wetlands and riparian habitats (Phragmites reed beds) were positively selected, whereas human-transformed aquatic habitats (rice paddies) were avoided. Although semi-natural human-managed wetlands are perceived as being valuable for many species, our data emphasizes the importance of preserving natural wetlands (including riparian forests) as appropriate habitats for sustaining crucial phases of the life cycle of this bat. Agricultural transformation of the land is likely to be detrimental to this species since it reduces the availability of its preferred foraging habitat.
El delta de l'Ebre, situat a l'extrem meridional del Principat de Catalunya, constitueix una unit... more El delta de l'Ebre, situat a l'extrem meridional del Principat de Catalunya, constitueix una unitat geogràfica molt ben definida, tant per les peculiars característiques del medi natural com pel component socioeconòmic que s'hi desenvolupa . Per ponent limita sobtadament amb un escarpament (2-3 m d'alçada) que s'estén més o menys contínuament per tot el marge deltaic i que li confereix un veritable sentit fronterer. Únicament és tallat de forma neta per la incisió de l'Ebre, entre l'Aldea i Amposta. El delta emergit ocupa uns 330 km 2 , àrea en la qual s'inclouen les llacunes litorals (14 km 2 ) i el riu (8,1 km 2 ) (Taula 1). A aquesta superfície hi caldria afegir la de les badies (68,5 km 2 ) i, des d'un punt de vista més integrador, la del delta marí submergit, que assoleix una profunditat d'uns 30 m. Si bé la major part de la plana al·luvial està dedicada al conreu de l'arròs (unes 21.000 ha), encara hi resten importants zones d'hàbitats naturals (llacunes litorals, aiguamolls dolços i maresmes, ullals, dunes, badies i boscos riparis), majoritàriament incloses dins el Parc Natural del delta de l'Ebre (7.802 ha). Unes altres 3.200 ha, que cobreixen bona part dels arrossars immediats al Parc Natural, estan protegides pel Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural.
The Mediterranean and West African Greater Flamingo Network was established in 2002 to allow for ... more The Mediterranean and West African Greater Flamingo Network was established in 2002 to allow for more effective information sharing among researchers from France, Spain and Italy. That same year, a common database was developed for the Greater Flamingo ringing programmes and re-sighting data from countries around the Mediterranean.
BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se d... more BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se describe una nueva asociación perteneciente a la alianza Plantaginion crassifoliae del delta del Ebro, estudiándose su composición florística, estructura, sintaxonomía y ecología. El nuevo sintaxon se localiza en una área turbosa, donde aún se mantiene el pastoreo bovino. Estos pastizales debieron ser mucho más extensos antes de las grandes transformaciones agrícolas acontecidas a partir de finales del siglo pasado y, en la actualidad, han desaparecido prácticamente en su totalidad de su área potencial.
Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e hi... more Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e higrófilas (clases Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea y Molinio-Arrhenatheretea). Lazaroa 22: 67-81 (2001).
Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e hi... more Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e higrófilas (clases Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea y Molinio-Arrhenatheretea). Lazaroa 22: 67-81 (2001).
BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se d... more BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se describe una nueva asociación perteneciente a la alianza Plantaginion crassifoliae del delta del Ebro, estudiándose su composición florística, estructura, sintaxonomía y ecología. El nuevo sintaxon se localiza en una área turbosa, donde aún se mantiene el pastoreo bovino. Estos pastizales debieron ser mucho más extensos antes de las grandes transformaciones agrícolas acontecidas a partir de finales del siglo pasado y, en la actualidad, han desaparecido prácticamente en su totalidad de su área potencial.
The 2013 Mid-Winter Waterbirds Census was held in the Ebro Delta between 7 and 30 January, thanks... more The 2013 Mid-Winter Waterbirds Census was held in the Ebro Delta between 7 and 30 January, thanks to the collaboration of 37 participants. The area covered included the entire delta plain and the adjacent coastal sea (over 39,000 ha). Unlike the last two winters, all the rice fields of the northern hemidelta (9,831 ha) were flooded. A total of 96 waterbirds populations were counted, mainly waders (32 species), ducks and geese (20), herons (10), diurnal raptors (9), storks and related groups (6), grebes (4), divers (3), cranes and coots (3), gulls and terns (6), and cormorants (2). In 2013 the most common species of gulls have not been included (Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus, Mediterranean Gull L. melanocephalus, Yellow-legged Gull L. michahellis and Lesser Black-baked Gull L. fuscus). The waterbird population in January added up to 287,121 birds, value significantly higher than the average of the last 10 years (increase of the +24.1%). The most numerous taxonomical groups have ...
In this report we summarize the main results of the 2013 IWC carried out in the Ebro Delta. A tot... more In this report we summarize the main results of the 2013 IWC carried out in the Ebro Delta. A total of 98 waterbird species were counted, mainly ducks (146,369 birds), waders (76,714 birds), coots (30,200 birds) and herons (12,311 birds). Some species (Mallard, Little Stint, Pied Avocet, Sanderling, Eurasian Curlew and Common Greenshank) reached historical record numbers, as is to be expected in the context of a long-term increase. In others (e.g. Eurasian Wigeon), the low results in the 2013 IWC seem to confirm a long -term decline.
Wetlands are internationally recognized as a crucial habitat type for the conservation of many mi... more Wetlands are internationally recognized as a crucial habitat type for the conservation of many migratory birds. Despite the fact that many bats are also long-distant migrants, the importance of foraging habitats for sustaining migrant bats has to date received little attention. We analyzed habitat selection patterns in the migrant bat, Nathusius' pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii, in the southernmost part of its range (Iberian Peninsula), an area in which both mating and hibernation occur. We found that natural wetlands and riparian habitats (Phragmites reed beds) were positively selected, whereas human-transformed aquatic habitats (rice paddies) were avoided. Although semi-natural human-managed wetlands are perceived as being valuable for many species, our data emphasizes the importance of preserving natural wetlands (including riparian forests) as appropriate habitats for sustaining crucial phases of the life cycle of this bat. Agricultural transformation of the land is likely to be detrimental to this species since it reduces the availability of its preferred foraging habitat.
El delta de l'Ebre, situat a l'extrem meridional del Principat de Catalunya, constitueix una unit... more El delta de l'Ebre, situat a l'extrem meridional del Principat de Catalunya, constitueix una unitat geogràfica molt ben definida, tant per les peculiars característiques del medi natural com pel component socioeconòmic que s'hi desenvolupa . Per ponent limita sobtadament amb un escarpament (2-3 m d'alçada) que s'estén més o menys contínuament per tot el marge deltaic i que li confereix un veritable sentit fronterer. Únicament és tallat de forma neta per la incisió de l'Ebre, entre l'Aldea i Amposta. El delta emergit ocupa uns 330 km 2 , àrea en la qual s'inclouen les llacunes litorals (14 km 2 ) i el riu (8,1 km 2 ) (Taula 1). A aquesta superfície hi caldria afegir la de les badies (68,5 km 2 ) i, des d'un punt de vista més integrador, la del delta marí submergit, que assoleix una profunditat d'uns 30 m. Si bé la major part de la plana al·luvial està dedicada al conreu de l'arròs (unes 21.000 ha), encara hi resten importants zones d'hàbitats naturals (llacunes litorals, aiguamolls dolços i maresmes, ullals, dunes, badies i boscos riparis), majoritàriament incloses dins el Parc Natural del delta de l'Ebre (7.802 ha). Unes altres 3.200 ha, que cobreixen bona part dels arrossars immediats al Parc Natural, estan protegides pel Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural.
The Mediterranean and West African Greater Flamingo Network was established in 2002 to allow for ... more The Mediterranean and West African Greater Flamingo Network was established in 2002 to allow for more effective information sharing among researchers from France, Spain and Italy. That same year, a common database was developed for the Greater Flamingo ringing programmes and re-sighting data from countries around the Mediterranean.
BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se d... more BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se describe una nueva asociación perteneciente a la alianza Plantaginion crassifoliae del delta del Ebro, estudiándose su composición florística, estructura, sintaxonomía y ecología. El nuevo sintaxon se localiza en una área turbosa, donde aún se mantiene el pastoreo bovino. Estos pastizales debieron ser mucho más extensos antes de las grandes transformaciones agrícolas acontecidas a partir de finales del siglo pasado y, en la actualidad, han desaparecido prácticamente en su totalidad de su área potencial.
Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e hi... more Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e higrófilas (clases Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea y Molinio-Arrhenatheretea). Lazaroa 22: 67-81 (2001).
Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e hi... more Resumen: Curcó i Masip, A. La vegetación del delta del Ebro (V): las comunidades helofíticas e higrófilas (clases Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea y Molinio-Arrhenatheretea). Lazaroa 22: 67-81 (2001).
BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se d... more BIBLID [0211 -9714 (2001) 20, 115-123] Fecha de aceptación del artículo: 27-09-2001 RESUMEN: Se describe una nueva asociación perteneciente a la alianza Plantaginion crassifoliae del delta del Ebro, estudiándose su composición florística, estructura, sintaxonomía y ecología. El nuevo sintaxon se localiza en una área turbosa, donde aún se mantiene el pastoreo bovino. Estos pastizales debieron ser mucho más extensos antes de las grandes transformaciones agrícolas acontecidas a partir de finales del siglo pasado y, en la actualidad, han desaparecido prácticamente en su totalidad de su área potencial.
The 2013 Mid-Winter Waterbirds Census was held in the Ebro Delta between 7 and 30 January, thanks... more The 2013 Mid-Winter Waterbirds Census was held in the Ebro Delta between 7 and 30 January, thanks to the collaboration of 37 participants. The area covered included the entire delta plain and the adjacent coastal sea (over 39,000 ha). Unlike the last two winters, all the rice fields of the northern hemidelta (9,831 ha) were flooded. A total of 96 waterbirds populations were counted, mainly waders (32 species), ducks and geese (20), herons (10), diurnal raptors (9), storks and related groups (6), grebes (4), divers (3), cranes and coots (3), gulls and terns (6), and cormorants (2). In 2013 the most common species of gulls have not been included (Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus, Mediterranean Gull L. melanocephalus, Yellow-legged Gull L. michahellis and Lesser Black-baked Gull L. fuscus). The waterbird population in January added up to 287,121 birds, value significantly higher than the average of the last 10 years (increase of the +24.1%). The most numerous taxonomical groups have ...
In this report we summarize the main results of the 2013 IWC carried out in the Ebro Delta. A tot... more In this report we summarize the main results of the 2013 IWC carried out in the Ebro Delta. A total of 98 waterbird species were counted, mainly ducks (146,369 birds), waders (76,714 birds), coots (30,200 birds) and herons (12,311 birds). Some species (Mallard, Little Stint, Pied Avocet, Sanderling, Eurasian Curlew and Common Greenshank) reached historical record numbers, as is to be expected in the context of a long-term increase. In others (e.g. Eurasian Wigeon), the low results in the 2013 IWC seem to confirm a long -term decline.
Papers by Antoni Curcó