Papers by Antonella Trisorio
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, 2013
Per i confronti internazionali sono state utilizzate fonti EUROSTAT.
Farming practices and the conservation value of farmland are intimately interconnected. The recen... more Farming practices and the conservation value of farmland are intimately interconnected. The recent policy debate has shed light on the need to address farming activities towards a more sustainable path, and has advocated for a reallocation of payments towards farming systems that provide public goods. This paper aims to explore likely HNV farms policy needs through the use of HNV farming system indicators.

The recent policy debate has shed some light on the need to address farming activities towards a ... more The recent policy debate has shed some light on the need to address farming activities towards a more sustainable path, though maintaining its primary function of food production, and has advocated for a reallocation of payments towards low intensity farming systems, in order to reward farmers as main providers of public goods. Aim of this paper is to investigate the potential use of High Nature Value (HNV) indicators in the definition of payment schemes in favour of HVN farms. After a description of the temporal evolution of the concept of HNV farming, we begin our analysis with the identification of the main HNV farming systems in Italy according to a combination of land use and intensity of farming dimensions based on FSS dataset. Then, an economic and structural characterization of HNV and non-HNV farms is provided on the basis of FADN data. The main results are the following: about 15% of Italian farms and 24% of the Utilised Agricultural Area are potentially of High Nature Value, with very high share in mountain and hill areas. The two most representative HNV farming systems are "Permanent grassland" and "Low-Intensity livestock systems", which in total accounts for about 74% of total HNV farmland; common lands account for more than 30% of total HNV farmland. More than one fourth of HNV farmland is managed by farmers over-sixty and hence at risk of abandonment in absence of generational turnover. HNV farms, moreover, are characterised by smaller economic size and a greater dependence on subsidies than non-HNV farms. Support to HNV farms is therefore needed to maintain their viability and their provision of public goods over time. This should be realized through a proper and well targeted support scheme, even drawing from the available tools properly reshaped and targeted on HNV farming. Possible policy measures are those rewarding farmers' maintenance of semi-natural features (hedgerows, stonewalls, buffer strips, ponds, small area of woodland and ecological corridors), including recovery of the ecological structure in intensively managed areas, or the maintenance of certain low-intensity traditional practices. On the other side, measures favoring generational turn-over, especially in mountain areas and for small farms, would indirectly help tackling the abandonment of HNV farms, along with a more targeted and effective use of investment aid, with adequate payments in natural handicap areas, and with a wide use of advisory systems. In order to define well-targeted policy measures, however, there is a need for refining the broad picture on HNV farming systems with the characterization of individual HNV farming system at local level. Therefore it is urgent to improve data systems and integrated economicecological approaches.
L'Italia Forestale e Montana, 2012
Although describing the primary sector of a given country is a common institutional practice, suc... more Although describing the primary sector of a given country is a common institutional practice, such studies usually offer aggregated information on holding rather than supplying the information required for farm-level simulations. The present study aimed to identify the main typologies of Italian farms from the 2007 database of RICA (the Italian section of the European Union's Farm Accountancy Data Network). Using a hierarchical strategy driven by climates (5) and slopes (3), farms have been grouped by super-structure, described in ...
Applied Economics, 2001
Papers by Antonella Trisorio