Papers by Antoine Pierson

Health Security
assessed Burkina Faso's national laboratory system using the World Health Organization Laboratory... more assessed Burkina Faso's national laboratory system using the World Health Organization Laboratory Assessment Tool. Based on gaps observed in biorisk management, the Biosafety and Biosecurity Laboratory Assessment Tool (BSS LAT) was developed to assess 10 public laboratories handling dangerous pathogens. This tool uses a specific scoring matrix with quantitative output. Composite assessment scores for the 9 primary modules (capacity areas) were reported, with the highest scores reported in cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, waste management (42%), and good laboratory practices (40%), and the lowest scores in biosecurity/biosafety (33%), documents/regulations (18%), emergency management (16%), and risk management (5%). To address challenges identified in the assessments, a set of activities was planned with a focus on biorisk management. Results from an evaluation conducted 1 year later, using the BSS LAT, showed an increase in the average score of all indicators from 25% to 45% and an increase in the biorisk management module score from 5% to 35%. This evaluation process was a decisive step toward strengthening the capacity of the laboratory system in Burkina Faso. Global Health Security Agenda investments and activities have made a lasting impact on improving biosafety and biosecurity in public health laboratories. To ensure sustainability, a strong laboratory quality management program based on a mentorship system is greatly needed.
Strengthening laboratory biosafety in Liberia during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience from the Global Laboratory Leadership Programme
One Health
Evaluación externa de la calidad de los laboratorios nacionales de la sanidad pública en África, 2002-2009
Bulletin of The World Health Organization, Mar 1, 2012

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2012
Objective To describe findings from an external quality assessment programme involving laboratori... more Objective To describe findings from an external quality assessment programme involving laboratories in Africa that routinely investigate epidemic-prone diseases. Methods Beginning in 2002, the Regional Office for Africa of the World Health Organization (WHO) invited national public health laboratories and related facilities in Africa to participate in the programme. Three surveys comprising specimens and questionnaires associated with bacterial enteric diseases, bacterial meningitis, plague, tuberculosis and malaria were sent annually to test participants' diagnostic proficiency. Identical surveys were sent to referee laboratories for quality control. Materials were prepared, packaged and shipped in accordance with standard protocols. Findings and reports were due within 30 days. Key methodological decisions and test results were categorized as acceptable or unacceptable on the basis of consensus feedback from referees, using established grading schemes. Findings Between 2002 and 2009, participation increased from 30 to 48 Member States of the WHO and from 39 to 78 laboratories. Each survey was returned by 64-93% of participants. Mean turnaround time was 25.9 days. For bacterial enteric diseases and meningitis components, bacterial identification was acceptable in 65% and 69% of challenges, respectively, but serotyping and antibiotic susceptibility testing and reporting were frequently unacceptable. Microscopy was acceptable for 73% of plague challenges. Tuberculosis microscopy was satisfactorily performed, with 87% of responses receiving acceptable scores. In the malaria component, 82% of responses received acceptable scores for species identification but only 51% of parasite quantitation scores were acceptable. Conclusion The external quality assessment programme consistently identified certain functional deficiencies requiring strengthening that were present in African public health microbiology laboratories.
A Multilingual Tool for Standardized Laboratory Biosafety and Safety Assessment and Monitoring
Laboratory Training and Procedures Techniques Used in Parasitology Formaldehyde-detergent method
Equipment � Microscope � Slides � Cover glass � Lugol's iodine � Concentrated formaldehyde (a... more Equipment � Microscope � Slides � Cover glass � Lugol's iodine � Concentrated formaldehyde (about 37%) � Washing-up liquid (detergent) � Water (distilled) � Pipettes � Beaker � Conical tubes � Filter / sieve (0.5 mm mesh) � Glass rod

National Biosafety Management System: A Combined Framework Approach Based on 15 Key Elements
The pervasive nature of infections causing major outbreaks have elevated biosafety and biosecurit... more The pervasive nature of infections causing major outbreaks have elevated biosafety and biosecurity as a fundamental component for resilient national laboratory systems. In response to international health security demands, the Global Health Security Agenda emphasizes biosafety as one of the prerequisites to respond effectively to infectious disease threats. However, biosafety management systems (BMS) in low-medium income countries (LMIC) remain weak due to fragmented implementation strategies. In addition, inefficiencies in implementation have been due to limited resources, inadequate technical expertise, high equipment costs, and insufficient political will. Here we propose an approach to developing a strong, self-sustaining BMS based on extensive experience in LMICs. A conceptual framework incorporating 15 key components to guide implementers, national laboratory leaders, global health security experts in building a BMS is presented. This conceptual framework provides a holistic a...
Development and implementation of National External Quality Assurance Programs in a One Health approach: The Armenian experience
One Health
Quality management system implementation in human and animal laboratories
One Health
Dried tube specimen preparation and stability validation for brucellosis serological external quality assessment and quality control materials in resource-limited settings

Strengthening public health laboratory capacity in Thailand for International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)
WHO South-East Asia journal of public health, 2014
Thailand conducted a national laboratory assessment of core capacities related to the Internation... more Thailand conducted a national laboratory assessment of core capacities related to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), and thereby established a baseline to measure future progress. The assessment was limited to public laboratories found within the Thai Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, National Institute of Health and regional medical science centres. The World Health Organization (WHO) laboratory assessment tool was adapted to Thailand through a participatory approach. This adapted version employed a specific scoring matrix and comprised 16 modules with a quantitative output. Two teams jointly performed the on-site assessments in December 2010 over a two-week period, in 17 public health laboratories in Thailand. The assessment focused on the capacity to identify and accurately detect pathogens mentioned in Annex 2 of the IHR (2005) in a timely manner, as well as other public health priority pathogens for Thailand. Performance of quality management, budget and fin...

ABSTRACT Introduction Le réseau SEGA compte 5 laboratoires de biologie moléculaire, répartis entr... more ABSTRACT Introduction Le réseau SEGA compte 5 laboratoires de biologie moléculaire, répartis entre Maurice, Madagascar, La Réunion et les Seychelles, capables de réaliser le diagnostic du chikungunya (CHIKV) et de la dengue (DENV) par rt-PCR. Parmi ceux-ci deux ont acquis cette compétence relativement récemment. Depuis avril 2011, le réseau SEGA travaille sur le renforcement de la surveillance biologique régionale des arboviroses articulée à la surveillance syndromique des fièvres. En janvier 2012, les responsables de laboratoire de l’océan Indien ont exprimé le besoin de la mise en place d’un programme de contrôle qualité externe. Les objectifs du programme sont : i) déterminer les niveaux de compétence de chaque laboratoire ; ii) guider les laboratoires dans la mise en oeuvre d’éventuelles mesures correctives ; iii) permettre un travail de formation continue par la mise en réseau des laboratoires. Méthodes Le programme est organisé et suivi par un expert externe au réseau. Le principe est de faire analyser, 2 fois par an, par chacun des laboratoires un set de 10 échantillons contenant ou ne contenant pas du virus DENV ou CHIKV, sans co-infection. La composition du set est définie par le consultant et l’Unité de Veille Sanitaire du réseau SEGA (UVS) et ne sera pas communiquée. Les échantillons sont préparés sur papier buvard (903 Protein Saver Card) par le laboratoire Candos (Maurice) et remis à l’UVS qui procède à l’anonymisation, la composition des sets et à l’envoi postal vers les laboratoires. Résultats Mis à part un laboratoire qui n’a pu diagnostiquer les cas de CHIKV, tous les autres ont présenté des résultats satisfaisants à ce premier test. Cette première étude a permis d’identifier quelques erreurs qui pourraient permettre d’améliorer les procédures dans certains laboratoires telles que un résultat positif pour les deux virus sur un même échantillon, une inversion d’échantillons ou encore une erreur de saisie des résultats avec même valeur CT pour deux échantillons consécutifs. Discussion - conclusion Des améliorations, en particulier au niveau de l’interface web, sont également prévues dans l’organisation de la prochaine évaluation. Un suivi est actuellement assuré auprès des laboratoires afin de proposer des mesures correctives et d’aider à développer ou améliorer les manuels de procédures standardisées. La deuxième évaluation est prévue pour fin juin 2013.
SLIPTA e-Tool improves laboratory audit process in Vietnam and Cambodia
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 2014
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2012
Papers by Antoine Pierson