Antón Bouzas-Sierra
Independent researcher.
Bachelor of Science in Biology (USC - 5 yrs) and Master in Landscape Architecture (USC-UDC - 1 yr).
Teacher of Environmental Management and Forestry in the Spanish vocational education and training (VET) system.
Freelancee worker in Environment - Ecological Restoration - Landscaping – Heritage Interpretation.
Nowdays the "official" academic research system is dysfunctional in many ways, consumed by the immediacy of spurious interests and egotism, so it really doesn't matter how long it takes to assimilate the new contributions to general knowledge, as long as they are done honestly...
Investigador independente.
Licenciado en Bioloxía & Máster en Arquitectura da Paisaxe.
Docente de Xestión Ambiental e Forestal no sistema de Formación Profesional Español.
Traballador autónomo en Medioambiente - Restauración ecolóxica - Paisaxismo - Interpretación do patrimonio.
Actualmente o sistema "oficial" de investigación académica resulta disfuncional en moitos aspectos, comesto pola inmediatez de intereses esvpúrios e egolatrías, polo que realmente pouco importa o que tarden en asimilarse as novas contribucións ao coñecemento, sempre e cando sexan feitas honestamente...
"Eí vein os cordeiros fiar os cordallos!
Acabáronse os traballos.
Viñeron as neves. Veu a chuvia e o vento
pra quen non pode estar dentro.
Eu no meu
cada un no seu
teña pan teña leña
teña erba pros bois
e despois
veña o que veña:
É o prego
do labrego.
Cebalos cochos matalos
salalos e afumalos.
Ir derretendo na grasa...
Ir achegando na brasa...
Sempre hai que facer na casa".
(UXÍO NOVONEYRA, 1955 / "Os Eidos")
Bachelor of Science in Biology (USC - 5 yrs) and Master in Landscape Architecture (USC-UDC - 1 yr).
Teacher of Environmental Management and Forestry in the Spanish vocational education and training (VET) system.
Freelancee worker in Environment - Ecological Restoration - Landscaping – Heritage Interpretation.
Nowdays the "official" academic research system is dysfunctional in many ways, consumed by the immediacy of spurious interests and egotism, so it really doesn't matter how long it takes to assimilate the new contributions to general knowledge, as long as they are done honestly...
Investigador independente.
Licenciado en Bioloxía & Máster en Arquitectura da Paisaxe.
Docente de Xestión Ambiental e Forestal no sistema de Formación Profesional Español.
Traballador autónomo en Medioambiente - Restauración ecolóxica - Paisaxismo - Interpretación do patrimonio.
Actualmente o sistema "oficial" de investigación académica resulta disfuncional en moitos aspectos, comesto pola inmediatez de intereses esvpúrios e egolatrías, polo que realmente pouco importa o que tarden en asimilarse as novas contribucións ao coñecemento, sempre e cando sexan feitas honestamente...
"Eí vein os cordeiros fiar os cordallos!
Acabáronse os traballos.
Viñeron as neves. Veu a chuvia e o vento
pra quen non pode estar dentro.
Eu no meu
cada un no seu
teña pan teña leña
teña erba pros bois
e despois
veña o que veña:
É o prego
do labrego.
Cebalos cochos matalos
salalos e afumalos.
Ir derretendo na grasa...
Ir achegando na brasa...
Sempre hai que facer na casa".
(UXÍO NOVONEYRA, 1955 / "Os Eidos")
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InterestsView All (13)
Videos by Antón Bouzas-Sierra
In this christian shrine of the mother of God, the Virgin "do Corpiño", whose foundation dates back to pagan times, one of the most important galician pilgrimages is celebrated on Saint John's Day, June 24
The city of Santiago de Compostela has its origin in the shrine of Saint James the Great (nowdays the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela), the destination of the Way of St. James, a leading christian pilgrimage route since the 9th century
Papers by Antón Bouzas-Sierra
This article explores the constraints, the possibilities and the existing obstacles for the conservation of the natural and heritage values of our mountains, for which a multifunctional planning of the territory is essential. After an introduction on rock art, we will propose a case for study in the municipalities of Ames and Santiago de Compostela. Subsequently, the ecological status, the situation of the forestry sector, the current regulatory framework, the origin of the property structure and the loss of the common character of these lands are reviewed. Then the problem is compared in other countries and finally a model of environmental and heritage action is proposed in the mountains of Villestro-Ventosa.
Vea parish, in A Estrada city council. It provides information about new engraving
panels and a new interpretation of the site. The carried out work allowed to identify
a sacred space with prolonged use over time, from the Copper or early Bronze Age,
represented by panels with Atlantic Rock Art, to the first century AD, with a votive
inscription to the goddess Diana.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
A conservación dos petróglifos galegos, ao igual que a das mámoas, castros e outros elementos, corresponde loxicamente ao ámbito e competencias do patrimonio, pero calquera esforzo pretendido ou realizado neste eido enfróntase a un problema sistémico de difícil solución: localízanse maioritariamente no monte, e o monte representa un fabuloso reto pendente para a sociedade galega do século XXI.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
The location of nine Christian sanctuaries in Galicia is analysed from a geo-astronomical point of view, as proof of its pagan origin. Although the case of Santiago de Compostela is the best documented, other shrines of local importance there also share rich folklore inherited from pre-Christian times and descendant from rites and prehistoric beliefs with deep astronomic roots. The results indicate the existence in protohistoric Gallaecia of an ancient Celtic-type lunisolar calendar, which granted importance to the solstices, equinoxes and the four mid-season festivities (assimilated to the celebrations of the first of February, May, August and November), with the maximum and minimum positions reached by the Moon cycle along the lunasticios of 18.61 years of duration.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
Significant astronomical and geographical data are exposed revealing the pagan origins of the Way of St James. Through an Ethnoastronomic and Archaeoastronomic approximation, an interpretation is proposed of the Pre-christian myth of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain), mainly based on the Celtic culture.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
Drafts by Antón Bouzas-Sierra
AUTORES: Blanco Fernández, Natalia; Blanco Núñez, Jesús; Díaz Escudero, Marta; Fernández Guerra, José Vicente; López Martínez, Silvia; González Lorenzo, Saba; Rey Ruanova, María; Pérez Ferreiro, Fernando; Rama Liste, José Manuel; Sanmartín Pereiras, Germán; Tarrío Mosquera, María Lorena (Alumnos & Profesor: Bouzas Sierra A).
Books by Antón Bouzas-Sierra
81 topoastronomical alignments are studied through an intensive geographical analysis, combined with a comparative methodology of available historical, ethnographic and archaeological information. This material has been selected from a representative geographical and thematic series of Christian shrines, Bronze Age rock art sites and other locations, 80 of which are situated in Galicia, plus another in Ireland.
These alignments indicate the existence of a prehistoric calendar of Celtic type in ancient Gallaecia, in which the movements of the Sun and the Moon were monitored in the course of ritualizing the celebration of the main festivities, particularly the so-called mid-season festivities that were established 40 days after the respective solstices and equinoxes. The adoration of the Sun and the Moon in the lunar equivalent of the solstices, Imbolc and Lugnasad, is verified, revealing the cult of the Galician goddess Navia and her survival as a virgin, saint or the legendary Queen Lupa, which are closely related to mythical serpents.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
In this christian shrine of the mother of God, the Virgin "do Corpiño", whose foundation dates back to pagan times, one of the most important galician pilgrimages is celebrated on Saint John's Day, June 24
The city of Santiago de Compostela has its origin in the shrine of Saint James the Great (nowdays the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela), the destination of the Way of St. James, a leading christian pilgrimage route since the 9th century
This article explores the constraints, the possibilities and the existing obstacles for the conservation of the natural and heritage values of our mountains, for which a multifunctional planning of the territory is essential. After an introduction on rock art, we will propose a case for study in the municipalities of Ames and Santiago de Compostela. Subsequently, the ecological status, the situation of the forestry sector, the current regulatory framework, the origin of the property structure and the loss of the common character of these lands are reviewed. Then the problem is compared in other countries and finally a model of environmental and heritage action is proposed in the mountains of Villestro-Ventosa.
Vea parish, in A Estrada city council. It provides information about new engraving
panels and a new interpretation of the site. The carried out work allowed to identify
a sacred space with prolonged use over time, from the Copper or early Bronze Age,
represented by panels with Atlantic Rock Art, to the first century AD, with a votive
inscription to the goddess Diana.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
A conservación dos petróglifos galegos, ao igual que a das mámoas, castros e outros elementos, corresponde loxicamente ao ámbito e competencias do patrimonio, pero calquera esforzo pretendido ou realizado neste eido enfróntase a un problema sistémico de difícil solución: localízanse maioritariamente no monte, e o monte representa un fabuloso reto pendente para a sociedade galega do século XXI.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
The location of nine Christian sanctuaries in Galicia is analysed from a geo-astronomical point of view, as proof of its pagan origin. Although the case of Santiago de Compostela is the best documented, other shrines of local importance there also share rich folklore inherited from pre-Christian times and descendant from rites and prehistoric beliefs with deep astronomic roots. The results indicate the existence in protohistoric Gallaecia of an ancient Celtic-type lunisolar calendar, which granted importance to the solstices, equinoxes and the four mid-season festivities (assimilated to the celebrations of the first of February, May, August and November), with the maximum and minimum positions reached by the Moon cycle along the lunasticios of 18.61 years of duration.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
Significant astronomical and geographical data are exposed revealing the pagan origins of the Way of St James. Through an Ethnoastronomic and Archaeoastronomic approximation, an interpretation is proposed of the Pre-christian myth of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain), mainly based on the Celtic culture.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182
AUTORES: Blanco Fernández, Natalia; Blanco Núñez, Jesús; Díaz Escudero, Marta; Fernández Guerra, José Vicente; López Martínez, Silvia; González Lorenzo, Saba; Rey Ruanova, María; Pérez Ferreiro, Fernando; Rama Liste, José Manuel; Sanmartín Pereiras, Germán; Tarrío Mosquera, María Lorena (Alumnos & Profesor: Bouzas Sierra A).
81 topoastronomical alignments are studied through an intensive geographical analysis, combined with a comparative methodology of available historical, ethnographic and archaeological information. This material has been selected from a representative geographical and thematic series of Christian shrines, Bronze Age rock art sites and other locations, 80 of which are situated in Galicia, plus another in Ireland.
These alignments indicate the existence of a prehistoric calendar of Celtic type in ancient Gallaecia, in which the movements of the Sun and the Moon were monitored in the course of ritualizing the celebration of the main festivities, particularly the so-called mid-season festivities that were established 40 days after the respective solstices and equinoxes. The adoration of the Sun and the Moon in the lunar equivalent of the solstices, Imbolc and Lugnasad, is verified, revealing the cult of the Galician goddess Navia and her survival as a virgin, saint or the legendary Queen Lupa, which are closely related to mythical serpents.
Author´s ORCID iD (Antón Bouzas-Sierra): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0980-4182