Workshop by Annika Backe-Dahmen

Du willst als Studierende:r und Archäolog:in deinen beruflichen Weg gehen, mit Klarheit und Selbs... more Du willst als Studierende:r und Archäolog:in deinen beruflichen Weg gehen, mit Klarheit und Selbst-Bewusstsein?
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„So gelingt dein Personal Branding in Bewerbung und Business“ -
Selbstmarketing für Studierende und Absolvent:innen archäologischer Fächer
von Born to Brand und dem Deutschen Archäologen-Verband (dArV).
Am 11. Mai 2022 von 16:00-19:00 Uhr.
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Deine Referentin:
Dr. Annika Backe-Dahmen, Berlin
Klassische Archäologin & Unternehmerin (
Karriere- und Gründungsberaterin
PR-Paassionista & Coach für Markenentwicklung und -kommunikation
Monographs by Annika Backe-Dahmen
Monograph. - A. Backe-Dahmen/U. Kästner/A. Schwarzmaier, Von Göttern und Menschen – Bilder auf griechischen Vasen. Scala/Wasmuth - Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin , 2010
Monograph. - Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie, 2008
Monograph. - PhD thesis University of Freiburg i. Br. 2004 (2006)
Monograph. Exhibition catalog. - Antikensammlung und Münzkabinett SMB-PK, 2005
Translations by Annika Backe-Dahmen

Pioneer Rocket Mail & Space Mail. Compendium and Catalog, 2019
As 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1st manned Moon landing, Walter M. Hopferwieser’s 2016 ... more As 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1st manned Moon landing, Walter M. Hopferwieser’s 2016 handbook and special catalog on rocket mail and space mail has been translated into English by Dr. Annika Backe-Dahmen. Revised and updated, it replaces the Ellington-Zwisler catalog, which for the last 50 years has been the only work of reference on this topic. Non-philatelists, too, will find this lavishly illustrated book authored by one of the most renowned experts in the field highly interesting reading material. Its chapters Pioneer Rocket Mail, Space Mail of Manned Projects, Space Mail of Unmanned Projects, and Signatures of All Space Travelers bring the history of space travel to life in detail.
For more information on Annika Backe-Dahmen's services (translating and editing) in the field of Arts and Culture, please visit her website at
Papers by Annika Backe-Dahmen

It has long been noticed that, generally speaking, children wore the same footwear as adults in a... more It has long been noticed that, generally speaking, children wore the same footwear as adults in ancient Roman times. This chapter assumes that shoes were considered not just a bare necessity for the living but were attributed a special meaning for the dead. In figural representations and written sources Roman children are not always depicted realistically. There are likewise many images, mainly on sepulchral monuments, that put the child in some other context. There, the child in question is shown wearing garments and footwear that do not match his age and/or status. It is clear that children’s shoes are much more than a snapshot of real life and make reference to a particular status in society. Often they have a special meaning, pointing to something the child might have attained had he or she survived into adulthood. Yet shoes may also indicate cult and religion; the concept of monosandalism will be explored in this context. The significance of children’s sandals in mourning scenes on Roman sarcophagi will also be considered. There, the slippers of the child (lying in state) are put on a low footstool. This motif is known from sarcophagi for deceased women, but never appears on monuments for men – although we know that men likewise wore these shoes. The slippers are no mere accessory but an important iconographic element that sometimes even replaces the depiction of the deceased. In the case of girls, the motif may even hint at the bridal shoes, the socci lutei. Archaeological finds support this discussion: the material discovered so far indicates that children were sometimes not only inhumed/cremated fully dressed and wearing shoes, but were given shoes as burial gifts. These shoes were not necessarily the footwear the deceased had worn during his/her lifetime but were produced solely for the purpose of becoming grave goods.

Proceedings of the VIth Int. Conf. of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6–8, 2013 – Liège, September 23–24, 2013). Volume I, 2018
There is ample evidence of Roman children being consecrated to deities whom the parents turned to... more There is ample evidence of Roman children being consecrated to deities whom the parents turned to and asked for protection of their offspring during the early stages of their lives, when they were in constant danger of becoming victims of an untimely death or being approached by malevolent demons. The evidence can be derived first and foremost from written sources.
When it comes to figural representations, though, the picture gets somewhat blurred: although there is the undisputed iconographic tradition of the “Horus lock” handed down from Ancient Egypt to Roman art which produced quite a number of depictions of children with this very feature, the so far generally assumed connection with the cult of Isis has to be reconsidered.
Whereas until now nearly every portrait of a child with a peculiar lock of hair – located at the right, the left or the back of the head, longer or shorter, bound, forming a kind of tail, in combination with short-cropped hair, with or without a fillet, etc. – has been taken as depiction of a child close to the mystery cult of Isis, methodologically it is much more sound to look carefully at every individual depiction to assess the kind and degree of this connection, or even if such a connection can safely be established at all.
Article conference volume. - Socialisation. Recent Research on Childhood and Children in the Past. Proceedings from the 2nd International Conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past in Stavanger, Norway, 28-30.09.2008, Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger-Skrifter 23, 2010, p. 23-31.
Backe-Dahmen, A. 2010: Spaces and their effects on the socialisation of children and youths in An... more Backe-Dahmen, A. 2010: Spaces and their effects on the socialisation of children and youths in Ancient Greece -some suggestions and an outlook. AmS-Skrifter 23, 23-31, Stavanger. ISSN 0800-0816, ISBN 978-82-7760-147-2, UDK 902-053.62.
Contribution to conference volume. - Annette Paetz gen. Schieck / Uta-Christiane Bergemann (Hrsg.), Das Bild vom Kind im Spiegel seiner Kleidung. Von prähistorischer Zeit bis zur Gegenwart, Internationale Tagung Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld, 24.-25.05.2013, S. 56-75, 2015
Antike Welt 36.2, 2005, S. 89-96.
Contribution to conference volume. - Creating Identities – Zur gruppenbildenden Funktion von Grab- und Denkmalen in Europa, Konferenz Kassel 30.10.-02.11.2003 (2007), S. 35-45.
Antike Welt 39.6, 2008, S. 25-30.
Contribution to exhibition catalog. - Die letzten Stunden von Herculaneum, Ausstellungskatalog Haltern a. S./Bremen/Berlin (2005), S. 339-345.
Contribution to exhibition catalog. - Konstantin – Ein Kaiser in Berlin, Antikensammlung SMB-PK (2006), S. 45.
A. Scholl/A. Backe, Antinoos, Geliebter und Gott – des Kaisers Favorit in neuer Schönheit, Jahrbuch Preußischer Kulturbesitz 61, 2005, S. 303-317.
Antike Welt 6, 2004, S. 37-39.
Workshop by Annika Backe-Dahmen
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im kostenfreien Online-Workshop
„So gelingt dein Personal Branding in Bewerbung und Business“ -
Selbstmarketing für Studierende und Absolvent:innen archäologischer Fächer
von Born to Brand und dem Deutschen Archäologen-Verband (dArV).
Am 11. Mai 2022 von 16:00-19:00 Uhr.
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Deine Referentin:
Dr. Annika Backe-Dahmen, Berlin
Klassische Archäologin & Unternehmerin (
Karriere- und Gründungsberaterin
PR-Paassionista & Coach für Markenentwicklung und -kommunikation
Monographs by Annika Backe-Dahmen
Translations by Annika Backe-Dahmen
For more information on Annika Backe-Dahmen's services (translating and editing) in the field of Arts and Culture, please visit her website at
Papers by Annika Backe-Dahmen
When it comes to figural representations, though, the picture gets somewhat blurred: although there is the undisputed iconographic tradition of the “Horus lock” handed down from Ancient Egypt to Roman art which produced quite a number of depictions of children with this very feature, the so far generally assumed connection with the cult of Isis has to be reconsidered.
Whereas until now nearly every portrait of a child with a peculiar lock of hair – located at the right, the left or the back of the head, longer or shorter, bound, forming a kind of tail, in combination with short-cropped hair, with or without a fillet, etc. – has been taken as depiction of a child close to the mystery cult of Isis, methodologically it is much more sound to look carefully at every individual depiction to assess the kind and degree of this connection, or even if such a connection can safely be established at all.
Deine Stärken und Kompetenzen souverän auf den Punkt bringen,
in der Stellenbewerbung oder der Kundenansprache?
Mit einem guten PERSONAL BRANDING gelingt dir das ganz leicht.
Damit wirst du zur „Marke“ und bleibst im Gedächtnis.
Erfahre alles, was du für einen stimmigen Außenauftritt brauchst,
im kostenfreien Online-Workshop
„So gelingt dein Personal Branding in Bewerbung und Business“ -
Selbstmarketing für Studierende und Absolvent:innen archäologischer Fächer
von Born to Brand und dem Deutschen Archäologen-Verband (dArV).
Am 11. Mai 2022 von 16:00-19:00 Uhr.
Melde dich jetzt an unter folgendem Link:
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Deine Referentin:
Dr. Annika Backe-Dahmen, Berlin
Klassische Archäologin & Unternehmerin (
Karriere- und Gründungsberaterin
PR-Paassionista & Coach für Markenentwicklung und -kommunikation
For more information on Annika Backe-Dahmen's services (translating and editing) in the field of Arts and Culture, please visit her website at
When it comes to figural representations, though, the picture gets somewhat blurred: although there is the undisputed iconographic tradition of the “Horus lock” handed down from Ancient Egypt to Roman art which produced quite a number of depictions of children with this very feature, the so far generally assumed connection with the cult of Isis has to be reconsidered.
Whereas until now nearly every portrait of a child with a peculiar lock of hair – located at the right, the left or the back of the head, longer or shorter, bound, forming a kind of tail, in combination with short-cropped hair, with or without a fillet, etc. – has been taken as depiction of a child close to the mystery cult of Isis, methodologically it is much more sound to look carefully at every individual depiction to assess the kind and degree of this connection, or even if such a connection can safely be established at all.