Background Nutrition transition and recent changes in lifestyle in Middle Eastern countries have ... more Background Nutrition transition and recent changes in lifestyle in Middle Eastern countries have resulted in the double burden of malnutrition. In Egypt, 88% of urban women are overweight or obese and 50% are iron deficient. Their energy, sugar, and sodium intakes are excessive, while intakes of iron, vitamin D, and folate are insufficient. Objective This study aimed to formulate dietary advice based on locally consumed and affordable foods and determine the need for fortified products to meet the nutrient requirements of urban Egyptian women. Methods Food intakes were assessed using a 4-d food diary collected from 130 urban Egyptian women aged 19–30 y. Food prices were collected from modern and traditional markets to calculate diet cost. Population-based linear and goal programming analyses (Optifood tool) were used to identify “limiting nutrients” and to assess whether locally consumed foods (i.e., consumed by >5% of women) could theoretically improve nutrient adequacy at an af...
Background: Research into the role of young-child formulae (YCF) in a child's diet is limited... more Background: Research into the role of young-child formulae (YCF) in a child's diet is limited and there is no consensual recommendation on its use. We evaluated the theoretical nutritional impact of replacing the existing practice of consuming cow's milk by YCF. Methods: From the UK Diet and Nutrition Survey of Infants and Young Children, whole cow's milk consumers, aged 12-18 months (n = 591) were selected for simulation scenarios. In Scenario 1, we tested the replacement of all whole cow's milk (434 ± 187 ml/day) by a matching volume of YCF, and in Scenario 2, all whole cow's milk was replaced by the on-pack recommended daily intake of 300 ml. Nutrient intakes before and after simulation scenarios were compared and evaluated against nutrient recommendations. Results: Intakes of protein and saturated fatty acids were significantly decreased, whereas essential fatty acid intakes were increased. The prevalence of nutrient inadequacy before simulation was 95.2% for...
International journal of obesity (2005), Jan 14, 2015
By reducing energy density, low-energy sweeteners (LES) might be expected to reduce energy intake... more By reducing energy density, low-energy sweeteners (LES) might be expected to reduce energy intake (EI) and body weight (BW). To assess the totality of the evidence testing the null hypothesis that LES exposure (versus sugars or unsweetened alternatives) has no effect on EI or BW, we conducted a systematic review of relevant studies in animals and humans consuming LES with ad libitum access to food energy. In 62 of 90 animal studies exposure to LES did not affect or decreased BW. Of 28 reporting increased BW, 19 compared LES with glucose exposure using a specific 'learning' paradigm. Twelve prospective cohort studies in humans reported inconsistent associations between LES use and body mass index (-0.002 kg m(-)(2) per year, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.009 to 0.005). Meta-analysis of short-term randomized controlled trials (129 comparisons) showed reduced total EI for LES versus sugar-sweetened food or beverage consumption before an ad libitum meal (-94 kcal, 95% CI -122 ...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES A recent dietary survey in 5 big cities in China provided information o... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES A recent dietary survey in 5 big cities in China provided information on various milk options consumed by 1-3 years old children. To investigate the nutritional role of these milks (young-child formula (YCF), cow's milk, others), simulation analyses based on this survey were performed. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN We studied daily intakes of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins A, B-1, B-2, C and E and compared these to the Chinese DRIs. In Scenario 1, consumption of cow's milk, kid's milk and/or soy milk was replaced with matching amounts of YCF (n=66 children). In Scenario 2, where 348 children exclusively consumed YCF, YCF was replaced with matching amounts of cow's milk. RESULTS Scenario 1 revealed significant increases in total dietary intakes of iron, vitamins A, B-1, C and E upon substitution of the various milks with YCF. The proportions of children not meeting the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for these nutrients dropped from 29, 26, 61,...
Protein is considered to be more satiating than carbohydrate, quantified by energy adjustment and... more Protein is considered to be more satiating than carbohydrate, quantified by energy adjustment and subjective appetite. However, the effect of increasing protein content upon short-term energy adjustment in beverage contexts is unclear. This study used a repeated-measures, cross-over design. 28 male volunteers (1835 years) ate a standard breakfast in the laboratory and 210 min later consumed one of four preloads 30 min prior to an ad libitum pasta meal. Three of the preloads were isocaloric (1155 kJ) mixed composition dairy fruit drinks (300 g) of low (13% protein energy/87% carbohydrate energy), medium (25% protein energy/75% carbohydrate energy) and high (50% protein energy/50% carbohydrate energy) protein content. The control drink was a low energy (328 kJ) alternative. Results indicated a dose response effect of preload protein level on intake (g) at the ad libitum meal. Ad libitum intake was: control (637.6 g 39.7), low (596.9 g 40.5), medium (546.9 g 34.7), and high protein (53...
The present invention relates to a fresh dairy product low in fat and sugars, low energy density,... more The present invention relates to a fresh dairy product low in fat and sugars, low energy density, comprising one or more satietogenic ingredients, and a method of manufacturing such a product. Preferably, said one or more ingredients are selected from proteins, especially milk proteins and preferably serum milk proteins, water-soluble dietary fiber and preferably water-soluble dietary fiber viscosifying, and mixtures thereof.
Introduction et but de l’etude : La grossesse s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la plupart des b... more Introduction et but de l’etude : La grossesse s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la plupart des besoins nutritionnels qui necessite une adaptation du regime alimentaire. Les femmes enceintes seraient particulierement enclines a l’adoption de comportements alimentaires plus sains. Cette periode represente donc une fenetre d’opportunite pour proposer des interventions dietetiques permettant d’ameliorer les apports nutritionnels usuels. Cependant, afin d’en maximiser l’efficacite nutritionnelle, les changements alimentaires proposes doivent etre acceptables par les femmes enceintes. L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer de maniere croisee l’efficacite nutritionnelle et l’acceptabilite de differents types de conseils alimentaires personnalises pour les femmes enceintes. Materiel et methodes : Pour trois types de conseils alimentaires personnalises (modification des quantites consommees (type 1), substitutions au sein d’un meme sous-groupe d’aliments (type 2), ou au sein d’un meme gr...
Ce travail a ete realise sur un echantillon de 422 familles de la cohorte Stanislas afin d'ev... more Ce travail a ete realise sur un echantillon de 422 familles de la cohorte Stanislas afin d'evaluer les apports nutritionnels en relation avec la composition du petit dejeuner et en particulier la consommation de cereales pour le petit dejeuner (CPPD). Chaque famille de la cohorte est composee de deux parents âges de moins de 65 ans et de deux enfants biologiques âges de 8 a 23 ans. Les donnees sur l'alimentation ont ete obtenues a partir d'un journal alimentaire de trois jours (deux jours de semaine et un jour de week-end). Le petit dejeuner represente respectivement pour les peres, les meres et les enfants, 15,0 %, 17,2 % et entre 17,7 et 18,7 % des apports energetiques de la journee. Les adultes qui consomment un petit dejeuner copieux (≥ 25 % des apports energetiques de la journee) ont un equilibre nutritionnel journalier plus proche des recommandations: le pourcentage d'apport energetique du aux glucides est plus important, celui du aux lipides plus faible, alors...
Manufacturing process of a fresh dairy product, comprising at least: a) the addition, in a milk m... more Manufacturing process of a fresh dairy product, comprising at least: a) the addition, in a milk mixture, of one or more satiating proteins selected from proteins whey, and eventually vegetable protein and / or milk proteins selected from powdered milk and caseins, so that - the amount of proteins contained in the starting mixture such satiating proteins at a level of 2 are added to 5 times; and - said satiating proteins contain at least 16% by weight whey protein particulate having a diameter of about 1 micron with respect to satiating proteins b) heat treatment and after homogenisation of the mixture obtained or, reciprocally, after homogenisation and heat treatment of the mixture thus obtained; c) fermenting the mixture from step b), which occurs as a result acidification; d) cooling the fermented mixture; e) optionally, conditioning the mixture thus obtained; not holding the product obtained over - 0.5 g of sugars per 100 g of product if solid; - 2.5 g of sugars per 100 ml if liq...
Aliments et nutriments Contribution des laits de croissance et des compléments à l'adéquation nut... more Aliments et nutriments Contribution des laits de croissance et des compléments à l'adéquation nutritionnelle de régimes alimentaires d'enfants en bas âge
Objectives The double burden of malnutrition is rising in several Arab countries due to rapid cha... more Objectives The double burden of malnutrition is rising in several Arab countries due to rapid changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle. Egyptian women have one of the highest BMI worldwide, and nearly one quarter of them suffer from anemia. The objective was to identify changes needed in dietary practices and product offer, which could help to rebalance nutrient intakes for women living in urban Egypt. Methods Food intakes were obtained from a 4-days dietary record in 127 women (19–30 yo) and food prices were collected in modern and in traditional trades. Modeling analyses (Optifood software) were used to identify problem nutrients and design affordable food-based recommendations (FBRs): we assessed whether locally and consumed foods could theoretically be combined to ensure nutrient adequacy, at a fixed cost, without exceeding recommendations in energy and SFAs, total sugars and sodium. Fortified foods were included in additional modeling analyses to test their potential to improv...
Introduction et but de l’etude La distinction des sucres libres (« tous les monosaccharides et di... more Introduction et but de l’etude La distinction des sucres libres (« tous les monosaccharides et disaccharides ajoutes aux aliments par les fabricants, cuisiniers ou consommateurs, plus les sucres naturellement presents dans les miels, sirops et jus de fruits ») parmi les sucres totaux fait l’objet d’une attention particuliere au sein de la communaute scientifique. L’OMS recommande actuellement de limiter leur consommation a 10 % de l’apport energetique total, sans preconisation particuliere sur les sucres totaux. Le but de cette etude est d’identifier chez les personnes en exces d’apports en sucres libres les changements alimentaires necessaires et les mieux adaptes au respect de l’ensemble des recommandations nutrition-nelles. Materiel et methodes Les consommations alimentaires hebdomadaires des 1719 adultes (20–75 ans) normodeclarants inclus dans l’enquete INCA2 constituent les dietes observees. La table CIQUAL 2013 a ete completee afin de distinguer les sucres libres dans les sucres totaux. Un modele d’optimisation de rations individuelles a ete applique afin d’obtenir pour chaque individu une diete isoenergetique nutritionnellement adequate (incluant notamment la recommandation OMS ci-dessus). La qualite de l’alimentation a ete evaluee via les scores de PanDIET (score global), MAR (Mean Adequacy Ratio) et MER (Mean Excess Ratio). La limite de 10 % de l’energie apportee par les sucres libres a ete utilisee dans les dietes observees pour definir la population en exces (EXCES) et celle avec des apports adequats en sucres libres (ADEQ). Resultats et Analyse statistique Les individus EXCES representent 35,9 % (n = 617) de la population totale, sont plus jeunes (41,6 vs 50,1 ans) et ont des revenus plus faibles que les individus ADEQ (n = 1 102). Leur alimentation est de moins bonne qualite (PanDIET - 4pts, MAR -2pts, MER +17pts). Elle est plus energetique (+ 94 kcal/jour), plus dense energetiquement (+ 20 kcal/ 100 g) avec des quantites plus importantes de glucides, sucres totaux et sucres libres (+33 g/j, +38 g/j, +44 g/j). Pour les individus EXCES, l’optimisation ne modifie pas les apports en sucres totaux mais induit un reequilibrage entre sucres non libres (+ 58 %, +21,8 g/j) et libres (−31 %, −23,3 g/j). Le reequilibrage des sucres totaux se fait principalement par la diminution des boissons sucrees (−65 %, −568 g/semaine), desserts (−24%, −104 g/sem) et sucreries (−19%, −74 g/sem), et par l’augmentation des fruits & legumes (+ 52 %, + 1 413 g/sem), produits laitiers frais (natures et sucres) (+ 16 %, + 94 g/sem) et lait (+ 9 %, + 56 g/sem). L’augmentation d’eau (+ 17 %, +844 g/semaine) contribue a compenser la diminution des boissons sucrees pour atteindre la recommandation en eau. Conclusion Ce travail constitue a notre connaissance la premiere etude permettant d’estimer, sur des donnees nationales, la prevalence et les caracteristiques de l’exces d’apports en sucres libres. Il montre que l’alimentation de ces personnes, qui representent 1/3 des adultes en France, peut etre optimisee essentiellement via une augmentation de la consommation de fruits et legumes et la diminution de celle des boissons sucrees.
Tailored dietary counseling could be specifically efficient during pregnancy, a period accompanie... more Tailored dietary counseling could be specifically efficient during pregnancy, a period accompanied by a rise in nutrition awareness, but little is known about the expectations of pregnant women in this regard. We studied these expectations regarding tailored dietary advice in French women during their pregnancy, as well as their motivations and the perceived barriers and enablers. In French pregnant women, we evaluated the perceptions of tailored dietary advice provided by stepwise dietary counseling based on three types of dietary changes, consisting of: (1) a modification of the amounts consumed, (2) substitutions within the food subgroups, and (3) substitutions between food subgroups. A sequential explanatory mixed-method approach was designed. Using qualitative data from a focus group study (n = 40), we intended to explore in depth the women’s expectations regarding dietary advice and adherence to a tailored approach. These were combined with quantitative and qualitative data fr...
Ce travail a pour objectif d'identifier les conduites alimentaires de personnes obeses et nor... more Ce travail a pour objectif d'identifier les conduites alimentaires de personnes obeses et normoponderales, grâce a des approches nutritionnelles et psychometriques. Dans un premier temps, une etude de validation en langue francaise de questionnaires etrangers a ete entreprise. Deux outils valides et fiables ont ete selectionnes et utilises dans des echantillons cliniques de sujets obeses (le Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire DEBQ et le Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire TFEQ) et dans une cohorte familiale recrutee dans un centre de medecine preventive (DEBQ). Les resultats montrent que la restriction alimentaire concerne de nombreuses personnes de tout âge, presentant cependant differents profils de motivations. Chez les femmes, la restriction semble etre une caracteristique courante, integree a la vie de tous les jours, non exclusivement dependante de la corpulence et qui se concretise par une reduction des apports energetiques. Pour les hommes et les garcons, la surcharge po...
Changes in dietary habits of the French population have been reported during the national lockdow... more Changes in dietary habits of the French population have been reported during the national lockdown that was enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated whether perceived social eating norms were associated with the initiation and maintenance of dietary changes that took place as a result of lockdown. An online study collected information on (1) changes in consumption implemented during the lockdown and the maintenance of these changes, and (2) perceptions about changes in consumption implemented during lockdown by household members, relatives out of home, and the general population. The changes in consumption were classified as foods to increase or to decrease according to French national recommendations. The perception of changes to dietary habits by household members and relatives out of home was related to the changes made by individuals for each of the food categories (all p < 0.05) but not to the perception of changes made the general population. Increased...
Background To keep global warming <1.5°C as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Clim... more Background To keep global warming <1.5°C as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), eating patterns must change. However, future diets should be modeled at a national level and respect cultural acceptability. Objectives We aimed to identify diets among Dutch adults satisfying nutritional and selected environmental requirements while deviating minimally from the baseline diet among Dutch adults. Methods We calculated per capita food system greenhouse gas emission (GHGE) targets derived from the IPCC 1.5-degree assessment study. Using individual adult dietary intake from the National Food Consumption Survey in the Netherlands (2007–2010) to form a baseline, we used quadratic optimization to generate diets that followed the baseline Dutch diet as closely as possible, while satisfying nutritional goals and remaining below GHGE targets. We considered 12 scenarios in which we varied GHGE targets [2050: 1.11 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2-eq) per pe...
Growing urbanization and rapid changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle led to a nutrition trans... more Growing urbanization and rapid changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle led to a nutrition transition in several Arabic countries, including Egypt. While Egyptian women have one of the highest mean body mass index worldwide, they also suffer from several micronutrient deficiencies, more particularly iron and vitamin D. The objective of this study was to identify changes needed in dietary practices and product offer, which could help to rebalance energy and nutrient intakes for women living in urban Egypt. Food intakes were obtained from a 4-days dietary record in 130 women aged 19–30 years from urban Egypt. Food prices were collected in modern and traditional trades typical from middle socio-economic classes in Cairo to calculate diet cost. Modeling analyses (with Optifood software) were used to identify problem nutrients and design affordable food-based recommendations (FBRs). The study assessed whether the most consumed foods (i.e. consumed by > 5% of women) could theoreticall...
Background Nutrition transition and recent changes in lifestyle in Middle Eastern countries have ... more Background Nutrition transition and recent changes in lifestyle in Middle Eastern countries have resulted in the double burden of malnutrition. In Egypt, 88% of urban women are overweight or obese and 50% are iron deficient. Their energy, sugar, and sodium intakes are excessive, while intakes of iron, vitamin D, and folate are insufficient. Objective This study aimed to formulate dietary advice based on locally consumed and affordable foods and determine the need for fortified products to meet the nutrient requirements of urban Egyptian women. Methods Food intakes were assessed using a 4-d food diary collected from 130 urban Egyptian women aged 19–30 y. Food prices were collected from modern and traditional markets to calculate diet cost. Population-based linear and goal programming analyses (Optifood tool) were used to identify “limiting nutrients” and to assess whether locally consumed foods (i.e., consumed by >5% of women) could theoretically improve nutrient adequacy at an af...
Background: Research into the role of young-child formulae (YCF) in a child's diet is limited... more Background: Research into the role of young-child formulae (YCF) in a child's diet is limited and there is no consensual recommendation on its use. We evaluated the theoretical nutritional impact of replacing the existing practice of consuming cow's milk by YCF. Methods: From the UK Diet and Nutrition Survey of Infants and Young Children, whole cow's milk consumers, aged 12-18 months (n = 591) were selected for simulation scenarios. In Scenario 1, we tested the replacement of all whole cow's milk (434 ± 187 ml/day) by a matching volume of YCF, and in Scenario 2, all whole cow's milk was replaced by the on-pack recommended daily intake of 300 ml. Nutrient intakes before and after simulation scenarios were compared and evaluated against nutrient recommendations. Results: Intakes of protein and saturated fatty acids were significantly decreased, whereas essential fatty acid intakes were increased. The prevalence of nutrient inadequacy before simulation was 95.2% for...
International journal of obesity (2005), Jan 14, 2015
By reducing energy density, low-energy sweeteners (LES) might be expected to reduce energy intake... more By reducing energy density, low-energy sweeteners (LES) might be expected to reduce energy intake (EI) and body weight (BW). To assess the totality of the evidence testing the null hypothesis that LES exposure (versus sugars or unsweetened alternatives) has no effect on EI or BW, we conducted a systematic review of relevant studies in animals and humans consuming LES with ad libitum access to food energy. In 62 of 90 animal studies exposure to LES did not affect or decreased BW. Of 28 reporting increased BW, 19 compared LES with glucose exposure using a specific 'learning' paradigm. Twelve prospective cohort studies in humans reported inconsistent associations between LES use and body mass index (-0.002 kg m(-)(2) per year, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.009 to 0.005). Meta-analysis of short-term randomized controlled trials (129 comparisons) showed reduced total EI for LES versus sugar-sweetened food or beverage consumption before an ad libitum meal (-94 kcal, 95% CI -122 ...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES A recent dietary survey in 5 big cities in China provided information o... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES A recent dietary survey in 5 big cities in China provided information on various milk options consumed by 1-3 years old children. To investigate the nutritional role of these milks (young-child formula (YCF), cow's milk, others), simulation analyses based on this survey were performed. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN We studied daily intakes of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins A, B-1, B-2, C and E and compared these to the Chinese DRIs. In Scenario 1, consumption of cow's milk, kid's milk and/or soy milk was replaced with matching amounts of YCF (n=66 children). In Scenario 2, where 348 children exclusively consumed YCF, YCF was replaced with matching amounts of cow's milk. RESULTS Scenario 1 revealed significant increases in total dietary intakes of iron, vitamins A, B-1, C and E upon substitution of the various milks with YCF. The proportions of children not meeting the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for these nutrients dropped from 29, 26, 61,...
Protein is considered to be more satiating than carbohydrate, quantified by energy adjustment and... more Protein is considered to be more satiating than carbohydrate, quantified by energy adjustment and subjective appetite. However, the effect of increasing protein content upon short-term energy adjustment in beverage contexts is unclear. This study used a repeated-measures, cross-over design. 28 male volunteers (1835 years) ate a standard breakfast in the laboratory and 210 min later consumed one of four preloads 30 min prior to an ad libitum pasta meal. Three of the preloads were isocaloric (1155 kJ) mixed composition dairy fruit drinks (300 g) of low (13% protein energy/87% carbohydrate energy), medium (25% protein energy/75% carbohydrate energy) and high (50% protein energy/50% carbohydrate energy) protein content. The control drink was a low energy (328 kJ) alternative. Results indicated a dose response effect of preload protein level on intake (g) at the ad libitum meal. Ad libitum intake was: control (637.6 g 39.7), low (596.9 g 40.5), medium (546.9 g 34.7), and high protein (53...
The present invention relates to a fresh dairy product low in fat and sugars, low energy density,... more The present invention relates to a fresh dairy product low in fat and sugars, low energy density, comprising one or more satietogenic ingredients, and a method of manufacturing such a product. Preferably, said one or more ingredients are selected from proteins, especially milk proteins and preferably serum milk proteins, water-soluble dietary fiber and preferably water-soluble dietary fiber viscosifying, and mixtures thereof.
Introduction et but de l’etude : La grossesse s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la plupart des b... more Introduction et but de l’etude : La grossesse s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la plupart des besoins nutritionnels qui necessite une adaptation du regime alimentaire. Les femmes enceintes seraient particulierement enclines a l’adoption de comportements alimentaires plus sains. Cette periode represente donc une fenetre d’opportunite pour proposer des interventions dietetiques permettant d’ameliorer les apports nutritionnels usuels. Cependant, afin d’en maximiser l’efficacite nutritionnelle, les changements alimentaires proposes doivent etre acceptables par les femmes enceintes. L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer de maniere croisee l’efficacite nutritionnelle et l’acceptabilite de differents types de conseils alimentaires personnalises pour les femmes enceintes. Materiel et methodes : Pour trois types de conseils alimentaires personnalises (modification des quantites consommees (type 1), substitutions au sein d’un meme sous-groupe d’aliments (type 2), ou au sein d’un meme gr...
Ce travail a ete realise sur un echantillon de 422 familles de la cohorte Stanislas afin d'ev... more Ce travail a ete realise sur un echantillon de 422 familles de la cohorte Stanislas afin d'evaluer les apports nutritionnels en relation avec la composition du petit dejeuner et en particulier la consommation de cereales pour le petit dejeuner (CPPD). Chaque famille de la cohorte est composee de deux parents âges de moins de 65 ans et de deux enfants biologiques âges de 8 a 23 ans. Les donnees sur l'alimentation ont ete obtenues a partir d'un journal alimentaire de trois jours (deux jours de semaine et un jour de week-end). Le petit dejeuner represente respectivement pour les peres, les meres et les enfants, 15,0 %, 17,2 % et entre 17,7 et 18,7 % des apports energetiques de la journee. Les adultes qui consomment un petit dejeuner copieux (≥ 25 % des apports energetiques de la journee) ont un equilibre nutritionnel journalier plus proche des recommandations: le pourcentage d'apport energetique du aux glucides est plus important, celui du aux lipides plus faible, alors...
Manufacturing process of a fresh dairy product, comprising at least: a) the addition, in a milk m... more Manufacturing process of a fresh dairy product, comprising at least: a) the addition, in a milk mixture, of one or more satiating proteins selected from proteins whey, and eventually vegetable protein and / or milk proteins selected from powdered milk and caseins, so that - the amount of proteins contained in the starting mixture such satiating proteins at a level of 2 are added to 5 times; and - said satiating proteins contain at least 16% by weight whey protein particulate having a diameter of about 1 micron with respect to satiating proteins b) heat treatment and after homogenisation of the mixture obtained or, reciprocally, after homogenisation and heat treatment of the mixture thus obtained; c) fermenting the mixture from step b), which occurs as a result acidification; d) cooling the fermented mixture; e) optionally, conditioning the mixture thus obtained; not holding the product obtained over - 0.5 g of sugars per 100 g of product if solid; - 2.5 g of sugars per 100 ml if liq...
Aliments et nutriments Contribution des laits de croissance et des compléments à l'adéquation nut... more Aliments et nutriments Contribution des laits de croissance et des compléments à l'adéquation nutritionnelle de régimes alimentaires d'enfants en bas âge
Objectives The double burden of malnutrition is rising in several Arab countries due to rapid cha... more Objectives The double burden of malnutrition is rising in several Arab countries due to rapid changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle. Egyptian women have one of the highest BMI worldwide, and nearly one quarter of them suffer from anemia. The objective was to identify changes needed in dietary practices and product offer, which could help to rebalance nutrient intakes for women living in urban Egypt. Methods Food intakes were obtained from a 4-days dietary record in 127 women (19–30 yo) and food prices were collected in modern and in traditional trades. Modeling analyses (Optifood software) were used to identify problem nutrients and design affordable food-based recommendations (FBRs): we assessed whether locally and consumed foods could theoretically be combined to ensure nutrient adequacy, at a fixed cost, without exceeding recommendations in energy and SFAs, total sugars and sodium. Fortified foods were included in additional modeling analyses to test their potential to improv...
Introduction et but de l’etude La distinction des sucres libres (« tous les monosaccharides et di... more Introduction et but de l’etude La distinction des sucres libres (« tous les monosaccharides et disaccharides ajoutes aux aliments par les fabricants, cuisiniers ou consommateurs, plus les sucres naturellement presents dans les miels, sirops et jus de fruits ») parmi les sucres totaux fait l’objet d’une attention particuliere au sein de la communaute scientifique. L’OMS recommande actuellement de limiter leur consommation a 10 % de l’apport energetique total, sans preconisation particuliere sur les sucres totaux. Le but de cette etude est d’identifier chez les personnes en exces d’apports en sucres libres les changements alimentaires necessaires et les mieux adaptes au respect de l’ensemble des recommandations nutrition-nelles. Materiel et methodes Les consommations alimentaires hebdomadaires des 1719 adultes (20–75 ans) normodeclarants inclus dans l’enquete INCA2 constituent les dietes observees. La table CIQUAL 2013 a ete completee afin de distinguer les sucres libres dans les sucres totaux. Un modele d’optimisation de rations individuelles a ete applique afin d’obtenir pour chaque individu une diete isoenergetique nutritionnellement adequate (incluant notamment la recommandation OMS ci-dessus). La qualite de l’alimentation a ete evaluee via les scores de PanDIET (score global), MAR (Mean Adequacy Ratio) et MER (Mean Excess Ratio). La limite de 10 % de l’energie apportee par les sucres libres a ete utilisee dans les dietes observees pour definir la population en exces (EXCES) et celle avec des apports adequats en sucres libres (ADEQ). Resultats et Analyse statistique Les individus EXCES representent 35,9 % (n = 617) de la population totale, sont plus jeunes (41,6 vs 50,1 ans) et ont des revenus plus faibles que les individus ADEQ (n = 1 102). Leur alimentation est de moins bonne qualite (PanDIET - 4pts, MAR -2pts, MER +17pts). Elle est plus energetique (+ 94 kcal/jour), plus dense energetiquement (+ 20 kcal/ 100 g) avec des quantites plus importantes de glucides, sucres totaux et sucres libres (+33 g/j, +38 g/j, +44 g/j). Pour les individus EXCES, l’optimisation ne modifie pas les apports en sucres totaux mais induit un reequilibrage entre sucres non libres (+ 58 %, +21,8 g/j) et libres (−31 %, −23,3 g/j). Le reequilibrage des sucres totaux se fait principalement par la diminution des boissons sucrees (−65 %, −568 g/semaine), desserts (−24%, −104 g/sem) et sucreries (−19%, −74 g/sem), et par l’augmentation des fruits & legumes (+ 52 %, + 1 413 g/sem), produits laitiers frais (natures et sucres) (+ 16 %, + 94 g/sem) et lait (+ 9 %, + 56 g/sem). L’augmentation d’eau (+ 17 %, +844 g/semaine) contribue a compenser la diminution des boissons sucrees pour atteindre la recommandation en eau. Conclusion Ce travail constitue a notre connaissance la premiere etude permettant d’estimer, sur des donnees nationales, la prevalence et les caracteristiques de l’exces d’apports en sucres libres. Il montre que l’alimentation de ces personnes, qui representent 1/3 des adultes en France, peut etre optimisee essentiellement via une augmentation de la consommation de fruits et legumes et la diminution de celle des boissons sucrees.
Tailored dietary counseling could be specifically efficient during pregnancy, a period accompanie... more Tailored dietary counseling could be specifically efficient during pregnancy, a period accompanied by a rise in nutrition awareness, but little is known about the expectations of pregnant women in this regard. We studied these expectations regarding tailored dietary advice in French women during their pregnancy, as well as their motivations and the perceived barriers and enablers. In French pregnant women, we evaluated the perceptions of tailored dietary advice provided by stepwise dietary counseling based on three types of dietary changes, consisting of: (1) a modification of the amounts consumed, (2) substitutions within the food subgroups, and (3) substitutions between food subgroups. A sequential explanatory mixed-method approach was designed. Using qualitative data from a focus group study (n = 40), we intended to explore in depth the women’s expectations regarding dietary advice and adherence to a tailored approach. These were combined with quantitative and qualitative data fr...
Ce travail a pour objectif d'identifier les conduites alimentaires de personnes obeses et nor... more Ce travail a pour objectif d'identifier les conduites alimentaires de personnes obeses et normoponderales, grâce a des approches nutritionnelles et psychometriques. Dans un premier temps, une etude de validation en langue francaise de questionnaires etrangers a ete entreprise. Deux outils valides et fiables ont ete selectionnes et utilises dans des echantillons cliniques de sujets obeses (le Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire DEBQ et le Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire TFEQ) et dans une cohorte familiale recrutee dans un centre de medecine preventive (DEBQ). Les resultats montrent que la restriction alimentaire concerne de nombreuses personnes de tout âge, presentant cependant differents profils de motivations. Chez les femmes, la restriction semble etre une caracteristique courante, integree a la vie de tous les jours, non exclusivement dependante de la corpulence et qui se concretise par une reduction des apports energetiques. Pour les hommes et les garcons, la surcharge po...
Changes in dietary habits of the French population have been reported during the national lockdow... more Changes in dietary habits of the French population have been reported during the national lockdown that was enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated whether perceived social eating norms were associated with the initiation and maintenance of dietary changes that took place as a result of lockdown. An online study collected information on (1) changes in consumption implemented during the lockdown and the maintenance of these changes, and (2) perceptions about changes in consumption implemented during lockdown by household members, relatives out of home, and the general population. The changes in consumption were classified as foods to increase or to decrease according to French national recommendations. The perception of changes to dietary habits by household members and relatives out of home was related to the changes made by individuals for each of the food categories (all p < 0.05) but not to the perception of changes made the general population. Increased...
Background To keep global warming <1.5°C as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Clim... more Background To keep global warming <1.5°C as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), eating patterns must change. However, future diets should be modeled at a national level and respect cultural acceptability. Objectives We aimed to identify diets among Dutch adults satisfying nutritional and selected environmental requirements while deviating minimally from the baseline diet among Dutch adults. Methods We calculated per capita food system greenhouse gas emission (GHGE) targets derived from the IPCC 1.5-degree assessment study. Using individual adult dietary intake from the National Food Consumption Survey in the Netherlands (2007–2010) to form a baseline, we used quadratic optimization to generate diets that followed the baseline Dutch diet as closely as possible, while satisfying nutritional goals and remaining below GHGE targets. We considered 12 scenarios in which we varied GHGE targets [2050: 1.11 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2-eq) per pe...
Growing urbanization and rapid changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle led to a nutrition trans... more Growing urbanization and rapid changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle led to a nutrition transition in several Arabic countries, including Egypt. While Egyptian women have one of the highest mean body mass index worldwide, they also suffer from several micronutrient deficiencies, more particularly iron and vitamin D. The objective of this study was to identify changes needed in dietary practices and product offer, which could help to rebalance energy and nutrient intakes for women living in urban Egypt. Food intakes were obtained from a 4-days dietary record in 130 women aged 19–30 years from urban Egypt. Food prices were collected in modern and traditional trades typical from middle socio-economic classes in Cairo to calculate diet cost. Modeling analyses (with Optifood software) were used to identify problem nutrients and design affordable food-based recommendations (FBRs). The study assessed whether the most consumed foods (i.e. consumed by > 5% of women) could theoreticall...
Papers by Anne Lluch