Papers by Anna de Vincenti

If a divided education has produced the supremacy of theory over practice and assigned a lesser v... more If a divided education has produced the supremacy of theory over practice and assigned a lesser value to manual work, the correct rehabilitation of the latter would runs the risk of maintaining the same division even if the other way around. Therefore, the question Who's afraid of apprenticeships? is aimed both at the schooling system, if it not will be able to open itself to world of labour, and to the apprenticeships themselves, if these will attempt to limit the students' education to a mere technical training. Le potenzialità dell'apprendistato Il lavoro è specifica attività umana e del lavoro non si può fare a meno, sia perché per il suo tramite si soddisfano bisogni e si garantisce la sopravvivenza e sia perché ogni produzione di 'qualcosa' svela l'intelligenza, la capacità e le competenze proprie della persona. La dimensione fattuale e quella economica, dunque, non sono da sole esaustive dell'essenza del lavoro. Esso è qualcosa di più in quanto impegna completamente la persona e qualcosa di progressivo in quanto le competenze acquisite vanno sempre rimodulate e accresciute. Il lavoro, perciò, non può prescindere dalla formazione, generale e professionale insieme.

Cqia Rivista Formazione Lavoro Persona, Jul 1, 2012
If a divided education has produced the supremacy of theory over practice and assigned a lesser v... more If a divided education has produced the supremacy of theory over practice and assigned a lesser value to manual work, the correct rehabilitation of the latter would runs the risk of maintaining the same division even if the other way around. Therefore, the question Who's afraid of apprenticeships? is aimed both at the schooling system, if it not will be able to open itself to world of labour, and to the apprenticeships themselves, if these will attempt to limit the students' education to a mere technical training. Le potenzialità dell'apprendistato Il lavoro è specifica attività umana e del lavoro non si può fare a meno, sia perché per il suo tramite si soddisfano bisogni e si garantisce la sopravvivenza e sia perché ogni produzione di 'qualcosa' svela l'intelligenza, la capacità e le competenze proprie della persona. La dimensione fattuale e quella economica, dunque, non sono da sole esaustive dell'essenza del lavoro. Esso è qualcosa di più in quanto impegna completamente la persona e qualcosa di progressivo in quanto le competenze acquisite vanno sempre rimodulate e accresciute. Il lavoro, perciò, non può prescindere dalla formazione, generale e professionale insieme.

The thesis aims to demonstrate the deeply innovative ratio in respect to tradition, the modern ap... more The thesis aims to demonstrate the deeply innovative ratio in respect to tradition, the modern apprenticeship starting from Legislative Decree no. 276 of 10 September 2003, the Biagi Law: its characteristic of being a training contract work, contributes to identifying new models of development, and in a certain sense, "forcing" companies, training agencies and social partners to agree on joint actions, creating training sectors and virtuously weaving the moment of practical realization with the theoretical-reflexive moment. Speaking of apprenticeship, therefore, means activating also work and training. The work is analyzed from the point of view of the philosophy of work and it not only tries to clarify the ontological level and anthropological response to a need, but how it can be expressed in work practices and in its being a cultural element of inescapability, and therefore, a multiplier of skills. Training is the training that takes place for the job, through a process...
Cqia Rivista Formazione Lavoro Persona, Apr 1, 2011
Our analysis will use Marxian texts in order to decline the notion of labor like alienated labor,... more Our analysis will use Marxian texts in order to decline the notion of labor like alienated labor, that removes thickness from labor understood like a doing that makes sense to existence. We will propose a liberation from this reductive concept and a new foundation of the whole man. We will compare Marxian utopia with Sennett's utopia, which is, in our view, the utopia of the current historical period, because it considers craftsmanship like the realization of human person. We will conclude paving the way to utopia and its positive value of ideal emergency.
Cqia Rivista Formazione Lavoro Persona, Apr 1, 2011
Our analysis will use Marxian texts in order to decline the notion of labor like alienated labor,... more Our analysis will use Marxian texts in order to decline the notion of labor like alienated labor, that removes thickness from labor understood like a doing that makes sense to existence. We will propose a liberation from this reductive concept and a new foundation of the whole man. We will compare Marxian utopia with Sennett's utopia, which is, in our view, the utopia of the current historical period, because it considers craftsmanship like the realization of human person. We will conclude paving the way to utopia and its positive value of ideal emergency.
Papers by Anna de Vincenti