Anna Trosheva
Assoc. Prof. of Special Education at Sofia University
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Papers by Anna Trosheva
world. Children with special educational needs who use symbolic play have higher levels of
communicative skills (Pizzo & Bruce, 2010; Barton & Wolery, 2010). It is known that most
children with impaired hearing are lagging behind in the development of verbal speech due to
the delayed auditory development. Access to Sign Language and also to gesture communication
for deaf children from an early age is a prerequisite for normal cognitive and playing skills
development. The children covered by this study have varying degrees of hearing impairment
and are trained to use verbal communication, while signs have only a supportive function. All
the 16 children included in the study have poorly developed skills for coherent communication
through oral speech, and only 3 of them communicate with signs. The objective of this study
was to assess the developing of play in children with hearing impairment in pre-school age,
as well as to analyse the degree of the symbolism in their play. An unstructured assessment of
children’s play was performed on-purpose, followed by a quantitative and qualitative analysis
of the results. Half of the children from the experimental group (most of them after 5 years old)
showed elements of symbolic play during observations. A qualitative analysis of their symbolic
play reveals that their skills are lower than the expected for the same age in typical development
mainly in the playing sequences, playing a role and using of substitution objects.
образователно, но и силно терапевтично значение. Традиционните подходи на това
обучение не водят до необходимите резултати при учениците със слухови нарушения. Настоящата студия представлява теоретичен обзор на съществуващите изследвания по темата. Представено е влиянието на езиковото развитие върху формирането на четивни умения при глухите хора, както и различни съвременни методи за развитие и подобряване на тези умения в семейството и в учебна среда.
Mastering reading comprehension in children with hearing impairment is important not only for education, but it has also a highly therapeutic value. The traditional approaches in this training do not lead to the required results for students with hearing impairment. This article is a theoretical overview of an existing research on the topic. The impact of language development on creating of reading skills for deaf people, and various modern methods to develop and improve these skills in the family and school environment are presented in it.
Keywords: hearing impairments, reading comprehension, language development,
special education
world. Children with special educational needs who use symbolic play have higher levels of
communicative skills (Pizzo & Bruce, 2010; Barton & Wolery, 2010). It is known that most
children with impaired hearing are lagging behind in the development of verbal speech due to
the delayed auditory development. Access to Sign Language and also to gesture communication
for deaf children from an early age is a prerequisite for normal cognitive and playing skills
development. The children covered by this study have varying degrees of hearing impairment
and are trained to use verbal communication, while signs have only a supportive function. All
the 16 children included in the study have poorly developed skills for coherent communication
through oral speech, and only 3 of them communicate with signs. The objective of this study
was to assess the developing of play in children with hearing impairment in pre-school age,
as well as to analyse the degree of the symbolism in their play. An unstructured assessment of
children’s play was performed on-purpose, followed by a quantitative and qualitative analysis
of the results. Half of the children from the experimental group (most of them after 5 years old)
showed elements of symbolic play during observations. A qualitative analysis of their symbolic
play reveals that their skills are lower than the expected for the same age in typical development
mainly in the playing sequences, playing a role and using of substitution objects.
образователно, но и силно терапевтично значение. Традиционните подходи на това
обучение не водят до необходимите резултати при учениците със слухови нарушения. Настоящата студия представлява теоретичен обзор на съществуващите изследвания по темата. Представено е влиянието на езиковото развитие върху формирането на четивни умения при глухите хора, както и различни съвременни методи за развитие и подобряване на тези умения в семейството и в учебна среда.
Mastering reading comprehension in children with hearing impairment is important not only for education, but it has also a highly therapeutic value. The traditional approaches in this training do not lead to the required results for students with hearing impairment. This article is a theoretical overview of an existing research on the topic. The impact of language development on creating of reading skills for deaf people, and various modern methods to develop and improve these skills in the family and school environment are presented in it.
Keywords: hearing impairments, reading comprehension, language development,
special education