The obstruction of several business activities caused by the pandemic has led to the need for ins... more The obstruction of several business activities caused by the pandemic has led to the need for institutions that can manage and develop MSMEs in the midst of this outbreak. One of the institutions that is being developed is Sharia fintech. This research uses a literature study method where in this method the researcher uses several sources that present topics related to the research. This research also uses secondary sources where the source presents data related to Sharia fintech and MSMEs. The research technique used in this study is descriptive statistics by examining patterns to develop MSMEs using Sharia-based fintech. The results of this study revealed that currently the total assets of Sharia fintech reached 50 billion in IDR with a growth 8.32 %, which shows a significant figure compared to February 2020. Since the development of Sharia fintech, there have been 13 Sharia financial technology and there’re six companies engaged in financing 65 to develop MSMEs. The pattern used...
As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that ... more As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that Muslims in Indonesia are developing through this worship. However, what if the waqf is in the form of a mosque, Islamic school, and grave (3M’s waqf). It is an unusual thing in the contemporary Islamic tradition, but its existence persists. Meanwhile, 'Urf as one of the legal propositions in establishing Islamic law has known the concept and has been practised for generations in suburban areas where most of the population is Muslim. This tradition is then accommodated in Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning endowment, which contains land endowment and endowment organiser (nazhir). This paper examines the tradition of endowment in Indonesian society to benefit mosques, Islamic schools, and graves. By using the historical and analytical-conceptual approaches, this paper will analyse waqf in these three forms. The results of this study can be taken into consideration by stakeholders in deve...
The majority of Indonesian are Muslim. As a country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia... more The majority of Indonesian are Muslim. As a country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia has the potential to develop sharia economics and finance, especially in support of funding the priorities of development, such as infrastructure projects, education, and Agriculture. However, the development of sharia finance in Indonesia is not yet in accordance with expectations. This is reflected by the sharia financial market share including banking and insurance that is still relatively small, which is only reached 8.6 percent until January 2019, specifically for new Sharia banking reached 5.6 percent. Departing from this, it is proposed a community dedication to education regarding the Sharia financial economy. The event was held on 14-15 November 2019. The material presented in relation to values and principles of Sharia economics, and introduction of Sharia banking. Overall the event went smoothly. For the future this activity should be done continuously.
Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities
The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of banking technology, specificall... more The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of banking technology, specifically the use of electronic money in reducing economic inequality in Indonesia. Gini coefficient analysis was used as method in data analysis to measure economic inequality. The data used in the study was secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia (BI). The comparison is done using the Gini coefficient calculation method. The results of analysis in this study indicate that there is an increase that causes economic inequality in Indonesia regarding the use of server-based electronic money. The findings in this study also indicate that chip-based electronic money which is a product of banking technology can reduce the level of economic inequality in Indonesia.
This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia ban... more This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank; know the level of student knowledge of Islamic banking products; and analyzing consumer attitudes towards Islamic banks. The research subjects were students who used the services of Islamic banks or those who did not use Islamic banks in Jakarta. Data analysis methods are statistical descriptive and factor analysis. The analysis concluded that there were six factors that were considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank, including: perception and process, physical condition, price, human resources, relationships and location factors. Consumer perception is the most influential factor on consumer decisions in choosing a Sharia bank. In general, the majority of respondents have limited knowledge about Islamic banking. Religion is not the main reason for students to choose a Sharia bank. Students consider Sharia bank service friendliness more than other factors
The desire of a consumer to buy a product or service is influenced by the attitude they have, bec... more The desire of a consumer to buy a product or service is influenced by the attitude they have, because this will be felt by consumers when determining the purchase intention of the product or service and deciding whether to use it again or not. Thus, this study aims to examine the effect of brand image, reference group, and religiosity on college purchase intention (students) in South Jakarta. Data collection techniques used an online questionnaire with a sample of 103 respondents in the South Jakarta area and had never used the services of a Sharia Bank. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 23 program. The conclusion of this study is that brand image has a significant positive effect on purchase intention, the reference group has a positive but not significant effect on purchase intention, and religiosity has a significant positive effect on purchase intention.
Syi`ar Iqtishadi : Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking
Inclusive Finance is a national development strategy to encourage economic growth through equal d... more Inclusive Finance is a national development strategy to encourage economic growth through equal distribution of income, poverty alleviation and financial system stability. Financial literacy measures inclusive finance through access to financial services that will greatly help marginalized and low-income groups to increase their revenues, accumulate wealth, manage risks, and make efforts to get out of poverty. This study aims to examine the effect of financial literacy with the variable of knowledge, ability and attitude / behavior on the inclusive financial use of garbage bank in South Jakarta. Method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis with quantitative approach, by using primary data. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 15.0 analysis tool
Survei Otoritas Jasa Keuangan memperlihatkan bahwa hanya 21,84% penduduk Indonesia yang tergolong... more Survei Otoritas Jasa Keuangan memperlihatkan bahwa hanya 21,84% penduduk Indonesia yang tergolong well literate. Hal ini menunjukkan rendahnya tingkat literasi keuangan masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu segmen masyarakat yang dapat dikatakan belum banyak mendapat perhatian pada industry keuangan khususnya keuangan syariah, adalah kelompok usia muda yang dalam kategori menjelang usia produktif yaitu remaja, khususnya siswa sekolah menengah tingkat akhir. Hal ini berkenaan dengan asumsi bahwa ketika segmen siswa ini telah bekerja, mereka cenderung berpenghasilan, dan berpotensi untuk menjadi pengguna jasa keuangan, sehingga perlu mendapat edukasi. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN 18) Jakarta, Pondok Pesantren Baitul Hidayah Bandung, dan Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN 68) Jakarta merupakan beberapa sekolah yang mewakili representasi siswa tingkat akhir di kota besar Indonesia. Sehingga perlu dilakukan workshop dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan pengenalan keuangan dan perbankan syariah kepada...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Islamic financial literacy and the indicat... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Islamic financial literacy and the indicator as the knowledge, ability or skills and the confidence have a significant effect together and partially to the preferences of using the Islamic financial services. This type of research is descriptive research, while the method of analysis used in this study is the method of binary logistic regression analysis. The data used is primary data by the method of distributing questionnaires to users and non-users of Islamic financial services in Jakarta spread to the period April to May 2014. The results of this study indicate that Islamic financial literacy significant influence preference use Islamic financial services. In further testing, the knowledge indicator is partially significant toward the preferences of the use of Islamic financial services, as for indicators of ability and confidence does not affect the preferences of the use of Islamic financial servicesDOI: 10.15408/etk.v15i1...
Al-Masraf : Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan Perbankan, Dec 20, 2019
This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia ban... more This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank; know the level of student knowledge of Islamic banking products; and analyzing consumer attitudes towards Islamic banks. The research subjects were students who used the services of Islamic banks or those who did not use Islamic banks in Jakarta. Data analysis methods are statistical descriptive and factor analysis. The analysis concluded that there were six factors that were considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank, including: perception and process, physical condition, price, human resources, relationships and location factors. Consumer perception is the most influential factor on consumer decisions in choosing a Sharia bank. In general, the majority of respondents have limited knowledge about Islamic banking. Religion is not the main reason for students to choose a Sharia bank. Students consider Sharia bank service friendliness more than other factors.
The obstruction of several business activities caused by the pandemic has led to the need for ins... more The obstruction of several business activities caused by the pandemic has led to the need for institutions that can manage and develop MSMEs in the midst of this outbreak. One of the institutions that is being developed is Sharia fintech. This research uses a literature study method where in this method the researcher uses several sources that present topics related to the research. This research also uses secondary sources where the source presents data related to Sharia fintech and MSMEs. The research technique used in this study is descriptive statistics by examining patterns to develop MSMEs using Sharia-based fintech. The results of this study revealed that currently the total assets of Sharia fintech reached 50 billion in IDR with a growth 8.32 %, which shows a significant figure compared to February 2020. Since the development of Sharia fintech, there have been 13 Sharia financial technology and there’re six companies engaged in financing 65 to develop MSMEs. The pattern used...
As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that ... more As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that Muslims in Indonesia are developing through this worship. However, what if the waqf is in the form of a mosque, Islamic school, and grave (3M’s waqf). It is an unusual thing in the contemporary Islamic tradition, but its existence persists. Meanwhile, 'Urf as one of the legal propositions in establishing Islamic law has known the concept and has been practised for generations in suburban areas where most of the population is Muslim. This tradition is then accommodated in Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning endowment, which contains land endowment and endowment organiser (nazhir). This paper examines the tradition of endowment in Indonesian society to benefit mosques, Islamic schools, and graves. By using the historical and analytical-conceptual approaches, this paper will analyse waqf in these three forms. The results of this study can be taken into consideration by stakeholders in deve...
The majority of Indonesian are Muslim. As a country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia... more The majority of Indonesian are Muslim. As a country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia has the potential to develop sharia economics and finance, especially in support of funding the priorities of development, such as infrastructure projects, education, and Agriculture. However, the development of sharia finance in Indonesia is not yet in accordance with expectations. This is reflected by the sharia financial market share including banking and insurance that is still relatively small, which is only reached 8.6 percent until January 2019, specifically for new Sharia banking reached 5.6 percent. Departing from this, it is proposed a community dedication to education regarding the Sharia financial economy. The event was held on 14-15 November 2019. The material presented in relation to values and principles of Sharia economics, and introduction of Sharia banking. Overall the event went smoothly. For the future this activity should be done continuously.
Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities
The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of banking technology, specificall... more The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of banking technology, specifically the use of electronic money in reducing economic inequality in Indonesia. Gini coefficient analysis was used as method in data analysis to measure economic inequality. The data used in the study was secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia (BI). The comparison is done using the Gini coefficient calculation method. The results of analysis in this study indicate that there is an increase that causes economic inequality in Indonesia regarding the use of server-based electronic money. The findings in this study also indicate that chip-based electronic money which is a product of banking technology can reduce the level of economic inequality in Indonesia.
This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia ban... more This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank; know the level of student knowledge of Islamic banking products; and analyzing consumer attitudes towards Islamic banks. The research subjects were students who used the services of Islamic banks or those who did not use Islamic banks in Jakarta. Data analysis methods are statistical descriptive and factor analysis. The analysis concluded that there were six factors that were considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank, including: perception and process, physical condition, price, human resources, relationships and location factors. Consumer perception is the most influential factor on consumer decisions in choosing a Sharia bank. In general, the majority of respondents have limited knowledge about Islamic banking. Religion is not the main reason for students to choose a Sharia bank. Students consider Sharia bank service friendliness more than other factors
The desire of a consumer to buy a product or service is influenced by the attitude they have, bec... more The desire of a consumer to buy a product or service is influenced by the attitude they have, because this will be felt by consumers when determining the purchase intention of the product or service and deciding whether to use it again or not. Thus, this study aims to examine the effect of brand image, reference group, and religiosity on college purchase intention (students) in South Jakarta. Data collection techniques used an online questionnaire with a sample of 103 respondents in the South Jakarta area and had never used the services of a Sharia Bank. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 23 program. The conclusion of this study is that brand image has a significant positive effect on purchase intention, the reference group has a positive but not significant effect on purchase intention, and religiosity has a significant positive effect on purchase intention.
Syi`ar Iqtishadi : Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking
Inclusive Finance is a national development strategy to encourage economic growth through equal d... more Inclusive Finance is a national development strategy to encourage economic growth through equal distribution of income, poverty alleviation and financial system stability. Financial literacy measures inclusive finance through access to financial services that will greatly help marginalized and low-income groups to increase their revenues, accumulate wealth, manage risks, and make efforts to get out of poverty. This study aims to examine the effect of financial literacy with the variable of knowledge, ability and attitude / behavior on the inclusive financial use of garbage bank in South Jakarta. Method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis with quantitative approach, by using primary data. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 15.0 analysis tool
Survei Otoritas Jasa Keuangan memperlihatkan bahwa hanya 21,84% penduduk Indonesia yang tergolong... more Survei Otoritas Jasa Keuangan memperlihatkan bahwa hanya 21,84% penduduk Indonesia yang tergolong well literate. Hal ini menunjukkan rendahnya tingkat literasi keuangan masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu segmen masyarakat yang dapat dikatakan belum banyak mendapat perhatian pada industry keuangan khususnya keuangan syariah, adalah kelompok usia muda yang dalam kategori menjelang usia produktif yaitu remaja, khususnya siswa sekolah menengah tingkat akhir. Hal ini berkenaan dengan asumsi bahwa ketika segmen siswa ini telah bekerja, mereka cenderung berpenghasilan, dan berpotensi untuk menjadi pengguna jasa keuangan, sehingga perlu mendapat edukasi. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN 18) Jakarta, Pondok Pesantren Baitul Hidayah Bandung, dan Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN 68) Jakarta merupakan beberapa sekolah yang mewakili representasi siswa tingkat akhir di kota besar Indonesia. Sehingga perlu dilakukan workshop dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan pengenalan keuangan dan perbankan syariah kepada...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Islamic financial literacy and the indicat... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Islamic financial literacy and the indicator as the knowledge, ability or skills and the confidence have a significant effect together and partially to the preferences of using the Islamic financial services. This type of research is descriptive research, while the method of analysis used in this study is the method of binary logistic regression analysis. The data used is primary data by the method of distributing questionnaires to users and non-users of Islamic financial services in Jakarta spread to the period April to May 2014. The results of this study indicate that Islamic financial literacy significant influence preference use Islamic financial services. In further testing, the knowledge indicator is partially significant toward the preferences of the use of Islamic financial services, as for indicators of ability and confidence does not affect the preferences of the use of Islamic financial servicesDOI: 10.15408/etk.v15i1...
Al-Masraf : Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan Perbankan, Dec 20, 2019
This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia ban... more This study aims to analyze the selection criteria considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank; know the level of student knowledge of Islamic banking products; and analyzing consumer attitudes towards Islamic banks. The research subjects were students who used the services of Islamic banks or those who did not use Islamic banks in Jakarta. Data analysis methods are statistical descriptive and factor analysis. The analysis concluded that there were six factors that were considered by students in choosing a Sharia bank, including: perception and process, physical condition, price, human resources, relationships and location factors. Consumer perception is the most influential factor on consumer decisions in choosing a Sharia bank. In general, the majority of respondents have limited knowledge about Islamic banking. Religion is not the main reason for students to choose a Sharia bank. Students consider Sharia bank service friendliness more than other factors.
Papers by Anna Sardiana