The main purpose of this research is to develop methodological support and economic and mathemati... more The main purpose of this research is to develop methodological support and economic and mathematical tools for managing and evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects based on binomial models of real options. The subject of the study is a computer program algorithm for using the binomial model of real options and a model for phased risk assessment of innovative projects portfolios on this basis. The scientific hypothesis of the research is based on the need for the economic and mathematical toolkit developed for the innovative project and allows increasing the accuracy of the assessment when analyzing projects, which is very important when it comes to innovative projects with a high degree of uncertainty. The novelty of the approach consists of the possibility for the consideration of innovative projects from the perspective of multi-stage and multi-scenarios, as well as the use of binomial models using the theory of real options and a phased risk assessment model for innovative project portfolios and their implementation as a software product. The authors proposed technical and economic project efficiency evaluation of the market potential of the project results with a high level of probability in the form of a software package. The results of the study have empirical value for the research results, and application in practice of analyzing investment projects will help improve the accuracy of estimates and justify the feasibility of investor participation in innovative projects.
In the modern economy, innovation has become an important determinant of economic growth and sust... more In the modern economy, innovation has become an important determinant of economic growth and sustainable development, so the need to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation transfer is increasing. The aim of the work is to develop the approach to the evaluation of innovation transfer effectiveness at macro, meso and micro levels of national economies. The paper also reveals the differences in the processes of knowledge spillover and the innovation transfer within innovation systems of different levels; as well it assesses the innovation transfer processes based on the data from Russian regions. The authors make some judgments about the effectiveness of technology transfer and analyze the prerequisites for knowledge spillover across Russian regions.
In the modern world, technological innovations penetrate the field of educational services, appro... more In the modern world, technological innovations penetrate the field of educational services, approaches to distance educational technologies are radically expanding, changing the entire field of education. To determine the conditions for the propagation of distance educational technologies, it is relevant today to study the factors affecting the functioning of knowledgeintensive segments of regional economies, education, innovation, and information technologies that form the sector of knowledge-intensive services. This study aims to analyze the features of the development of knowledge-intensive segments of regional economies as a determinant of the spread of distance education and to assess their structural changes in dynamics. Based on empirical data from 85 Russian regions for 2014-2018, an integral indicator of the level of development of regional knowledge-intensive sectors was calculated for 9 indicators characterizing education, innovation, and information technology. A rating ...
Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the... more Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the Russian economy. Effective management and development of high technologies market is the key to the transition from commodity to high-tech development. The article considers the factors influencing the dynamics of the demand for high technologies in the light of scientific and technical progress. The indicators of competitiveness of high technologies on Russian and foreign markets is studied, developed approaches to generate demand for high technologies and conceptual model of sales management of innovation technology products. Scorecard to build a matrix of decision making in marketing is justified and generated sales management mechanisms of high technologies on the market high-tech products and presents practical advice on creating demand for high technologies in the B2B market.
The sector of knowledge-intensive services is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the present-d... more The sector of knowledge-intensive services is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the present-day economy of knowledge, which explains the scientific interest in developing methods of its quantitative assessment. The object of the research is the development of new approaches to the mathematical modeling of the efficiency of the regional knowledge-intensive services sector, based on a distance function approach to assess productivity changes. An approach was proposed to analyze the efficiency of this sector using data envelopment analysis and Malmquist productivity index and its components. The article presents the results of the assessment of indicators characterizing the development of knowledge-intensive services in education, innovation, and ICT obtained from 80 Russian regions for the period 2010–2020. To perform the analysis, the following input variables were used: volume of investments in fixed assets in ICT; share of personnel employed in the ICT; share of internal expend...
The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation s... more The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation systems are an important area of study of the innovation transfer in the global world. The present study continues the scientific discussion on the ratio of concentration and uniform innovation development. The objective of the study is to analyze indicators of spatial concentration of innovation activity and the knowledge spillover between regions in the national innovation system. The main methods are the application of the Herfindal-Hirschman index, as well as cartographic analysis. The analysis of the concentration degree of the following indicators of innovation activity was carried out: patents, developed and used advanced technologies, R&D costs, output of innovative products in these regions of Russia using the Herfindal-Hirschman index. A graphical method was used to identify the main regions of the centers and peripheries, and a map of fragmentation of the country's innovati...
Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imb... more Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imbalances in its development. Objectives: to determine the relevance of the areas of training offered by the higher education institutions to the economy structure and the needs for specialists in the labor market, to assess the balance of regional higher education systems. Methods: methods of comparative, statistical, graphical and cartographic analysis of the data available from Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), Federal State Statistic Service, Monitoring of higher education organizations and Monitoring of graduates employment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the period of 2016−2018. Results: the structure of specialists graduation in regional higher education systems, due to the influence of many factors, is often determined not by the needs of regional economies, but by the demand of the population in the ...
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Competitive, Sustainable and Secure Development of the Regional Economy: Response to Global Challenges" (CSSDRE 2018)
The problems of current financing of innovations determine the relevance of the research allowing... more The problems of current financing of innovations determine the relevance of the research allowing for quantifying and evaluating the performance of regional innovation systems in terms of the structure of innovation financing. The paper presents an approach to analyzing and evaluating the efficiency of innovation activity in Russian regions using the Data Envelopment Analysis. To estimate the efficiency of regional innovation systems, we use the ratio of a set of input parameters of sources and structure of R&D financing to a set of output parameters of the innovative goods volume in the context of 80 Russian regions. We rank the regions according to the technical efficiency index, determine the degree of their homogeneity and differentiation, reveal leading and outsider regions by the degree of efficiency of financial resources use in regional innovation systems. It is determined that the share of the leading regions makes 25% and the share of inefficient regions makes 53%. The conclusion is made on the need to spread the best practices of the leading regions and to apply a more efficient structure for financing innovative activities in outsider regions.
The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs cong... more The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs congruence to the sectoral structure of employment in 84 Russian regions using the sectoral model concept and the index of structural differences. The paper presents a methodological approach to assessing the congruence of training programs with the needs of the regional labor market in Russia. The level of regional higher education systems differentiation, the sectoral structure of graduates, and the level of their employment in the regional context were determined applying economic and statistical methods. The ratio of the graduates’ supply to their demand analyzed, there is presented a classification of regions according to the levels of this ration, conclusions drawn on the balance of higher education systems in the regions, taking into account the needs for training. A structural and professional disproportion between regional labor markets and regional systems of higher education in mo...
The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation s... more The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation systems are an important area of study of the innovation transfer in the global world. The present study continues the scientific discussion on the ratio of concentration and uniform innovation development. The objective of the study is to analyze indicators of spatial concentration of innovation activity and the knowledge spillover between regions in the national innovation system. The main methods are the application of the Herfindal-Hirschman index, as well as cartographic analysis. The analysis of the concentration degree of the following indicators of innovation activity was carried out: patents, developed and used advanced technologies, R&D costs, output of innovative products in these regions of Russia using the Herfindal-Hirschman index. A graphical method was used to identify the main regions of the centers and peripheries, and a map of fragmentation of the country's innovati...
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018)
The main goal of financing the project activity of the creative industry is to provide financial ... more The main goal of financing the project activity of the creative industry is to provide financial resources in the required quantities, at the right time, using the most effective sources of financing. Based on this, the main objective of this study is to create a model for financing the project activity of the cultural industry based on the current needs of the cultural services market in Russia. The paper investigates the ways of applying the concept of logistics to the financial flows of the cultural industry, which will increase the efficiency of the entire service system as a whole. The relationship between the financial and related information flows in the mutual relations of subjects of the culture and creativity industry is presented in the form of a scheme. In order to ensure the high competitiveness of cultural industry services based on the use of integrated service systems, an algorithm for the formation of an information-analytical database has been developed, which allows to improve the quality of services provided to the consumer. The creation of the information and analytical database of the culture industry allows to carry out the revision of the operating enterprises of the culture industry for the further development of the complex of organizational and economic measures for the formation and practical implementation of Integra in modern conditions. Criteria for structuring the cultural industries to create of integrated service systems are: availability of infrastructure in the cultural industry; remoteness from the cultural centers; population and age; human security; the demand for culture. All the above points allow us to confirm the feasibility of application of logistic approach to improve the efficiency of financing, such as from-individual project activities of the cultural industries and the cultural industries as a whole.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2016
Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the... more Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the Russian economy. Effective management and development of high technologies market is the key to the transition from commodity to high-tech development. The article considers the factors influencing the dynamics of the demand for high technologies in the light of scientific and technical progress. The indicators of competitiveness of high technologies on Russian and foreign markets is studied, developed approaches to generate demand for high technologies and conceptual model of sales management of innovation technology products. Scorecard to build a matrix of decision making in marketing is justified and generated sales management mechanisms of high technologies on the market high-tech products and presents practical advice on creating demand for high technologies in the B2B market.
The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs cong... more The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs congruence to the sectoral structure of employment in 84 Russian regions using the sectoral model concept and the index of structural differences. The paper presents a methodological approach to assessing the congruence of training programs with the needs of the regional labor market in Russia. The level of regional higher education systems differentiation, the sectoral structure of graduates, and the level of their employment in the regional context were determined applying economic and statistical methods. The ratio of the graduates’ supply to their demand analyzed, there is presented a classification of regions according to the levels of this ration, conclusions drawn on the balance of higher education systems in the regions, taking into account the needs for training. A structural and professional disproportion between regional labor markets and regional systems of higher education in mo...
Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imb... more Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imbalances in its development. Objectives: to determine the relevance of the areas of training offered by the higher education institutions to the economy structure and the needs for specialists in the labor market, to assess the balance of regional higher education systems. Methods: methods of comparative, statistical, graphical and cartographic analysis of the data available from Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), Federal State Statistic Service, Monitoring of higher education organizations and Monitoring of graduates employment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the period of 2016−2018. Results: the structure of specialists graduation in regional higher education systems, due to the influence of many factors, is often determined not by the needs of regional economies, but by the demand of the population in the ...
The purpose of this research is to propose a methodology for cognitive modeling decision making a... more The purpose of this research is to propose a methodology for cognitive modeling decision making and establishing a set of control actions to develop and strengthen the sustainability of the regional innovation system. The subject of the study is the functional interrelationships of the elements of the regional innovation system. The scientific hypothesis of the research is based on the need for a correlating synergetic interaction between the regional system of higher education and the innovation system of the region to stimulate and develop innovative activity and commercialize innovation. The novelty of the approach consists in applying the methodology of cognitive modeling, which allows modeling the consequences of decisions taken on the interaction of all factors of the regional innovation system: state, science and business at the regional level and lays the foundation for the effective use of higher education institutions potential in promoting opportunities for region develop...
Strengthening the role of the culture industry in modern economy makes it relevant to developing ... more Strengthening the role of the culture industry in modern economy makes it relevant to developing scientific and methodological approaches to the organization of its financial support. Among the mechanisms of culture industry financing there are the mechanisms of public-private partnership. The purpose of this study is to identify the prerequisites for the use of public-private partnership and the definition of effective forms of its organization in the field of culture, taking into account the experience of developed countries. The article discusses the main models of financing culture, measures on state support of the development of culture and creativity, and the mechanisms of public-private partnership in the implementation of innovative projects in the field of culture. The study identifies the most applicable forms of publicprivate partnership such as life-cycle contracts. By effectively distributing risks between the customer and the contractor, covering the entire life cycle ...
Regional higher education systems are closely linked to the economic, — innovative and cultural d... more Regional higher education systems are closely linked to the economic, — innovative and cultural development of the regions. Its effectiveness, in turn, contributes to the country's economic growth and international competitiveness. These trends are actualized by studies aimed at assessing the effectiveness of higher education systems. The purpose of the article is to identify the regional differences in the concentration of students and revenue in the regional systems of higher education of the Russian Federation. The article uses the methods of economic and statistical analysis, calculated the Herfindahl — Hirschman index to assess the concentration of the number of students and the value of revenue in regional higher education systems. The applied value of the research results lies in the possibility of creating a typology of regional systems of higher education in the regions of Russia by the level of concentration of universities. The assessment of territorial differences in...
The article presents a study of the functioning of higher education systems at the regional level... more The article presents a study of the functioning of higher education systems at the regional level in terms of their productive efficiencies. The purpose of this research is to determine the regional higher education systems' effectiveness using a Slack-Based Measure of efficiency (SBM), which is a variant of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The novelty of the study is the performance of modified DEA model with a set of special variables for analysis of regional higher education systems. This multidimensional model allows construct efficiency frontier consisting of region set, which are best-practice of higher education systems. The slacks which are needed to push the decision making unit to the frontier (target) were calculated for the inefficient regions. The resulting regions ranking and identifying the best-practice examples in terms of the functioning effectiveness of higher education systems provide an opportunity for objective decision-making on the development of education systems.
The main purpose of this research is to develop methodological support and economic and mathemati... more The main purpose of this research is to develop methodological support and economic and mathematical tools for managing and evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects based on binomial models of real options. The subject of the study is a computer program algorithm for using the binomial model of real options and a model for phased risk assessment of innovative projects portfolios on this basis. The scientific hypothesis of the research is based on the need for the economic and mathematical toolkit developed for the innovative project and allows increasing the accuracy of the assessment when analyzing projects, which is very important when it comes to innovative projects with a high degree of uncertainty. The novelty of the approach consists of the possibility for the consideration of innovative projects from the perspective of multi-stage and multi-scenarios, as well as the use of binomial models using the theory of real options and a phased risk assessment model for innovative project portfolios and their implementation as a software product. The authors proposed technical and economic project efficiency evaluation of the market potential of the project results with a high level of probability in the form of a software package. The results of the study have empirical value for the research results, and application in practice of analyzing investment projects will help improve the accuracy of estimates and justify the feasibility of investor participation in innovative projects.
In the modern economy, innovation has become an important determinant of economic growth and sust... more In the modern economy, innovation has become an important determinant of economic growth and sustainable development, so the need to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation transfer is increasing. The aim of the work is to develop the approach to the evaluation of innovation transfer effectiveness at macro, meso and micro levels of national economies. The paper also reveals the differences in the processes of knowledge spillover and the innovation transfer within innovation systems of different levels; as well it assesses the innovation transfer processes based on the data from Russian regions. The authors make some judgments about the effectiveness of technology transfer and analyze the prerequisites for knowledge spillover across Russian regions.
In the modern world, technological innovations penetrate the field of educational services, appro... more In the modern world, technological innovations penetrate the field of educational services, approaches to distance educational technologies are radically expanding, changing the entire field of education. To determine the conditions for the propagation of distance educational technologies, it is relevant today to study the factors affecting the functioning of knowledgeintensive segments of regional economies, education, innovation, and information technologies that form the sector of knowledge-intensive services. This study aims to analyze the features of the development of knowledge-intensive segments of regional economies as a determinant of the spread of distance education and to assess their structural changes in dynamics. Based on empirical data from 85 Russian regions for 2014-2018, an integral indicator of the level of development of regional knowledge-intensive sectors was calculated for 9 indicators characterizing education, innovation, and information technology. A rating ...
Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the... more Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the Russian economy. Effective management and development of high technologies market is the key to the transition from commodity to high-tech development. The article considers the factors influencing the dynamics of the demand for high technologies in the light of scientific and technical progress. The indicators of competitiveness of high technologies on Russian and foreign markets is studied, developed approaches to generate demand for high technologies and conceptual model of sales management of innovation technology products. Scorecard to build a matrix of decision making in marketing is justified and generated sales management mechanisms of high technologies on the market high-tech products and presents practical advice on creating demand for high technologies in the B2B market.
The sector of knowledge-intensive services is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the present-d... more The sector of knowledge-intensive services is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the present-day economy of knowledge, which explains the scientific interest in developing methods of its quantitative assessment. The object of the research is the development of new approaches to the mathematical modeling of the efficiency of the regional knowledge-intensive services sector, based on a distance function approach to assess productivity changes. An approach was proposed to analyze the efficiency of this sector using data envelopment analysis and Malmquist productivity index and its components. The article presents the results of the assessment of indicators characterizing the development of knowledge-intensive services in education, innovation, and ICT obtained from 80 Russian regions for the period 2010–2020. To perform the analysis, the following input variables were used: volume of investments in fixed assets in ICT; share of personnel employed in the ICT; share of internal expend...
The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation s... more The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation systems are an important area of study of the innovation transfer in the global world. The present study continues the scientific discussion on the ratio of concentration and uniform innovation development. The objective of the study is to analyze indicators of spatial concentration of innovation activity and the knowledge spillover between regions in the national innovation system. The main methods are the application of the Herfindal-Hirschman index, as well as cartographic analysis. The analysis of the concentration degree of the following indicators of innovation activity was carried out: patents, developed and used advanced technologies, R&D costs, output of innovative products in these regions of Russia using the Herfindal-Hirschman index. A graphical method was used to identify the main regions of the centers and peripheries, and a map of fragmentation of the country's innovati...
Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imb... more Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imbalances in its development. Objectives: to determine the relevance of the areas of training offered by the higher education institutions to the economy structure and the needs for specialists in the labor market, to assess the balance of regional higher education systems. Methods: methods of comparative, statistical, graphical and cartographic analysis of the data available from Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), Federal State Statistic Service, Monitoring of higher education organizations and Monitoring of graduates employment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the period of 2016−2018. Results: the structure of specialists graduation in regional higher education systems, due to the influence of many factors, is often determined not by the needs of regional economies, but by the demand of the population in the ...
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Competitive, Sustainable and Secure Development of the Regional Economy: Response to Global Challenges" (CSSDRE 2018)
The problems of current financing of innovations determine the relevance of the research allowing... more The problems of current financing of innovations determine the relevance of the research allowing for quantifying and evaluating the performance of regional innovation systems in terms of the structure of innovation financing. The paper presents an approach to analyzing and evaluating the efficiency of innovation activity in Russian regions using the Data Envelopment Analysis. To estimate the efficiency of regional innovation systems, we use the ratio of a set of input parameters of sources and structure of R&D financing to a set of output parameters of the innovative goods volume in the context of 80 Russian regions. We rank the regions according to the technical efficiency index, determine the degree of their homogeneity and differentiation, reveal leading and outsider regions by the degree of efficiency of financial resources use in regional innovation systems. It is determined that the share of the leading regions makes 25% and the share of inefficient regions makes 53%. The conclusion is made on the need to spread the best practices of the leading regions and to apply a more efficient structure for financing innovative activities in outsider regions.
The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs cong... more The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs congruence to the sectoral structure of employment in 84 Russian regions using the sectoral model concept and the index of structural differences. The paper presents a methodological approach to assessing the congruence of training programs with the needs of the regional labor market in Russia. The level of regional higher education systems differentiation, the sectoral structure of graduates, and the level of their employment in the regional context were determined applying economic and statistical methods. The ratio of the graduates’ supply to their demand analyzed, there is presented a classification of regions according to the levels of this ration, conclusions drawn on the balance of higher education systems in the regions, taking into account the needs for training. A structural and professional disproportion between regional labor markets and regional systems of higher education in mo...
The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation s... more The processes of spatial polarization of economic activity and potential of regional innovation systems are an important area of study of the innovation transfer in the global world. The present study continues the scientific discussion on the ratio of concentration and uniform innovation development. The objective of the study is to analyze indicators of spatial concentration of innovation activity and the knowledge spillover between regions in the national innovation system. The main methods are the application of the Herfindal-Hirschman index, as well as cartographic analysis. The analysis of the concentration degree of the following indicators of innovation activity was carried out: patents, developed and used advanced technologies, R&D costs, output of innovative products in these regions of Russia using the Herfindal-Hirschman index. A graphical method was used to identify the main regions of the centers and peripheries, and a map of fragmentation of the country's innovati...
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018)
The main goal of financing the project activity of the creative industry is to provide financial ... more The main goal of financing the project activity of the creative industry is to provide financial resources in the required quantities, at the right time, using the most effective sources of financing. Based on this, the main objective of this study is to create a model for financing the project activity of the cultural industry based on the current needs of the cultural services market in Russia. The paper investigates the ways of applying the concept of logistics to the financial flows of the cultural industry, which will increase the efficiency of the entire service system as a whole. The relationship between the financial and related information flows in the mutual relations of subjects of the culture and creativity industry is presented in the form of a scheme. In order to ensure the high competitiveness of cultural industry services based on the use of integrated service systems, an algorithm for the formation of an information-analytical database has been developed, which allows to improve the quality of services provided to the consumer. The creation of the information and analytical database of the culture industry allows to carry out the revision of the operating enterprises of the culture industry for the further development of the complex of organizational and economic measures for the formation and practical implementation of Integra in modern conditions. Criteria for structuring the cultural industries to create of integrated service systems are: availability of infrastructure in the cultural industry; remoteness from the cultural centers; population and age; human security; the demand for culture. All the above points allow us to confirm the feasibility of application of logistic approach to improve the efficiency of financing, such as from-individual project activities of the cultural industries and the cultural industries as a whole.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2016
Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the... more Currently, high technologies are a key factor and catalyst for technological modernization of the Russian economy. Effective management and development of high technologies market is the key to the transition from commodity to high-tech development. The article considers the factors influencing the dynamics of the demand for high technologies in the light of scientific and technical progress. The indicators of competitiveness of high technologies on Russian and foreign markets is studied, developed approaches to generate demand for high technologies and conceptual model of sales management of innovation technology products. Scorecard to build a matrix of decision making in marketing is justified and generated sales management mechanisms of high technologies on the market high-tech products and presents practical advice on creating demand for high technologies in the B2B market.
The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs cong... more The authors of this article are carrying out the analysis of the students’ training programs congruence to the sectoral structure of employment in 84 Russian regions using the sectoral model concept and the index of structural differences. The paper presents a methodological approach to assessing the congruence of training programs with the needs of the regional labor market in Russia. The level of regional higher education systems differentiation, the sectoral structure of graduates, and the level of their employment in the regional context were determined applying economic and statistical methods. The ratio of the graduates’ supply to their demand analyzed, there is presented a classification of regions according to the levels of this ration, conclusions drawn on the balance of higher education systems in the regions, taking into account the needs for training. A structural and professional disproportion between regional labor markets and regional systems of higher education in mo...
Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imb... more Introduction: the article analyzes the higher education efficiency and discusses problems and imbalances in its development. Objectives: to determine the relevance of the areas of training offered by the higher education institutions to the economy structure and the needs for specialists in the labor market, to assess the balance of regional higher education systems. Methods: methods of comparative, statistical, graphical and cartographic analysis of the data available from Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), Federal State Statistic Service, Monitoring of higher education organizations and Monitoring of graduates employment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the period of 2016−2018. Results: the structure of specialists graduation in regional higher education systems, due to the influence of many factors, is often determined not by the needs of regional economies, but by the demand of the population in the ...
The purpose of this research is to propose a methodology for cognitive modeling decision making a... more The purpose of this research is to propose a methodology for cognitive modeling decision making and establishing a set of control actions to develop and strengthen the sustainability of the regional innovation system. The subject of the study is the functional interrelationships of the elements of the regional innovation system. The scientific hypothesis of the research is based on the need for a correlating synergetic interaction between the regional system of higher education and the innovation system of the region to stimulate and develop innovative activity and commercialize innovation. The novelty of the approach consists in applying the methodology of cognitive modeling, which allows modeling the consequences of decisions taken on the interaction of all factors of the regional innovation system: state, science and business at the regional level and lays the foundation for the effective use of higher education institutions potential in promoting opportunities for region develop...
Strengthening the role of the culture industry in modern economy makes it relevant to developing ... more Strengthening the role of the culture industry in modern economy makes it relevant to developing scientific and methodological approaches to the organization of its financial support. Among the mechanisms of culture industry financing there are the mechanisms of public-private partnership. The purpose of this study is to identify the prerequisites for the use of public-private partnership and the definition of effective forms of its organization in the field of culture, taking into account the experience of developed countries. The article discusses the main models of financing culture, measures on state support of the development of culture and creativity, and the mechanisms of public-private partnership in the implementation of innovative projects in the field of culture. The study identifies the most applicable forms of publicprivate partnership such as life-cycle contracts. By effectively distributing risks between the customer and the contractor, covering the entire life cycle ...
Regional higher education systems are closely linked to the economic, — innovative and cultural d... more Regional higher education systems are closely linked to the economic, — innovative and cultural development of the regions. Its effectiveness, in turn, contributes to the country's economic growth and international competitiveness. These trends are actualized by studies aimed at assessing the effectiveness of higher education systems. The purpose of the article is to identify the regional differences in the concentration of students and revenue in the regional systems of higher education of the Russian Federation. The article uses the methods of economic and statistical analysis, calculated the Herfindahl — Hirschman index to assess the concentration of the number of students and the value of revenue in regional higher education systems. The applied value of the research results lies in the possibility of creating a typology of regional systems of higher education in the regions of Russia by the level of concentration of universities. The assessment of territorial differences in...
The article presents a study of the functioning of higher education systems at the regional level... more The article presents a study of the functioning of higher education systems at the regional level in terms of their productive efficiencies. The purpose of this research is to determine the regional higher education systems' effectiveness using a Slack-Based Measure of efficiency (SBM), which is a variant of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The novelty of the study is the performance of modified DEA model with a set of special variables for analysis of regional higher education systems. This multidimensional model allows construct efficiency frontier consisting of region set, which are best-practice of higher education systems. The slacks which are needed to push the decision making unit to the frontier (target) were calculated for the inefficient regions. The resulting regions ranking and identifying the best-practice examples in terms of the functioning effectiveness of higher education systems provide an opportunity for objective decision-making on the development of education systems.
Papers by Anna Firsova