Papers by Ann T . Verschuuren, M.Ed.R.T. (R)(M)
burst onto the scene in 1943, but it is still closely examined and applied across the spectrum of... more burst onto the scene in 1943, but it is still closely examined and applied across the spectrum of human behavior. Both dogma and snake oil, this theory has been accepted, rejected and revised over the past seventy years. However controversial Maslow's work may have been, it continues to serve as a guide for those seeking a life fulfilled. This paper will explore how Maslow's hierarchy of needs applies to the role of the professional radiographer.
The mindset of the college student is important to their success in that beliefs about their capa... more The mindset of the college student is important to their success in that beliefs about their capabilities will impact their actual success. Also, expectations for future success can be affected by current success. Schunk et al., 2014) Many factors can motivate students, at different times in their lives. Social Motivation Theory This paper examines some of the characteristics of effective models of Social Motivation Theory as they apply to Professional Practice and Education in Radiologic Technology.
Methodical advances, whether in the soft or hard sciences, are understood as systematic and rigor... more Methodical advances, whether in the soft or hard sciences, are understood as systematic and rigorous searches for appropriate information a specific subject. Such processes involve proclamation of a problem, development of a hypothesis, collection of data and the analysis of same before drawing conclusions based on the whole process.

Alan Sokal's hoax was to publish a paper claiming that the physical reality was a social and ling... more Alan Sokal's hoax was to publish a paper claiming that the physical reality was a social and linguistic construct to challenge the interdisciplinary vetting and peer review process. In this era of the world wide web, we are certainly subject to what Sokal called 'information overload', but this is not an excuse for authors and editors to dismiss the importance of a peer review. But that is just what happened. Glazing over the article, a reader would find a theory filled paper exemplifying among other things, Fallacy by Authority and Amphiboly. The references were authored by those well known to the editors of the post-modern cultural studies academic journal called as, Social Text. His claims were referenced accurately, but they supported no valid point and were expressed with such technical jargon that it was confusing to read. Sokal's hard science article made it to print in a soft science journal mainly due to his use of language and prior scientific reputation. It was not so much what he said, but how he said it that left editors to believe in his expertise. But when it comes to scientific research, regardless of the discipline who is responsible for disseminating the truth?
Papers by Ann T . Verschuuren, M.Ed.R.T. (R)(M)