To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in... more To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in which the scripts of 127 pupils were rated yearly, starting in Grade 2. Children were followed-up on for 3, 4, or 5 yr. The BHK-scale for children's handwriting was used for rating the scripts on 13 characteristics and for measuring the speed of writing. The shifts in frequency of occurrence of the various characteristics over time were analyzed using Correspondence Analysis. A one-dimensional solution was chosen, yielding a time dimension. Results were interpreted in terms of (a) children's growing motor ability, (b) a deterioration of the form aspects of the script as they had uuc~ally learned those, and (c) the development of a personal writing style with regard to estheric aspects. A strong relation was found between the speed of writing and grade.
To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in... more To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in which the scripts of 127 pupils were rated yearly, starting in Grade 2. Children were followed-up on for 3, 4, or 5 yr. The BHK-scale for children's handwriting was used for rating the scripts on 13 characteristics and for measuring the speed of writing. The shifts in frequency of occurrence of the various characteristics over time were analyzed using Correspondence Analysis. A one-dimensional solution was chosen, yielding a time dimension. Results were interpreted in terms of (a) children's growing motor ability, (b) a deterioration of the form aspects of the script as they had initially learned those, and (c) the development of a personal writing style with regard to esthetic aspects. A strong relation was found between the speed of writing and grade.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Jun 22, 2012
This cohort-sequential study examined developmental trajectories of social anxiety in a nonclinic... more This cohort-sequential study examined developmental trajectories of social anxiety in a nonclinical sample (N0331, 161 girls) aged 9 to 17 years at initial and 12 to 21 years at final assessment. We tested whether variables assessing cognition, social competence, and temperament discriminated between the trajectories. Variables were collected from different sources: participants, independent observers, parents, and teachers. Using Latent Class Growth Modeling (LCGM) we identified three distinct social anxiety trajectory groups: i) high and changing; ii) moderate and decreasing; and iii) low and decreasing. Multinomial regression analyses showed that the cognition variables, negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations and selffocused attention, differentiated between all three trajectories. A lack of social skills and having social problems at school were specifically related to the chance of following the high trajectory versus the moderate trajectory. Neuroticism differentiated between the low and moderate trajectories. Findings indicate that adolescents at risk of belonging to a high social anxiety trajectory can be discriminated from peers belonging to a less anxious trajectory using both cognition and social competence variables.
A follow-up study on writing posture and writing movement of young children. authors, Blote, AW; ... more A follow-up study on writing posture and writing movement of young children. authors, Blote, AW; Heijden, PGM van der. source, Journal of Human Movement Studies, Volume: 14 (1988), pp. 57-74. full text, [Full text]. document type, Article. disciplines, Sociale Wetenschappen. ...
In this study the structure of handwriting was investigated longitudinally, across grades. The sc... more In this study the structure of handwriting was investigated longitudinally, across grades. The scripts of 63 primary school children were evaluated annually, starting in Grade 2. Children were followed for 5 years. An evaluation scale for children's handwriting (the BHK-scale) was used to rate the scripts on 13 characteristics and to measure the speed of writing. Principal component analysis of the BROAD matrix (in which the data collected on the five occasions are arranged side by side) showed that the structure of handwriting characteristics is very stable over these years. Principal component analysis of the LONG matrix (in which the data collected on the five occasions are arranged beneath each other) yielded three clusters of items, which concern (a) fine motor ability of the children, (b) structural performance, and (c) stylistic preference. Sex, grade, and writing speed were related to this structure. In yet another approach a principal component analysis was performed on...
Previous research found weak correspondence between subjective and objective arousal measures dur... more Previous research found weak correspondence between subjective and objective arousal measures during social-evaluative tasks, particularly in high socially anxious individuals. This study evaluated subjective-objective correspondence in high versus low socially anxious youth (9–17 years). Sixty-six high (HSA; 38 boys and 28 girls) and 61 low (LSA; 37 boys and 24 girls) socially anxious youth participated in a speech task, with a moderately (pre-speech), high (speech), and low anxious (recovery) phase. Subjective experience of nervousness, heart rate and sweaty palms were measured along with salivary cortisol, actual heart rate, and skin conductance. Participants also completed questionnaires measuring 3 self-monitoring variables; self-focused attention, emotional awareness, and negative thoughts. Results showed that HSA participants had exaggerated perceptions of their physiological arousal. However, they did not have weaker subjective-objective correspondence than LSA participants....
It is argued that the adolescent onset of social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be partly attributabl... more It is argued that the adolescent onset of social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be partly attributable to an increase in avoidance of social situations across this period. The current cohort-sequential study investigated developmental pathways of social avoidance in adolescence and examined the explanatory role of social anxiety and negative cognitive processes. A community sample of youth (9-21 years, N=331) participated in a four-wave study. Trajectory analyses revealed two pathways: an increased avoidance pathway and a low avoidance pathway. The pathways were hardly distinguishable at age 9 and they steadily diverged across adolescence. Logistic regression analyses showed that social anxiety and post-event rumination were significantly related to the increased avoidance pathway; anticipatory processing and self-focused attention were not. The findings suggest that adolescence is a key developmental period for the progression of social avoidance among youth who show relatively high le...
ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of actual and perceived similarity in peer rejection of so... more ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of actual and perceived similarity in peer rejection of socially anxious adolescents. Videotapes of 20 high and 20 low socially anxious adolescents (13–17 years old) giving a speech were rated by groups of unfamiliar peers with regard to perceived similarity and desire for future interaction (lower scores indicating rejection). Actual similarity between speakers and observers regarding social anxiety and gender was also taken into account. Findings showed that high socially anxious students were more rejected and that perceived but not actual similarity between peer observers and speakers (partly) mediated rejection.
ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of social performance and physical attractiveness in the l... more ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of social performance and physical attractiveness in the link between social anxiety and peer rejection in first-time social situations. Recordings of 20 high and 20 low socially anxious adolescents giving a speech were rated by unfamiliar peers (N = 534) with regard to desire for future interaction (lower scores indicating rejection), social performance, and physical attractiveness; trained adult raters also evaluated social performance. Findings showed high interrelations between the different peer ratings and moderate correlations between adult and peer ratings. High socially anxious students were more rejected and social performance and physical attractiveness partly mediated the link between social anxiety and rejection. The findings may have important implications for socially anxious youth entering new social situations.
We review studies that investigate negative social cognitions of socially anxious youth in relati... more We review studies that investigate negative social cognitions of socially anxious youth in relation to two specific domains: interpretation of ambiguous social situations and self-evaluation of social performance, including social skills and nervous behaviors. In this review, we address the question whether socially anxious youth's negative perceptions are distortions of reality or reflect a kernel of truth as compared to other sources of information including independent adult observers and age peers. Studies key to this question are those that investigate not only the social perceptions themselves but also the social behavior of socially anxious youth. Hence the selection of studies for the review was based on this criterion. From the relevant literature it is, as yet, unclear whether the negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations shown by socially anxious youth are distorted or a reflection of reality. Socially anxious youth's selfevaluations of social skills appear partly distorted and partly true, depending on the person judging the social skills. In contrast, self-evaluations of nervous behaviors appear distorted. The studies reviewed indicate that research would benefit from including a wider range of perceptions from persons relevant to the socially anxious youth's daily social environment, not only parents and teachers but also their age peers.
Previous studies using adult observers are inconsistent with regard to social skills deficits in ... more Previous studies using adult observers are inconsistent with regard to social skills deficits in nonclinical socially anxious youth. The present study investigated whether same age peers perceive a lack of social skills in the socially anxious. Twenty high and 20 low socially anxious adolescents (13-17 years old) were recorded giving a 5-min speech. Unfamiliar peer observers (12-17 years old) viewed the speech samples and rated four social skills: speech content, facial expressions, posture and body movement, and way of speaking. Peer observers perceived high socially anxious adolescents as significantly poorer than low socially anxious adolescents on all four social skills. Moreover, for all skills except facial expressions, group differences could not be attributed to adolescents' self-reported level of depression. We suggest that therapists take the perceptions of same age peers into account when assessing the social skills of socially anxious youth.
Background: Clark and Wells’ cognitive model of social anxiety proposes that socially anxious ind... more Background: Clark and Wells’ cognitive model of social anxiety proposes that socially anxious individuals have negative expectations of performance prior to a social event, focus their attention predominantly on themselves and on their negative self-evaluations during an event, and use this negative self-processing to infer that other people are judging them harshly. Aims: The present study tested these propositions. Method: The study used a community sample of 161 adolescents aged 14–18 years. The participants gave a speech in front of a pre-recorded audience acting neutrally, and participants were aware that the projected audience was pre-recorded. Results: As expected, participants with higher levels of social anxiety had more negative performance expectations, higher self-focused attention, and more negative perceptions of the audience. Negative performance expectations and self-focused attention were found to mediate the relationship between social anxiety and audience percepti...
The current study investigated whether negatively biased self-evaluations of nervousness and soci... more The current study investigated whether negatively biased self-evaluations of nervousness and social skills are related to how well an individual actually performs, that is performance level. Sixty-eight high socially anxious and 68 control participants (age range 9-17 years) gave a 5 min speech in front of a pre-recorded audience of same age peers and a teacher. Participants' evaluations immediately after the task were measured on a number of performance dimensions. Three independent observers also evaluated recordings of the speech performances. Participants were further divided into good and bad performers based on their actual performance level as judged by the observers. Self-evaluations of the high socially anxious participants were negatively biased for nervous appearance regardless of how well they actually performed. In contrast, a negative bias for social skills only occurred in the high anxious participants with a good performance. The social skill evaluations of the poor performers appear warranted. Taking actual performance level into account may help to clarify the exact nature of a negative bias in socially anxious youth and has clear implications for the choice of treatment approach.
Dit artikel betreft het tweede en tevens laatste deel van een overzicht van onderzoek naar de sch... more Dit artikel betreft het tweede en tevens laatste deel van een overzicht van onderzoek naar de schrijfontwikkeling van kinderen. Het totale overzicht bestrijkt het gehele terrein van onderzoek waarover sinds 1982 is gepubliceerd, en behandelt zodoende zeer uiteenlopende aspecten van het schrijven. De onderzoeken zijn naar onderwerp ingedeeld in vier brede categorieen: (1) Voorbereiding van de beweging, (2) Uitvoering van de beweging, (3) Resultaat van de beweging en (4) Diagnostiek en behandeling van schrijfproblemen. Dwars door deze indeling heen is een indeling gemaakt in onderzoek naar de normale ontwikkeling en onderzoek naar de dysgrafische ontwikkeling. Dit artikel betreft onderzoeken van schrijfprodukten en naar de diagnostiek en behandeling van schrijfproblemen. In zowel de handschriftkwaliteit als de gemiddelde schrijfsnelheid zijn leeftijdseffecten gevonden. Dysgrafische schrijvers blijven gedurende de gehele schoolperiode zwakke schrijvers, als er geen extra hulp wordt geb...
To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in... more To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in which the scripts of 127 pupils were rated yearly, starting in Grade 2. Children were followed-up on for 3, 4, or 5 yr. The BHK-scale for children's handwriting was used for rating the scripts on 13 characteristics and for measuring the speed of writing. The shifts in frequency of occurrence of the various characteristics over time were analyzed using Correspondence Analysis. A one-dimensional solution was chosen, yielding a time dimension. Results were interpreted in terms of (a) children's growing motor ability, (b) a deterioration of the form aspects of the script as they had uuc~ally learned those, and (c) the development of a personal writing style with regard to estheric aspects. A strong relation was found between the speed of writing and grade.
To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in... more To investigate the development of handwriting in primary school children a study was conducted in which the scripts of 127 pupils were rated yearly, starting in Grade 2. Children were followed-up on for 3, 4, or 5 yr. The BHK-scale for children's handwriting was used for rating the scripts on 13 characteristics and for measuring the speed of writing. The shifts in frequency of occurrence of the various characteristics over time were analyzed using Correspondence Analysis. A one-dimensional solution was chosen, yielding a time dimension. Results were interpreted in terms of (a) children's growing motor ability, (b) a deterioration of the form aspects of the script as they had initially learned those, and (c) the development of a personal writing style with regard to esthetic aspects. A strong relation was found between the speed of writing and grade.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Jun 22, 2012
This cohort-sequential study examined developmental trajectories of social anxiety in a nonclinic... more This cohort-sequential study examined developmental trajectories of social anxiety in a nonclinical sample (N0331, 161 girls) aged 9 to 17 years at initial and 12 to 21 years at final assessment. We tested whether variables assessing cognition, social competence, and temperament discriminated between the trajectories. Variables were collected from different sources: participants, independent observers, parents, and teachers. Using Latent Class Growth Modeling (LCGM) we identified three distinct social anxiety trajectory groups: i) high and changing; ii) moderate and decreasing; and iii) low and decreasing. Multinomial regression analyses showed that the cognition variables, negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations and selffocused attention, differentiated between all three trajectories. A lack of social skills and having social problems at school were specifically related to the chance of following the high trajectory versus the moderate trajectory. Neuroticism differentiated between the low and moderate trajectories. Findings indicate that adolescents at risk of belonging to a high social anxiety trajectory can be discriminated from peers belonging to a less anxious trajectory using both cognition and social competence variables.
A follow-up study on writing posture and writing movement of young children. authors, Blote, AW; ... more A follow-up study on writing posture and writing movement of young children. authors, Blote, AW; Heijden, PGM van der. source, Journal of Human Movement Studies, Volume: 14 (1988), pp. 57-74. full text, [Full text]. document type, Article. disciplines, Sociale Wetenschappen. ...
In this study the structure of handwriting was investigated longitudinally, across grades. The sc... more In this study the structure of handwriting was investigated longitudinally, across grades. The scripts of 63 primary school children were evaluated annually, starting in Grade 2. Children were followed for 5 years. An evaluation scale for children's handwriting (the BHK-scale) was used to rate the scripts on 13 characteristics and to measure the speed of writing. Principal component analysis of the BROAD matrix (in which the data collected on the five occasions are arranged side by side) showed that the structure of handwriting characteristics is very stable over these years. Principal component analysis of the LONG matrix (in which the data collected on the five occasions are arranged beneath each other) yielded three clusters of items, which concern (a) fine motor ability of the children, (b) structural performance, and (c) stylistic preference. Sex, grade, and writing speed were related to this structure. In yet another approach a principal component analysis was performed on...
Previous research found weak correspondence between subjective and objective arousal measures dur... more Previous research found weak correspondence between subjective and objective arousal measures during social-evaluative tasks, particularly in high socially anxious individuals. This study evaluated subjective-objective correspondence in high versus low socially anxious youth (9–17 years). Sixty-six high (HSA; 38 boys and 28 girls) and 61 low (LSA; 37 boys and 24 girls) socially anxious youth participated in a speech task, with a moderately (pre-speech), high (speech), and low anxious (recovery) phase. Subjective experience of nervousness, heart rate and sweaty palms were measured along with salivary cortisol, actual heart rate, and skin conductance. Participants also completed questionnaires measuring 3 self-monitoring variables; self-focused attention, emotional awareness, and negative thoughts. Results showed that HSA participants had exaggerated perceptions of their physiological arousal. However, they did not have weaker subjective-objective correspondence than LSA participants....
It is argued that the adolescent onset of social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be partly attributabl... more It is argued that the adolescent onset of social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be partly attributable to an increase in avoidance of social situations across this period. The current cohort-sequential study investigated developmental pathways of social avoidance in adolescence and examined the explanatory role of social anxiety and negative cognitive processes. A community sample of youth (9-21 years, N=331) participated in a four-wave study. Trajectory analyses revealed two pathways: an increased avoidance pathway and a low avoidance pathway. The pathways were hardly distinguishable at age 9 and they steadily diverged across adolescence. Logistic regression analyses showed that social anxiety and post-event rumination were significantly related to the increased avoidance pathway; anticipatory processing and self-focused attention were not. The findings suggest that adolescence is a key developmental period for the progression of social avoidance among youth who show relatively high le...
ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of actual and perceived similarity in peer rejection of so... more ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of actual and perceived similarity in peer rejection of socially anxious adolescents. Videotapes of 20 high and 20 low socially anxious adolescents (13–17 years old) giving a speech were rated by groups of unfamiliar peers with regard to perceived similarity and desire for future interaction (lower scores indicating rejection). Actual similarity between speakers and observers regarding social anxiety and gender was also taken into account. Findings showed that high socially anxious students were more rejected and that perceived but not actual similarity between peer observers and speakers (partly) mediated rejection.
ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of social performance and physical attractiveness in the l... more ABSTRACT This study addressed the role of social performance and physical attractiveness in the link between social anxiety and peer rejection in first-time social situations. Recordings of 20 high and 20 low socially anxious adolescents giving a speech were rated by unfamiliar peers (N = 534) with regard to desire for future interaction (lower scores indicating rejection), social performance, and physical attractiveness; trained adult raters also evaluated social performance. Findings showed high interrelations between the different peer ratings and moderate correlations between adult and peer ratings. High socially anxious students were more rejected and social performance and physical attractiveness partly mediated the link between social anxiety and rejection. The findings may have important implications for socially anxious youth entering new social situations.
We review studies that investigate negative social cognitions of socially anxious youth in relati... more We review studies that investigate negative social cognitions of socially anxious youth in relation to two specific domains: interpretation of ambiguous social situations and self-evaluation of social performance, including social skills and nervous behaviors. In this review, we address the question whether socially anxious youth's negative perceptions are distortions of reality or reflect a kernel of truth as compared to other sources of information including independent adult observers and age peers. Studies key to this question are those that investigate not only the social perceptions themselves but also the social behavior of socially anxious youth. Hence the selection of studies for the review was based on this criterion. From the relevant literature it is, as yet, unclear whether the negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations shown by socially anxious youth are distorted or a reflection of reality. Socially anxious youth's selfevaluations of social skills appear partly distorted and partly true, depending on the person judging the social skills. In contrast, self-evaluations of nervous behaviors appear distorted. The studies reviewed indicate that research would benefit from including a wider range of perceptions from persons relevant to the socially anxious youth's daily social environment, not only parents and teachers but also their age peers.
Previous studies using adult observers are inconsistent with regard to social skills deficits in ... more Previous studies using adult observers are inconsistent with regard to social skills deficits in nonclinical socially anxious youth. The present study investigated whether same age peers perceive a lack of social skills in the socially anxious. Twenty high and 20 low socially anxious adolescents (13-17 years old) were recorded giving a 5-min speech. Unfamiliar peer observers (12-17 years old) viewed the speech samples and rated four social skills: speech content, facial expressions, posture and body movement, and way of speaking. Peer observers perceived high socially anxious adolescents as significantly poorer than low socially anxious adolescents on all four social skills. Moreover, for all skills except facial expressions, group differences could not be attributed to adolescents' self-reported level of depression. We suggest that therapists take the perceptions of same age peers into account when assessing the social skills of socially anxious youth.
Background: Clark and Wells’ cognitive model of social anxiety proposes that socially anxious ind... more Background: Clark and Wells’ cognitive model of social anxiety proposes that socially anxious individuals have negative expectations of performance prior to a social event, focus their attention predominantly on themselves and on their negative self-evaluations during an event, and use this negative self-processing to infer that other people are judging them harshly. Aims: The present study tested these propositions. Method: The study used a community sample of 161 adolescents aged 14–18 years. The participants gave a speech in front of a pre-recorded audience acting neutrally, and participants were aware that the projected audience was pre-recorded. Results: As expected, participants with higher levels of social anxiety had more negative performance expectations, higher self-focused attention, and more negative perceptions of the audience. Negative performance expectations and self-focused attention were found to mediate the relationship between social anxiety and audience percepti...
The current study investigated whether negatively biased self-evaluations of nervousness and soci... more The current study investigated whether negatively biased self-evaluations of nervousness and social skills are related to how well an individual actually performs, that is performance level. Sixty-eight high socially anxious and 68 control participants (age range 9-17 years) gave a 5 min speech in front of a pre-recorded audience of same age peers and a teacher. Participants' evaluations immediately after the task were measured on a number of performance dimensions. Three independent observers also evaluated recordings of the speech performances. Participants were further divided into good and bad performers based on their actual performance level as judged by the observers. Self-evaluations of the high socially anxious participants were negatively biased for nervous appearance regardless of how well they actually performed. In contrast, a negative bias for social skills only occurred in the high anxious participants with a good performance. The social skill evaluations of the poor performers appear warranted. Taking actual performance level into account may help to clarify the exact nature of a negative bias in socially anxious youth and has clear implications for the choice of treatment approach.
Dit artikel betreft het tweede en tevens laatste deel van een overzicht van onderzoek naar de sch... more Dit artikel betreft het tweede en tevens laatste deel van een overzicht van onderzoek naar de schrijfontwikkeling van kinderen. Het totale overzicht bestrijkt het gehele terrein van onderzoek waarover sinds 1982 is gepubliceerd, en behandelt zodoende zeer uiteenlopende aspecten van het schrijven. De onderzoeken zijn naar onderwerp ingedeeld in vier brede categorieen: (1) Voorbereiding van de beweging, (2) Uitvoering van de beweging, (3) Resultaat van de beweging en (4) Diagnostiek en behandeling van schrijfproblemen. Dwars door deze indeling heen is een indeling gemaakt in onderzoek naar de normale ontwikkeling en onderzoek naar de dysgrafische ontwikkeling. Dit artikel betreft onderzoeken van schrijfprodukten en naar de diagnostiek en behandeling van schrijfproblemen. In zowel de handschriftkwaliteit als de gemiddelde schrijfsnelheid zijn leeftijdseffecten gevonden. Dysgrafische schrijvers blijven gedurende de gehele schoolperiode zwakke schrijvers, als er geen extra hulp wordt geb...
Papers by Anke Blöte