Papers by Anitha Christy Angelin
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Jan 3, 2024
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contain coverage holes caused by both random node sensor deployme... more Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contain coverage holes caused by both random node sensor deployment and malfunctioning nodes. Because fixing the battery is challenging, collaborative discovery and assessment of coverage shortfalls, as well as getting rid of these holes, has been recognized as critical in WSNs. While placing nodes for sensors in a large-scale WSN is challenging. This research provides a cost-effective coverage hole detection approach based on collaborative distributed point placement. Create a polygon first by employing an angle estimate approach and neighbor data. Following that, a based on points hole identification technique is used to assess if a coverage issue appears in a large-scale WSN's supplied ROI. Furthermore, the region of the coverage hole is estimated using computational geometry-based polygonal triangulation methods. The accuracy of the method is tested here using statistical data. The results show that it outperforms earlier coverage hole-detecting algorithms. In particular, the method improves coverage rate by 75% when compared to conventional methodologies. It also lowers energy usage by 90%, adding to increased network lifetime. The quantitative favourable results demonstrate the effectiveness of the collaborative distributed point placement technique in detecting and successfully resolving coverage gaps in WSNs. In regards to coverage rate, energy consumption, and network longevity, the system being proposed beats previous coverage hole-detecting techniques.

Journal of Autonomous Intelligence
Countries throughout the world were experimenting with novel approaches to prevent the spreading ... more Countries throughout the world were experimenting with novel approaches to prevent the spreading of the Coronavirus pandemic illness (COVID-19). The use of IoT and cloud computing for data collection and analysis to avoid disease transmission via smartphone applications was a significant hurdle. Existing cloud services that are that retain the information of the victim to address severe challenges such as excessive latency and poor spectral performance. Furthermore, the likelihood of coverage gaps might result in the loss of genuine data, leading the technology to present inaccurate data. Motivated to solve these challenges, this paper addresses a new edge computing framework with a coverage hole detection module to detect and prevent the primary spread of pandemics like COVID-19 in an energy-efficient way. Experimental results exhibit excellent performance in terms of energy consumption under edge based and cloud based scenarios in the existence of coverage holes. The experimental ...
2022 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon)

Security and Communication Networks
At the moment, digital documents are just as important as paper documents. As a result, authentic... more At the moment, digital documents are just as important as paper documents. As a result, authenticity is essential, especially in legal situations and digital forensics. As technology advances, these digital signature algorithms become weaker, necessitating the development of digital authentication schemes capable of withstanding current security threats. This study proposed a scheme based on an asymmetric key cryptosystem and the user’s biometric credentials to generate keys for digital signatures. A single document can be signed by multiple signatories at the same time under this scheme. The primary goal of this article is to create a safe and cost-effective multiignature scheme. To create keys for document signing and verification, the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), especially Ed25519, is employed. The Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm is used with blockchain technology to sign crypto wallets. The Python implementation of a scheme that enables platform ...

2018 Second International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)
Recently Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) plays important role in monitoring physical environments... more Recently Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) plays important role in monitoring physical environments. In mission critical applications like surveillance existence of coverage holes makes communication among sensor nodes impossible. Coverage hole may be defined as the failure of sensor nodes. There are various graph based hole detection approaches and algorithms proposed to detect the coverage hole and to heal the coverage hole. Energy efficiency and communication overhead are the important parameters in detecting the holes and successful delivery of data packets without delay. Most of the existing algorithms have disadvantages depending upon their computational model. This survey compares the various approaches and identifies their shortcomings based on computational model and communication overhead. A new model is also proposed for coverage hole detection. Index terms-graph based algorithm, wireless sensor network, coverage hole, etc

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have quite an exceptionally significant effect in diverse fields ... more Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have quite an exceptionally significant effect in diverse fields correlated to surveillance in which coverage plays an essential role. In specific, the coverage holes are actually instigated by both randomized distribution of the wireless sensor nodes and the failure of nodes. Recharging or repairing the battery is difficult, and thus the collaborative identification and estimation of coverage holes and the reclamation of these holes has been considered significant. When organizing the sensor nodes in a large scale WSNs, it is indeed complicated to cover the target or the region of interest (ROI). Coverage quality is compromised by the occurrence of holes in the monitored area of surveillance. This paper proposes a collaborative distributed point location based coverage hole detection methodology to spot coverage holes in an energy efficient manner. Firstly, construct a polygon using a visibility estimation approach on the basis of neighborhood inform...
The rapid growth in electronics, sensor and communication technology has made it possible to cons... more The rapid growth in electronics, sensor and communication technology has made it possible to construct the WSN consists of large number of sensors. But the usage of large number of sensors in WSN increases the probability of node failure. The self recovery of the network from these large scale node failures is a challenging factor. A survey has been taken to compare different algorithm and their performance that differs in detecting node failure. The aim is to provide a better understanding of different techniques used earlier. The objective of the proposed method is to detect the sensor node failure in less span of time and to recover the connectivity. Keywords--Wireless sensor networks, DSSD, Partition Detection, Route Recovery, Energy efficiency.
Abstract— As Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has become a rapidly growing field of interest, it ... more Abstract— As Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has become a rapidly growing field of interest, it is essential to know the various aspects, functionalities and the methodologies involved in this field. Data gathering in WSN involves collection of data from widely distributed set of sensor nodes. There are different algorithms to gather data in WSN based on the nature of the network topology and the nodes involved. Though there are many different techniques to achieve data gathering, not all of them provide optimized result. Also, in data gathering it is important to recognize a scheme that will ensure fairness in the data gathered. This paper provides a detailed understanding to the various data gathering methodologies for mobile sinks in WSNs.

The advancement in technology has enabled the growth of devices with high efficiency and miniatur... more The advancement in technology has enabled the growth of devices with high efficiency and miniature structure such as the smart dust which has lead to the construction of large sensor networks. As Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has become a rapidly growing field of interest, it is essential to know the various aspects, functionalities and the methodologies involved in this field. Data gathering in WSN involves collection of data from widely distributed set of sensor nodes. There are different algorithms to gather data in WSN based on the nature of the network topology and the nodes involved. However achieving efficiency in terms of data gathering is still a challenge. Also, in data gathering it is important to recognize a scheme that will ensure fairness in the data gathered. This paper provides a new scheme known as the COPS for data gathering with mobile sinks in WSNs that will provide optimized result in terms of data collection and fairness.
Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as most promising solution and have impacted our daily life ... more Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as most promising solution and have impacted our daily life in many domains from smart wearable devices to large scale smart industries. Varied number of applications are running on these IoT frameworks to meet the dynamic business needs. As billions of devices are connected with each other these devices are vulnerable to data compromise and attacks. The success of the IoT depends on the security features that is employed to safeguard the network from issues such as privacy and safety. In this paper, cyber security issues and the basic security principles that are fundamental to IoT framework are discussed. Furthermore, the risk mitigation measures are identified against the various cyber threats.

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) plays a significant role in numerous real world applications. Senso... more Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) plays a significant role in numerous real world applications. Sensor networks is one of the vital enablers for the Internet of Things where it plays an important role in future internet and has increased the growth of many delay sensitive applications like health care[87] and environmental monitoring[50], etc. Scheduling and routing the data packets are highly influenced by the parameters such as reliability, throughput and energy efficiency. Existing packet scheduling schemes available for effective scheduling of packets in resource constrained sensor networks are unsuitable for applications with highly sensitive critical data. Scheduling and routing will be a trade-off if QoS parameters like energy, delay, network lifetime, etc., are not considered. This paper aims at identifying the critical challenges and the research challenges exhibited by different types of scheduling algorithms classified based on types, channel access approaches and multilevel ...
An efficient privacy preservation scheme named Pseudonymous Authentication-based Conditional Priv... more An efficient privacy preservation scheme named Pseudonymous Authentication-based Conditional Privacy for providing anonymous and conditional communication to the vehicles in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET’S). The Pseudonymous Authentication based Conditional Privacy scheme provides pseudonym-based anonymity to vehicles in VANETs. The Conditional Privacy in this scheme is that the vehicles in VANET must follow certain conditions to operate, communicate and transfer messages between vehicles in order to provide privacy to the vehicles in VANET. By all means the privacy and anonymity of the vehicles in VANET must be preserved, which is the primary goal of the Pseudonymous Authentication-based Conditional Privacy scheme.
Conditional Privacy preservation in VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks) must be achieved in the se... more Conditional Privacy preservation in VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks) must be achieved in the sense that the user related privacy information, including the driver's name, the license plate, speed, position, and travelling routes along with their relationships, has to be protected. The authorities should be able to reveal the identities of message senders in the event of a traffic dispute, such as a crime/car accident scene investigation. Therefore, it is critical to develop a conditional privacy preservation scheme in a VANET before it can be practically launched.
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperati... more A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions , such as temperature, sound, pressure, motion or pollutants. WSN consists of large number of small size sensors which they can sense the environment and communicate with each other and processing the sensing data. Because of the deployment nature of the Wireless Sensor Network once it deployed we can’t recharge the battery. So energy conservation is one of the important factors. Under this constraint maintaining good coverage and connectivity is also important factor of designing WSN .In this paper, we propose a new sleep scheduling algorithm, named ECCKN algorithm will reduce the energy consumption and to prolong the network lifetime.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011
The most major requirements of wireless networks in the current network context are security, sca... more The most major requirements of wireless networks in the current network context are security, scalability and memory efficiency. Most of the earlier implementations use cryptographic key exchanges alone for imposing security but mostly proved to be less secure with the presence of many attacks like IP-spoofing and masquerading. This is because, the security is present only during communication i.e., only message integrity is ensured and not the user authenticity. Hence we are trying to include an authentication scheme along with the already existing integrity scheme to provide maximum security all through the lifetime of networks. In this paper, we consider different options for providing authentication, analyze them and find which method can be used for producing better results
Wireless Communication, 2014
Wireless sensor network consists of large number of small sensor nodes to monitor physical or env... more Wireless sensor network consists of large number of small sensor nodes to monitor physical or environmental conditions. The WSN depends on two major criteria: reliability of links and power consumption. Power supply in sensor nodes are often battery powered. Hence frequent service or sometimes replacement of sensor nodes is necessary. Error correction code is an efficient method to minimize the transmitted power. For the minimization of the power consumption of sensor nodes and to increase the lifetime of nodes, a systematic approach in finding suitable error correction codes for wireless sensor networks is followed in this paper. Suitable error correction code is chosen based on the BER (Bit Error Rate) and power consumption. The ECC provides coding gain which results in energy conservation during transmission.

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperati... more A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, motion or pollutants. It is a platform for broad range of applications related to Security, surveillance, military, health care, environmental monitoring etc. WSN consists of large number of small size sensors which they can sense the environment and communicate with each other and processing the sensing data. Because of the deployment nature of the Wireless Sensor Network once it deployed we can't recharge the battery. So energy conservation is one of the important factors. Under this constraint maintaining good coverage and connectivity is also important factor of designing WSN. In this paper we survey about the connectivity preservation property of our algorithm and simulation results on different deployment schemes such as full coverage, point of coverage or barrier coverage.

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011
In a network, the most common transport protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol. The Transm... more In a network, the most common transport protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol. The Transmission Control Protocol comes in many variants like TCP, Tahoe, Reno, NewReno, Vegas, STCP and so on. Each of these variants would work differently in different networks according to the parameters of that network. On the other hand, there are mainly four common routing protocols used in networks like DSDV, DSR, AODV and TORA. In this paper, we have simulated different networks with differing parameters to analyze the behavior of the most common protocols DSDV and AODV with different variants of TCP. By creating different networks in ns2 simulator, we could deeply analyze the behavior of the protocols with these TCP variants in the basis of the amount of packet drops in each case. The lesser the amount of drops the better the algorithm. This paper implicitly analyses which TCP variant has lesser drop rates with which routing protocol.
In a network, the most common transport protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol. The Transm... more In a network, the most common transport protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol. The Transmission Control Protocol comes in many variants like TCP, Tahoe, Reno, NewReno, Vegas, STCP and so on. Each of these variants would work differently in ...
Papers by Anitha Christy Angelin