Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 13, 2023
Islamic boarding schools are places where students can study religion and live as if they were at... more Islamic boarding schools are places where students can study religion and live as if they were at home. Regarding food consumption, Islamic boarding school students have the habit of purchasing sugary (cariogenic) foods outside the boarding school. Based on the results of the dental caries examination at the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Semarang Regency, 5% of students were caries-free, and 10% had an excellent OHIS. This study aimed to determine the relationship between cariogenic food consumption and caries rates and plaque index in Islamic boarding school students aged 7-11 in Semarang Regency. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 136 Islamic boarding school students, aged 7-11, in Semarang Regency. The research instrument used was a cariogenic questionnaire that had been tested for reliability with Cronbach's Alpha > 0.60, namely R = 0.725. The Kendall Tau test was used to analyze the data. The statistical tests showed that cariogenic food and caries condition (DMF-T) consumption was 0.000, whereas cariogenic food and plaque index was 0.000. This indicates a significant relationship between cariogenic food consumption, caries condition (DMF-T), and plaque index in Islamic boarding school students in Semarang Regency. Therefore, it is hoped that students can reduce their consumption of cariogenic foods in order to be free from plaque and caries.
Karies dan kebersihan gigi yang buruk dapat menyerang setiap orang, karena belum dibiasakan mengg... more Karies dan kebersihan gigi yang buruk dapat menyerang setiap orang, karena belum dibiasakan menggosok gigi dengan baik dan teratur minimal dua kali sehari, pagi setelah sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur. Selain itu, faktor makanan yang sering dikonsumsi juga dapat memicu percepatan pembentukan plak dan kalkulus pada gigi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan tindakan pencegahan agar tidak terjadi kerusakan lebih lanjut. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah agar kelompok masyarakat binaan dapat dan teratur melakukan gosok gigi yang benar pada malam hari, dengan kegiatan pendampingan oleh pekerja sosial masyarakat. Masyarakat sasaran yang perilaku menggosok giginya salah adalah masyarakat yang berdomisili di wilayah pinggiran kota Semarang yaitu Kecamatan Tembalang khususnya di Desa Meteseh dan Rowosari yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rowosari. Di Puskesmas Rowosari sudah ada Gasurkes (Petugas Surveilans Kesehatan) yang bertugas memantau pencegahan Demam Berdarah dan...
Background : the most common oral health problem experienced by school-age children is dental car... more Background : the most common oral health problem experienced by school-age children is dental caries. The cause of oral problems, one of which is the lack of knowledge of the importance of maintaining oral health. Good knowledge of oral health can be pursued through educational activities, such as counseling using the media, including electronic media in the form of the gigi.id application. Aim : examined the differences in the effectiveness of counseling with the gigi.id application and video playback on the oral health knowledge of elementary school students. Method :this type of research is a quasi-experimental with a cross sectional approach. The normality test of the data was carried out using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and then analyzed using Pair T-test. The effectiveness between media is compared using One Way Anova. The test was continued using the Independent T-test to determine the difference in effectiveness between pairs of extension methods.Result : there was a significant dif...
Good verbal communicating with children can use phrases or words - a substitute word that connote... more Good verbal communicating with children can use phrases or words - a substitute word that connotes not painful and terrible (second language), so that the child can receive dental treatment. This study to know the effect of using a second language toward children fear in dental care. Samples are 4-6 years old pediatric patients who came in dental clinic Listyo Rinawati on Johor Malaysia. Measurement of children fear on dental care is scaled Venham's Clinical Ratings. The results showed in the intervention group second language is 100% of children experience fear level changes according to the scale Venham's Clinical Ratings. There are 45% who were initially reluctant to change it to relax. In children without giving a second language showed 35% had only reluctantly and turned decreased by 25%. The results of the independent T-test are sig. 0.00 0.05 which means that there are differences in fear in the two groups of different treatments. Verbal communication with a second la...
Background: Periodontal disease is an infection in the oral cavity that is often found in the com... more Background: Periodontal disease is an infection in the oral cavity that is often found in the community and is considered as the number two disease in the world after dental caries. The higher the age, the higher the index of periodontal disease and if no prevention is carried out it can affect a person's quality of life. This study aims to determine the relationship between risk factors and the occurrence of periodontal disease. Method: This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study was taken by proportional random sampling and it was obtained as many as 250 patients aged 15-55 years. The risk factors studied were: OHI-S index, instantaneous blood sugar, knowledge of periodontal disease, dental and oral health maintenance behavior, food selection behavior, smoking habit, and utilization of health services. Measurement of periodontal disease based on the state of gingival infection and the data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Result: The results of the chi-square test obtained the OHI-S index, knowledge of periodontal disease, dental and oral health maintenance behavior, food selection behavior, personal blood sugar, and utilization of dental health services (p<0.05). The relationship between smoking habits and the occurrence of periodontal disease was p>0.05 Conclusion: the risk factors: OHI-S, knowledge of periodontal disease, dental and oral health maintenance behavior, food selection behavior, instantaneous blood sugar levels, and utilization of dental and oral health services are significantly associated with the occurrence of periodontal disease.
Kasus karies gigi banyak ditemukan pada usia tumbuh kembang yaitu anak-anak prasekolah dan usia s... more Kasus karies gigi banyak ditemukan pada usia tumbuh kembang yaitu anak-anak prasekolah dan usia sekolah. Anak prasekolah dan sekolah sering mengkonsumsi jajanan makanan kariogenik yang menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya karies. Makanan kariogenik adalah makanan yang banyak mengandung glukosa dan bersifat lengket di gigi geligi. Anak-anak sangat suka dengan jajanan berupa biskuit yang manis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui uji analisa kandungan glukosa dan uji organoleptik pada biskuit nonkariogenik berbahan dasar shorgum terkandung gula xilitol.Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan 3 kelompok perlakuan dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Pengujian analisis meliputi uji organoleptik dan uji Luff scrool. Pengujian menggunakan metode hedonic scale test dengan analisa secara deskriptif kuantitatif.Hasil kandungan glukosa pada Biskuit xilitol 50% adalah yang paling rendah 2,38%. Namun anak-anak paling tidak menyukai biskuit sorgum. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah biskuit xilit...
Periodontitis is considered the second most common dental and oral disease in the world after den... more Periodontitis is considered the second most common dental and oral disease in the world after dental caries. The bacterium in periodontitis is Streptococcus sanguinis and attaches to the teeth and enters the bloodstream, causing inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. After inflammation occurs in the blood vessels, atherosclerosis will occur and then a stroke can occur. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge about periodontal disease and dental and oral hygiene status (OHI-S) to periodontal disease. Analytic observational research with cross-sectional design. The study was carried out on patients from the Dental Polyclinic of the Community Health Center, in the Sleman Regency area. The research sample was taken using a proportional random sampling technique, as many as 250 people. The independent variable in this study was knowledge of periodontal disease and OHI-S while the dependent variable was periodontal disease. Collecting data using a questionnaire, examination of the OHI-S index, and the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Data analysis using Chi-Square. Knowledge of periodontal disease against periodontal disease showed that the p-value was 0.000 (p <0.05) and the OHI-S index for the periodontal disease had a p-value of 0.038 (p <0.05). There is a significant relationship between knowledge about periodontal disease and OHI-S to periodontal disease.
Background: Oral health problems are behavioral problems. One of the groups prone to dental and m... more Background: Oral health problems are behavioral problems. One of the groups prone to dental and mouth problems is teenagers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between intention and personal autonomy with the behavior of maintaining oral health in adolescents. Method: This study was an analytic survey study with a cross sectional study approach. The subjects of this study were teenagers at Texmaco Semarang Vocational School, totaling 90 students with a total sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by univariate analysis (frequency distribution) to explain the characteristics and results of each variable and bivariate analysis using the Spearman rank correlation test to see the relationship between the two variables. Result: The results of the study show female respondents have a higher intention/motivation in maintaining dental health compared to male respondents. Female respondents tend to prefer to decide for themselves in relation to dental health care compared to male respondents. Female respondents are better at maintaining dental health, compared to male respondents. Intention and personal autonomy are related to adolescent actions in maintaining dental and oral health with p-value 0.000 <0.05. Conclusion: Behavior has an important role in public health status. Intention
TITLE Parental and child satisfaction level to Irene’s donut innovative UKGS program ABSTRACT UKS... more TITLE Parental and child satisfaction level to Irene’s donut innovative UKGS program ABSTRACT UKSG innovative programs in kindergarten donut irene 's Al Azhar Banyumanik Semarang has been going on for 4 years. Has not been evaluated clinically and parent satisfaction. Program evaluation is very important to be a benchmark for the success of this program in order to continue. The purpose of the research was evaluated the implementation of innovative programs UKGS irene 's a donut in the review aspects of parental satisfaction in kindergarten Al Azhar Banyumanik Semarang. This research was a quantitative description of the cross-sectional approach. The subjects were 36 parents of students Al Azhar Banyumanik Semarang. The level of parent satisfaction was measured with a questionnaire instrument. The results showed the level of satisfaction of parents satisfied categorized as 100 %. Parents expressed satisfaction on the service aspect that is easy and fast , and his son felt co...
Hormonal contraception is one of the contraceptive tools that many interested by family planning ... more Hormonal contraception is one of the contraceptive tools that many interested by family planning participants. Hormonal contraceptive methods consist of pills, injections, and implants. The use of hormonal contraceptive pills and injections may alter hormonal conditions in the periodontal tissues of contraceptive users who may cause gingival inflammation. The content of estrogen and progesterone contained in hormonal contraceptives will affect salivary pH. The purpose of this study was to observe the difference of salivary pH to users of hormonal contraceptive pill and injection in women aged 20-40 years in gedawang semarang . This study used analytical descriptive method withapproach cross sectional . The number of samples in this study are as many as 40 people with purposive sampling sampling technique . Data analysis was done by univariate and bivariate analysis. To know the difference using thetest mann-Whitney . statistical results Mann-Whitney showed that there was a significa...
Rampan caries is the habit of bottle feeding at night, sweets preference and often meals sucking.... more Rampan caries is the habit of bottle feeding at night, sweets preference and often meals sucking. Saliva is one of the factors that may influence the occurrence of caries. Some of the factors that cause caries saliva such as saliva pH, hydration, microorganisms of the oral cavity and salivary buffer capacity. The research objective was to determine the relationship of hydration, pH, buffer capacity salivary and growth Streptoccoccus mutans against caries severity or deft. A sample of 30 kindergartens ABA Banyumanik Semarang with rampan caries criteria. Age samples between 4-6 years. Examination of caries severity measured by deft. Measurement of hydration with methods the water droplets on the surface of the labial mucosa of the lower lip. Measuring pH with pHmeter. A buffer capacity of saliva measured by acid-base titration. Measured Streptoccoccus mutans growth with agar culture method. The results showed the average of caries index (deft) in children kindergarten ABA Banyumanik ...
Caries cases are mostly found at the age of development, namely elementary school children. The d... more Caries cases are mostly found at the age of development, namely elementary school children. The daily food consumed by school children at home and outside the home is a cariogenic food which is one of the causes of caries. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of caries rates that occur in elementary school age children and the dietary pattern of cariogenic food consumed by elementary school aged children in Semarang City. This type of research is analytic observational with a case control study approach. The sample was elementary school children in Tembalang Subdistrict, Semarang City as a group of cases with caries and non-caries as a control group. Cariogenic dietary variables were measured from the sugar content, frequency and consumption method using the Kariogenic Diet Survey. The data analysis used was the Chi-Square Test. Then proceed to test the causal factor analysis using the Odd Ratio. The results of the Odd Ratio showed that children who ate cariogeni...
Fissure sealing is one way to prevent caries in pit and fissure. Material glass ionomer cement (G... more Fissure sealing is one way to prevent caries in pit and fissure. Material glass ionomer cement (GIC) Fuji VII was able to release fluoride into the saliva and the oral environment around them to the plaque. Streptococcus alpha was bacterial plaque there at the beginning of the formation of plaque. Fluoride release of Glass Ionomer Cement Fuji VII is affected by the weight of the cement and duration of use. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the quantity of teeth on fissure sealing GIC Fuji VII of the fluoride concentration and the growth of Streptococcus alpha based on time. The subjects consisted of 37 students Elementary school Gayamsari 02 and Elementary school Sambiroto 02 Semarang 6-9 years old. Nineteen of subject was fissure sealing on permanent first molar 2 teeth and 18 subject in the fissure sealing permanent first molar 4 teeth. Plaque fluoride concentration measured by the spectrophotometric method and the growth of Streptococcus alpha with observat...
Teenager is a community with labil aged and often have habitual smoking. The smoking activity has... more Teenager is a community with labil aged and often have habitual smoking. The smoking activity has influences on mouth disesae as nicotine, carbon monosyde and tar contained on ciggarete. Number of cigarete per day influence mouth health. The research aim to collect information about tooth colour, volume saliva and gingiva health on teenager has habit light smokers and moderate smokers. Research design was cross sectional survey analytic on 50 students light smokers and 40 students moderate smokers. Initial data about number of cigarete smoke per day and economic status was collected and continued by examination of oral tissue health. The data was analysed descriptively and analitycally with Mann Whitney and Independent t test. Research result shown a differences saliva volume between light and moderate smokers (Mann Whitney, p <0,05); there was a differences tooth colour and gingival index between light and moderate smokers (Independent t, p<0,05). (Independent t, p<0,05)....
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 13, 2023
Islamic boarding schools are places where students can study religion and live as if they were at... more Islamic boarding schools are places where students can study religion and live as if they were at home. Regarding food consumption, Islamic boarding school students have the habit of purchasing sugary (cariogenic) foods outside the boarding school. Based on the results of the dental caries examination at the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Semarang Regency, 5% of students were caries-free, and 10% had an excellent OHIS. This study aimed to determine the relationship between cariogenic food consumption and caries rates and plaque index in Islamic boarding school students aged 7-11 in Semarang Regency. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 136 Islamic boarding school students, aged 7-11, in Semarang Regency. The research instrument used was a cariogenic questionnaire that had been tested for reliability with Cronbach's Alpha > 0.60, namely R = 0.725. The Kendall Tau test was used to analyze the data. The statistical tests showed that cariogenic food and caries condition (DMF-T) consumption was 0.000, whereas cariogenic food and plaque index was 0.000. This indicates a significant relationship between cariogenic food consumption, caries condition (DMF-T), and plaque index in Islamic boarding school students in Semarang Regency. Therefore, it is hoped that students can reduce their consumption of cariogenic foods in order to be free from plaque and caries.
Karies dan kebersihan gigi yang buruk dapat menyerang setiap orang, karena belum dibiasakan mengg... more Karies dan kebersihan gigi yang buruk dapat menyerang setiap orang, karena belum dibiasakan menggosok gigi dengan baik dan teratur minimal dua kali sehari, pagi setelah sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur. Selain itu, faktor makanan yang sering dikonsumsi juga dapat memicu percepatan pembentukan plak dan kalkulus pada gigi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan tindakan pencegahan agar tidak terjadi kerusakan lebih lanjut. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah agar kelompok masyarakat binaan dapat dan teratur melakukan gosok gigi yang benar pada malam hari, dengan kegiatan pendampingan oleh pekerja sosial masyarakat. Masyarakat sasaran yang perilaku menggosok giginya salah adalah masyarakat yang berdomisili di wilayah pinggiran kota Semarang yaitu Kecamatan Tembalang khususnya di Desa Meteseh dan Rowosari yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rowosari. Di Puskesmas Rowosari sudah ada Gasurkes (Petugas Surveilans Kesehatan) yang bertugas memantau pencegahan Demam Berdarah dan...
Background : the most common oral health problem experienced by school-age children is dental car... more Background : the most common oral health problem experienced by school-age children is dental caries. The cause of oral problems, one of which is the lack of knowledge of the importance of maintaining oral health. Good knowledge of oral health can be pursued through educational activities, such as counseling using the media, including electronic media in the form of the gigi.id application. Aim : examined the differences in the effectiveness of counseling with the gigi.id application and video playback on the oral health knowledge of elementary school students. Method :this type of research is a quasi-experimental with a cross sectional approach. The normality test of the data was carried out using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and then analyzed using Pair T-test. The effectiveness between media is compared using One Way Anova. The test was continued using the Independent T-test to determine the difference in effectiveness between pairs of extension methods.Result : there was a significant dif...
Good verbal communicating with children can use phrases or words - a substitute word that connote... more Good verbal communicating with children can use phrases or words - a substitute word that connotes not painful and terrible (second language), so that the child can receive dental treatment. This study to know the effect of using a second language toward children fear in dental care. Samples are 4-6 years old pediatric patients who came in dental clinic Listyo Rinawati on Johor Malaysia. Measurement of children fear on dental care is scaled Venham's Clinical Ratings. The results showed in the intervention group second language is 100% of children experience fear level changes according to the scale Venham's Clinical Ratings. There are 45% who were initially reluctant to change it to relax. In children without giving a second language showed 35% had only reluctantly and turned decreased by 25%. The results of the independent T-test are sig. 0.00 0.05 which means that there are differences in fear in the two groups of different treatments. Verbal communication with a second la...
Background: Periodontal disease is an infection in the oral cavity that is often found in the com... more Background: Periodontal disease is an infection in the oral cavity that is often found in the community and is considered as the number two disease in the world after dental caries. The higher the age, the higher the index of periodontal disease and if no prevention is carried out it can affect a person's quality of life. This study aims to determine the relationship between risk factors and the occurrence of periodontal disease. Method: This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study was taken by proportional random sampling and it was obtained as many as 250 patients aged 15-55 years. The risk factors studied were: OHI-S index, instantaneous blood sugar, knowledge of periodontal disease, dental and oral health maintenance behavior, food selection behavior, smoking habit, and utilization of health services. Measurement of periodontal disease based on the state of gingival infection and the data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Result: The results of the chi-square test obtained the OHI-S index, knowledge of periodontal disease, dental and oral health maintenance behavior, food selection behavior, personal blood sugar, and utilization of dental health services (p<0.05). The relationship between smoking habits and the occurrence of periodontal disease was p>0.05 Conclusion: the risk factors: OHI-S, knowledge of periodontal disease, dental and oral health maintenance behavior, food selection behavior, instantaneous blood sugar levels, and utilization of dental and oral health services are significantly associated with the occurrence of periodontal disease.
Kasus karies gigi banyak ditemukan pada usia tumbuh kembang yaitu anak-anak prasekolah dan usia s... more Kasus karies gigi banyak ditemukan pada usia tumbuh kembang yaitu anak-anak prasekolah dan usia sekolah. Anak prasekolah dan sekolah sering mengkonsumsi jajanan makanan kariogenik yang menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya karies. Makanan kariogenik adalah makanan yang banyak mengandung glukosa dan bersifat lengket di gigi geligi. Anak-anak sangat suka dengan jajanan berupa biskuit yang manis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui uji analisa kandungan glukosa dan uji organoleptik pada biskuit nonkariogenik berbahan dasar shorgum terkandung gula xilitol.Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan 3 kelompok perlakuan dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Pengujian analisis meliputi uji organoleptik dan uji Luff scrool. Pengujian menggunakan metode hedonic scale test dengan analisa secara deskriptif kuantitatif.Hasil kandungan glukosa pada Biskuit xilitol 50% adalah yang paling rendah 2,38%. Namun anak-anak paling tidak menyukai biskuit sorgum. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah biskuit xilit...
Periodontitis is considered the second most common dental and oral disease in the world after den... more Periodontitis is considered the second most common dental and oral disease in the world after dental caries. The bacterium in periodontitis is Streptococcus sanguinis and attaches to the teeth and enters the bloodstream, causing inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. After inflammation occurs in the blood vessels, atherosclerosis will occur and then a stroke can occur. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge about periodontal disease and dental and oral hygiene status (OHI-S) to periodontal disease. Analytic observational research with cross-sectional design. The study was carried out on patients from the Dental Polyclinic of the Community Health Center, in the Sleman Regency area. The research sample was taken using a proportional random sampling technique, as many as 250 people. The independent variable in this study was knowledge of periodontal disease and OHI-S while the dependent variable was periodontal disease. Collecting data using a questionnaire, examination of the OHI-S index, and the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Data analysis using Chi-Square. Knowledge of periodontal disease against periodontal disease showed that the p-value was 0.000 (p <0.05) and the OHI-S index for the periodontal disease had a p-value of 0.038 (p <0.05). There is a significant relationship between knowledge about periodontal disease and OHI-S to periodontal disease.
Background: Oral health problems are behavioral problems. One of the groups prone to dental and m... more Background: Oral health problems are behavioral problems. One of the groups prone to dental and mouth problems is teenagers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between intention and personal autonomy with the behavior of maintaining oral health in adolescents. Method: This study was an analytic survey study with a cross sectional study approach. The subjects of this study were teenagers at Texmaco Semarang Vocational School, totaling 90 students with a total sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by univariate analysis (frequency distribution) to explain the characteristics and results of each variable and bivariate analysis using the Spearman rank correlation test to see the relationship between the two variables. Result: The results of the study show female respondents have a higher intention/motivation in maintaining dental health compared to male respondents. Female respondents tend to prefer to decide for themselves in relation to dental health care compared to male respondents. Female respondents are better at maintaining dental health, compared to male respondents. Intention and personal autonomy are related to adolescent actions in maintaining dental and oral health with p-value 0.000 <0.05. Conclusion: Behavior has an important role in public health status. Intention
TITLE Parental and child satisfaction level to Irene’s donut innovative UKGS program ABSTRACT UKS... more TITLE Parental and child satisfaction level to Irene’s donut innovative UKGS program ABSTRACT UKSG innovative programs in kindergarten donut irene 's Al Azhar Banyumanik Semarang has been going on for 4 years. Has not been evaluated clinically and parent satisfaction. Program evaluation is very important to be a benchmark for the success of this program in order to continue. The purpose of the research was evaluated the implementation of innovative programs UKGS irene 's a donut in the review aspects of parental satisfaction in kindergarten Al Azhar Banyumanik Semarang. This research was a quantitative description of the cross-sectional approach. The subjects were 36 parents of students Al Azhar Banyumanik Semarang. The level of parent satisfaction was measured with a questionnaire instrument. The results showed the level of satisfaction of parents satisfied categorized as 100 %. Parents expressed satisfaction on the service aspect that is easy and fast , and his son felt co...
Hormonal contraception is one of the contraceptive tools that many interested by family planning ... more Hormonal contraception is one of the contraceptive tools that many interested by family planning participants. Hormonal contraceptive methods consist of pills, injections, and implants. The use of hormonal contraceptive pills and injections may alter hormonal conditions in the periodontal tissues of contraceptive users who may cause gingival inflammation. The content of estrogen and progesterone contained in hormonal contraceptives will affect salivary pH. The purpose of this study was to observe the difference of salivary pH to users of hormonal contraceptive pill and injection in women aged 20-40 years in gedawang semarang . This study used analytical descriptive method withapproach cross sectional . The number of samples in this study are as many as 40 people with purposive sampling sampling technique . Data analysis was done by univariate and bivariate analysis. To know the difference using thetest mann-Whitney . statistical results Mann-Whitney showed that there was a significa...
Rampan caries is the habit of bottle feeding at night, sweets preference and often meals sucking.... more Rampan caries is the habit of bottle feeding at night, sweets preference and often meals sucking. Saliva is one of the factors that may influence the occurrence of caries. Some of the factors that cause caries saliva such as saliva pH, hydration, microorganisms of the oral cavity and salivary buffer capacity. The research objective was to determine the relationship of hydration, pH, buffer capacity salivary and growth Streptoccoccus mutans against caries severity or deft. A sample of 30 kindergartens ABA Banyumanik Semarang with rampan caries criteria. Age samples between 4-6 years. Examination of caries severity measured by deft. Measurement of hydration with methods the water droplets on the surface of the labial mucosa of the lower lip. Measuring pH with pHmeter. A buffer capacity of saliva measured by acid-base titration. Measured Streptoccoccus mutans growth with agar culture method. The results showed the average of caries index (deft) in children kindergarten ABA Banyumanik ...
Caries cases are mostly found at the age of development, namely elementary school children. The d... more Caries cases are mostly found at the age of development, namely elementary school children. The daily food consumed by school children at home and outside the home is a cariogenic food which is one of the causes of caries. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of caries rates that occur in elementary school age children and the dietary pattern of cariogenic food consumed by elementary school aged children in Semarang City. This type of research is analytic observational with a case control study approach. The sample was elementary school children in Tembalang Subdistrict, Semarang City as a group of cases with caries and non-caries as a control group. Cariogenic dietary variables were measured from the sugar content, frequency and consumption method using the Kariogenic Diet Survey. The data analysis used was the Chi-Square Test. Then proceed to test the causal factor analysis using the Odd Ratio. The results of the Odd Ratio showed that children who ate cariogeni...
Fissure sealing is one way to prevent caries in pit and fissure. Material glass ionomer cement (G... more Fissure sealing is one way to prevent caries in pit and fissure. Material glass ionomer cement (GIC) Fuji VII was able to release fluoride into the saliva and the oral environment around them to the plaque. Streptococcus alpha was bacterial plaque there at the beginning of the formation of plaque. Fluoride release of Glass Ionomer Cement Fuji VII is affected by the weight of the cement and duration of use. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the quantity of teeth on fissure sealing GIC Fuji VII of the fluoride concentration and the growth of Streptococcus alpha based on time. The subjects consisted of 37 students Elementary school Gayamsari 02 and Elementary school Sambiroto 02 Semarang 6-9 years old. Nineteen of subject was fissure sealing on permanent first molar 2 teeth and 18 subject in the fissure sealing permanent first molar 4 teeth. Plaque fluoride concentration measured by the spectrophotometric method and the growth of Streptococcus alpha with observat...
Teenager is a community with labil aged and often have habitual smoking. The smoking activity has... more Teenager is a community with labil aged and often have habitual smoking. The smoking activity has influences on mouth disesae as nicotine, carbon monosyde and tar contained on ciggarete. Number of cigarete per day influence mouth health. The research aim to collect information about tooth colour, volume saliva and gingiva health on teenager has habit light smokers and moderate smokers. Research design was cross sectional survey analytic on 50 students light smokers and 40 students moderate smokers. Initial data about number of cigarete smoke per day and economic status was collected and continued by examination of oral tissue health. The data was analysed descriptively and analitycally with Mann Whitney and Independent t test. Research result shown a differences saliva volume between light and moderate smokers (Mann Whitney, p <0,05); there was a differences tooth colour and gingival index between light and moderate smokers (Independent t, p<0,05). (Independent t, p<0,05)....
Papers by Ani Subekti