Papers by Angga Priyatmoko
Jurnal Listrik Instrumentasi dan Elektronika Terapan (JuLIET)
The movement of the non-holonomic mobile robot is still not efficient because it can only move fo... more The movement of the non-holonomic mobile robot is still not efficient because it can only move forward, backward, and turn so that it requires a wheel platform that is able to move more efficiently and more variedly. The use of mecanum wheels on wheeled robots is one of the best solutions because the mecanum wheels can move in all directions and are more stable. This paper proposes a mechanical robot trajectory kinematics design with a simple and easy mechanism to implement using an embedded system such as using Arduino. From the results of this study, it was found that the robot was able to maneuver following a circular trajectory with a radius of 50 cm in 7 seconds.
2022 14th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE)

2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA)
This paper describes the process of designing odometry and heading controls from a differential s... more This paper describes the process of designing odometry and heading controls from a differential steering wheeled mobile robot (DSWMR). The odometry system aims to estimate the position relative to the initial position of the robot to estimate changes in position from time to time in the trajectory tracking process. The problem that often arises in the tracking problem is the heading error that can be caused by a slip on the robot wheel or an irregularity between the speed of the DC motor on the robot wheel. Heading errors in DSWR can be obtained with the help of a rotary encoder located on a DC motor. This work applied PID control to obtain the heading error close to 0 degrees on the odometry system for trajectory tracking. It works by controlling the rotating speed of each DC motor on the robot wheel. The results of the PID control parameters implemented on the DSWMR were obtained from the results of tuning experiments.
JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi)
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasikan implementasi programmable logic controller (PLC) pada ... more Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasikan implementasi programmable logic controller (PLC) pada mesin otomatisasi produksi cat. Makalah ini pada dasarnya menyajikan proses otomatisasi produksi cat. Secara garis besar, terdapat tiga proses utama yaitu, proses produksi adonan cat, proses pengisian cat dalam kaleng kemasan, dan proses pengepakan kaleng cat ke dalam box. Pada makalah ini, simulasi sistem otomasi produksi cat menggunakan software Twido Suite TWDLMDA20DTK. Simulasi bertujuan untuk meminimalkan kesalahan dalam merancang sistem sehingga dapat menghemat waktu. Hasil yang diperoleh dari simulasi bahwa sistem telah berjalan berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan seharusnya.
Papers by Angga Priyatmoko